1 && argv(1) !== 'load') { $item_hash = argv(1); } if($_REQUEST['mid']) $item_hash = $_REQUEST['mid']; require_once('include/channel.php'); $sys = get_sys_channel(); $sysid = $sys['channel_id']; if(! $item_hash) { $r = q("SELECT mid FROM item WHERE uid = %d AND mid = parent_mid $item_normal ORDER BY id DESC limit 1", local_channel() ? intval(local_channel()) : intval($sysid) ); $item_hash = 'b64.' . base64url_encode($r[0]['mid']); if(!$item_hash) { \App::$error = 404; notice( t('Item not found.') . EOL); return; } } $updateable = false; if(local_channel() && (! $update)) { $channel = \App::get_channel(); $channel_acl = [ 'allow_cid' => $channel['channel_allow_cid'], 'allow_gid' => $channel['channel_allow_gid'], 'deny_cid' => $channel['channel_deny_cid'], 'deny_gid' => $channel['channel_deny_gid'] ]; $x = [ 'is_owner' => true, 'allow_location' => ((intval(get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'],'system','use_browser_location'))) ? '1' : ''), 'default_location' => $channel['channel_location'], 'nickname' => $channel['channel_address'], 'lockstate' => (($group || $cid || $channel['channel_allow_cid'] || $channel['channel_allow_gid'] || $channel['channel_deny_cid'] || $channel['channel_deny_gid']) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'), 'acl' => populate_acl($channel_acl), 'permissions' => $channel_acl, 'bang' => '', 'visitor' => true, 'profile_uid' => local_channel(), 'return_path' => 'channel/' . $channel['channel_address'], 'expanded' => true, 'editor_autocomplete' => true, 'bbco_autocomplete' => 'bbcode', 'bbcode' => true, 'jotnets' => true ]; $o = '
'; $o .= status_editor($a,$x); $o .= '
'; } $target_item = null; if(strpos($item_hash,'b64.') === 0) $decoded = @base64url_decode(substr($item_hash,4)); if($decoded) $item_hash = $decoded; $r = q("select id, uid, mid, parent_mid, thr_parent, verb, item_type, item_deleted, item_blocked from item where mid like '%s' limit 1", dbesc($item_hash . '%') ); if($r) { $target_item = $r[0]; } //if the item is to be moderated redirect to /moderate if($target_item['item_blocked'] == ITEM_MODERATED) { goaway(z_root() . '/moderate/' . $target_item['id']); } $r = null; if($target_item['item_type'] == ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE) { $x = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($target_item['uid']) ); $y = q("select * from iconfig left join item on iconfig.iid = item.id where item.uid = %d and iconfig.cat = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'WEBPAGE' and item.id = %d limit 1", intval($target_item['uid']), intval($target_item['id']) ); if($x && $y) { goaway(z_root() . '/page/' . $x[0]['channel_address'] . '/' . $y[0]['v']); } else { notice( t('Page not found.') . EOL); return ''; } } $static = ((array_key_exists('static',$_REQUEST)) ? intval($_REQUEST['static']) : 0); $simple_update = (($update) ? " AND item_unseen = 1 " : ''); if($update && $_SESSION['loadtime']) $simple_update = " AND (( item_unseen = 1 AND item.changed > '" . datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$_SESSION['loadtime']) . "' ) OR item.changed > '" . datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$_SESSION['loadtime']) . "' ) "; if($load) $simple_update = ''; if($static && $simple_update) $simple_update .= " and item_thread_top = 0 and author_xchan = '" . protect_sprintf(get_observer_hash()) . "' "; if((! $update) && (! $load)) { $static = ((local_channel()) ? channel_manual_conv_update(local_channel()) : 1); // if the target item is not a post (eg a like) we want to address its thread parent $mid = ((($target_item['verb'] == ACTIVITY_LIKE) || ($target_item['verb'] == ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)) ? $target_item['thr_parent'] : $target_item['mid']); // if we got a decoded hash we must encode it again before handing to javascript if($decoded) $mid = 'b64.' . base64url_encode($mid); $o .= '
' . "\r\n"; $o .= "\r\n"; \App::$page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("build_query.tpl"),[ '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$pgtype' => 'display', '$uid' => '0', '$gid' => '0', '$cid' => '0', '$cmin' => '0', '$cmax' => '99', '$star' => '0', '$liked' => '0', '$conv' => '0', '$spam' => '0', '$fh' => '0', '$nouveau' => '0', '$wall' => '0', '$static' => $static, '$page' => ((\App::$pager['page'] != 1) ? \App::$pager['page'] : 1), '$list' => ((x($_REQUEST,'list')) ? intval($_REQUEST['list']) : 0), '$search' => '', '$xchan' => '', '$order' => '', '$file' => '', '$cats' => '', '$tags' => '', '$dend' => '', '$dbegin' => '', '$verb' => '', '$net' => '', '$mid' => $mid ]); head_add_link([ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/json+oembed', 'href' => z_root() . '/oep?f=&url=' . urlencode(z_root() . '/' . \App::$query_string), 'title' => 'oembed' ]); } $item_normal = item_normal(); $item_normal_update = item_normal_update(); $sql_extra = ''; //public_permissions_sql($observer_hash); if(($update && $load) || ($checkjs->disabled())) { $pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ", intval(\App::$pager['itemspage']),intval(\App::$pager['start'])); if($load || ($checkjs->disabled())) { $r = null; $r = q("SELECT item.id as item_id from item WHERE uid = %d and mid = '%s' $item_normal limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($target_item['parent_mid']) ); if($r) { $updateable = true; } } } elseif($update && !$load) { $r = null; require_once('include/channel.php'); $sys = get_sys_channel(); $sysid = $sys['channel_id']; $r = q("SELECT item.parent AS item_id from item WHERE uid = %d and parent_mid = '%s' $item_normal_update $simple_update limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($target_item['parent_mid']) ); if($r) { $updateable = true; } $_SESSION['loadtime'] = datetime_convert(); } else { $r = []; } if($r) { $parents_str = ids_to_querystr($r,'item_id'); if($parents_str) { $items = q("SELECT item.*, item.id AS item_id FROM item WHERE parent in ( %s ) $item_normal ", dbesc($parents_str) ); xchan_query($items); $items = fetch_post_tags($items,true); $items = conv_sort($items,'created'); } } else { $items = []; } if ($checkjs->disabled()) { $o .= conversation($items, 'display', $update, 'traditional'); if ($items[0]['title']) \App::$page['title'] = $items[0]['title'] . " - " . \App::$page['title']; } else { $o .= conversation($items, 'display', $update, 'client'); } if($updateable) { $x = q("UPDATE item SET item_unseen = 0 where item_unseen = 1 AND uid = %d and parent = %d ", intval(local_channel()), intval($r[0]['item_id']) ); } $o .= '
'; return $o; } }