$this->isajax = is_ajax();
$this->eol = $this->isajax ? "\n" : EOL;
// ]
if (!x($_POST, 'page_site')) {
// [
if (!$this->isajax)
// ]
// [
$this->msgbg = '';
// <-hilmar]
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/site', 'admin_site');
$sitename = ((x($_POST,'sitename')) ? notags(trim($_POST['sitename'])) : '');
$banner = ((x($_POST,'banner')) ? trim($_POST['banner']) : false);
$admininfo = ((x($_POST,'admininfo')) ? trim($_POST['admininfo']) : false);
$siteinfo = ((x($_POST,'siteinfo')) ? trim($_POST['siteinfo']) : '');
$language = ((x($_POST,'language')) ? notags(trim($_POST['language'])) : '');
$theme = ((x($_POST,'theme')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme'])) : '');
// $theme_mobile = ((x($_POST,'theme_mobile')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme_mobile'])) : '');
// $site_channel = ((x($_POST,'site_channel')) ? notags(trim($_POST['site_channel'])) : '');
$maximagesize = ((x($_POST,'maximagesize')) ? intval(trim($_POST['maximagesize'])) : 0);
$register_policy = ((x($_POST,'register_policy')) ? intval(trim($_POST['register_policy'])) : 0);
$register_wo_email = ((x($_POST,'register_wo_email')) ? intval(trim($_POST['register_wo_email'])) : 0);
$minimum_age = ((x($_POST,'minimum_age')) ? intval(trim($_POST['minimum_age'])) : 13);
$access_policy = ((x($_POST,'access_policy')) ? intval(trim($_POST['access_policy'])) : 0);
$reg_autochannel = ((x($_POST,'auto_channel_create')) ? True : False);
$invitation_only = ((x($_POST,'invitation_only')) ? True : False);
$invitation_also = ((x($_POST,'invitation_also')) ? True : False);
$abandon_days = ((x($_POST,'abandon_days')) ? intval(trim($_POST['abandon_days'])) : 0);
$register_text = ((x($_POST,'register_text')) ? notags(trim($_POST['register_text'])) : '');
$site_sellpage = ((x($_POST,'site_sellpage')) ? notags(trim($_POST['site_sellpage'])) : '');
$site_location = ((x($_POST,'site_location')) ? notags(trim($_POST['site_location'])) : '');
$frontpage = ((x($_POST,'frontpage')) ? notags(trim($_POST['frontpage'])) : '');
$firstpage = ((x($_POST,'firstpage')) ? notags(trim($_POST['firstpage'])) : 'profiles');
$first_page = ((x($_POST,'first_page')) ? notags(trim($_POST['first_page'])) : 'profiles');
// check value after trim
if(! $first_page) {
$first_page = 'profiles';
$mirror_frontpage = ((x($_POST,'mirror_frontpage')) ? intval(trim($_POST['mirror_frontpage'])) : 0);
$directory_server = ((x($_POST,'directory_server')) ? trim($_POST['directory_server']) : '');
$allowed_sites = ((x($_POST,'allowed_sites')) ? notags(trim($_POST['allowed_sites'])) : '');
$force_publish = ((x($_POST,'publish_all')) ? True : False);
$disable_discover_tab = ((x($_POST,'disable_discover_tab')) ? False : True);
$site_firehose = ((x($_POST,'site_firehose')) ? True : False);
$open_pubstream = ((x($_POST,'open_pubstream')) ? True : False);
$login_on_homepage = ((x($_POST,'login_on_homepage')) ? True : False);
$enable_context_help = ((x($_POST,'enable_context_help')) ? True : False);
$global_directory = ((x($_POST,'directory_submit_url')) ? notags(trim($_POST['directory_submit_url'])) : '');
$no_community_page = !((x($_POST,'no_community_page')) ? True : False);
$default_expire_days = ((array_key_exists('default_expire_days',$_POST)) ? intval($_POST['default_expire_days']) : 0);
$active_expire_days = ((array_key_exists('active_expire_days',$_POST)) ? intval($_POST['active_expire_days']) : 7);
