[ 'social_federation' => t('Social - Federation'), 'social' => t('Social - Mostly Public'), 'social_restricted' => t('Social - Restricted'), 'social_private' => t('Social - Private') ], t('Community Forum') => [ 'forum' => t('Forum - Mostly Public'), 'forum_restricted' => t('Forum - Restricted'), 'forum_private' => t('Forum - Private') ], t('Feed Republish') => [ 'feed' => t('Feed - Mostly Public'), 'feed_restricted' => t('Feed - Restricted') ], t('Special Purpose') => [ 'soapbox' => t('Special - Celebrity/Soapbox'), 'repository' => t('Special - Group Repository') ], t('Other') => [ 'custom' => t('Custom/Expert Mode') ] ]; call_hooks('list_permission_roles',$roles); return $roles; } /** * @brief Array with translated role names and grouping. * * Return an associative array with role names that can be used * to create select groups like in \e field_select_grouped.tpl. * * @return array */ static public function channel_roles() { $channel_roles = [ //'public' => [t('Public'), t('A very permissive role suited for participation in the fediverse')], //'personal' => [t('Personal'), t('The $Projectname default role suited for a personal channel')], //'forum' => [t('Community forum'), t('This role configures your channel to act as an community forum')], //'custom' => [t('Custom'), t('This role comes with the presets of the personal role but allows you to configure it to your needs')] 'public' => t('Public'), 'personal' => t('Personal'), 'group' => t('Community forum'), 'custom' => t('Custom') ]; call_hooks('list_channel_roles', $channel_roles); return $channel_roles; } }