"air" is a branch name for revision of Account-Invite-Register at the Hubzilla project

* Rewritten and now language template driven
* Selectable templates for the invite mails
* Invitor may add personal notes in the mailtext
+ Invite codes are bound to the recipients email address
* Invite mod never more creates accounts
* new db scheme for table register
* existing register table will be migrated to the new schema even when detected at runtime
* Bugfix: creating invite codes when admin only calls Invite w/o any further action
* account library revision also together with invite mod
* Depending on config: Users may send invitations also
* Invitations expires, controlled by the invitor
* Changed and new configs:
* * invitation_only       As usual before
* * invitation_also       Beside other registration policies, invitations may be used also
* * invitation_max_per_day	defaults 50, may be changed in adminUI admin>site
* * invitation_max_per_user defaults 4
* Requirements:
* * Addon language has to be installed

* Register panel (form) and js interaction changed
* Unused registrations expire
* Depending on config, anonymous registrations (w/o email) are supported
* :... dont't panic, that may let grow security
* Even anonymous users have to confirm their registration
* Registrations may be enabled / disabled time driven for each day in the week (dudy)
* Unsoliced registration floods may be blocked
* Limited registrations from one single source ip
* Using one additional log file, to easy interfare with f2b

* An user account always becomes created only if all depending conditions are satisfied
* AdminUI for site configuration, accounts and registrations enhancements
* Still untouched, but accountUI needs enhanced async control in case for mass delete
  with deep level of recursion cascade of the dependencies (channels etc). An open TODO
  since years for instances with many much users and channels.

2020.03 Hubzilla Prod version 4.6 (master branch) of hubzilla/core was the base for AIR 
        that was assigned Version 4.6.2 at sn/core
2021.02 Hubzilla Prod version 5.2.1 (master branch) of hubzilla/core was new base for AIR
        that was assigned version 5.2.2 at sn/core (air.5)
        plus adjustment of hubzilla 5.2.2 (master) to sn/core (air.5) version 5.2.9