<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; require_once('include/conversation.php'); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); require_once('include/datetime.php'); require_once('include/event.php'); require_once('include/items.php'); require_once('include/html2plain.php'); class Channel_calendar extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller { function post() { logger('post: ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true), LOGGER_DATA); if(! local_channel()) return; if(($_FILES) && array_key_exists('userfile',$_FILES) && intval($_FILES['userfile']['size'])) { $src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; if($src) { $result = parse_ical_file($src,local_channel()); if($result) info( t('Calendar entries imported.') . EOL); else notice( t('No calendar entries found.') . EOL); @unlink($src); } goaway(z_root() . '/channel_calendar'); } $event_id = ((x($_POST,'event_id')) ? intval($_POST['event_id']) : 0); $event_hash = ((x($_POST,'event_hash')) ? $_POST['event_hash'] : ''); $xchan = ((x($_POST,'xchan')) ? dbesc($_POST['xchan']) : ''); $uid = local_channel(); $start_text = escape_tags($_REQUEST['dtstart']); $finish_text = escape_tags($_REQUEST['dtend']); $adjust = intval($_POST['adjust']); $nofinish = intval($_POST['nofinish']); $timezone = ((x($_POST,'timezone_select')) ? notags(trim($_POST['timezone_select'])) : ''); $tz = (($timezone) ? $timezone : date_default_timezone_get()); $categories = escape_tags(trim($_POST['categories'])); // only allow editing your own events. if(($xchan) && ($xchan !== get_observer_hash())) return; if($start_text) { $start = $start_text; } else { $start = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:0',$startyear,$startmonth,$startday,$starthour,$startminute); } if($finish_text) { $finish = $finish_text; } else { $finish = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:0',$finishyear,$finishmonth,$finishday,$finishhour,$finishminute); } if($nofinish) { $finish = NULL_DATE; } if($adjust) { $start = datetime_convert($tz,'UTC',$start); if(! $nofinish) $finish = datetime_convert($tz,'UTC',$finish); } else { $start = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$start); if(! $nofinish) $finish = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$finish); } // Don't allow the event to finish before it begins. // It won't hurt anything, but somebody will file a bug report // and we'll waste a bunch of time responding to it. Time that // could've been spent doing something else. $summary = escape_tags(trim($_POST['summary'])); $desc = escape_tags(trim($_POST['desc'])); $location = escape_tags(trim($_POST['location'])); $type = escape_tags(trim($_POST['type'])); require_once('include/text.php'); linkify_tags($desc, local_channel()); linkify_tags($location, local_channel()); //$action = ($event_hash == '') ? 'new' : "event/" . $event_hash; //fixme: this url gives a wsod if there is a linebreak detected in one of the variables ($desc or $location) //$onerror_url = z_root() . "/events/" . $action . "?summary=$summary&description=$desc&location=$location&start=$start_text&finish=$finish_text&adjust=$adjust&nofinish=$nofinish&type=$type"; //$onerror_url = z_root() . "/events"; if(strcmp($finish,$start) < 0 && !$nofinish) { notice( t('Event can not end before it has started.') . EOL); if(intval($_REQUEST['preview'])) { echo( t('Unable to generate preview.')); killme(); } //goaway($onerror_url); } if((! $summary) || (! $start)) { notice( t('Event title and start time are required.') . EOL); if(intval($_REQUEST['preview'])) { echo( t('Unable to generate preview.')); killme(); } //goaway($onerror_url); } // $share = ((intval($_POST['distr'])) ? intval($_POST['distr']) : 0); $share = 1; $channel = \App::get_channel(); $acl = new \Zotlabs\Access\AccessList(false); if($event_id) { $x = q("select * from event where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($event_id), intval(local_channel()) ); if(! $x) { notice( t('Event not found.') . EOL); if(intval($_REQUEST['preview'])) { echo( t('Unable to generate preview.')); killme(); } return; } $acl->set($x[0]); $created = $x[0]['created']; $edited = datetime_convert(); if($x[0]['allow_cid'] === '<' . $channel['channel_hash'] . '>' && $x[0]['allow_gid'] === '' && $x[0]['deny_cid'] === '' && $x[0]['deny_gid'] === '') { $share = false; } else { $share = true; } } else { $created = $edited = datetime_convert(); if($share) { $acl->set_from_array($_POST); } else { $acl->set(array('allow_cid' => '<' . $channel['channel_hash'] . '>', 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => '')); } } $post_tags = array(); $channel = \App::get_channel(); $ac = $acl->get(); if(strlen($categories)) { $cats = explode(',',$categories); foreach($cats as $cat) { $post_tags[] = array( 'uid' => $profile_uid, 'ttype' => TERM_CATEGORY, 'otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST, 'term' => trim($cat), 'url' => $channel['xchan_url'] . '?f=&cat=' . urlencode(trim($cat)) ); } } $datarray = array(); $datarray['dtstart'] = $start; $datarray['dtend'] = $finish; $datarray['summary'] = $summary; $datarray['description'] = $desc; $datarray['location'] = $location; $datarray['etype'] = $type; $datarray['adjust'] = $adjust; $datarray['nofinish'] = $nofinish; $datarray['uid'] = local_channel(); $datarray['account'] = get_account_id(); $datarray['event_xchan'] = $channel['channel_hash']; $datarray['allow_cid'] = $ac['allow_cid']; $datarray['allow_gid'] = $ac['allow_gid']; $datarray['deny_cid'] = $ac['deny_cid']; $datarray['deny_gid'] = $ac['deny_gid']; $datarray['private'] = (($acl->is_private()) ? 1 : 0); $datarray['id'] = $event_id; $datarray['created'] = $created; $datarray['edited'] = $edited; if(intval($_REQUEST['preview'])) { $html = format_event_html($datarray); echo $html; killme(); } $event = event_store_event($datarray); if($post_tags) $datarray['term'] = $post_tags; $item_id = event_store_item($datarray,$event); if($item_id) { $r = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($item_id) ); if($r) { xchan_query($r); $sync_item = fetch_post_tags($r); $z = q("select * from event where event_hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($r[0]['resource_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($z) { build_sync_packet($channel['channel_id'],array('event_item' => array(encode_item($sync_item[0],true)),'event' => $z)); } } } if($share) \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier','event',$item_id)); killme(); } function get() { if(argc() > 2 && argv(1) == 'ical') { $event_id = argv(2); require_once('include/security.php'); $sql_extra = permissions_sql(local_channel()); $r = q("select * from event where event_hash = '%s' $sql_extra limit 1", dbesc($event_id) ); if($r) { header('Content-type: text/calendar'); header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . t('event') . '-' . $event_id . '.ics"' ); echo ical_wrapper($r); killme(); } else { notice( t('Event not found.') . EOL ); return; } } if(! local_channel()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if((argc() > 2) && (argv(1) === 'ignore') && intval(argv(2))) { $r = q("update event set dismissed = 1 where id = %d and uid = %d", intval(argv(2)), intval(local_channel()) ); } if((argc() > 2) && (argv(1) === 'unignore') && intval(argv(2))) { $r = q("update event set dismissed = 0 where id = %d and uid = %d", intval(argv(2)), intval(local_channel()) ); } $channel = \App::get_channel(); $mode = 'view'; $y = 0; $m = 0; $ignored = ((x($_REQUEST,'ignored')) ? " and dismissed = " . intval($_REQUEST['ignored']) . " " : ''); if(argc() > 1) { if(argc() > 2 && argv(1) === 'add') { $mode = 'add'; $item_id = intval(argv(2)); } if(argc() > 2 && argv(1) === 'drop') { $mode = 'drop'; $event_id = argv(2); } if(argc() > 2 && intval(argv(1)) && intval(argv(2))) { $mode = 'view'; $y = intval(argv(1)); $m = intval(argv(2)); } if(argc() <= 2) { $mode = 'view'; $event_id = argv(1); } } if($mode === 'add') { event_addtocal($item_id,local_channel()); killme(); } if($mode == 'view') { /* edit/create form */ if($event_id) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM event WHERE event_hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($event_id), intval(local_channel()) ); if(count($r)) $orig_event = $r[0]; } $channel = \App::get_channel(); // Passed parameters overrides anything found in the DB if(!x($orig_event)) $orig_event = array(); $n_checked = ((x($orig_event) && $orig_event['nofinish']) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $a_checked = ((x($orig_event) && $orig_event['adjust']) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $t_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['summary'] : ''); $d_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['description'] : ''); $l_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['location'] : ''); $eid = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['id'] : 0); $event_xchan = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['event_xchan'] : $channel['channel_hash']); $mid = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['mid'] : ''); $sdt = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['dtstart'] : 'now'); $fdt = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['dtend'] : '+1 hour'); $tz = date_default_timezone_get(); if(x($orig_event)) $tz = (($orig_event['adjust']) ? date_default_timezone_get() : 'UTC'); $syear = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'Y'); $smonth = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'm'); $sday = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'd'); $shour = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'H'); $sminute = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'i'); $stext = datetime_convert('UTC',$tz,$sdt); $stext = substr($stext,0,14) . "00:00"; $fyear = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'Y'); $fmonth = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'm'); $fday = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'd'); $fhour = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'H'); $fminute = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'i'); $ftext = datetime_convert('UTC',$tz,$fdt); $ftext = substr($ftext,0,14) . "00:00"; $type = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['etype'] : 'event'); $f = get_config('system','event_input_format'); if(! $f) $f = 'ymd'; $thisyear = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now','Y'); $thismonth = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now','m'); if(! $y) $y = intval($thisyear); if(! $m) $m = intval($thismonth); $export = false; if(argc() === 4 && argv(3) === 'export') $export = true; // Put some limits on dates. The PHP date functions don't seem to do so well before 1900. // An upper limit was chosen to keep search engines from exploring links millions of years in the future. if($y < 1901) $y = 1900; if($y > 2099) $y = 2100; $nextyear = $y; $nextmonth = $m + 1; if($nextmonth > 12) { $nextmonth = 1; $nextyear ++; } $prevyear = $y; if($m > 1) $prevmonth = $m - 1; else { $prevmonth = 12; $prevyear --; } $dim = get_dim($y,$m); $start = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d',$y,$m,1,0,0,0); $finish = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d',$y,$m,$dim,23,59,59); if (argv(1) === 'json'){ if (x($_GET,'start')) $start = $_GET['start']; if (x($_GET,'end')) $finish = $_GET['end']; } $start = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$start); $finish = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$finish); $adjust_start = datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $start); $adjust_finish = datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $finish); if (x($_GET,'id')){ $r = q("SELECT event.*, item.plink, item.item_flags, item.author_xchan, item.owner_xchan from event left join item on resource_id = event_hash where resource_type = 'event' and event.uid = %d and event.id = %d limit 1", intval(local_channel()), intval($_GET['id']) ); } elseif($export) { $r = q("SELECT * from event where uid = %d AND (( adjust = 0 AND ( dtend >= '%s' or nofinish = 1 ) AND dtstart <= '%s' ) OR ( adjust = 1 AND ( dtend >= '%s' or nofinish = 1 ) AND dtstart <= '%s' )) ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($start), dbesc($finish), dbesc($adjust_start), dbesc($adjust_finish) ); } else { // fixed an issue with "nofinish" events not showing up in the calendar. // There's still an issue if the finish date crosses the end of month. // Noting this for now - it will need to be fixed here and in Friendica. // Ultimately the finish date shouldn't be involved in the query. $r = q("SELECT event.