$reply_address = ((array_key_exists('reply_address',$_POST) && trim($_POST['reply_address'])) ? trim($_POST['reply_address']) : 'noreply@' . \App::get_hostname());
$from_email = ((array_key_exists('from_email',$_POST) && trim($_POST['from_email'])) ? trim($_POST['from_email']) : 'Administrator@' . \App::get_hostname());
$from_email_name = ((array_key_exists('from_email_name',$_POST) && trim($_POST['from_email_name'])) ? trim($_POST['from_email_name']) : \Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_site_name());
$sse_enabled = ((x($_POST,'sse_enabled')) ? true : false);
$verifyssl = ((x($_POST,'verifyssl')) ? True : False);
$proxyuser = ((x($_POST,'proxyuser')) ? notags(trim($_POST['proxyuser'])) : '');
$proxy = ((x($_POST,'proxy')) ? notags(trim($_POST['proxy'])) : '');
$timeout = ((x($_POST,'timeout')) ? intval(trim($_POST['timeout'])) : 60);
$delivery_interval = ((x($_POST,'delivery_interval'))? intval(trim($_POST['delivery_interval'])) : 0);
$delivery_batch_count = ((x($_POST,'delivery_batch_count') && $_POST['delivery_batch_count'] > 0)? intval(trim($_POST['delivery_batch_count'])) : 1);
$poll_interval = ((x($_POST,'poll_interval')) ? intval(trim($_POST['poll_interval'])) : 0);
$maxloadavg = ((x($_POST,'maxloadavg')) ? intval(trim($_POST['maxloadavg'])) : 50);
$feed_contacts = ((x($_POST,'feed_contacts')) ? intval($_POST['feed_contacts']) : 0);
$verify_email = ((x($_POST,'verify_email')) ? 1 : 0);
$register_perday = ((x($_POST,'register_perday')) ? intval(trim($_POST['register_perday'])) : 50);
$register_sameip = ((x($_POST,'register_sameip')) ? intval(trim($_POST['register_sameip'])) : 3);
$regdelayn = ((x($_POST,'zardelayn')) ? intval(trim($_POST['zardelayn'])) : 0);
$regdelayu = ((x($_POST,'zardelay')) ? notags(trim($_POST['zardelay'])) : '');
$reg_delay = (preg_match('/^[a-z]{1,1}$/', $regdelayu) ? $regdelayn . $regdelayu : '');
$regexpiren = ((x($_POST,'zarexpiren')) ? intval(trim($_POST['zarexpiren'])) : 0);
$regexpireu = ((x($_POST,'zarexpire')) ? notags(trim($_POST['zarexpire'])) : '');
$reg_expire = (preg_match('/^[a-z]{1,1}$/', $regexpireu) ? $regexpiren . $regexpireu : '');
$imagick_path = ((x($_POST,'imagick_path')) ? trim($_POST['imagick_path']) : '');
$force_queue = ((intval($_POST['force_queue']) > 0) ? intval($_POST['force_queue']) : 3000);
$pub_incl = escape_tags(trim($_POST['pub_incl']));
$pub_excl = escape_tags(trim($_POST['pub_excl']));
$permissions_role = escape_tags(trim($_POST['permissions_role']));
// [hilmar->
$this->register_duty = ((x($_POST,'register_duty')) ? notags(trim($_POST['register_duty'])) : '');
if (! preg_match('/^[0-9 .,:\-]{0,191}$/', $this->register_duty)) {
$this->msgbg .= 'ZAR0131E,' . t('Invalid input') . $this->eol;
} else {
if ($this->isajax) {
echo json_encode(array('msgbg' => $this->msgbg, 'me' => 'zar'));
// that mission is complete
} else {
//logger( print_r( $this->msgbg, true) );
//logger( print_r( $this->joo, true) );
if ($this->error === 0) {
set_config('system', 'register_duty', $this->register_duty);
set_config('system', 'register_duty_jso', $this->joo);
} else {
notice('ZAR0130E,'.t('Errors') . ': ' . $this->error) . EOL . $this->msgfg;
// <-hilmar]
set_config('system', 'feed_contacts', $feed_contacts);
set_config('system', 'delivery_interval', $delivery_interval);
set_config('system', 'delivery_batch_count', $delivery_batch_count);
