'application/activity+json, application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"', 'Host' => $m['host'], '(request-target)' => 'get ' . get_request_string($url), 'Date' => datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now','D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' UTC' ]; $h = HTTPSig::create_sig($headers,$channel['channel_prvkey'],channel_url($channel),false); $x = z_fetch_url($url, true, $redirects, [ 'headers' => $h ] ); } if($x['success']) { $y = json_decode($x['body'],true); logger('returned: ' . json_encode($y,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), LOGGER_DEBUG); return json_decode($x['body'], true); } else { logger('fetch failed: ' . $url); } return null; } static function fetch_person($x) { return self::fetch_profile($x); } static function fetch_profile($x) { $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_url like '%s' limit 1", dbesc($x['id'] . '/%') ); if(! $r) { $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($x['id']) ); } if(! $r) return []; return self::encode_person($r[0]); } static function fetch_thing($x) { $r = q("select * from obj where obj_type = %d and obj_obj = '%s' limit 1", intval(TERM_OBJ_THING), dbesc($x['id']) ); if(! $r) return []; $x = [ 'type' => 'Object', 'id' => z_root() . '/thing/' . $r[0]['obj_obj'], 'name' => $r[0]['obj_term'] ]; if($r[0]['obj_image']) $x['image'] = $r[0]['obj_image']; return $x; } static function fetch_item($x) { if (array_key_exists('source',$x)) { // This item is already processed and encoded return $x; } $r = q("select * from item where mid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($x['id']) ); if($r) { xchan_query($r,true); $r = fetch_post_tags($r,true); return self::encode_item($r[0]); } } static function fetch_image($x) { $ret = [ 'type' => 'Image', 'id' => $x['id'], 'name' => $x['title'], 'content' => bbcode($x['body'], [ 'cache' => true ]), 'source' => [ 'mediaType' => 'text/bbcode', 'content' => $x['body'] ], 'published' => datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$x['created'],ATOM_TIME), 'updated' => datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $x['edited'],ATOM_TIME), 'url' => [ 'type' => 'Link', 'mediaType' => $x['link'][0]['type'], 'href' => $x['link'][0]['href'], 'width' => $x['link'][0]['width'], 'height' => $x['link'][0]['height'] ] ]; return $ret; } static function fetch_event($x) { // convert old Zot event objects to ActivityStreams Event objects if (array_key_exists('content',$x) && array_key_exists('dtstart',$x)) { $ev = bbtoevent($x['content']); if($ev) { $actor = null; if(array_key_exists('author',$x) && array_key_exists('link',$x['author'])) { $actor = $x['author']['link'][0]['href']; } $y = [ 'type' => 'Event', 'id' => z_root() . '/event/' . $ev['event_hash'], 'summary' => bbcode($ev['summary'], [ 'cache' => true ]), // RFC3339 Section 4.3 'startTime' => (($ev['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ev['dtstart'], ATOM_TIME) : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ev['dtstart'],'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s-00:00')), 'content' => bbcode($ev['description'], [ 'cache' => true ]), 'location' => [ 'type' => 'Place', 'content' => bbcode($ev['location'], [ 'cache' => true ]) ], 'source' => [ 'content' => format_event_bbcode($ev), 'mediaType' => 'text/bbcode' ], 'actor' => $actor, ]; if(! $ev['nofinish']) { $y['endTime'] = (($ev['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ev['dtend'], ATOM_TIME) : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ev['dtend'],'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s-00:00')); } // copy attachments from the passed object - these are already formatted for ActivityStreams if($x['attachment']) { $y['attachment'] = $x['attachment']; } if($actor) { return $y; } } } return $x; } static function encode_item_collection($items,$id,$type,$extra = null) { $ret = [ 'id' => z_root() . '/' . $id, 'type' => $type, 'totalItems' => count($items), ]; if($extra) $ret = array_merge($ret,$extra); if($items) { $x = []; foreach($items as $i) { $t = self::encode_activity($i); if($t) $x[] = $t; } if($type === 'OrderedCollection') $ret['orderedItems'] = $x; else $ret['items'] = $x; } return $ret; } static function encode_follow_collection($items,$id,$type,$extra = null) { $ret = [ 'id' => z_root() . '/' . $id, 'type' => $type, 'totalItems' => count($items), ]; if($extra) $ret = array_merge($ret,$extra); if($items) { $x = []; foreach($items as $i) { if($i['xchan_url']) { $x[] = $i['xchan_url']; } } if($type === 'OrderedCollection') $ret['orderedItems'] = $x; else $ret['items'] = $x; } return $ret; } static function encode_item($i) { $ret = []; $objtype = self::activity_obj_mapper($i['obj_type']); if(intval($i['item_deleted'])) { $ret['type'] = 'Tombstone'; $ret['formerType'] = $objtype; $ret['id'] = ((strpos($i['mid'],'http') === 0) ? $i['mid'] : z_root() . '/item/' . urlencode($i['mid'])); return $ret; } $ret['type'] = $objtype; $ret['id'] = ((strpos($i['mid'],'http') === 0) ? $i['mid'] : z_root() . '/item/' . urlencode($i['mid'])); if($i['title']) $ret['name'] = $i['title']; $ret['published'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$i['created'],ATOM_TIME); if($i['created'] !== $i['edited']) $ret['updated'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$i['edited'],ATOM_TIME); if ($i['expires'] <= NULL_DATE) { $ret['expires'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$i['expires'],ATOM_TIME); } if($i['app']) { $ret['generator'] = [ 'type' => 'Application', 'name' => $i['app'] ]; } if($i['location'] || $i['coord']) { $ret['location'] = [ 'type' => 'Place' ]; if($i['location']) { $ret['location']['name'] = $i['location']; } if($i['coord']) { $l = explode(' ',$i['coord']); $ret['location']['latitude'] = $l[0]; $ret['location']['longitude'] = $l[1]; } } if (intval($i['item_private']) === 2) { $ret['directMessage'] = true; } $ret['attributedTo'] = $i['author']['xchan_url']; if($i['id'] != $i['parent']) { $ret['inReplyTo'] = ((strpos($i['thr_parent'],'http') === 0) ? $i['thr_parent'] : z_root() . '/item/' . urlencode($i['thr_parent'])); } if($i['mimetype'] === 'text/bbcode') { if($i['title']) $ret['name'] = bbcode($i['title'], [ 'cache' => true ]); if($i['summary']) $ret['summary'] = bbcode($i['summary'], [ 'cache' => true ]); $ret['content'] = bbcode($i['body'], [ 'cache' => true ]); $ret['source'] = [ 'content' => $i['body'], 'mediaType' => 'text/bbcode' ]; } $actor = self::encode_person($i['author'],false); if($actor) $ret['actor'] = $actor; else return []; $t = self::encode_taxonomy($i); if($t) { $ret['tag'] = $t; } $a = self::encode_attachment($i); if($a) { $ret['attachment'] = $a; } return $ret; } static function decode_taxonomy($item) { $ret = []; if($item['tag']) { foreach($item['tag'] as $t) { if(! array_key_exists('type',$t)) $t['type'] = 'Hashtag'; switch($t['type']) { case 'Hashtag': $ret[] = [ 'ttype' => TERM_HASHTAG, 'url' => ((isset($t['href'])) ? $t['href'] : $t['id']), 'term' => escape_tags((substr($t['name'],0,1) === '#') ? substr($t['name'],1) : $t['name']) ]; break; case 'Mention': $mention_type = substr($t['name'],0,1); if($mention_type === '!') { $ret[] = [ 'ttype' => TERM_FORUM, 'url' => $t['href'], 'term' => escape_tags(substr($t['name'],1)) ]; } else { $ret[] = [ 'ttype' => TERM_MENTION, 'url' => $t['href'], 'term' => escape_tags((substr($t['name'],0,1) === '@') ? substr($t['name'],1) : $t['name']) ]; } break; default: break; } } } return $ret; } static function encode_taxonomy($item) { $ret = []; if($item['term']) { foreach($item['term'] as $t) { switch($t['ttype']) { case TERM_HASHTAG: // href is required so if we don't have a url in the taxonomy, ignore it and keep going. if($t['url']) { $ret[] = [ 'type' => 'Hashtag', 