<?php /** @file */ namespace Zotlabs\Daemon; use Zotlabs\Lib\Activity; use Zotlabs\Lib\Libzot; use Zotlabs\Lib\ActivityStreams; use Zotlabs\Lib\ASCollection; require_once('include/channel.php'); class Externals { static public function run($argc, $argv) { logger('externals: start'); $importer = get_sys_channel(); $total = 0; $attempts = 0; logger('externals: startup', LOGGER_DEBUG); // pull in some public posts while ($total == 0 && $attempts < 3) { $arr = ['url' => '']; call_hooks('externals_url_select', $arr); if ($arr['url']) { $url = $arr['url']; } else { $networks = ['zot6']; if (plugin_is_installed('pubcrawl')) { $networks[] = 'activitypub'; } stringify_array_elms($networks); $networks_str = implode(',', $networks); $randfunc = db_getfunc('RAND'); // fixme this query does not deal with directory realms. //$r = q("select site_url, site_pull from site where site_url != '%s' //and site_flags != %d and site_type = %d //and site_dead = 0 and site_project like '%s' and site_version > '5.3.1' order by $randfunc limit 1", //dbesc(z_root()), //intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE), //intval(SITE_TYPE_ZOT), //dbesc('hubzilla%') //); $r = q("SELECT * FROM hubloc LEFT JOIN abook ON abook_xchan = hubloc_hash LEFT JOIN site ON site_url = hubloc_url WHERE hubloc_network IN ( $networks_str ) AND abook_xchan IS NULL AND hubloc_url != '%s' AND hubloc_updated > '%s' AND hubloc_primary = 1 AND hubloc_deleted = 0 AND site_dead = 0 ORDER BY $randfunc LIMIT 1", dbesc(z_root()), datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 30 days') ); $contact = $r[0]; if ($contact) { $url = $contact['hubloc_id_url']; } } if (!$url) { continue; } $blacklisted = false; if (!check_siteallowed($contact['hubloc_url'])) { logger('blacklisted site: ' . $url); $blacklisted = true; } $attempts++; // make sure we can eventually break out if somebody blacklists all known sites if ($blacklisted) { if ($attempts > 5) break; $attempts--; continue; } $cl = Activity::get_actor_collections($contact['hubloc_hash']); if(empty($cl)) { $cl = get_xconfig($contact['hubloc_hash'], 'activitypub', 'collections'); } if (is_array($cl) && array_key_exists('outbox', $cl)) { $url = $cl['outbox']; } else { $url = str_replace('/channel/', '/outbox/', $contact['hubloc_id_url']); if ($url) { $url .= '?top=1'; } } if ($url) { logger('fetching outbox: ' . $url); $obj = new ASCollection($url, $importer, 0, 10); $messages = $obj->get(); if ($messages) { foreach ($messages as $message) { if (is_string($message)) { $message = Activity::fetch($message, $importer); } if ($message['type'] !== 'Create') { continue; } if ($contact['hubloc_network'] === 'zot6') { // make sure we only fetch top level items if (isset($message['object']['inReplyTo'])) { continue; } Libzot::fetch_conversation($importer, $message['object']['id']); $total++; continue; } $AS = new ActivityStreams($message); if ($AS->is_valid() && is_array($AS->obj)) { $item = Activity::decode_note($AS); Activity::store($importer, $contact['abook_xchan'], $AS, $item); $total++; } } } logger('fetched messages count: ' . $total); } } return; } }