# # Travis-CI configuration file for Hubzilla # ## configure things # # see http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/languages/php/ for more hints language: php # use newer 'trusty' based distro, old one is 'precise' dist: trusty # use docker based containers sudo: false # Git branches whitelist to build on Travis CI branches: only: - master - dev # Install additional software addons: # Install dependencies for generating API documentation with doxygen apt: packages: - doxygen - doxygen-latex - graphviz - ttf-liberation # enable and start databases on a per job basis #services: # - mariadb # - postgresql # any PHP version we want to test against, current stable phpunit requires PHP >= 7.0 php: - '7.0' - '7.1' # HHVM does not fulfil PHPUnit platform requirements as being compatible with PHP7 yet #- 'hhvm' # list of environments to test env: global: # used for doxygen deployment script - DOXYFILE: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/util/Doxyfile - GHP_REPO_REF: github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla.git # Uncomment if a newer/specific version of Doxygen should be used #- DOXY_VER: 1.8.12 # Code Coverage is slow, no need to have it in every build - PHPUCOV: "--no-coverage" # use matrix only for PHP and MySQL, all other combinations added through includes matrix: # trusty default MySQL 5.6 - DB=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=5.6 # Matrix configuration details matrix: fast_finish: true # Additional check combinations include: # PHP7.1, mariadb 10.1 - php: '7.1' env: DB=mariadb MARIADB_VERSION=10.1 CODECOV=1 # use mariadb instead of MySQL addons: mariadb: '10.1' # PHP7.1, PostgreSQL 9.6 - php: '7.1' env: DB=pgsql POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.6 # Use newer postgres than 9.2 default addons: postgresql: '9.6' services: - postgresql # PHP7.1, old precise distribution with MySQL 5.5 - php: '7.1' env: DB=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=5.5 dist: precise services: - mysql # Excludes from default matrix combinations # exclude: # - php: hhvm # env: DB=pgsql # PDO driver for pgsql is unsupported by HHVM (3rd party install for support) # cache composer downloads between runs cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache #- $HOME/doxygen/doxygen-$DOXY_VER/bin # ## execute things # before_install: - travis_retry composer self-update # Install composer dev libs install: - travis_retry composer install --optimize-autoloader # execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables before_script: # Use code coverage config for phpunit - if [[ ! -z $CODECOV ]]; then export PHPUCOV=""; fi # Some preparation tasks of environment - ./tests/travis/prepare.sh # DB specific prepare scripts - if [[ "$DB" == "mysql" ]]; then ./tests/travis/prepare_mysql.sh; fi - if [[ "$DB" == "mariadb" ]]; then ./tests/travis/prepare_mysql.sh; fi - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then ./tests/travis/prepare_pgsql.sh; fi # omitting "script:" will default to phpunit script: ./vendor/bin/phpunit $PHPUCOV -c tests/phpunit-$DB.xml after_success: # Generate API documentation and deploy it to gh-pages - ./tests/travis/gen_apidocs.sh #after_failure: # Deploying a release to GitHub when tagging in master # Waiting for upcoming 'Build Stages' Q1/Q2 2017 to make generation of API docs # and release packages cleaner. https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/929 #before_deploy: #deploy: # skip_cleaning: true # provider: releases # on: # tags: true #after_deploy: #after_script: # configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc) #notifications: # irc: "irc.freenode.org#yourfavouriteroomfortravis" # a plugin/script to post to a hubzilla channel would be neat here