'href' => $t['url'], 'name' => '#' . $t['term'] ]; } break; case TERM_FORUM: $ret[] = [ 'type' => 'Mention', 'href' => $t['url'], 'name' => '!' . $t['term'] ]; break; case TERM_MENTION: $ret[] = [ 'type' => 'Mention', 'href' => $t['url'], 'name' => '@' . $t['term'] ]; break; default: break; } } } return $ret; } static function encode_attachment($item) { $ret = []; if($item['attach']) { $atts = ((is_array($item['attach'])) ? $item['attach'] : json_decode($item['attach'],true)); if($atts) { foreach($atts as $att) { if(strpos($att['type'],'image')) { $ret[] = [ 'type' => 'Image', 'url' => $att['href'] ]; } else { $ret[] = [ 'type' => 'Link', 'mediaType' => $att['type'], 'href' => $att['href'] ]; } } } } return $ret; } static function decode_attachment($item) { $ret = []; if($item['attachment']) { foreach($item['attachment'] as $att) { $entry = []; if($att['href']) $entry['href'] = $att['href']; elseif($att['url']) $entry['href'] = $att['url']; if($att['mediaType']) $entry['type'] = $att['mediaType']; elseif($att['type'] === 'Image') $entry['type'] = 'image/jpeg'; if($entry) $ret[] = $entry; } } return $ret; } static function encode_activity($i) { $ret = []; $reply = false; if(intval($i['item_deleted'])) { $ret['type'] = 'Tombstone'; $ret['formerType'] = self::activity_obj_mapper($i['obj_type']); $ret['id'] = ((strpos($i['mid'],'http') === 0) ? $i['mid'] : z_root() . '/item/' . urlencode($i['mid'])); $actor = self::encode_person($i['author'],false); if($actor) $ret['actor'] = $actor; else return []; return $ret; } if($i['verb'] === ACTIVITY_FRIEND) { // Hubzilla 'make-friend' activity, no direct mapping from AS1 to AS2 - make it a note $ret['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; $ret['obj'] = []; } $ret['type'] = self::activity_mapper($i['verb']); if($ret['type'] === 'emojiReaction') { // There may not be an object for these items for legacy reasons - it should be the conversation parent. $p = q("select * from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d", dbesc($i['parent_mid']), intval($i['uid']) ); if($p) { xchan_query($p,true); $p = fetch_post_tags($p,true); $i['obj'] = self::encode_item($p[0]); } } $ret['id'] = ((strpos($i['mid'],'http') === 0) ? $i['mid'] : z_root() . '/activity/' . urlencode($i['mid'])); if($i['title']) $ret['name'] = html2plain(bbcode($i['title'], [ 'cache' => true ])); if($i['summary']) $ret['summary'] = bbcode($i['summary'], [ 'cache' => true ]); if($ret['type'] === 'Announce') { $tmp = preg_replace('/\[share(.*?)\[\/share\]/ism',EMPTY_STR, $i['body']); $ret['content'] = bbcode($tmp, [ 'cache' => true ]); $ret['source'] = [ 'content' => $i['body'], 'mediaType' => 'text/bbcode' ]; } $ret['published'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$i['created'],ATOM_TIME); if($i['created'] !== $i['edited']) $ret['updated'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$i['edited'],ATOM_TIME); if($i['app']) { $ret['generator'] = [ 'type' => 'Application', 'name' => $i['app'] ]; } if($i['location'] || $i['coord']) { $ret['location'] = [ 'type' => 'Place' ]; if($i['location']) { $ret['location']['name'] = $i['location']; } if($i['coord']) { $l = explode(' ',$i['coord']); $ret['location']['latitude'] = $l[0]; $ret['location']['longitude'] = $l[1]; } } if($i['id'] != $i['parent']) { $ret['inReplyTo'] = ((strpos($i['thr_parent'],'http') === 0) ? $i['thr_parent'] : z_root() . '/item/' . urlencode($i['thr_parent'])); $reply = true; if($i['item_private']) { $d = q("select xchan_url, xchan_addr, xchan_name from item left join xchan on xchan_hash = author_xchan where id = %d limit 1", intval($i['parent']) ); if($d) { $is_directmessage = false; $recips = get_iconfig($i['parent'], 'activitypub', 'recips'); if(in_array($i['author']['xchan_url'], $recips['to'])) { $reply_url = $d[0]['xchan_url']; $is_directmessage = true; } else { $reply_url = z_root() . '/followers/' . substr($i['author']['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($i['author']['xchan_addr'],'@')); } $reply_addr = (($d[0]['xchan_addr']) ? $d[0]['xchan_addr'] : $d[0]['xchan_name']); } } } $actor = self::encode_person($i['author'],false); if($actor) $ret['actor'] = $actor; else return []; if(strpos($i['body'],'[/share]') !== false) { $i['obj'] = null; } if($i['obj']) { if(! is_array($i['obj'])) { $i['obj'] = json_decode($i['obj'],true); } if($i['obj']['type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_PHOTO) { $i['obj']['id'] = $i['id']; } $obj = self::encode_object($i['obj']); if($obj) $ret['object'] = $obj; else return []; } else { $obj = self::encode_item($i); if($obj) $ret['object'] = $obj; else return []; } if($i['target']) { if(! is_array($i['target'])) { $i['target'] = json_decode($i['target'],true); } $tgt = self::encode_object($i['target']); if($tgt) $ret['target'] = $tgt; else return []; } return $ret; } static function map_mentions($i) { if(! $i['term']) { return []; } $list = []; foreach ($i['term'] as $t) { if($t['ttype'] == TERM_MENTION) { $list[] = $t['url']; } } return $list; } static function map_acl($i,$mentions = false) { $private = false; $list = []; $x = collect_recipients($i,$private); if($x) { stringify_array_elms($x); if(! $x) return; $strict = (($mentions) ? true : get_config('activitypub','compliance')); $sql_extra = (($strict) ? " and xchan_network = 'activitypub' " : ''); $details = q("select xchan_url, xchan_addr, xchan_name from xchan where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',',$x) . ") $sql_extra"); if($details) { foreach($details as $d) { if($mentions) { $list[] = [ 'type' => 'Mention', 'href' => $d['xchan_url'], 'name' => '@' . (($d['xchan_addr']) ? $d['xchan_addr'] : $d['xchan_name']) ]; } else { $list[] = $d['xchan_url']; } } } } return $list; } static function encode_person($p, $extended = true) { if(! $p['xchan_url']) return []; if(! $extended) { return $p['xchan_url']; } $ret = []; $c = ((array_key_exists('channel_id',$p)) ? $p : channelx_by_hash($p['xchan_hash'])); $ret['type'] = 'Person'; if ($c) { $role = get_pconfig($c['channel_id'],'system','permissions_role'); if (strpos($role,'forum') !== false) { $ret['type'] = 'Group'; } } if ($c) { $ret['id'] = channel_url($c); } else { $ret['id'] = ((strpos($p['xchan_hash'],'http') === 0) ? $p['xchan_hash'] : $p['xchan_url']); } if($p['xchan_addr'] && strpos($p['xchan_addr'],'@')) $ret['preferredUsername'] = substr($p['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($p['xchan_addr'],'@')); $ret['name'] = $p['xchan_name']; $ret['updated'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$p['xchan_name_date'],ATOM_TIME); $ret['icon'] = [ 'type' => 'Image', 'mediaType' => (($p['xchan_photo_mimetype']) ? $p['xchan_photo_mimetype'] : 'image/png' ), 'updated' => datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$p['xchan_photo_date'],ATOM_TIME), 'url' => $p['xchan_photo_l'], 'height' => 300, 'width' => 300, ]; $ret['url'] = [ [ 'type' => 'Link', 'mediaType' => 'text/html', 'href' => $p['xchan_url'] ], [ 'type' => 'Link', 'mediaType' => 'text/x-zot+json', 'href' => $p['xchan_url'] ] ]; $arr = [ 'xchan' => $p, 'encoded' => $ret ]; call_hooks('encode_person', $arr); $ret = $arr['encoded']; return $ret; } static function activity_mapper($verb) { if(strpos($verb,'/') === false) { return $verb; } $acts = [ 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post' => 'Create', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/share' => 'Announce', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/update' => 'Update', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/like' => 'Like', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/favorite' => 'Like', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/dislike' => 'Dislike', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/tag' => 'Add', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/follow' => 'Follow', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/unfollow' => 'Unfollow', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/attendyes' => 'Accept', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/attendno' => 'Reject', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/attendmaybe' => 'TentativeAccept' ]; if(array_key_exists($verb,$acts) && $acts[$verb]) { return $acts[$verb]; } // Reactions will just map to normal activities if(strpos($verb,ACTIVITY_REACT) !