From 9ffad65b6591d22800664d87cc6f75f2932f8a49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 09:40:40 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/fr/ --- doc/fr/ | 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 179 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/fr/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b62c3bd25 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/fr/ @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +[h3]La gouvernance de $Projectname [/h3] +La gouvernance est liée à la gestion d'un projet et plus particulièrement à la résolution des conflits. + +[h4]Gouvernance communautaire[/h4] +Le projet est maintenu et les décisions sont prises par la " communauté ". La structure de gouvernance continue d'évoluer. Jusqu'à ce que la structure soit finalisée, les décisions sont prises dans l'ordre suivant : + +[ol] +[*] Consensus paresseux + +Si une proposition de projet est soumise à l'un des forums de gouvernance communautaire et qu'il n'y a pas d'objections sérieuses dans un délai "raisonnable" à partir de la date de la proposition (nous accordons généralement 2 à 3 jours pour que toutes les parties intéressées puissent intervenir), aucun vote n'est nécessaire et la proposition sera considérée comme approuvée. Certaines préoccupations peuvent être soulevées à ce moment-là, mais si elles sont abordées au cours de la discussion et des solutions de rechange fournies, elles seront quand même considérées comme approuvées. + +[*] Veto + +Les promoteurs principaux ayant un historique important d'engagements de projet peuvent opposer leur veto à toute décision. La décision ne peut être prise tant que le veto n'a pas été levé ou qu'une autre proposition n'a pas été présentée. + +[*] Vote de la communauté + +Une décision qui n'a pas de mandat clair ou de consensus clair, mais qui ne fait pas l'objet d'un veto, peut être soumise au vote de la communauté. Actuellement, il s'agit d'un simple vote populaire dans l'un des forums communautaires applicables. À ce moment-là, c'est le vote populaire qui décide du résultat. Cela pourrait changer à l'avenir si la communauté adopte un modèle de gouvernance de " conseil ". Ce document sera mis à jour à ce moment-là avec les règles de gouvernance mises à jour. +[/ol] + +Le vote communautaire n'offre pas toujours un résultat agréable et peut générer des factions polarisées au sein de la communauté (d'où la raison pour laquelle d'autres modèles sont à l'étude). Si la proposition est rejetée, il y a encore plusieurs choses qui peuvent être faites et la proposition peut être soumise à nouveau avec des paramètres légèrement différents (conversion vers un module complémentaire, conversion vers un module optionnel qui est désactivé par défaut, etc. Si l'intérêt pour le dispositif est élevé et que le vote est " serré ", cela peut générer beaucoup de mauvais sentiments parmi les électeurs perdants. Lors de ces votes serrés, il est [b]fortement recommandé[/b] que l'auteur de la proposition prenne des mesures pour répondre à toute préoccupation soulevée et la soumettre de nouveau. + +[h4]Politique de confidentialité[/h4] + +Q: Qui peut voir mon contenu ? + +R : Par défaut, N'IMPORTE QUELLE personne sur Internet, à MOINS que vous le restreigniez. Nom du projet vous permet de choisir le niveau de confidentialité que vous désirez. Le contenu restreint ne sera PAS visible pour les "réseaux d'espionnage" et les annonceurs. Il sera protégé contre les écoutes de l'extérieur - au mieux de nos capacités. Les administrateurs de Hub ayant suffisamment de compétences et de patience PEUVENT être en mesure d'écouter certaines communications privées, mais ils doivent déployer des trésors d'efforts pour le faire. Des modes de confidentialité existent au sein de $Projectname qui résistent même à l'écoute par des administrateurs de hub qualifiés et déterminés. + +Q : Mon contenu peut-il être censuré ? + +R : $Nom du projet (le réseau) NE PEUT PAS censurer votre contenu. Les administrateurs de serveur et de hub sont soumis aux lois locales et PEUVENT supprimer le contenu répréhensible de leur site/hub. N'importe qui PEUT devenir un administrateur de hub, y compris vous ; et donc publier du contenu qui pourrait autrement être censuré. Vous POUVEZ toujours être soumis aux lois locales. + + +[h5]Définitions[/h5]. + +**$Nom du projet**** + +Autrement appelé "le réseau", $Projectname est une collection d'ordinateurs/serveurs individuels (aka **hubs**) qui se connectent ensemble pour former un plus grand réseau coopératif. + +**hub** + +Un ordinateur individuel ou un serveur connecté à $Projectname. Ces services sont fournis par un **administrateur de hub** et peuvent être publics ou privés, payants ou gratuits. + +**administrateur de hub**** + +Gérant du système d'un hub individuel. + +[h5]Politiques[/h5] + +**Information publique** + +Toute information ou tout ce que vous affichez dans $Projectname PEUT être public ou visible par quiconque sur Internet. Dans la mesure du possible, $Projectname vous permet de protéger le contenu et de restreindre qui peut le consulter. + +La photo de votre profil, le nom de votre canal et l'emplacement (URL ou adresse réseau) de votre canal sont visibles par tous sur Internet et les contrôles de confidentialité n'affecteront pas l'affichage de ces éléments. + +Vous POUVEZ fournir en plus d'autres informations de profil. Toute information que vous fournissez dans votre profil "par défaut" ou **profil public** PEUT être transmise à d'autres hubs dans $Projectname et peut également être affichée dans le répertoire des canaux. Vous pouvez limiter l'affichage de ces informations de profil. Il peut être limité aux seuls membres de votre hub, ou seulement aux connexions (amis), ou à d'autres groupes limités de visionneurs comme vous le souhaitez. Si vous souhaitez que votre profil soit restreint, vous devez définir le paramètre de confidentialité approprié ou simplement NE PAS fournir d'informations supplémentaires. + +**Contenu** + +Le contenu que vous fournissez (messages de statut, photos, fichiers, etc.) vous appartient. Par défaut, $Projectname publie le contenu ouvertement et visible par tout le monde sur Internet (PUBLIC). Vous POUVEZ contrôler cela dans les paramètres de votre canal et restreindre les permissions par défaut ou vous POUVEZ restreindre la visibilité de n'importe quel élément publié séparément (PRIVÉ). Les développeurs de noms de projet s'assureront que le contenu restreint est visible SEULEMENT pour ceux qui figurent dans la liste des restrictions - au mieux de leurs capacités. + +Les contenus (en particulier les messages de statut) que vous partagez avec d'autres réseaux ou que vous avez rendus visibles à quiconque sur Internet (PUBLIC) ne peuvent pas être facilement repris une fois qu'ils ont été publiés. Il PEUT être partagé avec d'autres réseaux et rendu disponible par le biais de flux RSS/Atom. Il peut aussi être syndiqué sur d'autres sites $Projectname. Il PEUT apparaître sur d'autres réseaux et sites Web et être visible dans les recherches sur Internet. Si vous ne souhaitez pas ce comportement par défaut, veuillez ajuster les paramètres de votre canal et restreindre le nombre de personnes qui peuvent voir votre contenu. + +**Commentaires et posts du Forum** + +Les commentaires sur les posts qui ont été créés par d'autres et les posts qui sont désignés comme posts du forum vous appartiennent en tant que créateur/auteur, mais la distribution de ces posts n'est pas sous votre contrôle direct, et vous renoncez à certains droits sur ces items. Ces messages/commentaires PEUVENT être redistribués à d'autres, et PEUVENT être visibles pour n'importe qui sur Internet. Dans le cas de commentaires, le créateur du "premier message" dans le fil de discussion (conversation) auquel vous répondez contrôle la distribution de tous les commentaires