<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; /** @file */ use App; use Zotlabs\Web\Controller; use Zotlabs\Daemon\Master; class Locs extends Controller { function post() { if(! local_channel()) return; $channel = App::get_channel(); if($_REQUEST['primary']) { $hubloc_id = intval($_REQUEST['primary']); if($hubloc_id) { $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_hash = '%s' limit 1", intval($hubloc_id), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if(! $r) { notice( t('Location not found.') . EOL); return; } q("UPDATE hubloc SET hubloc_primary = 0 WHERE hubloc_primary = 1 AND hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); q("UPDATE hubloc SET hubloc_primary = 1 WHERE hubloc_id = %d AND hubloc_hash = '%s'", intval($hubloc_id), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); $x = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_hash = '%s' ", intval($hubloc_id), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if ($x) { hubloc_change_primary($x[0]); } Master::Summon( [ 'Notifier', 'refresh_all', $channel['channel_id'] ] ); return; } } if($_REQUEST['drop']) { $hubloc_id = intval($_REQUEST['drop']); if($hubloc_id) { $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_id = %d and hubloc_url != '%s' and hubloc_hash = '%s' limit 1", intval($hubloc_id), dbesc(z_root()), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if(! $r) { notice( t('Location not found.') . EOL); return; } if(intval($r[0]['hubloc_primary'])) { $x = q("select hubloc_id from hubloc where hubloc_primary = 1 and hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if(! $x) { notice( t('Location lookup failed.')); return; } if(count($x) == 1) { notice( t('Please select another location to become primary before removing the primary location.') . EOL); return; } } q("UPDATE hubloc SET hubloc_deleted = 1 WHERE hubloc_id_url = '%s' AND hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($r[0]['hubloc_id_url']), dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); Master::Summon( [ 'Notifier', 'refresh_all', $channel['channel_id'] ] ); return; } } } function get() { if(! local_channel()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $channel = App::get_channel(); if($_REQUEST['sync']) { Master::Summon( [ 'Notifier', 'refresh_all', $channel['channel_id'] ] ); info( t('Syncing locations') . EOL); goaway(z_root() . '/locs'); } $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if(! $r) { notice( t('No locations found.') . EOL); return; } $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('locmanage.tpl'), array( '$header' => t('Manage Channel Locations'), '$loc' => t('Location'), '$addr' => t('Address'), '$mkprm' => t('Primary'), '$drop' => t('Drop'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$sync' => t('Sync Now'), '$sync_text' => t('Please wait several minutes between consecutive operations.'), '$drop_text' => t('When possible, drop a location by logging into that website/hub and removing your channel.'), '$last_resort' => t('Use this form to drop the location if the hub is no longer operating.'), '$hubs' => $r, '$base_url' => z_root() )); return $o; } }