== false) return 'emojiReaction'; if(strpos($verb,ACTIVITY_MOOD) !== false) return 'Create'; if(strpos($verb,ACTIVITY_POKE) !== false) return 'Activity'; // We should return false, however this will trigger an uncaught execption and crash // the delivery system if encountered by the JSON-LDSignature library logger('Unmapped activity: ' . $verb); return 'Create'; // return false; } static function activity_decode_mapper($verb) { $acts = [ 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post' => 'Create', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/share' => 'Announce', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/update' => 'Update', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/like' => 'Like', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/favorite' => 'Like', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/dislike' => 'Dislike', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/tag' => 'Add', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/follow' => 'Follow', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/unfollow' => 'Unfollow', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/attendyes' => 'Accept', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/attendno' => 'Reject', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/attendmaybe' => 'TentativeAccept' ]; foreach($acts as $k => $v) { if($verb === $v) { return $k; } } logger('Unmapped activity: ' . $verb); return 'Create'; } static function activity_obj_decode_mapper($obj) { $objs = [ 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note' => 'Note', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note' => 'Article', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/comment' => 'Note', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/person' => 'Person', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/profile' => 'Profile', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/photo' => 'Image', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/profile-photo' => 'Icon', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/event' => 'Event', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/wiki' => 'Document', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/location' => 'Place', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/chessgame' => 'Game', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/tagterm' => 'zot:Tag', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/thing' => 'Object', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/file' => 'zot:File', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/mood' => 'zot:Mood', ]; foreach($objs as $k => $v) { if($obj === $v) { return $k; } } logger('Unmapped activity object: ' . $obj); return 'Note'; } static function activity_obj_mapper($obj) { if(strpos($obj,'/') === false) { return $obj; } $objs = [ 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note' => 'Note', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/comment' => 'Note', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/person' => 'Person', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/profile' => 'Profile', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/photo' => 'Image', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/profile-photo' => 'Icon', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/event' => 'Event', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/wiki' => 'Document', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/location' => 'Place', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/chessgame' => 'Game', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/tagterm' => 'zot:Tag', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/thing' => 'Object', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/file' => 'zot:File', 'http://purl.org/zot/activity/mood' => 'zot:Mood', ]; if(array_key_exists($obj,$objs)) { return $objs[$obj]; } logger('Unmapped activity object: ' . $obj); return 'Note'; // return false; } static function follow($channel,$act) { $contact = null; $their_follow_id = null; /* * * if $act->type === 'Follow', actor is now following $channel * if $act->type === 'Accept', actor has approved a follow request from $channel * */ $person_obj = $act->actor; if($act->type === 'Follow') { $their_follow_id = $act->id; } elseif($act->type === 'Accept') { $my_follow_id = z_root() . '/follow/' . $contact['id']; } if(is_array($person_obj)) { // store their xchan and hubloc self::actor_store($person_obj['id'],$person_obj); // Find any existing abook record $r = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($person_obj['id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($r) { $contact = $r[0]; } } $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms('social'); $p = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']); $their_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::serialise($p); if($contact && $contact['abook_id']) { // A relationship of some form already exists on this site. switch($act->type) { case 'Follow': // A second Follow request, but we haven't approved the first one if($contact['abook_pending']) { return; } // We've already approved them or followed them first // Send an Accept back to them set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$person_obj['id'],'pubcrawl','their_follow_id', $their_follow_id); Master::Summon([ 'Notifier', 'permissions_accept', $contact['abook_id'] ]); return; case 'Accept': // They accepted our Follow request - set default permissions set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$contact['abook_xchan'],'system','their_perms',$their_perms); $abook_instance = $contact['abook_instance']; if(strpos($abook_instance,z_root()) === false) { if($abook_instance) $abook_instance .= ','; $abook_instance .= z_root(); $r = q("update abook set abook_instance = '%s', abook_not_here = 0 where abook_id = %d and abook_channel = %d", dbesc($abook_instance), intval($contact['abook_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } return; default: return; } } // No previous relationship exists. if($act->type === 'Accept') { // This should not happen unless we deleted the connection before it was accepted. return; } // From here on out we assume a Follow activity to somebody we have no existing relationship with set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$person_obj['id'],'pubcrawl','their_follow_id', $their_follow_id); // The xchan should have been created by actor_store() above $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' and xchan_network = 'activitypub' limit 1", dbesc($person_obj['id']) ); if(! $r) { logger('xchan not found for ' . $person_obj['id']); return; } $ret = $r[0]; $p = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::connect_perms($channel['channel_id']); $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::serialise($p['perms']); $automatic = $p['automatic']; $closeness = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'],'system','new_abook_closeness',80); $r = abook_store_lowlevel( [ 'abook_account' => intval($channel['channel_account_id']), 'abook_channel' => intval($channel['channel_id']), 'abook_xchan' => $ret['xchan_hash'], 'abook_closeness' => intval($closeness), 'abook_created' => datetime_convert(), 'abook_updated' => datetime_convert(), 'abook_connected' => datetime_convert(), 'abook_dob' => NULL_DATE, 'abook_pending' => intval(($automatic) ? 