et réponses à ce message. Ils "possèdent" et ont donc certains droits sur l'ensemble de la conversation (y compris tous les commentaires qu'elle contient). Vous pouvez toujours modifier ou supprimer le commentaire, mais le propriétaire de la conversation a également le droit de modifier, supprimer, redistribuer et sauvegarder/restaurer tout ou partie du contenu de la conversation. + +**Les informations privées** + +Les développeurs de $Projectname s'assureront que tout contenu que vous fournissez et qui est désigné comme PRIVÉ seront protégés contre les écoutes - au mieux de leurs capacités. Le contenu des canaux privés PEUT être vu dans la base de données de chaque administrateur de hub impliqué, mais les messages privés sont masqués dans la base de données. Cette dernière signifie qu'il est très difficile, mais PAS impossible que ce contenu soit vu par un administrateur de hub. Le contenu du canal privé et les messages privés sont également éliminés des notifications par courriel. Le cryptage de bout en bout est fourni en option et ceci NE PEUT PAS être vu, même par un administrateur déterminé. + +[h5]Confidentialité de l'identité[/h5]. + +La confidentialité de votre identité est un autre aspect. Parce que vous avez une identité décentralisée dans $Projectname, votre vie privée s'étend au-delà de votre hub d'origine. Si vous voulez avoir le contrôle total de votre vie privée et de la sécurité, vous devriez faire fonctionner votre propre concentrateur sur un serveur dédié. Pour beaucoup de gens, c'est compliqué et cela peut mettre à l'épreuve leurs capacités techniques. Énumérons donc quelques précautions que vous pouvez prendre pour assurer votre vie privée autant que possible. + +Une identité décentralisée a beaucoup d'avantages et vous donne beaucoup de fonctionnalités intéressantes, mais vous devez être conscient du fait que votre identité est connue par d'autres hubs dans le réseau $Projectname. L'un de ces avantages est que d'autres canaux peuvent vous servir du contenu personnalisé et vous permettre de voir des choses privées (comme des photos privées que d'autres souhaitent partager avec vous). Pour cette raison, ces canaux ont besoin de savoir qui vous êtes. Mais nous comprenons que parfois, ces autres canaux en savent plus de vous que vous ne le souhaiteriez. Par exemple, le plug-in Visage qui peut indiquer au propriétaire d'un canal la dernière fois que vous avez visité son profil. Vous pouvez facilement OPT-OUT de ce bas niveau et nous pensons, le suivi inoffensif. + +Vous pouvez activer [Ne pas suivre (DNT)]( dans votre navigateur Web. Nous respectons cette nouvelle proposition de politique de confidentialité. Tous les navigateurs modernes supportent le DNT. Vous le trouverez dans les paramètres de confidentialité de vos navigateurs ou bien vous pouvez consulter le manuel du navigateur Web. Cela n'affectera pas la fonctionnalité de $Projectname. Ce réglage est probablement suffisant pour la plupart des gens. + +*Vous pouvez [désactiver la publication](settings) de votre chaîne dans notre répertoire de chaînes. Si vous voulez que les gens trouvent votre canal, vous devriez leur donner l'adresse de votre canal directement. Nous pensons que c'est une bonne indication que vous préférez une vie privée supplémentaire et que vous activez automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si c'est le cas. + +*Vous pouvez avoir un hub bloqué. Cela signifie que tous les canaux et le contenu de cette hub ne sont pas publics et ne sont pas visibles pour le monde extérieur. C'est quelque chose que seul votre administrateur de hub peut faire. Nous respectons également ce principe et activons automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si elle est définie. + +[h5]La Censure[/h5] + +$Projectname est un réseau mondial qui inclut toutes les religions et toutes les cultures. Cela n'implique pas que tous les membres du réseau ressentent la même chose que vous sur les questions litigieuses, et certaines personnes peuvent être FORTEMENT opposées au contenu que vous publiez. En général, si vous souhaitez publier quelque chose que vous savez ne pas être universellement acceptable, la meilleure approche est de limiter l'audience en utilisant les contrôles de confidentialité à un petit cercle d'amis. + +$Projectname en tant que fournisseur de réseau n'est pas en mesure de censurer le contenu. Cependant, les administrateurs du hub PEUVENT censurer tout contenu qui apparaît sur leur hub pour se conformer aux lois locales ou même au jugement personnel. Leur décision est finale. Si vous avez des problèmes avec un administrateur de hub, vous pouvez déplacer votre compte et vos messages sur un autre site qui correspond mieux à vos attentes. Veuillez vérifier (périodiquement) les[Conditions d'utilisation](help/TermsOfService) de votre hub pour connaître les règles ou directives. Si votre contenu se compose de matériel qui est illégal ou qui peut causer des problèmes, vous êtes FORTEMENT encouragé à héberger le vôtre (devenez un administrateur de hub). Vous pouvez toujours trouver que votre contenu est bloqué sur certains hubs, mais $Projectname en tant que réseau ne peut pas l'empêcher d'être posté. + +$Projectname RECOMMANDE que les administrateurs du concentrateur accordent un délai de grâce de 1 à 2 jours entre l'avertissement au titulaire du compte du contenu qui doit être supprimé et la suppression ou la désactivation physique du compte. Cela donnera au propriétaire du contenu la possibilité d'exporter les métadonnées de son canal et de les importer sur un autre site. Dans de rares cas, le contenu peut être de nature à justifier la résiliation immédiate du compte. Il s'agit d'une décision de hub, pas d'une décision de $Projectname. + +Si vous publiez régulièrement des contenus à caractère adulte ou offensant, nous vous encourageons fortement à marquer votre compte "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work). Ceci empêchera l'affichage de votre photo de profil dans le répertoire, sauf pour les visiteurs qui ont choisi de désactiver le "safe mode". Si votre photo de profil est trouvée par les administrateurs d'annuaire comme étant adulte ou offensante, l'administrateur d'annuaire PEUT marquer votre photo de profil comme NSFW. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mécanisme officiel pour contester ou renverser cette décision, c'est pourquoi vous DEVEZ marquer votre propre compte NSFW s'il est susceptible d'être inapproprié pour le grand public. + +[h3]Remerciements[/h3] + +Merci à tous ceux qui ont aidé et contribué au projet et à ses prédécesseurs au fil des ans. +Il est possible que votre nom nous ait échappé, mais ce n'est pas intentionnel. Nous remercions également la collectivité et ses membres pour leur précieuse contribution et sans qui tout cet effort n'aurait pas de sens. + +Il convient également de reconnaître les contributions et les solutions aux problèmes qui sont apparus à la suite de des discussions entre les membres et les développeurs d'autres projets quelque peu liés et concurrents ; même si nous avons eu nos désaccords occasionnels. + +[list] +[li]Mike Macgirvin[/li] +[li]Fabio Comuni[/li] +[li]Simon L'nu[/li] +[li]marijus[/li] +[li]Tobias Diekershoff[/li] +[li]fabrixxm[/li] +[li]tommy tomson[/li] +[li]Simon[/li] +[li]zottel[/li] +[li]Christian Vogeley[/li] +[li]jeroenpraat[/li] +[li]Michael Vogel[/li] +[li]erik[/li] +[li]Zach Prezkuta[/li] +[li]Paolo T[/li] +[li]Michael Meer[/li] +[li]Michael[/li] +[li]Abinoam P. Marques Jr[/li] +[li]Tobias Hößl[/li] +[li]Alexander Kampmann[/li] +[li]Olaf Conradi[/li] +[li]Paolo Tacconi[/li] +[li]tobiasd[/li] +[li]Devlon Duthie[/li] +[li]Zvi ben Yaakov (a.k.a rdc)[/li] +[li]Alexandre Hannud Abdo[/li] +[li]Olivier Migeot[/li] +[li]Chris Case[/li] +[li]Klaus Weidenbach[/li] +[li]Michael Johnston[/li] +[li]olivierm[/li] +[li]Vasudev