'Like', 'dislike' => 'Dislike', 'announce' => ACTIVITY_SHARE, 'attendyes' => 'Accept', 'attendno' => 'Reject', 'attendmaybe' => 'TentativeAccept' ]; // unlike (etc.) reactions are an undo of positive reactions, rather than a negative action. // The activity is the same in undo actions and will have the same activity mapping if (substr($reaction, 0, 2) === 'un') { $reaction = substr($reaction, 2); } if (array_key_exists($reaction, $acts)) { return $acts[$reaction]; } return EMPTY_STR; } private function like_response($arr) { $page_mode = (($arr['item']['item_thread_top'] && $_REQUEST['page_mode']) ? $_REQUEST['page_mode'] : 'r_preview'); $conv_mode = (($_REQUEST['conv_mode']) ? $_REQUEST['conv_mode'] : 'network'); if ($conv_mode === 'channel') { $parts = explode('@', $arr['owner_xchan']['xchan_addr']); profile_load($parts[0]); } $item_normal = item_normal(); if ($page_mode === 'list') { $items = q("SELECT item.*, item.id AS item_id FROM item WHERE uid = %d $item_normal AND parent = %d", intval($arr['item']['uid']), intval($arr['item']['parent']) ); xchan_query($items, true); $items = fetch_post_tags($items, true); $items = conv_sort($items, 'commented'); } else { $activities = q("SELECT item.*, item.id AS item_id FROM item WHERE uid = %d $item_normal AND thr_parent = '%s' AND verb IN ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', 'Accept', 'Reject', 'TentativeAccept')", intval($arr['item']['uid']), dbesc($arr['item']['mid']), dbesc('Like'), dbesc('Dislike'), dbesc(ACTIVITY_SHARE), dbesc(ACTIVITY_ATTEND), dbesc(ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO), dbesc(ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE) ); xchan_query($activities, true); $items = array_merge([$arr['item']], $activities); $items = fetch_post_tags($items, true); } $ret = [ 'success' => 1, 'orig_id' => $arr['orig_item_id'], //this is required for pubstream items where $item_id != $item['id'] 'id' => $arr['item']['id'], 'html' => conversation($items, $conv_mode, true, $page_mode), ]; // mod photos if (isset($_REQUEST['reload']) && $_REQUEST['reload']) { $ret['reload'] = 1; } return $ret; } public function get() { $o = EMPTY_STR; $sys_channel = get_sys_channel(); $observer = App::get_observer(); $interactive = $_REQUEST['interactive'] ?? false; if ((!$observer) || ($interactive)) { $o .= '

' . t('Like/Dislike') . '

'; $o .= EOL . EOL; if (!$observer) { $_SESSION['return_url'] = App::$query_string; $o .= t('This action is restricted to members.') . EOL; $o .= t('Please login with your $Projectname ID or register as a new $Projectname member to continue.') . EOL; return $o; } } $verb = notags(trim($_GET['verb'])); if (!$verb) $verb = 'like'; $activity = $this->reaction_to_activity($verb); if (!$activity) { return EMPTY_STR; } $is_rsvp = false; if (in_array($activity, ['Accept', 'Reject', 'TentativeAccept', ACTIVITY_ATTEND, ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO, ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE])) { $is_rsvp = true; } $extended_like = false; $object = $target = null; $post_type = EMPTY_STR; $obj_type = EMPTY_STR; if (argc() == 3) { if (!$observer) killme(); $extended_like = true; $obj_type = argv(1); $obj_id = argv(2); $public = true; if ($obj_type == 'profile') { $r = q("select * from profile where profile_guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(argv(2)) ); if (!$r) killme(); $owner_uid = $r[0]['uid']; if ($r[0]['is_default']) $public = true; if (!$public) { $d = q("select abook_xchan from abook where abook_profile = '%s' and abook_channel = %d", dbesc($r[0]['profile_guid']), intval($owner_uid) ); if (!$d) { // forgery - illegal if ($interactive) { notice(t('Invalid request.') . EOL); return $o; } killme(); } // $d now contains a list of those who can see this profile - only send the status notification // to them. $allow_cid = $allow_gid = $deny_cid = $deny_gid = ''; foreach ($d as $dd) { $allow_cid .