0 : 1), 'abook_instance' => z_root() ] ); if($my_perms) set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$ret['xchan_hash'],'system','my_perms',$my_perms); if($their_perms) set_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$ret['xchan_hash'],'system','their_perms',$their_perms); if($r) { logger("New ActivityPub follower for {$channel['channel_name']}"); $new_connection = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' order by abook_created desc limit 1", intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($ret['xchan_hash']) ); if($new_connection) { \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit( [ 'type' => NOTIFY_INTRO, 'from_xchan' => $ret['xchan_hash'], 'to_xchan' => $channel['channel_hash'], 'link' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $new_connection[0]['abook_id'], ] ); if($my_perms && $automatic) { // send an Accept for this Follow activity Master::Summon([ 'Notifier', 'permissions_accept', $new_connection[0]['abook_id'] ]); // Send back a Follow notification to them Master::Summon([ 'Notifier', 'permissions_create', $new_connection[0]['abook_id'] ]); } $clone = array(); foreach($new_connection[0] as $k => $v) { if(strpos($k,'abook_') === 0) { $clone[$k] = $v; } } unset($clone['abook_id']); unset($clone['abook_account']); unset($clone['abook_channel']); $abconfig = load_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$clone['abook_xchan']); if($abconfig) $clone['abconfig'] = $abconfig; Libsync::build_sync_packet($channel['channel_id'], [ 'abook' => array($clone) ] ); } } /* If there is a default group for this channel and permissions are automatic, add this member to it */ if($channel['channel_default_group'] && $automatic) { $g = Group::rec_byhash($channel['channel_id'],$channel['channel_default_group']); if($g) Group::member_add($channel['channel_id'],'',$ret['xchan_hash'],$g['id']); } return; } static function unfollow($channel,$act) { $contact = null; /* @FIXME This really needs to be a signed request. */ /* actor is unfollowing $channel */ $person_obj = $act->actor; if(is_array($person_obj)) { $r = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($person_obj['id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($r) { // remove all permissions they provided del_abconfig($channel['channel_id'],$r[0]['xchan_hash'],'system','their_perms',EMPTY_STR); } } return; } static function actor_store($url,$person_obj) { if(! is_array($person_obj)) return; $name = $person_obj['name']; if(! $name) $name = $person_obj['preferredUsername']; if(! $name) $name = t('Unknown'); if($person_obj['icon']) { if(is_array($person_obj['icon'])) { if(array_key_exists('url',$person_obj['icon'])) $icon = $person_obj['icon']['url']; else $icon = $person_obj['icon'][0]['url']; } else $icon = $person_obj['icon']; } if(is_array($person_obj['url']) && array_key_exists('href', $person_obj['url'])) $profile = $person_obj['url']['href']; else $profile = $url; $inbox = $person_obj['inbox']; $collections = []; if($inbox) { $collections['inbox'] = $inbox; if($person_obj['outbox']) $collections['outbox'] = $person_obj['outbox']; if($person_obj['followers']) $collections['followers'] = $person_obj['followers']; if($person_obj['following']) $collections['following'] = $person_obj['following']; if($person_obj['endpoints'] && $person_obj['endpoints']['sharedInbox']) $collections['sharedInbox'] = $person_obj['endpoints']['sharedInbox']; } if(array_key_exists('publicKey',$person_obj) && array_key_exists('publicKeyPem',$person_obj['publicKey'])) { if($person_obj['id'] === $person_obj['publicKey']['owner']) { $pubkey = $person_obj['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']; if(strstr($pubkey,'RSA ')) { $pubkey = rsatopem($pubkey); } } } $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($url) ); if(! $r) { // create a new record $r = xchan_store_lowlevel( [ 'xchan_hash' => $url, 'xchan_guid' => $url, 'xchan_pubkey' => $pubkey, 'xchan_addr' => '', 'xchan_url' => $profile, 'xchan_name' => $name, 'xchan_name_date' => datetime_convert(), 'xchan_network' => 'activitypub' ] ); } else { // Record exists. Cache existing records for one week at most // then refetch to catch updated profile photos, names, etc. $d = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 1 week'); if($r[0]['xchan_name_date'] > $d) return; // update existing record $r = q("update xchan set xchan_name = '%s', xchan_pubkey = '%s', xchan_network = '%s', xchan_name_date = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc($name), dbesc($pubkey), dbesc('activitypub'), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($url) ); } if($collections) { set_xconfig($url,'activitypub','collections',$collections); } $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($url) ); $m = parse_url($url); if($m) { $hostname = $m['host']; $baseurl = $m['scheme'] . '://' . $m['host'] . (($m['port']) ? ':' . $m['port'] : ''); } if(! $r) { $r = hubloc_store_lowlevel( [ 'hubloc_guid' => $url, 'hubloc_hash' => $url, 'hubloc_addr' => '', 'hubloc_network' => 'activitypub', 'hubloc_url' => $baseurl, 'hubloc_host' => $hostname, 'hubloc_callback' => $inbox, 'hubloc_updated' => datetime_convert(), 'hubloc_primary' => 1 ] ); } if(! $icon) $icon = z_root() . '/' . get_default_profile_photo(300); $photos = import_xchan_photo($icon,$url); $r = q("update xchan set xchan_photo_date = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_mimetype = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbescdate(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$photos[5])), dbesc($photos[0]), dbesc($photos[1]), dbesc($photos[2]), dbesc($photos[3]), dbesc($url) ); } static function create_action($channel,$observer_hash,$act) { if(in_array($act->obj['type'], [ 'Note', 'Article', 'Video' ])) { self::create_note($channel,$observer_hash,$act); } } static function announce_action($channel,$observer_hash,$act) { if(in_array($act->type, [ 'Announce' ])) { self::announce_note($channel,$observer_hash,$act); } } static function like_action($channel,$observer_hash,$act) { if(in_array($act->obj['type'], [ 'Note', 'Article', 'Video' ])) { self::like_note($channel,$observer_hash,$act); } } // sort function width decreasing static function as_vid_sort($a,$b) { if($a['width'] === $b['width']) return 0; return (($a['width'] > $b['width']) ? -1 : 1); } static function create_note($channel,$observer_hash,$act) { $s = []; // Mastodon only allows visibility in public timelines if the public inbox is listed in the 'to' field. // They are hidden in the public timeline if the public inbox is listed in the 'cc' field. // This is not part of the activitypub protocol - we might change this to show all public posts in pubstream at some point. $pubstream = ((is_array($act->obj) && array_key_exists('to', $act->obj) && in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX, $act->obj['to'])) ? true : false); $is_sys_channel = is_sys_channel($channel['channel_id']); $parent = ((array_key_exists('inReplyTo',$act->obj)) ? urldecode($act->obj['inReplyTo']) : ''); if($parent) { $r = q("select * from item where uid = %d and ( mid = '%s' or mid = '%s' ) limit 1", intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($parent), dbesc(basename($parent)) ); if(! $r) { logger('parent not found.'); return; } if($r[0]['owner_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) { if(! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$observer_hash,'send_stream') && ! ($is_sys_channel && $pubstream)) { logger('no comment permission.'); return; } } $s['parent_mid'] = $r[0]['mid']; $s['owner_xchan'] = $r[0]['owner_xchan']; $s['author_xchan'] = $observer_hash; } else { if(! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$observer_hash,'send_stream') && ! ($is_sys_channel && $pubstream)) { logger('no permission'); return; } $s['owner_xchan'] = $s['author_xchan'] = $observer_hash; } $abook = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($observer_hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); $content = self::get_content($act->obj); if(! $content) { logger('no content'); return; } $s['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $s['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $s['mid'] = urldecode($act->obj['id']); $s['plink'] = urldecode($act->obj['id']); if($act->data['published']) { $s['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['published']); } elseif($act->obj['published']) { $s['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['published']); } if($act->data['updated']) { $s['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['updated']); } elseif($act->obj['updated']) { $s['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['updated']); } if ($act->data['expires']) { $s['expires'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['expires']); } elseif ($act->obj['expires']) { $s['expires'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['expires']); } if(! $s['created']) $s['created'] = datetime_convert(); if(! $s['edited']) $s['edited'] = $s['created']; if(! $s['parent_mid']) $s['parent_mid'] = $s['mid']; $s['title'] = self::bb_content($content,'name'); $s['summary'] = self::bb_content($content,'summary'); $s['body'] = self::bb_content($content,'content'); $s['verb'] = ACTIVITY_POST; $s['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; $generator = $act->get_property_obj('generator'); if(! $generator) $generator = $act->get_property_obj('generator',$act->obj); if($generator && array_key_exists('type',$generator) && in_array($generator['type'], [ 'Application','Service' ] ) && array_key_exists('name',$generator)) { $s['app'] = escape_tags($generator['name']); } if($channel['channel_system']) { if(! \Zotlabs\Lib\MessageFilter::evaluate($s,get_config('system','pubstream_incl'),get_config('system','pubstream_excl'))) { logger('post is filtered'); return; } } if($abook) { if(! post_is_importable($s,$abook[0])) { logger('post is filtered'); return; } } if($act->obj['conversation']) { set_iconfig($s,'ostatus','conversation',$act->obj['conversation'],1); } $a = self::decode_taxonomy($act->obj); if($a) { $s['term'] = $a; } $a = self::decode_attachment($act->obj); if($a) { $s['attach'] = $a; } if($act->obj['type'] === 'Note' && $s['attach']) { $s['body'] .= self::bb_attach($s['attach'],$s['body']); } // we will need a hook here to extract magnet links e.g. peertube // right now just link to the largest mp4 we find that will fit in our // standard content region if($act->obj['type'] === 'Video') { $vtypes = [ 'video/mp4', 'video/ogg', 'video/webm' ]; $mps = []; if(array_key_exists('url',$act->obj) && is_array($act->obj['url'])) { foreach($act->obj['url'] as $vurl) { if(in_array($vurl['mimeType'], $vtypes)) { if(! array_key_exists('width',$vurl)) { $vurl['width'] = 0; } $mps[] = $vurl; } } } if($mps) { usort($mps,'as_vid_sort'); foreach($mps as $m) { if(intval($m['width']) < 500) { $s['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[video]' . $m['href'] . '[/video]'; break; } } } } if($act->recips && (! in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX,$act->recips))) $s['item_private'] = 1; if (array_key_exists('directMessage',$act->obj) && intval($act->obj['directMessage'])) { $s['item_private'] = 2; } set_iconfig($s,'activitypub','recips',$act->raw_recips); if($parent) { set_iconfig($s,'activitypub','rawmsg',$act->raw,1); } $x = null; $r = q("select created, edited from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($s['mid']), intval($s['uid']) ); if($r) { if($s['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) { $x = item_store_update($s); } else { return; } } else { $x = item_store($s); } if(is_array($x) && $x['item_id']) { if($parent) { if($s['owner_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) { // We are the owner of this conversation, so send all received comments back downstream Master::Summon(array('Notifier','comment-import',$x['item_id'])); } $r = q("select * from item where id = %d limit 1", intval($x['item_id']) ); if($r) { send_status_notifications($x['item_id'],$r[0]); } } sync_an_item($channel['channel_id'],$x['item_id']); } } static function get_actor_bbmention($id) { $x = q("select * from hubloc left join xchan on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash where hubloc_hash = '%s' or hubloc_id_url = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($id), dbesc($id) ); if($x) { return sprintf('@[zrl=%s]%s[/zrl]',$x[0]['xchan_url'],$x[0]['xchan_name']); } return '@{' . $id . '}'; } static function decode_note($act) { $response_activity = false; $s = []; if(is_array($act->obj)) { $content = self::get_content($act->obj); } $s['owner_xchan'] = $act->actor['id']; $s['author_xchan'] = $act->actor['id']; // ensure we store the original actor self::actor_store($act->actor['id'],$act->actor); $s['mid'] = $act->obj['id']; $s['parent_mid'] = $act->parent_id; if($act->data['published']) { $s['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['published']); } elseif($act->obj['published']) { $s['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['published']); } if($act->data['updated']) { $s['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['updated']); } elseif($act->obj['updated']) { $s['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['updated']); } if ($act->data['expires']) { $s['expires'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['expires']); } elseif ($act->obj['expires']) { $s['expires'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['expires']); } if(in_array($act->type, [ 'Like', 'Dislike', 'Flag', 'Block', 'Announce', 'Accept', 'Reject', 'TentativeAccept', 'emojiReaction' ])) { $response_activity = true; $s['mid'] = $act->id; $s['parent_mid'] = $act->obj['id']; // over-ride the object timestamp with the activity if($act->data['published']) { $s['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['published']); } if($act->data['updated']) { $s['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->data['updated']); } $obj_actor = ((isset($act->obj['actor'])) ? $act->obj['actor'] : $act->get_actor('attributedTo', $act->obj)); // ensure we store the original actor self::actor_store($obj_actor['id'],$obj_actor); $mention = self::get_actor_bbmention($obj_actor['id']); if($act->type === 'Like') { $content['content'] = sprintf( t('Likes %1$s\'s %2$s'),$mention,$act->obj['type']) . "\n\n" . $content['content']; } if($act->type === 'Dislike') { $content['content'] = sprintf( t('Doesn\'t like %1$s\'s %2$s'),$mention,$act->obj['type']) . "\n\n" . $content['content']; } if($act->type === 'Accept' && $act->obj['type'] === 'Event' ) { $content['content'] = sprintf( t('Will attend %1$s\'s %2$s'),$mention,$act->obj['type']) . "\n\n" . $content['content']; } if($act->type === 'Reject' && $act->obj['type'] === 'Event' ) { $content['content'] = sprintf( t('Will not attend %1$s\'s %2$s'),$mention,$act->obj['type']) . "\n\n" . $content['content']; } if($act->type === 'TentativeAccept' && $act->obj['type'] === 'Event' ) { $content['content'] = sprintf( t('May attend %1$s\'s %2$s'),$mention,$act->obj['type']) . "\n\n" . $content['content']; } if($act->type === 'Announce') { $content['content'] = sprintf( t('🔁 Repeated %1$s\'s %2$s'), $mention, $act->obj['type']); } if ($act->type === 'emojiReaction') { $content['content'] = (($act->tgt && $act->tgt['type'] === 'Image') ? '[img=32x32]' . $act->tgt['url'] . '[/img]' : '&#x' . $act->tgt['name'] . ';'); } } if(! $s['created']) $s['created'] = datetime_convert(); if(! $s['edited']) $s['edited'] = $s['created']; $s['title'] = self::bb_content($content,'name'); $s['summary'] = self::bb_content($content,'summary'); $s['body'] = ((self::bb_content($content,'bbcode') && (! $response_activity)) ? self::bb_content($content,'bbcode') : self::bb_content($content,'content')); $s['verb'] = self::activity_decode_mapper($act->type); if($act->type === 'Tombstone' || $act->type === 'Delete' || ($act->type === 'Create' && $act->obj['type'] === 'Tombstone')) { $s['item_deleted'] = 1; } $s['obj_type'] = self::activity_obj_decode_mapper($act->obj['type']); if($s['obj_type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE && $s['mid'] !