*, item.plink, item.item_flags, item.author_xchan, item.owner_xchan, item.id as item_id from event left join item on event_hash = resource_id where resource_type = 'event' and event.uid = %d and event.uid = item.uid $ignored AND (( adjust = 0 AND ( dtend >= '%s' or nofinish = 1 ) AND dtstart <= '%s' ) OR ( adjust = 1 AND ( dtend >= '%s' or nofinish = 1 ) AND dtstart <= '%s' )) ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($start), dbesc($finish), dbesc($adjust_start), dbesc($adjust_finish) ); } $links = array(); if($r && ! $export) { xchan_query($r); $r = fetch_post_tags($r,true); $r = sort_by_date($r); } if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $j = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['dtstart'], 'j') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['dtstart'],'j')); if(! x($links,$j)) $links[$j] = z_root() . '/' . \App::$cmd . '#link-' . $j; } } $events=array(); $last_date = ''; $fmt = t('l, F j'); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $j = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['dtstart'], 'j') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['dtstart'],'j')); $d = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['dtstart'], $fmt) : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['dtstart'],$fmt)); $d = day_translate($d); $start = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['dtstart'], 'c') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['dtstart'],'c')); if ($rr['nofinish']){ $end = null; } else { $end = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['dtend'], 'c') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['dtend'],'c')); // give a fake end to birthdays so they get crammed into a // single day on the calendar if($rr['etype'] === 'birthday') $end = null; } $catsenabled = feature_enabled(local_channel(),'categories'); $categories = ''; if($catsenabled){ if($rr['term']) { $cats = get_terms_oftype($rr['term'], TERM_CATEGORY); foreach ($cats as $cat) { if(strlen($categories)) $categories .= ', '; $categories .= $cat['term']; } } } $is_first = ($d !== $last_date); $last_date = $d; $edit = ((local_channel() && $rr['author_xchan'] == get_observer_hash()) ? array(z_root().'/events/'.$rr['event_hash'].'?expandform=1',t('Edit event'),'','') : false); $drop = array(z_root().'/events/drop/'.$rr['event_hash'],t('Delete event'),'',''); $title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(zidify_links(bbcode($rr['summary'])),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); if(! $title) { list($title, $_trash) = explode("<br",bbcode($rr['desc']),2); $title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($title,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')); } $html = format_event_html($rr); $rr['desc'] = zidify_links(smilies(bbcode($rr['desc']))); $rr['description'] = htmlentities(html2plain(bbcode($rr['description'])),ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false); $rr['location'] = zidify_links(smilies(bbcode($rr['location']))); $events[] = array( 'calendar_id' => 'channel_calendar', 'rw' => true, 'id'=>$rr['id'], 'uri' => $rr['event_hash'], 'start'=> $start, 'end' => $end, 'drop' => $drop, 'allDay' => false, 'title' => $title, 'j' => $j, 'd' => $d, 'is_editable' => $edit ? true : false, 'is_first'=>$is_first, 'item'=>$rr, 'html'=>$html, 'plink' => array($rr['plink'],t('Link to Source'),'',''), 'description' => $rr['description'], 'location' => $rr['location'], 'allow_cid' => expand_acl($rr['allow_cid']), 'allow_gid' => expand_acl($rr['allow_gid']), 'deny_cid' => expand_acl($rr['deny_cid']), 'deny_gid' => expand_acl($rr['deny_gid']), 'categories' => $categories ); } } if($export) { header('Content-type: text/calendar'); header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . t('calendar') . '-' . $channel['channel_address'] . '.ics"' ); echo ical_wrapper($r); killme(); } if (\App::$argv[1] === 'json'){ json_return_and_die($events); } } if($mode === 'drop' && $event_id) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM event WHERE event_hash = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($event_id), intval(local_channel()) ); $sync_event = $r[0]; if($r) { $r = q("delete from event where event_hash = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($event_id), intval(local_channel()) ); if($r) { $r = q("update item set resource_type = '', resource_id = '' where resource_type = 'event' and resource_id = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($event_id), intval(local_channel()) ); $sync_event['event_deleted'] = 1; build_sync_packet(0,array('event' => array($sync_event))); killme(); } notice( t('Failed to remove event' ) . EOL); killme(); } } } }