namespace Zotlabs\Module;

use App;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Apps;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Crypto;


class Probe extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {

	function get() {

		if(local_channel()) {
			if(! Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Remote Diagnostics')) {
				//Do not display any associated widgets at this point
				App::$pdl = '';

				$o = '<b>' . t('Remote Diagnostics App') . ' (' . t('Not Installed') . '):</b><br>';
				$o .= t('Perform diagnostics on remote channels');
				return $o;

		nav_set_selected('Remote Diagnostics');

		$o .= '<h3>Remote Diagnostics</h3>';

		$o .= '<form action="probe" method="get">';
		$o .= 'Lookup address: <input type="text" style="width: 250px;" name="addr" value="' . $_GET['addr'] .'" />';
		$o .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></form>';

		$o .= '<br /><br />';

		if(x($_GET,'addr')) {
			$channel = App::get_channel();
			$addr = trim($_GET['addr']);
			$do_import = ((intval($_GET['import']) && is_site_admin()) ? true : false);

			$j = \Zotlabs\Zot\Finger::run($addr,$channel,false);

			$o .= '<pre>';
			if(! $j['success']) {
				$o .= "<strong>https connection failed. Trying again with auto failover to http.</strong>\r\n\r\n";
				$j = \Zotlabs\Zot\Finger::run($addr,$channel,true);
				if(! $j['success']) {
					return $o;
			if($do_import && $j)
				$x = import_xchan($j);
			if($j && $j['permissions'] && $j['permissions']['iv'])
				$j['permissions'] = json_decode(Crypto::unencapsulate($j['permissions'],$channel['channel_prvkey']),true);
			$o .= str_replace("\n",'<br />',print_r($j,true));
			$o .= '</pre>';
		return $o;