== $s['parent_mid']) { $s['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_COMMENT; } if($act->obj['type'] === 'Event') { $s['obj'] = []; $s['obj']['asld'] = $act->obj; $s['obj']['type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT; $s['obj']['id'] = $act->obj['id']; $s['obj']['title'] = $act->obj['summary']; if(strpos($act->obj['startTime'],'Z')) $s['obj']['adjust'] = true; else $s['obj']['adjust'] = false; $s['obj']['dtstart'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['startTime']); if($act->obj['endTime']) $s['obj']['dtend'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$act->obj['endTime']); else $s['obj']['nofinish'] = true; $s['obj']['description'] = $act->obj['content']; if(array_path_exists('location/content',$act->obj)) $s['obj']['location'] = $act->obj['location']['content']; } else { $s['obj'] = $act->obj; } $generator = $act->get_property_obj('generator'); if((! $generator) && (! $response_activity)) { $generator = $act->get_property_obj('generator',$act->obj); } if($generator && array_key_exists('type',$generator) && in_array($generator['type'], [ 'Application', 'Service' ] ) && array_key_exists('name',$generator)) { $s['app'] = escape_tags($generator['name']); } if(! $response_activity) { $a = self::decode_taxonomy($act->obj); if($a) { $s['term'] = $a; foreach($a as $b) { if($b['ttype'] === TERM_EMOJI) { $s['title'] = str_replace($b['term'],'[img=16x16]' . $b['url'] . '[/img]',$s['title']); $s['summary'] = str_replace($b['term'],'[img=16x16]' . $b['url'] . '[/img]',$s['summary']); $s['body'] = str_replace($b['term'],'[img=16x16]' . $b['url'] . '[/img]',$s['body']); } } } $a = self::decode_attachment($act->obj); if($a) { $s['attach'] = $a; } } if($act->obj['type'] === 'Note' && $s['attach']) { $s['body'] .= self::bb_attach($s['attach'],$s['body']); } // we will need a hook here to extract magnet links e.g. peertube // right now just link to the largest mp4 we find that will fit in our // standard content region if(! $response_activity) { if($act->obj['type'] === 'Video') { $vtypes = [ 'video/mp4', 'video/ogg', 'video/webm' ]; $mps = []; $ptr = null; if(array_key_exists('url',$act->obj)) { if(is_array($act->obj['url'])) { if(array_key_exists(0,$act->obj['url'])) { $ptr = $act->obj['url']; } else { $ptr = [ $act->obj['url'] ]; } foreach($ptr as $vurl) { // peertube uses the non-standard element name 'mimeType' here if(array_key_exists('mimeType',$vurl)) { if(in_array($vurl['mimeType'], $vtypes)) { if(! array_key_exists('width',$vurl)) { $vurl['width'] = 0; } $mps[] = $vurl; } } elseif(array_key_exists('mediaType',$vurl)) { if(in_array($vurl['mediaType'], $vtypes)) { if(! array_key_exists('width',$vurl)) { $vurl['width'] = 0; } $mps[] = $vurl; } } } } if($mps) { usort($mps,[ __CLASS__, 'vid_sort' ]); foreach($mps as $m) { if(intval($m['width']) < 500 && self::media_not_in_body($m['href'],$s['body'])) { $s['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[video]' . $m['href'] . '[/video]'; break; } } } elseif(is_string($act->obj['url']) && self::media_not_in_body($act->obj['url'],$s['body'])) { $s['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[video]' . $act->obj['url'] . '[/video]'; } } } if($act->obj['type'] === 'Audio') { $atypes = [ 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/wav' ]; $ptr = null; if(array_key_exists('url',$act->obj)) { if(is_array($act->obj['url'])) { if(array_key_exists(0,$act->obj['url'])) { $ptr = $act->obj['url']; } else { $ptr = [ $act->obj['url'] ]; } foreach($ptr as $vurl) { if(in_array($vurl['mediaType'], $atypes) && self::media_not_in_body($vurl['href'],$s['body'])) { $s['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[audio]' . $vurl['href'] . '[/audio]'; break; } } } elseif(is_string($act->obj['url']) && self::media_not_in_body($act->obj['url'],$s['body'])) { $s['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[audio]' . $act->obj['url'] . '[/audio]'; } } } // avoid double images from hubzilla to zap/osada if($act->obj['type'] === 'Image' && strpos($s['body'],'zrl=') === false) { $ptr = null; if(array_key_exists('url',$act->obj)) { if(is_array($act->obj['url'])) { if(array_key_exists(0,$act->obj['url'])) { $ptr = $act->obj['url']; } else { $ptr = [ $act->obj['url'] ]; } foreach($ptr as $vurl) { if(strpos($s['body'],$vurl['href']) === false) { $s['body'] .= '[zmg]' . $vurl['href'] . '[/zmg]' . "\n\n" . $s['body']; break; } } } elseif(is_string($act->obj['url'])) { if(strpos($s['body'],$act->obj['url']) === false) { $s['body'] .= '[zmg]' . $act->obj['url'] . '[/zmg]' . "\n\n" . $s['body']; } } } } if($act->obj['type'] === 'Page' && ! $s['body']) { $ptr = null; $purl = EMPTY_STR; if(array_key_exists('url',$act->obj)) { if(is_array($act->obj['url'])) { if(array_key_exists(0,$act->obj['url'])) { $ptr = $act->obj['url']; } else { $ptr = [ $act->obj['url'] ]; } foreach($ptr as $vurl) { if(array_key_exists('mediaType',$vurl) && $vurl['mediaType'] === 'text/html') { $purl = $vurl['href']; break; } elseif(array_key_exists('mimeType',$vurl) && $vurl['mimeType'] === 'text/html') { $purl = $vurl['href']; break; } } } elseif(is_string($act->obj['url'])) { $purl = $act->obj['url']; } if($purl) { $li = z_fetch_url(z_root() . '/linkinfo?binurl=' . bin2hex($purl)); if($li['success'] && $li['body']) { $s['body'] .= "\n" . $li['body']; } else { $s['body'] .= "\n\n" . $purl; } } } } } if(in_array($act->obj['type'],[ 'Note','Article','Page' ])) { $ptr = null; if(array_key_exists('url',$act->obj)) { if(is_array($act->obj['url'])) { if(array_key_exists(0,$act->obj['url'])) { $ptr = $act->obj['url']; } else { $ptr = [ $act->obj['url'] ]; } foreach($ptr as $vurl) { if(array_key_exists('mediaType',$vurl) && $vurl['mediaType'] === 'text/html') { $s['plink'] = $vurl['href']; break; } } } elseif(is_string($act->obj['url'])) { $s['plink'] = $act->obj['url']; } } } if(! $s['plink']) { $s['plink'] = $s['mid']; } if($act->recips && (! in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX,$act->recips))) $s['item_private'] = 1; set_iconfig($s,'activitypub','recips',$act->raw_recips); $parent = (($s['parent_mid'] && $s['parent_mid'] === $s['mid']) ? true : false); if($parent) { set_iconfig($s,'activitypub','rawmsg',$act->raw,1); } return $s; } static function store($channel,$observer_hash,$act,$item,$fetch_parents = true) { $is_sys_channel = is_sys_channel($channel['channel_id']); // Mastodon only allows visibility in public timelines if the public inbox is listed in the 'to' field. // They are hidden in the public timeline if the public inbox is listed in the 'cc' field. // This is not part of the activitypub protocol - we might change this to show all public posts in pubstream at some point. $pubstream = ((is_array($act->obj) && array_key_exists('to', $act->obj) && in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX, $act->obj['to'])) ? true : false); $is_parent = (($item['parent_mid'] && $item['parent_mid'] === $item['mid']) ? true : false); if($is_parent && (! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$observer_hash,'send_stream') && ! ($is_sys_channel && $pubstream))) { logger('no permission'); return; } if(is_array($act->obj)) { $content = self::get_content($act->obj); } if(! $content) { logger('no content'); return; } $item['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $item['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $s['uuid'] = ''; // Friendica sends the diaspora guid in a nonstandard field via AP if($act->obj['diaspora:guid']) $s['uuid'] = $act->obj['diaspora:guid']; if(! ( $item['author_xchan'] && $item['owner_xchan'])) { logger('owner or author missing.'); return; } if($channel['channel_system']) { if(! MessageFilter::evaluate($item,get_config('system','pubstream_incl'),get_config('system','pubstream_excl'))) { logger('post is filtered'); return; } } $abook = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($observer_hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($abook) { if(! post_is_importable($item,$abook[0])) { logger('post is filtered'); return; } } if($act->obj['conversation']) { set_iconfig($item,'ostatus','conversation',$act->obj['conversation'],1); } // This isn't perfect but the best we can do for now. $item['comment_policy'] = 'authenticated'; set_iconfig($item,'activitypub','recips',$act->raw_recips); if(! $is_parent) { $p = q("select parent_mid from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($item['parent_mid']), intval($item['uid']) ); if(! $p) { $a = (($fetch_parents) ? self::fetch_and_store_parents($channel,$act,$item) : false); if($a) { $p = q("select parent_mid from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($item['parent_mid']), intval($item['uid']) ); } else { logger('could not fetch parents'); return; // @TODO we maybe could accept these is we formatted the body correctly with share_bb() // or at least provided a link to the object // if(in_array($act->type,[ 'Like','Dislike' ])) { // return; // } // @TODO do we actually want that? // if no parent was fetched, turn into a top-level post // turn into a top level post // $s['parent_mid'] = $s['mid']; // $s['thr_parent'] = $s['mid']; } } if($p[0]['parent_mid'] !== $item['parent_mid']) { $item['thr_parent'] = $item['parent_mid']; } else { $item['thr_parent'] = $p[0]['parent_mid']; } $item['parent_mid'] = $p[0]['parent_mid']; } $r = q("select id, created, edited from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($item['mid']), intval($item['uid']) ); if($r) { if($item['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) { $item['id'] = $r[0]['id']; $x = item_store_update($item); } else { return; } } else { $x = item_store($item); } if(is_array($x) && $x['item_id']) { if($is_parent) { if($item['owner_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) { // We are the owner of this conversation, so send all received comments back downstream Master::Summon(array('Notifier','comment-import',$x['item_id'])); } $r = q("select * from item where id = %d limit 1", intval($x['item_id']) ); if($r) { send_status_notifications($x['item_id'],$r[0]); } } sync_an_item($channel['channel_id'],$x['item_id']); } } static public function fetch_and_store_parents($channel,$act,$item) { logger('fetching parents'); $p = []; $current_act = $act; $current_item = $item; while($current_item['parent_mid'] !== $current_item['mid']) { $n = ActivityStreams::fetch($current_item['parent_mid'], $channel); if(! $n) { break; } $a = new ActivityStreams($n); //logger($a->debug()); if(! $a->is_valid()) { break; } $replies = null; if(isset($a->obj['replies']['first']['items'])) { $replies = $a->obj['replies']['first']['items']; // we already have this one array_diff($replies, [$current_item['mid']]); } $item = null; switch($a->type) { case 'Create': case 'Update': case 'Like': case 'Dislike': case 'Announce': $item = self::decode_note($a); break; default: break; } if(! $item) { break; } array_unshift($p,[ $a, $item, $replies]); if($item['parent_mid'] === $item['mid'] || count($p) > 20) { break; } $current_act = $a; $current_item = $item; } if($p) { foreach($p as $pv) { self::store($channel,$pv[0]->actor['id'],$pv[0],$pv[1],false); if($pv[2]) self::fetch_and_store_replies($channel, $pv[2]); } return true; } return false; } static public function fetch_and_store_replies($channel, $arr) { logger('fetching replies'); $p = []; foreach($arr as $url) { $n = ActivityStreams::fetch($url, $channel); if(! $n) { break; } $a = new ActivityStreams($n); if(! $a->is_valid()) { break; } $item = null; switch($a->type) { case 'Create': case 'Update': case 'Like': case 'Dislike': case 'Announce': $item = self::decode_note($a); break; default: break; } if(! $item) { break; } array_unshift($p,[ $a, $item ]); } if($p) { foreach($p as $pv) { self::store($channel,$pv[0]->actor['id'],$pv[0],$pv[1],false); } } } static function announce_note($channel,$observer_hash,$act) { $s = []; $is_sys_channel = is_sys_channel($channel['channel_id']); // Mastodon only allows visibility in public timelines if the public inbox is listed in the 'to' field. // They are hidden in the public timeline if the public inbox is listed in the 'cc' field. // This is not part of the activitypub protocol - we might change this to show all public posts in pubstream at some point. $pubstream = ((is_array($act->obj) && array_key_exists('to', $act->obj) && in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX, $act->obj['to'])) ? true : false); if(! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$observer_hash,'send_stream') && ! ($is_sys_channel && $pubstream)) { logger('no permission'); return; } $content = self::get_content($act->obj); if(! $content) { logger('no content'); return; } $s['owner_xchan'] = $s['author_xchan'] = $observer_hash; $s['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $s['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $s['mid'] = urldecode($act->obj['id']); $s['plink'] = urldecode($act->obj['id']); if(! $s['created']) $s['created'] = datetime_convert(); if(! $s['edited']) $s['edited'] = $s['created']; $s['parent_mid'] = $s['mid']; $s['verb'] = ACTIVITY_POST; $s['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; $s['app'] = t('ActivityPub'); if($channel['channel_system']) { if(! \Zotlabs\Lib\MessageFilter::evaluate($s,get_config('system','pubstream_incl'),get_config('system','pubstream_excl'))) { logger('post is filtered'); return; } } $abook = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($observer_hash), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($abook) { if(! post_is_importable($s,$abook[0])) { logger('post is filtered'); return; } } if($act->obj['conversation']) { set_iconfig($s,'ostatus','conversation',$act->obj['conversation'],1); } $a = self::decode_taxonomy($act->obj); if($a) { $s['term'] = $a; } $a = self::decode_attachment($act->obj); if($a) { $s['attach'] = $a; } $body = "[share author='" . urlencode($act->sharee['name']) . "' profile='" . $act->sharee['url'] . "' avatar='" . $act->sharee['photo_s'] . "' link='" . ((is_array($act->obj['url'])) ? $act->obj['url']['href'] : $act->obj['url']) . "' auth='" . ((is_matrix_url($act->obj['url'])) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . "' posted='" . $act->obj['published'] . "' message_id='" . $act->obj['id'] . "']"; if($content['name']) $body .= self::bb_content($content,'name') . "\r\n"; $body .= self::bb_content($content,'content'); if($act->obj['type'] === 'Note' && $s['attach']) { $body .= self::bb_attach($s['attach'],$body); } $body .