set_config('system', 'poll_interval', $poll_interval);
set_config('system', 'maxloadavg', $maxloadavg);
set_config('system', 'frontpage', $frontpage);
set_config('system', 'sellpage', $site_sellpage);
set_config('system', 'workflow_channel_next', $first_page);
set_config('system', 'site_location', $site_location);
set_config('system', 'mirror_frontpage', $mirror_frontpage);
set_config('system', 'sitename', $sitename);
set_config('system', 'login_on_homepage', $login_on_homepage);
set_config('system', 'enable_context_help', $enable_context_help);
set_config('system', 'verify_email', $verify_email);
set_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations', $register_perday);
set_config('system', 'register_sameip', $register_sameip);
set_config('system', 'register_delay', $reg_delay);
set_config('system', 'register_expire', $reg_expire);
set_config('system', 'default_expire_days', $default_expire_days);
set_config('system', 'active_expire_days', $active_expire_days);
set_config('system', 'reply_address', $reply_address);
set_config('system', 'from_email', $from_email);
set_config('system', 'from_email_name' , $from_email_name);
set_config('system', 'imagick_convert_path' , $imagick_path);
set_config('system', 'default_permissions_role', $permissions_role);
set_config('system', 'pubstream_incl',$pub_incl);
set_config('system', 'pubstream_excl',$pub_excl);
if ($banner == '') {
del_config('system', 'banner');
} else {
set_config('system', 'banner', $banner);
if ($admininfo == ''){
del_config('system', 'admininfo');
} else {
linkify_tags($admininfo, local_channel());
set_config('system', 'admininfo', $admininfo);
set_config('system', 'language', $language);
set_config('system', 'theme', $theme);
// if ( $theme_mobile === '---' ) {
// del_config('system', 'mobile_theme');
// } else {
// set_config('system', 'mobile_theme', $theme_mobile);
// }
// set_config('system','site_channel', $site_channel);
set_config('system','maximagesize', $maximagesize);
set_config('system','register_policy', $register_policy);
set_config('system','register_wo_email', $register_wo_email);
set_config('system','minimum_age', $minimum_age);
set_config('system','auto_channel_create', $reg_autochannel);
set_config('system',self::ivo, $invitation_only);
set_config('system',self::iva, $invitation_also);
set_config('system','access_policy', $access_policy);
set_config('system','account_abandon_days', $abandon_days);
set_config('system','register_text', $register_text);
set_config('system','allowed_sites', $allowed_sites);
set_config('system','publish_all', $force_publish);
set_config('system','disable_discover_tab', $disable_discover_tab);
set_config('system','site_firehose', $site_firehose);
set_config('system','open_pubstream', $open_pubstream);
set_config('system','force_queue_threshold', $force_queue);
if ($global_directory == '') {
del_config('system', 'directory_submit_url');
} else {
set_config('system', 'directory_submit_url', $global_directory);
set_config('system','no_community_page', $no_community_page);
set_config('system','no_utf', $no_utf);
set_config('system','sse_enabled', $sse_enabled);
set_config('system','verifyssl', $verifyssl);
set_config('system','proxyuser', $proxyuser);
set_config('system','proxy', $proxy);
set_config('system','curl_timeout', $timeout);
info( t('Site settings updated.') . EOL);
goaway(z_root() . '/admin/site' );
* @brief Admin page site.
