$cmax = 99;
$cmin = intval($_POST['affinity_cmin']);
if($cmin < 0 || $cmin > 99)
$cmin = 0;
info( t('Affinity Tool settings updated.') . EOL);
function get() {
$desc = t('This app (when installed) presents a slider control in your connection editor and also on your network page. The slider represents your degree of friendship or affinity with each connection. It allows you to zoom in or out and display conversations from only your closest friends or everybody in your stream.');
$text = '
' . $desc . '
if(! ( local_channel() && Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(),'Affinity Tool'))) {
return $text;
$text .= EOL . t('The numbers below represent the minimum and maximum slider default positions for your network/stream page as a percentage.') . EOL . EOL;
$setting_fields = $text;
$cmax = intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(),'affinity','cmax'));
$cmax = (($cmax) ? $cmax : 99);
$setting_fields .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('field_input.tpl'), array(
'$field' => array('affinity_cmax', t('Default maximum affinity level'), $cmax, t('0-99 default 99'))
$cmin = intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(),'affinity','cmin'));
$cmin = (($cmin) ? $cmin : 0);
$setting_fields .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('field_input.tpl'), array(
'$field' => array('affinity_cmin', t('Default minimum affinity level'), $cmin, t('0-99 - default 0'))
$s .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('generic_app_settings.tpl'), array(
'$addon' => array('affinity', '' . t('Affinity Tool Settings'), '', t('Submit')),
'$content' => $setting_fields
return $s;