<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; require_once('include/help.php'); /** * You can create local site resources in doc/Site.md and either link to doc/Home.md for the standard resources * or use our include mechanism to include it on your local page. *@code * #include doc/Home.md; *@endcode * * The syntax is somewhat strict. */ class Help extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller { function get() { nav_set_selected('help'); if($_REQUEST['search']) { $o .= '<div id="help-content" class="generic-content-wrapper">'; $o .= '<div class="section-title-wrapper">'; $o .= '<h2>' . t('Documentation Search') . ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['search']) . '</h2>'; $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '<div class="section-content-wrapper">'; $r = search_doc_files($_REQUEST['search']); if($r) { $o .= '<ul class="help-searchlist">'; foreach($r as $rr) { $dirname = dirname($rr['v']); $fname = basename($rr['v']); $fname = substr($fname, 0, strrpos($fname, '.')); $path = trim(substr($dirname, 4), '/'); $o .= '<li><a href="help/' . (($path) ? $path . '/' : '') . $fname . '" >' . ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',notags($fname))) . '</a><br>' . '<b><i>' . 'help/' . (($path) ? $path . '/' : '') . $fname . '</i></b><br>' . '...' . str_replace('$Projectname', \Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_platform_name(), $rr['text']) . '...<br><br></li>'; } $o .= '</ul>'; $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '</div>'; } return $o; } $content = get_help_content(); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('help.tpl'), array( '$title' => t('$Projectname Documentation'), '$content' => $content )); } }