* @return string with HTML
function get() {
/* Installed langs */
$lang_choices = array();
$langs = glob('view/*/hstrings.php');
if(is_array($langs) && count($langs)) {
if(! in_array('view/en/hstrings.php',$langs))
$langs[] = 'view/en/';
foreach($langs as $l) {
$t = explode("/",$l);
$lang_choices[$t[1]] = $t[1];
/* Installed themes */
$theme_choices_mobile["---"] = t("Default");
$theme_choices = array();
$files = glob('view/theme/*');
if($files) {
foreach($files as $file) {
$vars = '';
$f = basename($file);
$info = get_theme_info($f);
$compatible = check_plugin_versions($info);
if(!$compatible) {
$theme_choices[$f] = $theme_choices_mobile[$f] = sprintf(t('%s - (Incompatible)'), $f);
if (file_exists($file . '/library'))
if (file_exists($file . '/mobile'))
$vars = t('mobile');
if (file_exists($file . '/experimental'))
$vars .= t('experimental');
if (file_exists($file . '/unsupported'))
$vars .= t('unsupported');
if ($vars) {
$theme_choices[$f] = $f . ' (' . $vars . ')';
$theme_choices_mobile[$f] = $f . ' (' . $vars . ')';
else {
$theme_choices[$f] = $f;
$theme_choices_mobile[$f] = $f;
$dir_choices = null;
$dirmode = get_config('system','directory_mode');
$realm = get_directory_realm();
// directory server should not be set or settable unless we are a directory client
// avoid older redmatrix servers which don't have modern encryption
if($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL) {
$x = q("select site_url from site where site_flags in (%d,%d) and site_realm = '%s' and site_dead = 0 and site_project != 'redmatrix'",
if($x) {
$dir_choices = array();
foreach($x as $xx) {
$dir_choices[$xx['site_url']] = $xx['site_url'];
/* Banner */
$banner = get_config('system', 'banner');
if($banner === false)
$banner = get_config('system','sitename');
$banner = htmlspecialchars($banner);
/* Admin Info */
$admininfo = get_config('system', 'admininfo');
/* Register policy */
$register_choices = Array(
REGISTER_APPROVE => t("Yes - with approval"),
$this->register_duty ? get_config('system', 'register_duty') : '';
$register_perday = get_config('system','max_daily_registrations');
$register_perday ? '' : $register_perday = 50;
/* Acess policy */
$access_choices = Array(
ACCESS_PRIVATE => t("My site is not a public server"),
ACCESS_PAID => t("My site has paid access only"),
ACCESS_FREE => t("My site has free access only"),
ACCESS_TIERED => t("My site offers free accounts with optional paid upgrades")
$discover_tab = get_config('system','disable_discover_tab');
// $disable public streams by default
if($discover_tab === false)
$discover_tab = 1;
// now invert the logic for the setting.
$discover_tab = (1 - $discover_tab);
$perm_roles = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::roles();
$default_role = get_config('system','default_permissions_role','social');
$role = array('permissions_role' , t('Default permission role for new accounts'), $default_role, t('This role will be used for the first channel created after registration.'),$perm_roles);
$homelogin = get_config('system','login_on_homepage');
$enable_context_help = get_config('system','enable_context_help');
// for reuse reg_delay and reg_expire
$reg_rabots = array(
'i' => t('Minute(s)'),
'h' => t('Hour(s)') ,
'd' => t('Day(s)') ,
'w' => t('Week(s)') ,
'm' => t('Month(s)') ,
'y' => t('Year(s)')
$regdelay_n = $regdelay_u = false;
$regdelay = get_config('system','register_delay');
if ($regdelay)
list($regdelay_n, $regdelay_u) = array(substr($regdelay,0,-1),substr($regdelay,-1));
$reg_delay = replace_macros(get_markup_template('field_duration.qmc.tpl'),
'label' => t('Account registration delay'),
'qmc' => 'zar',
'qmcid' => 'ZAR0860C',
'help' => t('How long a registration request has to wait before validation can perform.'
. ' No delay if zero or no value.'),
'field' => array(
'name' => 'delay',
'title' => t('duration up from now'),
'value' => ($regdelay_n === false ? 0 : $regdelay_n),
'min' => '0',
'max' => '99',
'size' => '2',
'default' => ($regdelay_u === false ? 'i' : $regdelay_u)
'rabot' => $reg_rabots
$regexpire_n = $regexpire_u = false;
$regexpire = get_config('system','register_expire');
if ($regexpire)
list($regexpire_n, $regexpire_u) = array(substr($regexpire,0,-1),substr($regexpire,-1));
$reg_expire = replace_macros(get_markup_template('field_duration.qmc.tpl'),
'label' => t('Account registration expiration'),
'qmc' => 'zar',
'qmcid' => 'ZAR0862C',
'help' => t('How long a registration to confirm remains valid.'
. ' Not expire if zero or no value.'),
'field' => array(
'name' => 'expire',
'title' => t('duration up from now'),
'value' => ($regexpire_n === false ? 99 : $regexpire_n),
'min' => '0',
'max' => '99',
'size' => '2',
'default' => ($regexpire_u === false ? 'y' : $regexpire_u)
'rabot' => $reg_rabots
$invitation_only = get_config('system',self::ivo);
$invitation_also = get_config('system',self::iva);
$tao = '';
$t = get_markup_template("admin_site.tpl");
return replace_macros($t, array(
'$title' => t('Administration'),
// interfacing js vars
'$tao' => $tao,
'$page' => t('Site'),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$registration' => t('Registration'),
'$upload' => t('File upload'),
'$corporate' => t('Policies'),
'$advanced' => t('Advanced'),
'$baseurl' => z_root(),
// name, label, value, help string, extra data...