Kamath[/li] +[li]pixelroot[/li] +[li]Max Weller[/li] +[li]duthied[/li] +[li]Martin Schmitt[/li] +[li]Sebastian Egbers[/li] +[li]Erkan Yilmaz[/li] +[li]sasiflo[/li] +[li]Stefan Parviainen[/li] +[li]Haakon Meland Eriksen[/li] +[li]Oliver Hartmann (23n)[/li] +[li]Erik Lundin[/li] +[li]habeascodice[/li] +[li]sirius[/li] +[li]Charles[/li] +[li]Tony Baldwin[/li] +[li]Hauke Zuehl[/li] +[li]Keith Fernie[/li] +[li]Anne Walk[/li] +[li]toclimb[/li] +[li]Daniel Frank[/li] +[li]Matthew Exon[/li] +[li]Michal Supler[/li] +[li]Tobias Luther[/li] +[li]U-SOUND\mike[/li] +[li]mrjive[/li] +[li]nostupidzone[/li] +[li]tonnerkiller[/li] +[li]Antoine G[/li] +[li]Christian Drechsler[/li] +[li]Ludovic Grossard[/li] +[li]RedmatrixCanada[/li] +[li]Stanislav Lechev [0xAF][/li] +[li]aweiher[/li] +[li]bufalo1973[/li] +[li]dsp1986[/li] +[li]felixgilles[/li] +[li]ike[/li] +[li]maase2[/li] +[li]mycocham[/li] +[li]ndurchx[/li] +[li]pafcu[/li] +[li]Simó Albert i Beltran[/li] +[li]Manuel Reva[/li] +[li]Manuel Jiménez Friaza[/li] +[li]Gustav Wall aka "neue medienordnung plus"[/li] +[/list] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2e758f11e71ed28e148887fd436ad35024f7d6a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:08:55 +0200 Subject: Update and place in correct folder FR toc.html needs editing --- doc/fr/about/ | 175 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 175 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/fr/about/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/about/ b/doc/fr/about/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02ee07103 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/fr/about/ @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +[h3]La gouvernance de $Projectname [/h3] +La gouvernance est liée à la gestion d'un projet et plus particulièrement à la résolution des conflits. + +[h4]Gouvernance communautaire[/h4] +Le projet est maintenu et les décisions sont prises par la "communauté". La structure de gouvernance continue d'évoluer. Jusqu'à ce que la structure soit finalisée, les décisions sont prises dans l'ordre suivant : + +[ol] +[*] Consensus paresseux + +Si une proposition de projet est soumise à l'un des forums de gouvernance communautaire et qu'il n'y a pas d'objections sérieuses dans un délai "raisonnable" à partir de la date de la proposition (nous accordons généralement 2 à 3 jours pour que toutes les parties intéressées puissent intervenir), aucun vote n'est nécessaire et la proposition sera considérée comme approuvée. Certaines préoccupations peuvent être soulevées à ce moment-là, mais si elles sont abordées au cours de la discussion et des solutions de rechange fournies, elles seront quand même considérées comme approuvées. + +[*] Veto + +Les promoteurs principaux ayant un historique important d'engagements de projet peuvent opposer leur veto à toute décision. La décision ne peut être prise tant que le veto n'a pas été levé ou qu'une autre proposition n'a pas été présentée. + +[*] Vote de la communauté + +Une décision qui n'a pas de mandat clair ou de consensus clair, mais qui ne fait pas l'objet d'un veto, peut être soumise au vote de la communauté. Actuellement, il s'agit d'un simple vote populaire dans l'un des forums communautaires applicables. À ce moment-là, c'est le vote populaire qui décide du résultat. Cela pourrait changer à l'avenir si la communauté adopte un modèle de gouvernance de "conseil". Ce document sera mis à jour à ce moment-là avec les règles de gouvernance mises à jour. +[/ol] + +Le vote communautaire n'offre pas toujours un résultat agréable et peut générer des factions polarisées au sein de la communauté (d'où la raison pour laquelle d'autres modèles sont à l'étude). Si la proposition est rejetée, il y a encore plusieurs choses qui peuvent être faites et la proposition peut être soumise à nouveau avec des paramètres légèrement différents (conversion vers un module complémentaire, conversion vers un module optionnel qui est désactivé par défaut, etc. Si l'intérêt pour le dispositif est élevé et que le vote est "serré", cela peut générer beaucoup de mauvais sentiments parmi les électeurs perdants. Lors de ces votes serrés, il est [b]fortement recommandé[/b] que l'auteur de la proposition prenne des mesures pour répondre à toute préoccupation soulevée et la soumettre de nouveau. + +[h3]Politique de confidentialité[/h3] + +Q : Qui peut voir mon contenu ? + +R : Par défaut, N'IMPORTE QUELLE personne sur Internet, à MOINS que vous le restreigniez. Nom du projet vous permet de choisir le niveau de confidentialité que vous désirez. Le contenu restreint ne sera PAS visible pour les "réseaux d'espionnage" et les annonceurs. Il sera protégé contre les écoutes de l'extérieur - au mieux de nos capacités. Les administrateurs de Hub ayant suffisamment de compétences et de patience PEUVENT être en mesure d'écouter certaines communications privées, mais ils doivent déployer des trésors d'efforts pour le faire. Des modes de confidentialité existent au sein de $Projectname qui résistent même à l'écoute par des administrateurs de hub qualifiés et déterminés. + +Q : Mon contenu peut-il être censuré ? + +R : $Projectname (le réseau) NE PEUT PAS censurer votre contenu. Les administrateurs de serveur et de hub sont soumis aux lois locales et PEUVENT supprimer le contenu répréhensible de leur site/hub. N'importe qui PEUT devenir un administrateur de hub, y compris vous ; et donc publier du contenu qui pourrait autrement être censuré. Vous POUVEZ toujours être soumis aux lois locales. + +[h3]Définitions[/h3] + +[h4]$Projectname[/h4] +Autrement appelé "le réseau", $Projectname est une collection d'ordinateurs/serveurs individuels (aka [b]hubs[/b]) qui se connectent ensemble pour former un plus grand réseau coopératif. + +[h4]Hub[/h4] +Un ordinateur individuel ou un serveur connecté à $Projectname. Ces services sont fournis par un [b]administrateur de hub[/b] et peuvent être publics ou privés, payants ou gratuits. + +[h4]Administrateur de hub[/h4] +Gérant du système d'un hub individuel. + +[h3]Politiques[/h3] + +[h4]Information publique[/h4] + +Toute information ou tout ce que vous affichez dans $Projectname PEUT être public ou visible par quiconque sur Internet. Dans la mesure du possible, $Projectname vous permet de protéger le contenu et de restreindre qui peut le consulter. + +La photo de votre profil, le nom de votre canal et l'emplacement (URL ou adresse réseau) de votre canal sont visibles par tous sur Internet et les contrôles de confidentialité n'affecteront pas l'affichage de ces éléments. + +Vous POUVEZ fournir en plus d'autres informations de profil. Toute information que vous fournissez dans votre profil "par défaut" ou [b]profil public[/b] PEUT être transmise à d'autres hubs dans $Projectname et peut également être affichée dans le répertoire des canaux. Vous pouvez limiter l'affichage de ces informations de profil. Il peut être limité aux seuls membres de votre hub, ou seulement aux connexions (amis), ou à d'autres groupes limités de visionneurs comme vous le souhaitez. Si vous souhaitez que votre profil soit restreint, vous devez définir le paramètre de confidentialité approprié ou simplement NE PAS fournir d'informations supplémentaires. + +[h4]Contenu[/h4] + +Le contenu que vous fournissez (messages de statut, photos, fichiers, etc.) vous appartient. Par défaut, $Projectname publie le contenu ouvertement et visible par tout le monde sur Internet (PUBLIC). Vous POUVEZ contrôler cela dans les paramètres de votre canal et restreindre les permissions par défaut ou vous POUVEZ restreindre la visibilité de n'importe quel élément publié séparément (PRIVÉ). Les développeurs de noms de projet s'assureront que le contenu restreint est visible SEULEMENT pour ceux qui figurent dans la liste des restrictions - au mieux de leurs capacités. + +Les contenus (en particulier les messages de