= '<' . $dd['abook_xchan'] . '>'; } } $post_type = t('channel'); $obj_type = 'Profile'; $profile = $r[0]; } elseif ($obj_type == 'thing') { $r = q("select * from obj where obj_type = %d and obj_obj = '%s' limit 1", intval(TERM_OBJ_THING), dbesc(argv(2)) ); if (!$r) { if ($interactive) { notice(t('Invalid request.') . EOL); return $o; } killme(); } $owner_uid = $r[0]['obj_channel']; $allow_cid = $r[0]['allow_cid']; $allow_gid = $r[0]['allow_gid']; $deny_cid = $r[0]['deny_cid']; $deny_gid = $r[0]['deny_gid']; if ($allow_cid || $allow_gid || $deny_cid || $deny_gid) $public = false; $post_type = t('thing'); $obj_type = 'Profile'; $tgttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_THING; $links = array(); $links[] = array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => z_root() . '/thing/' . $r[0]['obj_obj']); if ($r[0]['imgurl']) $links[] = array('rel' => 'photo', 'href' => $r[0]['obj_imgurl']); $target = json_encode(array( 'type' => $tgttype, 'title' => $r[0]['obj_term'], 'id' => z_root() . '/thing/' . $r[0]['obj_obj'], 'link' => $links )); $plink = '[zrl=' . z_root() . '/thing/' . $r[0]['obj_obj'] . ']' . $r[0]['obj_term'] . '[/zrl]'; } if (!($owner_uid && $r)) { if ($interactive) { notice(t('Invalid request.') . EOL); return $o; } killme(); } // The resultant activity is going to be a wall-to-wall post, so make sure this is allowed $perms = get_all_perms($owner_uid, $observer['xchan_hash']); if (!($perms['post_like'] && $perms['view_profile'])) { if ($interactive) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return $o; } killme(); } $ch = q("select * from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($owner_uid) ); if (!$ch) { if ($interactive) { notice(t('Channel unavailable.') . EOL); return $o; } killme(); } if (!$plink) $plink = '[zrl=' . z_root() . '/profile/' . $ch[0]['channel_address'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/zrl]'; $object = json_encode(Activity::fetch_profile(['id' => channel_url($ch[0])])); // second like of the same thing is "undo" for the first like $z = q("select * from likes where channel_id = %d and liker = '%s' and verb = '%s' and target_type = '%s' and target_id = '%s' limit 1", intval($ch[0]['channel_id']), dbesc($observer['xchan_hash']), dbesc($activity), dbesc(($tgttype) ? $tgttype : $obj_type), dbesc($obj_id) ); if ($z) { $z[0]['deleted'] = 1; Libsync::build_sync_packet($ch[0]['channel_id'], array('likes' => $z)); q("delete from likes where id = %d", intval($z[0]['id']) ); if ($z[0]['i_mid']) { $r = q("select id from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($z[0]['i_mid']), intval($ch[0]['channel_id']) ); if ($r) drop_item($r[0]['id'], false); if ($interactive) { notice(t('Previous action reversed.') . EOL); return $o; } } killme(); } } else { if (!$observer) killme(); // this is used to like an item or comment $item_id = ((argc() == 2) ? notags(trim(argv(1))) : 0); logger('like: verb ' . $verb . ' item ' . $item_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); // get the item. Allow linked photos (which are normally hidden) to be liked $r = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = %d and item_type in (0,6,7) and item_deleted = 0 and item_unpublished = 0 and item_delayed = 0 and item_pending_remove = 0 and item_blocked = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); // if interacting with a pubstream item, // create a copy of the parent in your stream. If not the conversation // parent, copy that as well. if ($r) { $obj_type = $r[0]['obj_type']; if ($r[0]['uid'] === $sys_channel['channel_id'] && local_channel()) { $r = [copy_of_pubitem(App::get_channel(), $r[0]['mid'])]; } } if (!$item_id || (!$r)) { logger('like: no item ' . $item_id); killme(); } xchan_query($r, true); $item = $r[0]; $owner_uid = $r[0]['uid']; $owner_aid = $r[0]['aid']; if ((array_key_exists('owner', $item)) && intval($item['owner']['abook_self'])) $can_comment = perm_is_allowed($item['uid'], $observer['xchan_hash'], 'post_comments'); else $can_comment = can_comment_on_post($observer['xchan_hash'], $item); if (!