'$sitename' => array('sitename', t("Site name"), htmlspecialchars(get_config('system','sitename'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),''),
'$banner' => array('banner', t("Banner/Logo"), $banner, t('Unfiltered HTML/CSS/JS is allowed')),
'$admininfo' => array('admininfo', t("Administrator Information"), $admininfo, t("Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here")),
'$siteinfo' => array('siteinfo', t('Site Information'), get_config('system','siteinfo'), t("Publicly visible description of this site. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here")),
'$language' => array('language', t("System language"), get_config('system','language'), "", $lang_choices),
'$theme' => array('theme', t("System theme"), get_config('system','theme'), t("Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings"), $theme_choices),
// '$theme_mobile' => array('theme_mobile', t("Mobile system theme"), get_config('system','mobile_theme'), t("Theme for mobile devices"), $theme_choices_mobile),
// '$site_channel' => array('site_channel', t("Channel to use for this website's static pages"), get_config('system','site_channel'), t("Site Channel")),
'$feed_contacts' => array('feed_contacts', t('Allow Feeds as Connections'),get_config('system','feed_contacts'),t('(Heavy system resource usage)')),
'$maximagesize' => array('maximagesize', t("Maximum image size"), intval(get_config('system','maximagesize')), t("Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits.")),
'$minimum_age' => array('minimum_age', t("Minimum age"), (x(get_config('system','minimum_age'))?get_config('system','minimum_age'):13), t("Minimum age (in years) for who may register on this site.")),
'$access_policy' => array('access_policy', t("Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"), get_config('system','access_policy'), t("This is displayed on the public server site list."), $access_choices),
// Register
// [hilmar->
'$register_text' => array('register_text',
t("Register text"),
htmlspecialchars(get_config('system','register_text'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),
t("Will be displayed prominently on the registration page.") . ' '
. t('If you operate with register duties (see ZAR0830C), best practise is to tell cleartext about here'),
'$register_policy' => array('register_policy',
t("Does this site allow new member registration?"),
'$register_wo_email' => array('register_wo_email',
t("Registration is also possible without having to enter an email address."),
t("Registration is also supported without requiring an email address from the applicant. Instead of the email address an artificial identification is generated, which has to be confirmed in a separate dialog. The default value is (Off) and corresponds to the registration procedure up to version 5.4.x."),
"", "", 'ZAR0824C'),
'$register_duty' => array('register_duty',
t('Registration office on duty'),
$this->register_duty = get_config('system', 'register_duty'),
t('The weekdays and hours the register office is open for registrations') . '. '
. t('Split weekdays and hours per `:`') . '. '
. t('Separate weekday(s):hour(s) pairs with blank(s)') . '. '
. t('Several values or ranges are to split by comma') . '. '
. t('From-To ranges are joined with `-`') . '. '
. t('ie') . ' `1-5:0900-1200,1300-1700 6:900-1230` ' . t('or') .' `1-2,4-5:800-1800` '
. EOL . ' ' . t('Parse and test your input') . ''. EOL
. t('If left empty, defaults to 24h open everyday the week (-:-).') . ' '
. t('Note, ranges are specified as open-close pairs and in case of')
. ' 0900-1200 '
. t('results to: opens 9h and closes 12h. If meant open 9h to 12h exactly, say `0900-1201`'),
'$register_perday' => array('register_perday',
t('Account registrations max per day'),
(x(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations')))
? get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations') : 50,
t('How many registration requests the site accepts during one day. Unlimited if zero or no value. Default 50'),
'$register_sameip' => array('register_sameip',
t('Account registrations from same ip'),
(x(get_config('system', 'register_sameip')))
? get_config('system', 'register_sameip') : 3,
t('How many pending registration requests the site accepts from a same ip address.'),
'$reg_autochannel' => array('auto_channel_create',
t("Auto channel create"),
get_config('system','auto_channel_create', 1),
t("Auto create a channel when register a new account. When On, the register form will show additional fields for the channel-name and the nickname."),
"", "", 'ZAR0870C'),
'$invitation_only' => array(self::ivo,
($invitation_only === false ? '✗' : '✓') . ' ' . t("Invitation only"),
t("Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register policy must be set to Yes."),
"", "", 'ZAR0880C'),
'$invitation_also' => array(self::iva,
($invitation_also === false ? '✗' : '✓') . ' ' . t("Invitation also"),
t("Also allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register policy must be set to Yes."),
"", "", 'ZAR0881C'),
'$verify_email' => array('verify_email',
t("Verify Email Addresses"),
t("Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended)."),
"", "", 'ZAR0890C'),
'$abandon_days' => array('abandon_days',
t('Accounts abandoned after x days'),
t('Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit.')
