0)? intval(trim($_POST['delivery_batch_count'])) : 1); $poll_interval = ((x($_POST,'poll_interval')) ? intval(trim($_POST['poll_interval'])) : 0); $maxloadavg = ((x($_POST,'maxloadavg')) ? intval(trim($_POST['maxloadavg'])) : 50); $feed_contacts = ((x($_POST,'feed_contacts')) ? intval($_POST['feed_contacts']) : 0); $verify_email = ((x($_POST,'verify_email')) ? 1 : 0); $techlevel_lock = ((x($_POST,'techlock')) ? intval($_POST['techlock']) : 0); $imagick_path = ((x($_POST,'imagick_path')) ? trim($_POST['imagick_path']) : ''); $thumbnail_security = ((x($_POST,'thumbnail_security')) ? intval($_POST['thumbnail_security']) : 0); $force_queue = ((intval($_POST['force_queue']) > 0) ? intval($_POST['force_queue']) : 3000); $techlevel = null; if(array_key_exists('techlevel', $_POST)) $techlevel = intval($_POST['techlevel']); set_config('system', 'feed_contacts', $feed_contacts); set_config('system', 'delivery_interval', $delivery_interval); set_config('system', 'delivery_batch_count', $delivery_batch_count); set_config('system', 'poll_interval', $poll_interval); set_config('system', 'maxloadavg', $maxloadavg); set_config('system', 'frontpage', $frontpage); set_config('system', 'sellpage', $site_sellpage); set_config('system', 'site_location', $site_location); set_config('system', 'mirror_frontpage', $mirror_frontpage); set_config('system', 'sitename', $sitename); set_config('system', 'login_on_homepage', $login_on_homepage); set_config('system', 'enable_context_help', $enable_context_help); set_config('system', 'verify_email', $verify_email); set_config('system', 'default_expire_days', $default_expire_days); set_config('system', 'reply_address', $reply_address); set_config('system', 'from_email', $from_email); set_config('system', 'from_email_name' , $from_email_name); set_config('system', 'imagick_convert_path' , $imagick_path); set_config('system', 'thumbnail_security' , $thumbnail_security); set_config('system', 'techlevel_lock', $techlevel_lock); if(! is_null($techlevel)) set_config('system', 'techlevel', $techlevel); if($directory_server) set_config('system','directory_server',$directory_server); if ($banner == '') { del_config('system', 'banner'); } else { set_config('system', 'banner', $banner); } if ($admininfo == ''){ del_config('system', 'admininfo'); } else { require_once('include/text.php'); linkify_tags($a, $admininfo, local_channel()); set_config('system', 'admininfo', $admininfo); } set_config('system','siteinfo',$siteinfo); set_config('system', 'language', $language); set_config('system', 'theme', $theme); if ( $theme_mobile === '---' ) { del_config('system', 'mobile_theme'); } else { set_config('system', 'mobile_theme', $theme_mobile); } // set_config('system','site_channel', $site_channel); set_config('system','maximagesize', $maximagesize); set_config('system','register_policy', $register_policy); set_config('system','minimum_age', $minimum_age); set_config('system','invitation_only', $invite_only); set_config('system','access_policy', $access_policy); set_config('system','account_abandon_days', $abandon_days); set_config('system','register_text', $register_text); set_config('system','allowed_sites', $allowed_sites); set_config('system','publish_all', $force_publish); set_config('system','disable_discover_tab', $disable_discover_tab); set_config('system','force_queue_threshold', $force_queue); if ($global_directory == '') { del_config('system', 'directory_submit_url'); } else { set_config('system', 'directory_submit_url', $global_directory); } set_config('system','no_community_page', $no_community_page); set_config('system','no_utf', $no_utf); set_config('system','verifyssl', $verifyssl); set_config('system','proxyuser', $proxyuser); set_config('system','proxy', $proxy); set_config('system','curl_timeout', $timeout); info( t('Site settings updated.') . EOL); goaway(z_root() . '/admin/site' ); } /** * @brief Admin page site. * * @return string with HTML */ function get() { /* Installed langs */ $lang_choices = array(); $langs = glob('view/*/hstrings.php'); if(is_array($langs) && count($langs)) { if(! in_array('view/en/hstrings.php',$langs)) $langs[] = 'view/en/'; asort($langs); foreach($langs as $l) { $t = explode("/",$l); $lang_choices[$t[1]] = $t[1]; } } /* Installed themes */ $theme_choices_mobile["---"] = t("Default"); $theme_choices = array(); $files = glob('view/theme/*'); if($files) { foreach($files as $file) { $vars = ''; $f = basename($file); $info = get_theme_info($f); $compatible = check_plugin_versions($info); if(!$compatible) { $theme_choices[$f] = $theme_choices_mobile[$f] = sprintf(t('%s - (Incompatible)'), $f); continue; } if (file_exists($file . '/library')) continue; if (file_exists($file . '/mobile')) $vars = t('mobile'); if (file_exists($file . '/experimental')) $vars .= t('experimental'); if (file_exists($file . '/unsupported')) $vars .