$can_comment) { notice(t('Permission denied') . EOL); killme(); } $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($item['owner_xchan']) ); if ($r) $thread_owner = $r[0]; else killme(); $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($item['author_xchan']) ); if ($r) $item_author = $r[0]; else killme(); $verbs = " '" . dbesc($activity) . "' "; $multi_undo = false; // event participation items are essentially radio toggles. If you make a subsequent choice, // we need to eradicate your first choice. if (in_array($activity, ['Accept', 'Reject', 'TentativeAccept', ACTIVITY_ATTEND, ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO, ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE])) { $verbs = "'Accept','Reject','TentativeAccept','" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_ATTEND) . "','" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO) . "','" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE) . "' "; $multi_undo = true; } $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("SELECT id, parent, uid, verb FROM item WHERE verb in ( $verbs ) $item_normal AND author_xchan = '%s' AND thr_parent = '%s' and uid = %d ", dbesc($observer['xchan_hash']), dbesc($item['mid']), intval($owner_uid) ); if ($r) { // already liked it. Drop that item. require_once('include/items.php'); foreach ($r as $rr) { drop_item($rr['id'], false, DROPITEM_PHASE1); // set the changed timestamp on the parent so we'll see the update without a page reload q("update item set changed = '%s' where id = %d and uid = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($rr['parent']), intval($rr['uid']) ); // Prior activity was a duplicate of the one we're submitting, just undo it; // don't fall through and create another if (activity_match($rr['verb'], $activity)) $multi_undo = false; $d = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($rr['id']) ); if ($d) { xchan_query($d); $sync_item = fetch_post_tags($d); Libsync::build_sync_packet($profile_uid, ['item' => [encode_item($sync_item[0], true)]]); } // drop_item was not done interactively, so we need to invoke the notifier // in order to push the changes to connections Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'drop', $rr['id'])); } if ($interactive) return; if (!$multi_undo) { $ret = self::like_response([ 'item' => $item, 'orig_item_id' => $item_id, 'owner_xchan' => $thread_owner ]); json_return_and_die($ret); } } } $uuid = new_uuid(); $arr = array(); $arr['uuid'] = $uuid; $arr['mid'] = z_root() . (($is_rsvp) ? '/activity/' : '/item/') . $uuid; if ($extended_like) { $arr['item_thread_top'] = 1; $arr['item_origin'] = 1; $arr['item_wall'] = 1; } else { switch ($item['object_type']) { case 'Image': $post_type = t('image'); break; case 'Invite': $post_type = t('event'); break; case 'Profile': $post_type = t('profile'); break; default: $post_type = t('status'); break; } $object = json_encode(Activity::fetch_item(['id' => $item['mid']])); if (!intval($item['item_thread_top'])) $post_type = 'comment'; $arr['item_origin'] = 1; $arr['item_notshown'] = 1; $arr['item_type'] = $item['item_type']; if (intval($item['item_wall'])) $arr['item_wall'] = 1; // if this was a linked photo and was hidden, unhide it. if (intval($item['item_hidden'])) { $r = q("update item set item_hidden = 0 where id = %d", intval($item['id']) ); } } if ($verb === 'like') $bodyverb = t('%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s'); if ($verb === 'dislike') $bodyverb = t('%1$s doesn\'t like %2$s\'s %3$s'); if ($verb === 'attendyes') $bodyverb = t('%1$s is attending %2$s\'s %3$s'); if ($verb === 'attendno') $bodyverb = t('%1$s is not attending %2$s\'s %3$s'); if ($verb === 'attendmaybe') $bodyverb = t('%1$s may attend %2$s\'s %3$s'); if (!isset($bodyverb)) killme(); if ($extended_like) { $ulink = '[zrl=' . $ch[0]['xchan_url'] . '][bdi]' . $ch[0]['xchan_name'] . '[/bdi][/zrl]'; $alink = '[zrl=' . $observer['xchan_url'] . '][bdi]' . $observer['xchan_name'] . '[/bdi][/zrl]'; $private = (($public) ? 