// <-hilmar]
'$role' => $role,
'$frontpage' => array('frontpage', t("Site homepage to show visitors (default: login box)"), get_config('system','frontpage'), t("example: 'pubstream' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to show a system webpage called 'home' or 'include:home.html' to include a file.")),
'$mirror_frontpage' => array('mirror_frontpage', t("Preserve site homepage URL"), get_config('system','mirror_frontpage'), t('Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of redirecting')),
'$allowed_sites' => array('allowed_sites', t("Allowed friend domains"), get_config('system','allowed_sites'), t("Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains")),
'$force_publish' => array('publish_all', t("Force publish"), get_config('system','publish_all'), t("Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory.")),
'$disable_discover_tab' => array('disable_discover_tab', t('Import Public Streams'), $discover_tab, t('Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: this content is unmoderated.')),
'$site_firehose' => array('site_firehose', t('Site only Public Streams'), get_config('system','site_firehose'), t('Allow access to public content originating only from this site if Imported Public Streams are disabled.')),
'$open_pubstream' => array('open_pubstream', t('Allow anybody on the internet to access the Public streams'), get_config('system','open_pubstream',1), t('Disable to require authentication before viewing. Warning: this content is unmoderated.')),
'$incl' => array('pub_incl',t('Only import Public stream posts with this text'), get_config('system','pubstream_incl'),t('words one per line or #tags or /patterns/ or lang=xx, leave blank to import all posts')),
'$excl' => array('pub_excl',t('Do not import Public stream posts with this text'), get_config('system','pubstream_excl'),t('words one per line or #tags or /patterns/ or lang=xx, leave blank to import all posts')),
'$login_on_homepage' => array('login_on_homepage', t("Login on Homepage"),((intval($homelogin) || $homelogin === false) ? 1 : '') , t("Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has been configured.")),
'$enable_context_help' => array('enable_context_help', t("Enable context help"),((intval($enable_context_help) === 1 || $enable_context_help === false) ? 1 : 0) , t("Display contextual help for the current page when the help button is pressed.")),
'$reply_address' => [ 'reply_address', t('Reply-to email address for system generated email.'), get_config('system','reply_address','noreply@' . \App::get_hostname()),'' ],
'$from_email' => [ 'from_email', t('Sender (From) email address for system generated email.'), get_config('system','from_email','Administrator@' . \App::get_hostname()),'' ],
'$from_email_name' => [ 'from_email_name', t('Name of email sender for system generated email.'), get_config('system','from_email_name',\Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_site_name()),'' ],
'$directory_server' => (($dir_choices) ? array('directory_server', t("Directory Server URL"), get_config('system','directory_server'), t("Default directory server"), $dir_choices) : null),
'$sse_enabled' => array('sse_enabled', t('Enable SSE Notifications'), get_config('system', 'sse_enabled', 0), t('If disabled, traditional polling will be used. Warning: this setting might not be suited for shared hosting')),
'$proxyuser' => array('proxyuser', t("Proxy user"), get_config('system','proxyuser'), ""),
'$proxy' => array('proxy', t("Proxy URL"), get_config('system','proxy'), ""),
'$timeout' => array('timeout', t("Network timeout"), (x(get_config('system','curl_timeout'))?get_config('system','curl_timeout'):60), t("Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended).")),
