<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; use App; use Zotlabs\Lib\Apps; use Zotlabs\Web\Controller; require_once('include/security.php'); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); require_once('include/items.php'); class Mood extends Controller { function init() { if(! local_channel()) return; if(! Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Mood')) { return; } $uid = local_channel(); $channel = App::get_channel(); $verb = notags(trim($_GET['verb'])); if(! $verb) return; $verbs = get_mood_verbs(); if(! array_key_exists($verb,$verbs)) return; $activity = ACTIVITY_MOOD . '#' . urlencode($verb); $parent = ((x($_GET,'parent')) ? intval($_GET['parent']) : 0); logger('mood: verb ' . $verb, LOGGER_DEBUG); if($parent) { $r = q("select mid, owner_xchan, private, allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid from item where id = %d and parent = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($parent), intval($parent), intval($uid) ); if(count($r)) { $parent_mid = $r[0]['mid']; $private = $r[0]['item_private']; $allow_cid = $r[0]['allow_cid']; $allow_gid = $r[0]['allow_gid']; $deny_cid = $r[0]['deny_cid']; $deny_gid = $r[0]['deny_gid']; } } else { $private = 0; $allow_cid = $channel['channel_allow_cid']; $allow_gid = $channel['channel_allow_gid']; $deny_cid = $channel['channel_deny_cid']; $deny_gid = $channel['channel_deny_gid']; } $poster = App::get_observer(); $mid = item_message_id(); $action = sprintf( t('%1$s is %2$s','mood'), '[zrl=' . $poster['xchan_url'] . ']' . $poster['xchan_name'] . '[/zrl]' , $verbs[$verb]); $arr = array(); $arr['aid'] = get_account_id(); $arr['uid'] = $uid; $arr['mid'] = $mid; $arr['parent_mid'] = (($parent_mid) ? $parent_mid : $mid); $arr['author_xchan'] = $poster['xchan_hash']; $arr['owner_xchan'] = (($parent_mid) ? $r[0]['owner_xchan'] : $poster['xchan_hash']); $arr['title'] = ''; $arr['allow_cid'] = $allow_cid; $arr['allow_gid'] = $allow_gid; $arr['deny_cid'] = $deny_cid; $arr['deny_gid'] = $deny_gid; $arr['item_private'] = $private; $arr['verb'] = $activity; $arr['body'] = $action; $arr['item_origin'] = 1; $arr['item_wall'] = 1; $arr['item_unseen'] = 1; if(! $parent_mid) $item['item_thread_top'] = 1; if ((! $arr['plink']) && intval($arr['item_thread_top'])) { $arr['plink'] = z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/?f=&mid=' . urlencode($arr['mid']); } $post = item_store($arr); $item_id = $post['item_id']; if($item_id) { \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier','activity', $item_id)); } call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr); if($_SESSION['return_url']) goaway(z_root() . '/' . $_SESSION['return_url']); return; } function get() { if(! local_channel()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if(! Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Mood')) { //Do not display any associated widgets at this point App::$pdl = ''; $o = '<b>Mood App (Not Installed):</b><br>'; $o .= t('Set your current mood and tell your friends'); return $o; } nav_set_selected('Mood'); $parent = ((x($_GET,'parent')) ? intval($_GET['parent']) : '0'); $verbs = get_mood_verbs(); $shortlist = array(); foreach($verbs as $k => $v) if($v !== 'NOTRANSLATION') $shortlist[] = array($k,$v); $tpl = get_markup_template('mood_content.tpl'); $o = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$title' => t('Mood'), '$desc' => t('Set your current mood and tell your friends'), '$verbs' => $shortlist, '$parent' => $parent, '$submit' => t('Submit'), )); return $o; } }