0 : 1); } else { $arr['parent'] = $item['parent']; $arr['thr_parent'] = $item['mid']; $ulink = '[zrl=' . $item_author['xchan_url'] . '][bdi]' . $item_author['xchan_name'] . '[/bdi][/zrl]'; $alink = '[zrl=' . $observer['xchan_url'] . '][bdi]' . $observer['xchan_name'] . '[/bdi][/zrl]'; $plink = '[zrl=' . z_root() . '/display/' . $item['uuid'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/zrl]'; $allow_cid = $item['allow_cid']; $allow_gid = $item['allow_gid']; $deny_cid = $item['deny_cid']; $deny_gid = $item['deny_gid']; $private = $item['item_private']; } $arr['aid'] = (($extended_like) ? $ch[0]['channel_account_id'] : $owner_aid); $arr['uid'] = $owner_uid; $arr['item_flags'] = $item['item_flags']; $arr['item_wall'] = $item['item_wall']; $arr['parent_mid'] = (($extended_like) ? $arr['mid'] : $item['parent_mid']); $arr['owner_xchan'] = (($extended_like) ? $ch[0]['xchan_hash'] : $thread_owner['xchan_hash']); $arr['author_xchan'] = $observer['xchan_hash']; $arr['body'] = sprintf($bodyverb, $alink, $ulink, $plink); if ($obj_type === 'thing' && $r[0]['imgurl']) { $arr['body'] .= "\n\n[zmg=80x80]" . $r[0]['imgurl'] . '[/zmg]'; } if ($obj_type === 'Profile') { if ($public) { $arr['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[embed]' . z_root() . '/profile/' . $ch[0]['channel_address'] . '[/embed]'; } else $arr['body'] .= "\n\n[zmg=80x80]" . $profile['thumb'] . '[/zmg]'; } $arr['verb'] = $activity; $arr['obj_type'] = $obj_type; $arr['obj'] = $object; if ($target) { $arr['tgt_type'] = $tgttype; $arr['target'] = $target; } $arr['allow_cid'] = $allow_cid; $arr['allow_gid'] = $allow_gid; $arr['deny_cid'] = $deny_cid; $arr['deny_gid'] = $deny_gid; $arr['item_private'] = $private; $created = datetime_convert(); $arr['created'] = $created; $arr['edited'] = $created; $arr['commented'] = $created; $arr['received'] = $created; $arr['changed'] = $created; call_hooks('post_local', $arr); $post = item_store($arr); $post_id = $post['item_id']; // save the conversation from expiration if (local_channel() && array_key_exists('item', $post) && (intval($post['item']['id']) != intval($post['item']['parent']))) retain_item($post['item']['parent']); $arr['id'] = $post_id; call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr); $r = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($post_id) ); if ($r) { xchan_query($r); $sync_item = fetch_post_tags($r); Libsync::build_sync_packet($profile_uid, ['item' => [encode_item($sync_item[0], true)]]); } if ($extended_like) { $r = q("insert into likes (channel_id,liker,likee,iid,i_mid,verb,target_type,target_id,target) values (%d,'%s','%s',%d,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", intval($ch[0]['channel_id']), dbesc($observer['xchan_hash']), dbesc($ch[0]['channel_hash']), intval($post_id), dbesc($arr['mid']), dbesc($activity), dbesc(($tgttype) ? $tgttype : $obj_type), dbesc($obj_id), dbesc(($target) ? $target : $object) ); $r = q("select * from likes where liker = '%s' and likee = '%s' and i_mid = '%s' and verb = '%s' and target_type = '%s' and target_id = '%s' ", dbesc($observer['xchan_hash']), dbesc($ch[0]['channel_hash']), dbesc($arr['mid']), dbesc($activity), dbesc(($tgttype) ? $tgttype : $obj_type), dbesc($obj_id) ); if ($r) Libsync::build_sync_packet($ch[0]['channel_id'], array('likes' => $r)); } Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'like', $post_id)); if ($interactive) { notice(t('Action completed.') . EOL); $o .= t('Thank you.'); return $o; } $ret = self::like_response([ 'item' => $item, 'orig_item_id' => $item_id, 'owner_xchan' => $thread_owner ]); json_return_and_die($ret); } }