'$delivery_interval' => array('delivery_interval', t("Delivery interval"), (x(get_config('system','delivery_interval'))?get_config('system','delivery_interval'):2), t("Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 for large dedicated servers.")),
'$delivery_batch_count' => array('delivery_batch_count', t('Deliveries per process'),(x(get_config('system','delivery_batch_count'))?get_config('system','delivery_batch_count'):1), t("Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5.")),
'$force_queue' => array('force_queue', t("Queue Threshold"), get_config('system','force_queue_threshold',3000), t("Always defer immediate delivery if queue contains more than this number of entries.")),
'$poll_interval' => array('poll_interval', t("Poll interval"), (x(get_config('system','poll_interval'))?get_config('system','poll_interval'):2), t("Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. If 0, use delivery interval.")),
'$imagick_path' => array('imagick_path', t("Path to ImageMagick convert program"), get_config('system','imagick_convert_path'), t("If set, use this program to generate photo thumbnails for huge images ( > 4000 pixels in either dimension), otherwise memory exhaustion may occur. Example: /usr/bin/convert")),
'$maxloadavg' => array('maxloadavg', t("Maximum Load Average"), ((intval(get_config('system','maxloadavg')) > 0)?get_config('system','maxloadavg'):50), t("Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 50.")),
'$default_expire_days' => array('default_expire_days', t('Expiration period in days for imported (grid/network) content'), intval(get_config('system','default_expire_days')), t('0 for no expiration of imported content')),
'$active_expire_days' => array('active_expire_days', t('Do not expire any posts which have comments less than this many days ago'), intval(get_config('system','active_expire_days',7)), ''),
'$sellpage' => array('site_sellpage', t('Public servers: Optional landing (marketing) webpage for new registrants'), get_config('system','sellpage',''), sprintf( t('Create this page first. Default is %s/register'),z_root())),
'$first_page' => array('first_page', t('Page to display after creating a new channel'), get_config('system','workflow_channel_next','profiles'), t('Default: profiles')),
'$location' => array('site_location', t('Optional: site location'), get_config('system','site_location',''), t('Region or country')),
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_site"),
* @brief Admin page site common post submit and ajax interaction
* @author hilmar runge
* @since 2020-02-04
* Configure register office duty weekdays and hours
* Syntax: weekdays:hours [weekdays:hours]
* [.d[,d-d.]]]:hhmm-hhmm[,hhmm-hhmm...]
* ranges are between blanks, days are 1-7, where 1 = Monday
* hours are [h]hmm 3-4digit 24 clock values
* ie 0900-1200,1300-1800 for hours
* ie 1-2,4,5 for weekdays
* ie 1-2:900-1800 monday and tuesday open from 9 to 18h
* @var $register_duty is the input field from the admin -> site page
* @return the results are in the class vars $error, $msgbg and $jsoo
* $jsoo is
// 3-4 digit 24h clock regex
const regxTime34 = '/^(?:2[0-3]|[01][0-9]|[0-9])[0-5][0-9]$/';
var $wdconst = array('','mo','tu','we','th','fr','sa','so');
// in
var $register_duty;
// intermediate
var $isajax;
// return
var $jsoo;
var $msgbg;
var $error = 0;
var $msgfg = '';
private function duty() {
$aro=array_fill(1, 7, 0);
if ($this->isajax) {
$op = (preg_match('/[a-z]{2,4}/', $_REQUEST['zarop'])) ? $_REQUEST['zarop'] : '';
if ($op == 'zar083') {
$this->msgbg = 'ZAR0130I Testmode:' . $this->eol . $this->msgbg;
} else {
if (! $this->register_duty)
$this->register_duty = '-:-';
$ranges = preg_split('/\s+/', $this->register_duty);
$this->msgbg .= '..ranges: ' . print_r(count($ranges),true) . $this->eol;
foreach ($ranges as $rn => $range) {
list($ws,$hs,) = explode(':', $range);