= t('unsupported'); if ($vars) { $theme_choices[$f] = $f . ' (' . $vars . ')'; $theme_choices_mobile[$f] = $f . ' (' . $vars . ')'; } else { $theme_choices[$f] = $f; $theme_choices_mobile[$f] = $f; } } } $dir_choices = null; $dirmode = get_config('system','directory_mode'); $realm = get_directory_realm(); // directory server should not be set or settable unless we are a directory client if($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL) { $x = q("select site_url from site where site_flags in (%d,%d) and site_realm = '%s' and site_dead = 0", intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY), intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY), dbesc($realm) ); if($x) { $dir_choices = array(); foreach($x as $xx) { $dir_choices[$xx['site_url']] = $xx['site_url']; } } } /* Banner */ $banner = get_config('system', 'banner'); if($banner === false) $banner = get_config('system','sitename'); $banner = htmlspecialchars($banner); /* Admin Info */ $admininfo = get_config('system', 'admininfo'); /* Register policy */ $register_choices = Array( REGISTER_CLOSED => t("No"), REGISTER_APPROVE => t("Yes - with approval"), REGISTER_OPEN => t("Yes") ); /* Acess policy */ $access_choices = Array( ACCESS_PRIVATE => t("My site is not a public server"), ACCESS_PAID => t("My site has paid access only"), ACCESS_FREE => t("My site has free access only"), ACCESS_TIERED => t("My site offers free accounts with optional paid upgrades") ); $discover_tab = get_config('system','disable_discover_tab'); // $disable public streams by default if($discover_tab === false) $discover_tab = 1; // now invert the logic for the setting. $discover_tab = (1 - $discover_tab); $techlevels = [ '0' => t('Beginner/Basic'), '1' => t('Novice - not skilled but willing to learn'), '2' => t('Intermediate - somewhat comfortable'), '3' => t('Advanced - very comfortable'), '4' => t('Expert - I can write computer code'), '5' => t('Wizard - I probably know more than you do') ]; $homelogin = get_config('system','login_on_homepage'); $enable_context_help = get_config('system','enable_context_help'); $t = get_markup_template("admin_site.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Site'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$registration' => t('Registration'), '$upload' => t('File upload'), '$corporate' => t('Policies'), '$advanced' => t('Advanced'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), // name, label, value, help string, extra data... '$sitename' => array('sitename', t("Site name"), htmlspecialchars(get_config('system','sitename'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),''), '$techlevel' => [ 'techlevel', t('Site default technical skill level'), get_config('system','techlevel'), t('Used to provide a member experience matched to technical comfort level'), $techlevels ], '$techlock' => [ 'techlock', t('Lock the technical skill level setting'), get_config('system','techlevel_lock'), t('Members can set their own technical comfort level by default') ], '$banner' => array('banner', t("Banner/Logo"), $banner, ""), '$admininfo' => array('admininfo', t("Administrator Information"), $admininfo, t("Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here")), '$siteinfo' => array('siteinfo', t('Site Information'), get_config('system','siteinfo'), t("Publicly visible description of this site. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here")), '$language' => array('language', t("System language"), get_config('system','language'), "", $lang_choices), '$theme' => array('theme', t("System theme"), get_config('system','theme'), t("Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings"), $theme_choices), '$theme_mobile' => array('theme_mobile', t("Mobile system theme"), get_config('system','mobile_theme'), t("Theme for mobile devices"), $theme_choices_mobile), // '$site_channel' => array('site_channel', t("Channel to use for this website's static pages"), get_config('system','site_channel'), t("Site Channel")), '$feed_contacts' => array('feed_contacts', t('Allow Feeds as Connections'),get_config('system','feed_contacts'),t('(Heavy system resource usage)')), '$maximagesize' => array('maximagesize', t("Maximum image size"), intval(get_config('system','maximagesize')), t("Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits.")), '$register_policy' => array('register_policy', t("Does this site allow new member registration?"), get_config('system','register_policy'), "", $register_choices), '$invite_only' => array('invite_only', t("Invitation only"), get_config('system','invitation_only'), t("Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register policy must be set to Yes.")), '$minimum_age' => array('minimum_age', t("Minimum age"), (x(get_config('system','minimum_age'))?get_config('system','minimum_age'):13), t("Minimum age (in years) for who may register on this site.")), '$access_policy' => array('access_policy', t("Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"), get_config('system','access_policy'), "This is displayed on the public server site list.", $access_choices), '$register_text' => array('register_text', t("Register text"), htmlspecialchars(get_config('system','register_text'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), t("Will be displayed prominently on the registration page.")), '$frontpage' => array('frontpage', t("Site homepage to show visitors (default: login box)"), get_config('system','frontpage'), t("example: 