statut) que vous partagez avec d'autres réseaux ou que vous avez rendus visibles à quiconque sur Internet (PUBLIC) ne peuvent pas être facilement repris une fois qu'ils ont été publiés. Il PEUT être partagé avec d'autres réseaux et rendu disponible par le biais de flux RSS/Atom. Il peut aussi être syndiqué sur d'autres sites $Projectname. Il PEUT apparaître sur d'autres réseaux et sites Web et être visible dans les recherches sur Internet. Si vous ne souhaitez pas ce comportement par défaut, veuillez ajuster les paramètres de votre canal et restreindre le nombre de personnes qui peuvent voir votre contenu. + +[h4]Commentaires et posts du Forum[/h4] + +Les commentaires sur les posts qui ont été créés par d'autres et les posts qui sont désignés comme posts du forum vous appartiennent en tant que créateur/auteur, mais la distribution de ces posts n'est pas sous votre contrôle direct, et vous renoncez à certains droits sur ces items. Ces messages/commentaires PEUVENT être redistribués à d'autres, et PEUVENT être visibles pour n'importe qui sur Internet. Dans le cas de commentaires, le créateur du "premier message" dans le fil de discussion (conversation) auquel vous répondez contrôle la distribution de tous les commentaires et réponses à ce message. Ils "possèdent" et ont donc certains droits sur l'ensemble de la conversation (y compris tous les commentaires qu'elle contient). Vous pouvez toujours modifier ou supprimer le commentaire, mais le propriétaire de la conversation a également le droit de modifier, supprimer, redistribuer et sauvegarder/restaurer tout ou partie du contenu de la conversation. + +[h4]Les informations privées[/h4] + +Les développeurs de $Projectname s'assureront que tout contenu que vous fournissez et qui est désigné comme PRIVÉ seront protégés contre les écoutes - au mieux de leurs capacités. Le contenu des canaux privés PEUT être vu dans la base de données de chaque administrateur de hub impliqué, mais les messages privés sont masqués dans la base de données. Cette dernière signifie qu'il est très difficile, mais PAS impossible que ce contenu soit vu par un administrateur de hub. Le contenu du canal privé et les messages privés sont également éliminés des notifications par courriel. Le cryptage de bout en bout est fourni en option et ceci NE PEUT PAS être vu, même par un administrateur déterminé. + +[h3]Confidentialité de l'identité[/h3] + +La confidentialité de votre identité est un autre aspect. Parce que vous avez une identité décentralisée dans $Projectname, votre vie privée s'étend au-delà de votre hub d'origine. Si vous voulez avoir le contrôle total de votre vie privée et de la sécurité, vous devriez faire fonctionner votre propre concentrateur sur un serveur dédié. Pour beaucoup de gens, c'est compliqué et cela peut mettre à l'épreuve leurs capacités techniques. Énumérons donc quelques précautions que vous pouvez prendre pour assurer votre vie privée autant que possible. + +Une identité décentralisée a beaucoup d'avantages et vous donne beaucoup de fonctionnalités intéressantes, mais vous devez être conscient du fait que votre identité est connue par d'autres hubs dans le réseau $Projectname. L'un de ces avantages est que d'autres canaux peuvent vous servir du contenu personnalisé et vous permettre de voir des choses privées (comme des photos privées que d'autres souhaitent partager avec vous). Pour cette raison, ces canaux ont besoin de savoir qui vous êtes. Mais nous comprenons que parfois, ces autres canaux en savent plus de vous que vous ne le souhaiteriez. Par exemple, le plug-in Visage qui peut indiquer au propriétaire d'un canal la dernière fois que vous avez visité son profil. Vous pouvez facilement OPT-OUT de ce bas niveau et nous pensons, le suivi inoffensif. + +Vous pouvez activer [Ne pas suivre (DNT)]( dans votre navigateur Web. Nous respectons cette nouvelle proposition de politique de confidentialité. Tous les navigateurs modernes supportent le DNT. Vous le trouverez dans les paramètres de confidentialité de vos navigateurs ou bien vous pouvez consulter le manuel du navigateur Web. Cela n'affectera pas la fonctionnalité de $Projectname. Ce réglage est probablement suffisant pour la plupart des gens. + +Vous pouvez [désactiver la publication](settings) de votre chaîne dans notre répertoire de chaînes. Si vous voulez que les gens trouvent votre canal, vous devriez leur donner l'adresse de votre canal directement. Nous pensons que c'est une bonne indication que vous préférez une vie privée supplémentaire et que vous activez automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si c'est le cas. + +Vous pouvez avoir un hub bloqué. Cela signifie que tous les canaux et le contenu de cette hub ne sont pas publics et ne sont pas visibles pour le monde extérieur. C'est quelque chose que seul votre administrateur de hub peut faire. Nous respectons également ce principe et activons automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si elle est définie. + +[h3]La Censure[/h3] + +$Projectname est un réseau mondial qui inclut toutes les religions et toutes les cultures. Cela n'implique pas que tous les membres du réseau ressentent la même chose que vous sur les questions litigieuses, et certaines personnes peuvent être FORTEMENT opposées au contenu que vous publiez. En général, si vous souhaitez publier quelque chose que vous savez ne pas être universellement acceptable, la meilleure approche est de limiter l'audience en utilisant les contrôles de confidentialité à un petit cercle d'amis. + +$Projectname en tant que fournisseur de réseau n'est pas en mesure de censurer le contenu. Cependant, les administrateurs du hub PEUVENT censurer tout contenu qui apparaît sur leur hub pour se conformer aux lois locales ou même au jugement personnel. Leur décision est finale. Si vous avez des problèmes avec un administrateur de hub, vous pouvez déplacer votre compte et vos messages sur un autre site qui correspond mieux à vos attentes. Veuillez vérifier (périodiquement) les[Conditions d'utilisation](help/TermsOfService) de votre hub pour connaître les règles ou directives. Si votre contenu se compose de matériel qui est illégal ou qui peut causer des problèmes, vous êtes FORTEMENT encouragé à héberger le vôtre (devenez un administrateur de hub). Vous pouvez toujours trouver que votre contenu est bloqué sur certains hubs, mais $Projectname en tant que réseau ne peut pas l'empêcher d'être posté. + +$Projectname RECOMMANDE que les administrateurs du concentrateur accordent un délai de grâce de 1 à 2 jours entre l'avertissement au titulaire du compte du contenu qui doit être supprimé et la suppression ou la désactivation physique du compte. Cela donnera au propriétaire du contenu la possibilité d'exporter les métadonnées de son canal et de les importer sur un autre site. Dans de rares cas, le contenu peut être de nature à justifier la résiliation immédiate du compte. Il s'agit d'une décision de hub, pas d'une décision de $Projectname. + +Si vous publiez régulièrement des contenus à caractère adulte ou offensant, nous vous encourageons fortement à marquer votre compte "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work). Ceci empêchera l'affichage de votre photo de profil dans le répertoire, sauf pour les visiteurs qui ont choisi de désactiver le "safe mode". Si votre photo de profil est trouvée par les administrateurs d'annuaire comme étant adulte ou offensante, l'administrateur d'annuaire PEUT marquer votre photo de profil comme NSFW. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mécanisme officiel pour contester ou renverser cette décision, c'est pourquoi vous DEVEZ marquer votre propre compte NSFW s'il est susceptible d'être inapproprié pour le grand public. + +[h3]Remerciements[/h3] + +Merci à tous ceux qui ont aidé et contribué au projet et à ses prédécesseurs au fil des ans. +Il est possible que votre nom nous ait échappé, mais ce n'est pas intentionnel. Nous remercions également la collectivité et ses membres pour leur précieuse contribution et sans qui tout cet effort n'aurait pas de sens. + +Il convient également de reconnaître les contributions et les solutions aux problèmes qui sont apparus à la suite de des discussions entre les membres et les développeurs d'autres projets quelque peu liés et concurrents ; même si nous avons eu nos désaccords occasionnels. + +[list] +[li]Mike Macgirvin[/li] +[li]Fabio Comuni[/li] +[li]Simon L'nu[/li] +[li]marijus[/li] +[li]Tobias Diekershoff[/li] +[li]fabrixxm[/li] +[li]tommy tomson[/li] +[li]Simon[/li] +[li]zottel[/li] +[li]Christian Vogeley[/li] +[li]jeroenpraat[/li] +[li]Michael Vogel[/li] +[li]erik[/li] +[li]Zach Prezkuta[/li] +[li]Paolo T[/li] +[li]Michael Meer[/li] +[li]Michael[/li] +[li]Abinoam P. Marques Jr[/li] +[li]Tobias Hößl[/li] +[li]Alexander Kampmann[/li] +[li]Olaf Conradi[/li] +[li]Paolo Tacconi[/li] +[li]tobiasd[/li] +[li]Devlon Duthie[/li] +[li]Zvi ben Yaakov (a.k.a rdc)[/li] +[li]Alexandre Hannud Abdo[/li] +[li]Olivier Migeot[/li] +[li]Chris Case[/li] +[li]Klaus Weidenbach[/li] +[li]Michael Johnston[/li] +[li]olivierm[/li] +[li]Vasudev Kamath[/li] +[li]pixelroot[/li] +[li]Max Weller[/li] +[li]duthied[/li] +[li]Martin Schmitt[/li] +[li]Sebastian Egbers[/li] +[li]Erkan Yilmaz[/li] +[li]sasiflo[/li] +[li]Stefan Parviainen[/li] +[li]Haakon Meland Eriksen[/li] +[li]Oliver Hartmann (23n)[/li] +[li]Erik Lundin[/li] +[li]habeascodice[/li] +[li]sirius[/li] +[li]Charles[/li] +[li]Tony Baldwin[/li] +[li]Hauke Zuehl[/li] +[li]Keith Fernie[/li] +[li]Anne Walk[/li] +[li]toclimb[/li] +[li]Daniel Frank[/li] +[li]Matthew Exon[/li] +[li]Michal Supler[/li] +[li]Tobias Luther[/li] +[li]U-SOUND\mike[/li] +[li]mrjive[/li] +[li]nostupidzone[/li] +[li]tonnerkiller[/li] +[li]Antoine G[/li] +[li]Christian Drechsler[/li] +[li]Ludovic Grossard[/li] +[li]RedmatrixCanada[/li] +[li]Stanislav Lechev [0xAF][/li] +[li]aweiher[/li] +[li]bufalo1973[/li] +[li]dsp1986[/li] +[li]felixgilles[/li] +[li]ike[/li] +[li]maase2[/li] +[li]mycocham[/li] +[li]ndurchx[/li] +[li]pafcu[/li] +[li]Simó Albert i Beltran[/li] +[li]Manuel Reva[/li] +[li]Manuel Jiménez Friaza[/li] +[li]Gustav Wall aka "neue medienordnung plus"[/li] +[/list] -- cgit v1.2.3 From ef3994da30a2bb3a7b75642c40282a5ec191aa44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:11:10 +0200 Subject: Delete FR from wrong folder apologies --- doc/fr/ | 179 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 179 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 doc/fr/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ deleted file mode 100644 index b62c3bd25..000000000 --- a/doc/fr/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,179 +0,0 @@ -[h3]La gouvernance de $Projectname [/h3] -La gouvernance est liée à la gestion d'un projet et plus particulièrement à la résolution des conflits. - -[h4]Gouvernance communautaire[/h4] -Le projet est maintenu et les décisions sont prises par la " communauté ". La structure de gouvernance continue d'évoluer. Jusqu'à ce que la structure soit finalisée, les décisions sont prises dans l'ordre suivant : - -[ol] -[*] Consensus paresseux - -Si une proposition de projet est soumise à l'un des forums de gouvernance communautaire et qu'il n'y a pas d'objections sérieuses dans un délai "raisonnable" à partir de la date de la proposition (nous accordons généralement 2 à 3 jours pour que toutes les parties intéressées puissent intervenir), aucun vote n'est nécessaire et la proposition sera considérée comme approuvée. Certaines préoccupations peuvent être soulevées à ce moment-là, mais si elles sont abordées au cours de la discussion et des solutions de rechange fournies, elles seront quand même considérées comme approuvées. - -[*] Veto - -Les promoteurs principaux ayant un historique important d'engagements de projet peuvent opposer leur veto à toute décision. La décision ne peut être prise tant que le veto n'a pas été levé ou qu'une autre proposition n'a pas été présentée. - -[*] Vote de la communauté - -Une décision qui n'a pas de mandat clair ou de consensus clair, mais qui ne fait pas l'objet d'un veto, peut être soumise au vote de la communauté. Actuellement, il s'agit d'un simple vote populaire dans l'un des forums communautaires applicables. À ce moment-là, c'est le vote populaire qui décide du résultat. Cela pourrait changer à l'avenir si la communauté adopte un modèle de gouvernance de " conseil ". Ce document sera mis à jour à ce moment-là avec les règles de gouvernance mises à jour. -[/ol] - -Le vote communautaire n'offre pas toujours un résultat agréable et peut générer des factions polarisées au sein de la communauté (d'où la raison pour laquelle d'autres modèles sont à l'étude). Si la proposition est rejetée, il y a encore plusieurs choses qui peuvent être faites et la proposition peut être soumise à nouveau avec des paramètres légèrement différents (conversion vers un module complémentaire, conversion vers un module optionnel qui est désactivé par défaut, etc. Si l'intérêt pour le dispositif est élevé et que le vote est " serré ", cela peut générer beaucoup de mauvais sentiments parmi les électeurs perdants. Lors de ces votes serrés, il est [b]fortement recommandé[/b] que l'auteur de la proposition prenne des mesures pour répondre à toute préoccupation soulevée et la soumettre de nouveau. - -[h4]Politique de confidentialité[/h4] - -Q: Qui peut voir mon contenu ? - -R : Par défaut, N'IMPORTE QUELLE personne sur Internet, à MOINS que vous le restreigniez. Nom du projet vous permet de choisir le niveau de confidentialité que vous désirez. Le contenu restreint ne sera PAS visible pour les "réseaux d'espionnage" et les annonceurs. Il sera protégé contre les écoutes de l'extérieur - au mieux de nos capacités. Les administrateurs de Hub ayant suffisamment de compétences et de patience PEUVENT être en mesure d'écouter certaines communications privées, mais ils doivent déployer des trésors d'efforts pour le faire. Des modes de confidentialité existent au sein de $Projectname qui résistent même à l'écoute par des administrateurs de hub qualifiés et déterminés. - -Q : Mon contenu peut-il être censuré ? - -R : $Nom du projet (le réseau) NE PEUT PAS censurer votre contenu. Les administrateurs de serveur et de hub sont soumis aux lois locales et PEUVENT supprimer le contenu répréhensible de leur site/hub. N'importe qui PEUT devenir un administrateur de hub, y compris vous ; et donc publier du contenu qui pourrait autrement être censuré. Vous POUVEZ toujours être soumis aux lois locales. - - -[h5]Définitions[/h5]. - -**$Nom du projet**** - -Autrement appelé "le réseau", $Projectname est une collection d'ordinateurs/serveurs individuels (aka **hubs**) qui se connectent ensemble pour former un plus grand réseau coopératif. - -**hub** - -Un ordinateur individuel ou un serveur connecté à $Projectname. Ces services sont fournis par un **administrateur de hub** et peuvent être publics ou privés, payants ou gratuits. - -**administrateur de hub**** - -Gérant du système d'un hub individuel. - -[h5]Politiques[/h5] - -**Information publique** - -Toute information ou tout ce que vous affichez dans $Projectname PEUT être public ou visible par quiconque sur Internet. Dans la mesure du possible, $Projectname vous permet de protéger le contenu et de restreindre qui peut le consulter. - -La photo de votre profil, le nom de votre canal et l'emplacement (URL ou adresse réseau) de votre canal sont visibles par tous sur Internet et les contrôles de confidentialité n'affecteront pas l'affichage de ces éléments. - -Vous POUVEZ fournir en plus d'autres informations de profil. Toute information que vous fournissez dans votre profil "par défaut" ou **profil public** PEUT être transmise à d'autres hubs dans $Projectname et peut également