$ws ? $arw = explode( ',', $ws) : $arw=array();
$this->msgbg .= ($rn+1).'.weekday ranges: ' . count($arw) . $this->eol;
// $this->msgbg .= print_r($arw,true);
$hs ? $arh = explode( ',', $hs) : $arh=array();
$this->msgbg .= ($rn+1).'.hour ranges: ' . count($arh) . $this->eol;
$this->msgbg .= ($rn+1).'.wdays: ' . ( $ws ? print_r($ws,true) : 'none') . ' : '
. ' hours: ' . print_r($hs,true) . $this->eol;
// several hs may belog to one wd
// aro[0] is tmp store
foreach ($arh as $hs) {
list($ho,$hc,) = explode( '-', $hs );
// no value forces open very early, and be sure having valid hhmm values
!$ho ? $ho = "0000" : '';
!$hc ? $hc = "0000" : ''; // pseudo
if (preg_match(self::regxTime34, $ho)
&& preg_match(self::regxTime34, $hc)) {
// fix pseudo, allow no reverse range
$hc == "0000" || $ho > $hc ? $hc = "2400" : '';
$aro[0][$ho] = 0;
$aro[0][$hc] = 1;
$this->msgbg .= ($ho ? ' .open:' . $ho : '') . ($hc ? ' close:' . $hc : '') .$this->eol;
} else {
$this->msgbg .= ' .' . t('Invalid 24h time value (hhmm/hmm)') . $this->eol;
$this->msgfg .= ' .ZAR0132E,' . t('Invalid 24h time value (hhmm/hmm)') . $this->eol;
// the weekday(s) values or ranges
foreach ($arw as $ds) {
$wd=explode('-', $ds);
array_key_exists("1", $wd) && $wd[1]=="" ? $wd[1] = "7" : ''; // a case 3-
array_key_exists("1", $wd) && $wd[0]=="" ? $wd[0] = "1" : ''; // a case -3
!array_key_exists("1", $wd) ? $wd[1] = $wd[0] : ''; // a case 3
if ($wd[0] > $wd[1]) continue; // reverse order will be ignored // a case 5-3
if (preg_match('/^[1-7]{1}$/', $wd[0])) {
if (preg_match('/^[1-7]{1}$/', $wd[1])) {
// $this->msgbg .= print_r($wd,true);
for ($i=$wd[0]; $i<=$wd[1]; $i++) {
// take the tmp store for the selected day(s)
//$this->msgbg .= 'aro0: ' . print_r($aro,true) . $this->eol; // 4devels
// clear the tmp store
// discart the tmp store
// not configured days close at the beginning 0000h
for ($i=1;$i<=7;$i++) { is_array($aro[$i]) ? '' : $aro[$i] = array("0000" => 1); }
// $this->msgbg .= 'aro: ' . print_r($aro,true) . $this->eol; // 4devels
if ($this->isajax) {
// tell what we have
// $this->msgbg .= 'aro0: ' . print_r($aro,true) . $this->eol; // 4devels
$this->msgbg .= 'Duty time table:' . $this->eol;
foreach ($aro as $dow => $hrs) {
$this->msgbg .= ' ' . $this->wdconst[$dow] . ' ';
// $this->msgbg .= '**' . print_r($hrs,true);
foreach ($hrs as $h => $o) {
$this->msgbg .= ((!$o) ? $h . ':open' : $h . ':close') . ', ';
$this->msgbg = rtrim($this->msgbg, ', ') . $this->eol;
$this->msgbg .= 'Generating 6 random times to check duty hours: ' . $this->eol;
// we only need some random dates from anyway in past or future
// because only the weekday and the clock is to test
for ($i=0; $i<6; $i++) {
$adow = rand(1, 7); // 1 to 7 (days)
$cdow = $this->wdconst[$adow];
// below is the essential algo to verify a date (of format Hi) meets an open or closed condition
$t = date('Hi', ( rand(time(), 60*60*24+time()) ) );
foreach ($aro[$adow] as $o => $v) {
// $this->msgbg .= 'debug: ' . $o . ' gt ' . $t . ' / ' . $v . $this->eol; // 4devels
if ($o > $t) {
$how = ($v ? 'open' : 'closed');
// now we know
$this->msgbg .= ' ' . $cdow . '.' . $t . '=' . $how . ', ';
$this->msgbg = rtrim($this->msgbg, ', ') . $this->eol;
//$jov1 = array( 'view1' => $aro, 'view2' => '');
foreach ($aro as $d => $ts) {
foreach ($ts as $t => $ft) {
$jov2['view2'][$ft][] = $d.$t;
//$ft=="1" && $t=="0000" ? $jov2['view2']["0"][] = $d."2400" : '';
$this->msgbg .= print_r($jov2, true) . $this->eol; // 4devels
$this->joo = json_encode($aro);
// $this->msgbg .= $this->joo . $this->eol; // 4devels
// $this->msgbg .= print_r($aro, true) . $this->eol; // 4devels
$okko = (json_decode($this->joo, true) ? true : false);
if (!$okko) {
$this->msgbg .= 'ZAR0139D,json 4 duty KO crash' . $this->eol;
$this->msgfg .= 'ZAR0139D,json 4 duty KO crash' . $this->eol;
return ;