<?php namespace Zotlabs\Daemon; class Expire { static public function run($argc,$argv){ cli_startup(); // perform final cleanup on previously delete items $r = q("select id from item where item_deleted = 1 and item_pending_remove = 0 and changed < %s - INTERVAL %s", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('10 DAY') ); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { drop_item($rr['id'], false, DROPITEM_PHASE2); } } // physically remove anything that has been deleted for more than two months /** @FIXME - this is a wretchedly inefficient query */ $r = q("delete from item where item_pending_remove = 1 and changed < %s - INTERVAL %s", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('36 DAY') ); /** @FIXME make this optional as it could have a performance impact on large sites */ if (intval(get_config('system', 'optimize_items'))) q("optimize table item"); logger('expire: start', LOGGER_DEBUG); $site_expire = get_config('system', 'default_expire_days'); logger('site_expire: ' . $site_expire); $r = q("SELECT channel_id, channel_address, channel_pageflags, channel_expire_days from channel where true"); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { // expire the sys channel separately if (intval($rr['channel_system'])) continue; // service class default (if non-zero) over-rides the site default $service_class_expire = service_class_fetch($rr['channel_id'], 'expire_days'); if (intval($service_class_expire)) $channel_expire = $service_class_expire; else $channel_expire = $site_expire; if (intval($channel_expire) && (intval($channel_expire) < intval($rr['channel_expire_days'])) || intval($rr['channel_expire_days'] == 0)) { $expire_days = $channel_expire; } else { $expire_days = $rr['channel_expire_days']; } // if the site or service class expiration is non-zero and less than person expiration, use that logger('Expire: ' . $rr['channel_address'] . ' interval: ' . $expire_days, LOGGER_DEBUG); item_expire($rr['channel_id'], $expire_days); } } $x = get_sys_channel(); if ($x) { // this should probably just fetch the channel_expire_days from the sys channel, // but there's no convenient way to set it. $expire_days = get_config('system', 'sys_expire_days'); if ($expire_days === false) $expire_days = 30; if (intval($site_expire) && (intval($site_expire) < intval($expire_days))) { $expire_days = $site_expire; } logger('Expire: sys interval: ' . $expire_days, LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($expire_days) item_expire($x['channel_id'], $expire_days); logger('Expire: sys: done', LOGGER_DEBUG); } } }