<?php namespace Zotlabs\Lib; class Share { private $item = null; public function __construct($post_id) { if(! $post_id) return; if(! (local_channel() || remote_channel())) return; $r = q("SELECT * from item left join xchan on author_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", intval($post_id) ); if(! $r) return; if(($r[0]['item_private']) && ($r[0]['xchan_network'] !== 'rss')) return; $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($r[0]['uid']); $r = q("select * from item where id = %d $sql_extra", intval($post_id) ); if(! $r) return; if($r[0]['mimetype'] !== 'text/bbcode') return; /** @FIXME eventually we want to post remotely via rpost on your home site */ // When that works remove this next bit: if(! local_channel()) return; xchan_query($r); $this->item = $r[0]; return; } public function obj() { $obj = []; if(! $this->item) return $obj; $obj['type'] = $this->item['obj_type']; $obj['id'] = $this->item['mid']; $obj['content'] = $this->item['body']; $obj['content_type'] = $this->item['mimetype']; $obj['title'] = $this->item['title']; $obj['created'] = $this->item['created']; $obj['edited'] = $this->item['edited']; $obj['author'] = [ 'name' => $this->item['author']['xchan_name'], 'address' => $this->item['author']['xchan_addr'], 'network' => $this->item['author']['xchan_network'], 'link' => [ [ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $this->item['author']['xchan_url'] ], [ 'rel' => 'photo', 'type' => $this->item['author']['xchan_photo_mimetype'], 'href' => $this->item['author']['xchan_photo_m'] ] ] ]; $obj['owner'] = [ 'name' => $this->item['owner']['xchan_name'], 'address' => $this->item['owner']['xchan_addr'], 'network' => $this->item['owner']['xchan_network'], 'link' => [ [ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $this->item['owner']['xchan_url'] ], [ 'rel' => 'photo', 'type' => $this->item['owner']['xchan_photo_mimetype'], 'href' => $this->item['owner']['xchan_photo_m'] ] ] ]; $obj['link'] = [ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $this->item['plink'] ]; return $obj; } public function bbcode() { $bb = NULL_STR; if(! $this->item) return $bb; $is_photo = (($this->item['obj_type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_PHOTO) ? true : false); if($is_photo) { $object = json_decode($this->item['obj'],true); $photo_bb = $object['body']; } if (strpos($this->item['body'], "[/share]") !== false) { $pos = strpos($this->item['body'], "[share"); $bb = substr($this->item['body'], $pos); } else { $bb = "[share author='".urlencode($this->item['author']['xchan_name']). "' profile='" . $this->item['author']['xchan_url'] . "' avatar='" . $this->item['author']['xchan_photo_s'] . "' link='" . $this->item['plink'] . "' auth='" . (($this->item['author']['network'] === 'zot') ? 'true' : 'false') . "' posted='" . $this->item['created'] . "' message_id='" . $this->item['mid'] . "']"; if($this->item['title']) $bb .= '[b]'.$this->item['title'].'[/b]'."\r\n"; $bb .= (($is_photo) ? $photo_bb . "\r\n" . $this->item['body'] : $this->item['body']); $bb .= "[/share]"; } return $bb; } }