= "[/share]"; $s['title'] = self::bb_content($content,'name'); $s['body'] = $body; if($act->recips && (! in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX,$act->recips))) $s['item_private'] = 1; set_iconfig($s,'activitypub','recips',$act->raw_recips); $r = q("select created, edited from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($s['mid']), intval($s['uid']) ); if($r) { if($s['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) { $x = item_store_update($s); } else { return; } } else { $x = item_store($s); } if(is_array($x) && $x['item_id']) { if($s['owner_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) { // We are the owner of this conversation, so send all received comments back downstream Master::Summon(array('Notifier','comment-import',$x['item_id'])); } $r = q("select * from item where id = %d limit 1", intval($x['item_id']) ); if($r) { send_status_notifications($x['item_id'],$r[0]); } sync_an_item($channel['channel_id'],$x['item_id']); } } static function like_note($channel,$observer_hash,$act) { $s = []; $parent = $act->obj['id']; if($act->type === 'Like') $s['verb'] = ACTIVITY_LIKE; if($act->type === 'Dislike') $s['verb'] = ACTIVITY_DISLIKE; if(! $parent) return; $r = q("select * from item where uid = %d and ( mid = '%s' or mid = '%s' ) limit 1", intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($parent), dbesc(urldecode(basename($parent))) ); if(! $r) { logger('parent not found.'); return; } xchan_query($r); $parent_item = $r[0]; if($parent_item['owner_xchan'] === $channel['channel_hash']) { if(! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$observer_hash,'post_comments')) { logger('no comment permission.'); return; } } if($parent_item['mid'] === $parent_item['parent_mid']) { $s['parent_mid'] = $parent_item['mid']; } else { $s['thr_parent'] = $parent_item['mid']; $s['parent_mid'] = $parent_item['parent_mid']; } $s['owner_xchan'] = $parent_item['owner_xchan']; $s['author_xchan'] = $observer_hash; $s['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $s['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $s['mid'] = $act->id; if(! $s['parent_mid']) $s['parent_mid'] = $s['mid']; $post_type = (($parent_item['resource_type'] === 'photo') ? t('photo') : t('status')); $links = array(array('rel' => 'alternate','type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $parent_item['plink'])); $objtype = (($parent_item['resource_type'] === 'photo') ? ACTIVITY_OBJ_PHOTO : ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE ); $body = $parent_item['body']; $z = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($parent_item['author_xchan']) ); if($z) $item_author = $z[0]; $object = json_encode(array( 'type' => $post_type, 'id' => $parent_item['mid'], 'parent' => (($parent_item['thr_parent']) ? $parent_item['thr_parent'] : $parent_item['parent_mid']), 'link' => $links, 'title' => $parent_item['title'], 'content' => $parent_item['body'], 'created' => $parent_item['created'], 'edited' => $parent_item['edited'], 'author' => array( 'name' => $item_author['xchan_name'], 'address' => $item_author['xchan_addr'], 'guid' => $item_author['xchan_guid'], 'guid_sig' => $item_author['xchan_guid_sig'], 'link' => array( array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html', 'href' => $item_author['xchan_url']), array('rel' => 'photo', 'type' => $item_author['xchan_photo_mimetype'], 'href' => $item_author['xchan_photo_m'])), ), ), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ); if($act->type === 'Like') $bodyverb = t('%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s'); if($act->type === 'Dislike') $bodyverb = t('%1$s doesn\'t like %2$s\'s %3$s'); $ulink = '[url=' . $item_author['xchan_url'] . ']' . $item_author['xchan_name'] . '[/url]'; $alink = '[url=' . $parent_item['author']['xchan_url'] . ']' . $parent_item['author']['xchan_name'] . '[/url]'; $plink = '[url='. z_root() . '/display/' . urlencode($act->id) . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]'; $s['body'] = sprintf( $bodyverb, $ulink, $alink, $plink ); $s['app'] = t('ActivityPub'); // set the route to that of the parent so downstream hubs won't reject it. $s['route'] = $parent_item['route']; $s['item_private'] = $parent_item['item_private']; $s['obj_type'] = $objtype; $s['obj'] = $object; if($act->obj['conversation']) { set_iconfig($s,'ostatus','conversation',$act->obj['conversation'],1); } if($act->recips && (! in_array(ACTIVITY_PUBLIC_INBOX,$act->recips))) $s['item_private'] = 1; set_iconfig($s,'activitypub','recips',$act->raw_recips); $result = item_store($s); if($result['success']) { // if the message isn't already being relayed, notify others if(intval($parent_item['item_origin'])) Master::Summon(array('Notifier','comment-import',$result['item_id'])); sync_an_item($channel['channel_id'],$result['item_id']); } return; } static function bb_attach($attach,$body) { $ret = false; foreach($attach as $a) { if(strpos($a['type'],'image') !== false) { if(self::media_not_in_body($a['href'],$body)) { $ret .= "\n\n" . '[img]' . $a['href'] . '[/img]'; } } if(array_key_exists('type',$a) && strpos($a['type'], 'video') === 0) { if(self::media_not_in_body($a['href'],$body)) { $ret .= "\n\n" . '[video]' . $a['href'] . '[/video]'; } } if(array_key_exists('type',$a) && strpos($a['type'], 'audio') === 0) { if(self::media_not_in_body($a['href'],$body)) { $ret .= "\n\n" . '[audio]' . $a['href'] . '[/audio]'; } } } return $ret; } // check for the existence of existing media link in body static function media_not_in_body($s,$body) { if((strpos($body,']' . $s . '[/img]') === false) && (strpos($body,']' . $s . '[/zmg]') === false) && (strpos($body,']' . $s . '[/video]') === false) && (strpos($body,']' . $s . '[/audio]') === false)) { return true; } return false; } static function bb_content($content,$field) { require_once('include/html2bbcode.php'); require_once('include/event.php'); $ret = false; if(is_array($content[$field])) { foreach($content[$field] as $k => $v) { $ret .= html2bbcode($v); // save this for auto-translate or dynamic filtering // $ret .= '[language=' . $k . ']' . html2bbcode($v) . '[/language]'; } } else { if($field === 'bbcode' && array_key_exists('bbcode',$content)) { $ret = $content[$field]; } else { $ret = html2bbcode($content[$field]); } } if($field === 'content' && $content['event'] && (! strpos($ret,'[event'))) { $ret .= format_event_bbcode($content['event']); } return $ret; } static function get_content($act) { $content = []; $event = null; if ((! $act) || (! is_array($act))) { return $content; } if($act['type'] === 'Event') { $adjust = false; $event = []; $event['event_hash'] = $act['id']; if(array_key_exists('startTime',$act) && strpos($act['startTime'],-1,1) === 'Z') { $adjust = true; $event['adjust'] = 1; $event['dtstart'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$event['startTime'] . (($adjust) ? '' : 'Z')); } if(array_key_exists('endTime',$act)) { $event['dtend'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$event['endTime'] . (($adjust) ? '' : 'Z')); } else { $event['nofinish'] = true; } } foreach ([ 'name', 'summary', 'content' ] as $a) { if (($x = self::get_textfield($act,$a)) !== false) { $content[$a] = $x; } } if($event) { $event['summary'] = html2bbcode($content['summary']); $event['description'] = html2bbcode($content['content']); if($event['summary'] && $event['dtstart']) { $content['event'] = $event; } } if (array_key_exists('source',$act) && array_key_exists('mediaType',$act['source'])) { if ($act['source']['mediaType'] === 'text/bbcode') { $content['bbcode'] = purify_html($act['source']['content']); } } return $content; } static function get_textfield($act,$field) { $content = false; if(array_key_exists($field,$act) && $act[$field]) $content = purify_html($act[$field]); elseif(array_key_exists($field . 'Map',$act) && $act[$field . 'Map']) { foreach($act[$field . 'Map'] as $k => $v) { $content[escape_tags($k)] = purify_html($v); } } return $content; } }