2) { $item_id = argv(2); } $portable_id = EMPTY_STR; $sigdata = HTTPSig::verify(EMPTY_STR); if($sigdata['portable_id'] && $sigdata['header_valid']) { $portable_id = $sigdata['portable_id']; } $r = q("select channel_id, channel_address from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($request_portable_id) ); if($r) { $channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id']; if(! $item_id) { $handler = new Channel(); App::$argc = 2; App::$argv[0] = 'channel'; App::$argv[1] = $r[0]['channel_address']; $handler->init(); } } else { http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } $item_normal = " and item.item_hidden = 0 and item.item_type = 0 and item.item_unpublished = 0 and item.item_delayed = 0 and item.item_blocked = 0 "; $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql(0); $r = q("select * from item where mid like '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc('%/' . $item_id), intval($channel_id) ); if(! $r) { $r = q("select * from item where mid like '%s' $item_normal and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc('%/' . $item_id), intval($channel_id) ); if($r) { http_status_exit(403, 'Forbidden'); } http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } $items = q("select parent as item_id from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d $item_normal $sql_extra ", dbesc($r[0]['parent_mid']), intval($r[0]['uid']) ); if(! $items) { http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } $r = $items; $parents_str = ids_to_querystr($r,'item_id'); $items = q("SELECT item.*, item.id AS item_id FROM item WHERE item.parent IN ( %s ) $item_normal $sql_extra ", dbesc($parents_str) ); if(! $items) { http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); } $r = $items; xchan_query($r,true); $items = fetch_post_tags($r,true); $observer = App::get_observer(); $parent = $items[0]; $recips = (($parent['owner']['xchan_network'] === 'activitypub') ? get_iconfig($parent['id'],'activitypub','recips', []) : []); $to = (($recips && array_key_exists('to',$recips) && is_array($recips['to'])) ? $recips['to'] : null); $nitems = []; foreach($items as $i) { $mids = []; if(intval($i['item_private'])) { if(! $observer) { continue; } // ignore private reshare, possibly from hubzilla if($i['verb'] === 'Announce') { if(! in_array($i['thr_parent'],$mids)) { $mids[] = $i['thr_parent']; } continue; } // also ignore any children of the private reshares if(in_array($i['thr_parent'],$mids)) { continue; } if((! $to) || (! in_array($observer['xchan_url'],$to))) { continue; } } $nitems[] = $i; } if(! $nitems) http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); $chan = channelx_by_n($nitems[0]['uid']); if(! $chan) http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); if(! perm_is_allowed($chan['channel_id'],get_observer_hash(),'view_stream')) http_status_exit(403, 'Forbidden'); $i = Activity::encode_item_collection($nitems,'conversation/' . $item_id,'OrderedCollection',( defined('NOMADIC') ? false : true)); if($portable_id) { ThreadListener::store(z_root() . '/item/' . $item_id,$portable_id); } if(! $i) http_status_exit(404, 'Not found'); $x = array_merge(['@context' => [ ACTIVITYSTREAMS_JSONLD_REV, 'https://w3id.org/security/v1', z_root() . ZOT_APSCHEMA_REV ]], $i); $headers = []; $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-zot+json' ; $x['signature'] = LDSignatures::sign($x,$chan); $ret = json_encode($x, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $headers['Digest'] = HTTPSig::generate_digest_header($ret); $headers['(request-target)'] = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) . ' ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $h = HTTPSig::create_sig($headers,$chan['channel_prvkey'],channel_url($chan)); HTTPSig::set_headers($h); echo $ret; killme(); } } }