<?php /** * @file Zotlabs/Module/Dav.php * @brief Initialize Hubzilla's cloud (SabreDAV). * * Module for accessing the DAV storage area from a DAV client. */ namespace Zotlabs\Module; use Sabre\DAV as SDAV; use Zotlabs\Storage; use Zotlabs\Web\HTTPSig; require_once('include/attach.php'); require_once('include/auth.php'); require_once('include/security.php'); class Dav extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller { /** * @brief Fires up the SabreDAV server. * */ function init() { foreach([ 'REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER', 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ] as $head) { /* Basic authentication */ if(array_key_exists($head,$_SERVER) && substr(trim($_SERVER[$head]),0,5) === 'Basic') { $userpass = @base64_decode(substr(trim($_SERVER[$head]),6)) ; if(strlen($userpass)) { list($name, $password) = explode(':', $userpass); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $name; $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $password; } break; } /* Signature authentication */ if(array_key_exists($head,$_SERVER) && substr(trim($_SERVER[$head]),0,9) === 'Signature') { if($head !== 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION') { $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = $_SERVER[$head]; continue; } $sigblock = HTTPSig::parse_sigheader($_SERVER[$head]); if($sigblock) { $keyId = str_replace('acct:','',$sigblock['keyId']); if($keyId) { $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_addr = '%s'", dbesc($keyId) ); if($r) { $r = Libzot::zot_record_preferred($r); $c = channelx_by_hash($r['hubloc_hash']); if($c) { $a = q("select * from account where account_id = %d limit 1", intval($c['channel_account_id']) ); if($a) { $record = [ 'channel' => $c, 'account' => $a[0] ]; $channel_login = $c['channel_id']; } } } if(! $record) continue; if($record) { $verified = HTTPSig::verify('',$record['channel']['channel_pubkey']); if(! ($verified && $verified['header_signed'] && $verified['header_valid'])) { $record = null; } if($record['account']) { authenticate_success($record['account']); if($channel_login) { change_channel($channel_login); } } break; } } } } } if (! is_dir('store')) os_mkdir('store', STORAGE_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, false); if (argc() > 1) profile_load(argv(1),0); $auth = new \Zotlabs\Storage\BasicAuth(); // $auth->observer = get_observer_hash(); $auth->setRealm(ucfirst(\Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_platform_name()) . ' ' . 'WebDAV'); $rootDirectory = new \Zotlabs\Storage\Directory('/', [], $auth); // A SabreDAV server-object $server = new SDAV\Server($rootDirectory); $authPlugin = new \Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin($auth); $server->addPlugin($authPlugin); // prevent overwriting changes each other with a lock backend $lockBackend = new SDAV\Locks\Backend\File('store/[data]/locks'); $lockPlugin = new SDAV\Locks\Plugin($lockBackend); $server->addPlugin($lockPlugin); // provide a directory view for the cloud in Hubzilla $browser = new \Zotlabs\Storage\Browser($auth); $auth->setBrowserPlugin($browser); // Experimental QuotaPlugin // $server->addPlugin(new \Zotlabs\Storage\QuotaPlugin($auth)); // All we need to do now, is to fire up the server $server->exec(); killme(); } }