être affichée dans le répertoire des canaux. Vous pouvez limiter l'affichage de ces informations de profil. Il peut être limité aux seuls membres de votre hub, ou seulement aux connexions (amis), ou à d'autres groupes limités de visionneurs comme vous le souhaitez. Si vous souhaitez que votre profil soit restreint, vous devez définir le paramètre de confidentialité approprié ou simplement NE PAS fournir d'informations supplémentaires. - -**Contenu** - -Le contenu que vous fournissez (messages de statut, photos, fichiers, etc.) vous appartient. Par défaut, $Projectname publie le contenu ouvertement et visible par tout le monde sur Internet (PUBLIC). Vous POUVEZ contrôler cela dans les paramètres de votre canal et restreindre les permissions par défaut ou vous POUVEZ restreindre la visibilité de n'importe quel élément publié séparément (PRIVÉ). Les développeurs de noms de projet s'assureront que le contenu restreint est visible SEULEMENT pour ceux qui figurent dans la liste des restrictions - au mieux de leurs capacités. - -Les contenus (en particulier les messages de statut) que vous partagez avec d'autres réseaux ou que vous avez rendus visibles à quiconque sur Internet (PUBLIC) ne peuvent pas être facilement repris une fois qu'ils ont été publiés. Il PEUT être partagé avec d'autres réseaux et rendu disponible par le biais de flux RSS/Atom. Il peut aussi être syndiqué sur d'autres sites $Projectname. Il PEUT apparaître sur d'autres réseaux et sites Web et être visible dans les recherches sur Internet. Si vous ne souhaitez pas ce comportement par défaut, veuillez ajuster les paramètres de votre canal et restreindre le nombre de personnes qui peuvent voir votre contenu. - -**Commentaires et posts du Forum** - -Les commentaires sur les posts qui ont été créés par d'autres et les posts qui sont désignés comme posts du forum vous appartiennent en tant que créateur/auteur, mais la distribution de ces posts n'est pas sous votre contrôle direct, et vous renoncez à certains droits sur ces items. Ces messages/commentaires PEUVENT être redistribués à d'autres, et PEUVENT être visibles pour n'importe qui sur Internet. Dans le cas de commentaires, le créateur du "premier message" dans le fil de discussion (conversation) auquel vous répondez contrôle la distribution de tous les commentaires et réponses à ce message. Ils "possèdent" et ont donc certains droits sur l'ensemble de la conversation (y compris tous les commentaires qu'elle contient). Vous pouvez toujours modifier ou supprimer le commentaire, mais le propriétaire de la conversation a également le droit de modifier, supprimer, redistribuer et sauvegarder/restaurer tout ou partie du contenu de la conversation. - -**Les informations privées** - -Les développeurs de $Projectname s'assureront que tout contenu que vous fournissez et qui est désigné comme PRIVÉ seront protégés contre les écoutes - au mieux de leurs capacités. Le contenu des canaux privés PEUT être vu dans la base de données de chaque administrateur de hub impliqué, mais les messages privés sont masqués dans la base de données. Cette dernière signifie qu'il est très difficile, mais PAS impossible que ce contenu soit vu par un administrateur de hub. Le contenu du canal privé et les messages privés sont également éliminés des notifications par courriel. Le cryptage de bout en bout est fourni en option et ceci NE PEUT PAS être vu, même par un administrateur déterminé. - -[h5]Confidentialité de l'identité[/h5]. - -La confidentialité de votre identité est un autre aspect. Parce que vous avez une identité décentralisée dans $Projectname, votre vie privée s'étend au-delà de votre hub d'origine. Si vous voulez avoir le contrôle total de votre vie privée et de la sécurité, vous devriez faire fonctionner votre propre concentrateur sur un serveur dédié. Pour beaucoup de gens, c'est compliqué et cela peut mettre à l'épreuve leurs capacités techniques. Énumérons donc quelques précautions que vous pouvez prendre pour assurer votre vie privée autant que possible. - -Une identité décentralisée a beaucoup d'avantages et vous donne beaucoup de fonctionnalités intéressantes, mais vous devez être conscient du fait que votre identité est connue par d'autres hubs dans le réseau $Projectname. L'un de ces avantages est que d'autres canaux peuvent vous servir du contenu personnalisé et vous permettre de voir des choses privées (comme des photos privées que d'autres souhaitent partager avec vous). Pour cette raison, ces canaux ont besoin de savoir qui vous êtes. Mais nous comprenons que parfois, ces autres canaux en savent plus de vous que vous ne le souhaiteriez. Par exemple, le plug-in Visage qui peut indiquer au propriétaire d'un canal la dernière fois que vous avez visité son profil. Vous pouvez facilement OPT-OUT de ce bas niveau et nous pensons, le suivi inoffensif. - -Vous pouvez activer [Ne pas suivre (DNT)]( dans votre navigateur Web. Nous respectons cette nouvelle proposition de politique de confidentialité. Tous les navigateurs modernes supportent le DNT. Vous le trouverez dans les paramètres de confidentialité de vos navigateurs ou bien vous pouvez consulter le manuel du navigateur Web. Cela n'affectera pas la fonctionnalité de $Projectname. Ce réglage est probablement suffisant pour la plupart des gens. - -*Vous pouvez [désactiver la publication](settings) de votre chaîne dans notre répertoire de chaînes. Si vous voulez que les gens trouvent votre canal, vous devriez leur donner l'adresse de votre canal directement. Nous pensons que c'est une bonne indication que vous préférez une vie privée supplémentaire et que vous activez automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si c'est le cas. - -*Vous pouvez avoir un hub bloqué. Cela signifie que tous les canaux et le contenu de cette hub ne sont pas publics et ne sont pas visibles pour le monde extérieur. C'est quelque chose que seul votre administrateur de hub peut faire. Nous respectons également ce principe et activons automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si elle est définie. - -[h5]La Censure[/h5] - -$Projectname est un réseau mondial qui inclut toutes les religions et toutes les cultures. Cela n'implique pas que tous les membres du réseau ressentent la même chose que vous sur les questions litigieuses, et certaines personnes peuvent être FORTEMENT opposées au contenu que vous publiez. En général, si vous souhaitez publier quelque chose que vous savez ne pas être universellement acceptable, la meilleure approche est de limiter l'audience en utilisant les contrôles de confidentialité à un petit cercle d'amis. - -$Projectname en tant que fournisseur de réseau n'est pas en mesure de censurer le contenu. Cependant, les administrateurs du hub PEUVENT censurer tout contenu qui apparaît sur leur hub pour se conformer aux lois locales ou même au jugement personnel. Leur décision est finale. Si vous avez des problèmes avec un administrateur de hub, vous pouvez déplacer votre compte et vos messages sur un autre site qui correspond mieux à vos attentes. Veuillez vérifier (périodiquement) les[Conditions d'utilisation](help/TermsOfService) de votre hub pour connaître les règles ou directives. Si votre contenu se compose de matériel qui est illégal ou qui peut causer des problèmes, vous êtes FORTEMENT encouragé à héberger le vôtre (devenez un administrateur de hub). Vous pouvez toujours trouver que votre contenu est bloqué sur certains hubs, mais $Projectname en tant que réseau ne peut pas l'empêcher d'être posté. - -$Projectname RECOMMANDE que les administrateurs du concentrateur accordent un délai de grâce de 1 à 2 jours entre l'avertissement au titulaire du compte du contenu qui doit être supprimé et la suppression ou la désactivation physique du compte. Cela donnera au propriétaire du contenu la possibilité d'exporter les métadonnées de son canal et de les importer sur un autre site. Dans de rares cas, le contenu peut être de nature à justifier la résiliation immédiate du compte. Il s'agit d'une décision de hub, pas d'une décision de $Projectname. - -Si vous publiez régulièrement des contenus à caractère adulte ou offensant, nous vous encourageons fortement à marquer votre compte "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work). Ceci empêchera l'affichage de votre photo de profil dans le répertoire, sauf pour les visiteurs qui ont choisi de désactiver le "safe mode". Si votre photo de profil est trouvée par les administrateurs d'annuaire comme étant adulte ou offensante, l'administrateur d'annuaire PEUT marquer votre photo de profil comme NSFW. