# see http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/languages/php/ for more hints language: php # list any PHP version you want to test against php: # using major version aliases # aliased to a recent 5.6.x version - 5.6 # aliased to a recent 7.x version - 7.0 # aliased to a recent hhvm version - hhvm # optionally specify a list of environments, for example to test different RDBMS #env: # - DB=mysql # - DB=pgsql # optionally set up exclutions and allowed failures in the matrix matrix: # exclude: # - php: hhvm # env: DB=pgsql # PDO driver for pgsql is unsupported by HHVM (3rd party install for support) allow_failures: - php: hhvm # execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables #before_script: # - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS hello_world_test;" -U postgres; fi # - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "create database hello_world_test;" -U postgres; fi # - if [[ "$DB" == "mysql" ]]; then mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS hello_world_test;" -uroot; fi install: - composer require phpunit/phpunit # omitting "script:" will default to phpunit # use the $DB env variable to determine the phpunit.xml to use script: vendor/bin/phpunit tests/unit/ # configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc) notifications: # irc: "irc.freenode.org#yourfavouriteroomfortravis" # a plugin/script to post to a hubzilla channel would be neat here