favicon.* .htconfig.php \#* include/jquery-1.4.2.min.js *.gz *.log *.out *.version* home.html addon *~ .*.swp compiled/ custom/ /store/ # site apps apps/ # patch attempts *.orig *.rej # composer files (for fetching sabre) composer.* #ignore documentation, it should be newly built doc/api #ignore reports, should be generted with every build report/ #ignore config files from eclipse, we don't want IDE files in our repository .project .buildpath .externalToolBuilders .settings #ignore OSX .DS_Store files .DS_Store #netbeans project folder nbproject #Kdevelop project files *.kdev4 # Ignore site TOS doc/SiteTOS.md #Ingore site theme schemas view/theme/redbasic/schema/default.php