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mécanisme officiel pour contester ou renverser cette décision, c'est pourquoi vous DEVEZ marquer votre propre compte NSFW s'il est susceptible d'être inapproprié pour le grand public. - -[h3]Remerciements[/h3] - -Merci à tous ceux qui ont aidé et contribué au projet et à ses prédécesseurs au fil des ans. -Il est possible que votre nom nous ait échappé, mais ce n'est pas intentionnel. Nous remercions également la collectivité et ses membres pour leur précieuse contribution et sans qui tout cet effort n'aurait pas de sens. - -Il convient également de reconnaître les contributions et les solutions aux problèmes qui sont apparus à la suite de des discussions entre les membres et les développeurs d'autres projets quelque peu liés et concurrents ; même si nous avons eu nos désaccords occasionnels. - -[list] -[li]Mike Macgirvin[/li] -[li]Fabio Comuni[/li] -[li]Simon L'nu[/li] -[li]marijus[/li] -[li]Tobias Diekershoff[/li] -[li]fabrixxm[/li] -[li]tommy tomson[/li] -[li]Simon[/li] -[li]zottel[/li] -[li]Christian Vogeley[/li] -[li]jeroenpraat[/li] -[li]Michael Vogel[/li] -[li]erik[/li] -[li]Zach Prezkuta[/li] -[li]Paolo T[/li] -[li]Michael Meer[/li] -[li]Michael[/li] -[li]Abinoam P. Marques Jr[/li] -[li]Tobias Hößl[/li] -[li]Alexander Kampmann[/li] -[li]Olaf Conradi[/li] -[li]Paolo Tacconi[/li] -[li]tobiasd[/li] -[li]Devlon Duthie[/li] -[li]Zvi ben Yaakov (a.k.a rdc)[/li] -[li]Alexandre Hannud Abdo[/li] -[li]Olivier Migeot[/li] -[li]Chris Case[/li] -[li]Klaus Weidenbach[/li] -[li]Michael Johnston[/li] -[li]olivierm[/li] -[li]Vasudev Kamath[/li] -[li]pixelroot[/li] -[li]Max Weller[/li] -[li]duthied[/li] -[li]Martin Schmitt[/li] -[li]Sebastian Egbers[/li] -[li]Erkan Yilmaz[/li] -[li]sasiflo[/li] -[li]Stefan Parviainen[/li] -[li]Haakon Meland Eriksen[/li] -[li]Oliver Hartmann (23n)[/li] -[li]Erik Lundin[/li] -[li]habeascodice[/li] -[li]sirius[/li] -[li]Charles[/li] -[li]Tony Baldwin[/li] -[li]Hauke Zuehl[/li] -[li]Keith Fernie[/li] -[li]Anne Walk[/li] -[li]toclimb[/li] -[li]Daniel Frank[/li] -[li]Matthew Exon[/li] -[li]Michal Supler[/li] -[li]Tobias Luther[/li] -[li]U-SOUND\mike[/li] -[li]mrjive[/li] -[li]nostupidzone[/li] -[li]tonnerkiller[/li] -[li]Antoine G[/li] -[li]Christian Drechsler[/li] -[li]Ludovic Grossard[/li] -[li]RedmatrixCanada[/li] -[li]Stanislav Lechev [0xAF][/li] -[li]aweiher[/li] -[li]bufalo1973[/li] -[li]dsp1986[/li] -[li]felixgilles[/li] -[li]ike[/li] -[li]maase2[/li] -[li]mycocham[/li] -[li]ndurchx[/li] -[li]pafcu[/li] -[li]Simó Albert i Beltran[/li] -[li]Manuel Reva[/li] -[li]Manuel Jiménez Friaza[/li] -[li]Gustav Wall aka "neue medienordnung plus"[/li] -[/list] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 33503349ecc4ee998bcc4a346b6903b572256e08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:12:51 +0200 Subject: Update FR toc.html --- doc/fr/toc.html | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/toc.html b/doc/fr/toc.html index 95b9454c7..35edcd96d 100644 --- a/doc/fr/toc.html +++ b/doc/fr/toc.html @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ -- cgit v1.2.3 From c7c04aba3db00dd9ff397887e1cd48f30f403f7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:42:46 +0200 Subject: Update --- doc/fr/about/ | 13 ++++++------- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/about/ b/doc/fr/about/ index 02ee07103..e9bf11cb4 100644 --- a/doc/fr/about/ +++ b/doc/fr/about/ @@ -6,15 +6,14 @@ Le projet est maintenu et les décisions sont prises par la "communauté". La st [ol] [*] Consensus paresseux - Si une proposition de projet est soumise à l'un des forums de gouvernance communautaire et qu'il n'y a pas d'objections sérieuses dans un délai "raisonnable" à partir de la date de la proposition (nous accordons généralement 2 à 3 jours pour que toutes les parties intéressées puissent intervenir), aucun vote n'est nécessaire et la proposition sera considérée comme approuvée. Certaines préoccupations peuvent être soulevées à ce moment-là, mais si elles sont abordées au cours de la discussion et des solutions de rechange fournies, elles seront quand même considérées comme approuvées. -[*] Veto +[*] Veto Les promoteurs principaux ayant un historique important d'engagements de projet peuvent opposer leur veto à toute décision. La décision ne peut être prise tant que le veto n'a pas été levé ou qu'une autre proposition n'a pas été présentée. -[*] Vote de la communauté +[*] Vote de la communauté Une décision qui n'a pas de mandat clair ou de consensus clair, mais qui ne fait pas l'objet d'un veto, peut être soumise au vote de la communauté. Actuellement, il s'agit d'un simple vote populaire dans l'un des forums communautaires applicables. À ce moment-là, c'est le vote populaire qui décide du résultat. Cela pourrait changer à l'avenir si la communauté adopte un modèle de gouvernance de "conseil". Ce document sera mis à jour à ce moment-là avec les règles de gouvernance mises à jour. [/ol] @@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ Le vote communautaire n'offre pas toujours un résultat agréable et peut géné Q : Qui peut voir mon contenu ? -R : Par défaut, N'IMPORTE QUELLE personne sur Internet, à MOINS que vous le restreigniez. Nom du projet vous permet de choisir le niveau de confidentialité que vous désirez. Le contenu restreint ne sera PAS visible pour les "réseaux d'espionnage" et les annonceurs. Il sera protégé contre les écoutes de l'extérieur - au mieux de nos capacités. Les administrateurs de Hub ayant suffisamment de compétences et de patience PEUVENT être en mesure d'écouter certaines communications privées, mais ils doivent déployer des trésors d'efforts pour le faire. Des modes de confidentialité existent au sein de $Projectname qui résistent même à l'écoute par des administrateurs de hub qualifiés et déterminés. +R : Par défaut, N'IMPORTE QUELLE personne sur Internet, à MOINS que vous le restreigniez. $Projectname vous permet de choisir le niveau de confidentialité que vous désirez. Le contenu restreint ne sera PAS visible pour les "réseaux d'espionnage" et les annonceurs. Il sera protégé contre les écoutes de l'extérieur - au mieux de nos capacités. Les administrateurs de Hub ayant suffisamment de compétences et de patience PEUVENT être en mesure d'écouter certaines communications privées, mais ils doivent déployer des trésors d'efforts pour le faire. Des modes de confidentialité existent au sein de $Projectname qui résistent même à l'écoute par des administrateurs de hub qualifiés et déterminés. Q : Mon contenu peut-il être censuré ? @@ -71,9 +70,9 @@ La confidentialité de votre identité est un autre aspect. Parce que vous avez Une identité décentralisée a beaucoup d'avantages et vous donne beaucoup de fonctionnalités intéressantes, mais vous devez être conscient du fait que votre identité est connue par d'autres hubs dans le réseau $Projectname. L'un de ces avantages est que d'autres canaux peuvent vous servir du contenu personnalisé et vous permettre de voir des choses privées (comme des photos privées que d'autres souhaitent partager avec vous). Pour cette raison, ces canaux ont besoin de savoir qui vous êtes. Mais nous comprenons que