'public' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to show a system webpage called 'home' or 'include:home.html' to include a file.")), '$mirror_frontpage' => array('mirror_frontpage', t("Preserve site homepage URL"), get_config('system','mirror_frontpage'), t('Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of redirecting')), '$abandon_days' => array('abandon_days', t('Accounts abandoned after x days'), get_config('system','account_abandon_days'), t('Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit.')), '$allowed_sites' => array('allowed_sites', t("Allowed friend domains"), get_config('system','allowed_sites'), t("Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains")), '$verify_email' => array('verify_email', t("Verify Email Addresses"), get_config('system','verify_email'), t("Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended).")), '$force_publish' => array('publish_all', t("Force publish"), get_config('system','publish_all'), t("Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory.")), '$disable_discover_tab' => array('disable_discover_tab', t('Import Public Streams'), $discover_tab, t('Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: this content is unmoderated.')), '$login_on_homepage' => array('login_on_homepage', t("Login on Homepage"),((intval($homelogin) || $homelogin === false) ? 1 : '') , t("Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has been configured.")), '$enable_context_help' => array('enable_context_help', t("Enable context help"),((intval($enable_context_help) === 1 || $enable_context_help === false) ? 1 : 0) , t("Display contextual help for the current page when the help button is pressed.")), '$reply_address' => [ 'reply_address', t('Reply-to email address for system generated email.'), get_config('system','reply_address','noreply@' . \App::get_hostname()),'' ], '$from_email' => [ 'from_email', t('Sender (From) email address for system generated email.'), get_config('system','from_email','Administrator@' . \App::get_hostname()),'' ], '$from_email_name' => [ 'from_email_name', t('Name of email sender for system generated email.'), get_config('system','from_email_name',\Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_site_name()),'' ], '$directory_server' => (($dir_choices) ? array('directory_server', t("Directory Server URL"), get_config('system','directory_server'), t("Default directory server"), $dir_choices) : null), '$proxyuser' => array('proxyuser', t("Proxy user"), get_config('system','proxyuser'), ""), '$proxy' => array('proxy', t("Proxy URL"), get_config('system','proxy'), ""), '$timeout' => array('timeout', t("Network timeout"), (x(get_config('system','curl_timeout'))?get_config('system','curl_timeout'):60), t("Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended).")), '$delivery_interval' => array('delivery_interval', t("Delivery interval"), (x(get_config('system','delivery_interval'))?get_config('system','delivery_interval'):2), t("Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 for large dedicated servers.")), '$delivery_batch_count' => array('delivery_batch_count', t('Deliveries per process'),(x(get_config('system','delivery_batch_count'))?get_config('system','delivery_batch_count'):1), t("Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5.")), '$force_queue' => array('force_queue', t("Queue Threshold"), get_config('system','force_queue_threshold',3000), t("Always defer immediate delivery if queue contains more than this number of entries.")), '$poll_interval' => array('poll_interval', t("Poll interval"), (x(get_config('system','poll_interval'))?get_config('system','poll_interval'):2), t("Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. If 0, use delivery interval.")), '$imagick_path' => array('imagick_path', t("Path to ImageMagick convert program"), get_config('system','imagick_convert_path'), t("If set, use this program to generate photo thumbnails for huge images ( > 4000 pixels in either dimension), otherwise memory exhaustion may occur. Example: /usr/bin/convert")), '$thumbnail_security' => array('thumbnail_security', t("Allow SVG thumbnails in file browser"), get_config('system','thumbnail_security',0), t("WARNING: SVG images may contain malicious code.")), '$maxloadavg' => array('maxloadavg', t("Maximum Load Average"), ((intval(get_config('system','maxloadavg')) > 0)?get_config('system','maxloadavg'):50), t("Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 50.")), '$default_expire_days' => array('default_expire_days', t('Expiration period in days for imported (grid/network) content'), intval(get_config('system','default_expire_days')), t('0 for no expiration of imported content')), '$sellpage' => array('site_sellpage', t('Public servers: Optional landing (marketing) webpage for new registrants'), get_config('system','sellpage',''), sprintf( t('Create this page first. Default is %s/register'),z_root())), '$location' => array('site_location', t('Optional: site location'), get_config('system','site_location',''), t('Region or country')), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_site"), )); } }