parfois, ces autres canaux en savent plus de vous que vous ne le souhaiteriez. Par exemple, le plug-in Visage qui peut indiquer au propriétaire d'un canal la dernière fois que vous avez visité son profil. Vous pouvez facilement OPT-OUT de ce bas niveau et nous pensons, le suivi inoffensif. -Vous pouvez activer [Ne pas suivre (DNT)]( dans votre navigateur Web. Nous respectons cette nouvelle proposition de politique de confidentialité. Tous les navigateurs modernes supportent le DNT. Vous le trouverez dans les paramètres de confidentialité de vos navigateurs ou bien vous pouvez consulter le manuel du navigateur Web. Cela n'affectera pas la fonctionnalité de $Projectname. Ce réglage est probablement suffisant pour la plupart des gens. +Vous pouvez activer [url=]Ne pas suivre (DNT)[/url] dans votre navigateur Web. Nous respectons cette nouvelle proposition de politique de confidentialité. Tous les navigateurs modernes supportent le DNT. Vous le trouverez dans les paramètres de confidentialité de vos navigateurs ou bien vous pouvez consulter le manuel du navigateur Web. Cela n'affectera pas la fonctionnalité de $Projectname. Ce réglage est probablement suffisant pour la plupart des gens. -Vous pouvez [désactiver la publication](settings) de votre chaîne dans notre répertoire de chaînes. Si vous voulez que les gens trouvent votre canal, vous devriez leur donner l'adresse de votre canal directement. Nous pensons que c'est une bonne indication que vous préférez une vie privée supplémentaire et que vous activez automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si c'est le cas. +Vous pouvez [url=settings]désactiver la publication[/url] de votre chaîne dans notre répertoire de chaînes. Si vous voulez que les gens trouvent votre canal, vous devriez leur donner l'adresse de votre canal directement. Nous pensons que c'est une bonne indication que vous préférez une vie privée supplémentaire et que vous activez automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si c'est le cas. Vous pouvez avoir un hub bloqué. Cela signifie que tous les canaux et le contenu de cette hub ne sont pas publics et ne sont pas visibles pour le monde extérieur. C'est quelque chose que seul votre administrateur de hub peut faire. Nous respectons également ce principe et activons automatiquement l'option "Ne pas suivre" si elle est définie. @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ $Projectname en tant que fournisseur de réseau n'est pas en mesure de censurer $Projectname RECOMMANDE que les administrateurs du concentrateur accordent un délai de grâce de 1 à 2 jours entre l'avertissement au titulaire du compte du contenu qui doit être supprimé et la suppression ou la désactivation physique du compte. Cela donnera au propriétaire du contenu la possibilité d'exporter les métadonnées de son canal et de les importer sur un autre site. Dans de rares cas, le contenu peut être de nature à justifier la résiliation immédiate du compte. Il s'agit d'une décision de hub, pas d'une décision de $Projectname. -Si vous publiez régulièrement des contenus à caractère adulte ou offensant, nous vous encourageons fortement à marquer votre compte "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work). Ceci empêchera l'affichage de votre photo de profil dans le répertoire, sauf pour les visiteurs qui ont choisi de désactiver le "safe mode". Si votre photo de profil est trouvée par les administrateurs d'annuaire comme étant adulte ou offensante, l'administrateur d'annuaire PEUT marquer votre photo de profil comme NSFW. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mécanisme officiel pour contester ou renverser cette décision, c'est pourquoi vous DEVEZ marquer votre propre compte NSFW s'il est susceptible d'être inapproprié pour le grand public. +Si vous publiez régulièrement des contenus à caractère adulte ou offensant, nous vous encourageons fortement à marquer votre compte "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work). Ceci empêchera l'affichage de votre photo de profil dans le répertoire, sauf pour les visiteurs qui ont choisi de désactiver le "mode sans échec". Si votre photo de profil est trouvée par les administrateurs d'annuaire comme étant adulte ou offensante, l'administrateur d'annuaire PEUT marquer votre photo de profil comme NSFW. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mécanisme officiel pour contester ou renverser cette décision, c'est pourquoi vous DEVEZ marquer votre propre compte NSFW s'il est susceptible d'être inapproprié pour le grand public. [h3]Remerciements[/h3] -- cgit v1.2.3 From f77aaf1defc3ab8861cb008188badf08f14cd4c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 14:57:16 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/apps/help.html --- doc/context/fr/apps/help.html | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/apps/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/apps/help.html b/doc/context/fr/apps/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65eb63d84 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/apps/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page vous montre quelles applications sont disponibles pour votre canal, y compris les applications centrales et celles fournies par les greffons. Pour ajouter une application au menu de l'application, cliquez sur le bouton étoile l'application dans la liste ci-dessous.
Gérer les applications
Appuyez sur le bouton «Gérer les applications» pour ouvrir une page où vous pouvez éditer le nom, les catégories et autres propriétés de vos applications. +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From eb30658c689e6473957648d1f51dea8c58840434 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:05:41 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/appman/help.html --- doc/context/fr/appman/help.html | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/appman/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html b/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c845a16a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +dl class="dl-horizontal"> +
Information de base
Modifiez les propriétés individuelles de l'application que vous avez sélectionnée. Les catégories vous permettent de trier vos applications pour vous aider à les trouver plus facilement dans la liste. La prise en charge des applications personnalisées que vous ou votre administrateur pouvez choisir de créer inclut des champs tels que «Prix de l'application» et «Lieu d'achat» qui ne sont pas applicables aux applications centrales Hubzilla. +
+ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 52803a30b6304a3c8bccf2585f8df4138ae3098b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:09:14 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/apps/edit/help.html --- doc/context/fr/apps/edit/index.html | 4 ++++ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/apps/edit/index.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/apps/edit/index.html b/doc/context/fr/apps/edit/index.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93fd8dec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/apps/edit/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +
Informations de base
Modifiez ou supprimez vos applications à l'aide des boutons de contrôle situés à côté de chaque icône d'application dans la liste.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 1e79107d0ea1af4ca6a95ac7f07e290e92a1e5d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:21:30 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/cards/help.html --- doc/context/fr/cards/help.html | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/cards/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/cards/help.html b/doc/context/fr/cards/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a58a9a73e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/cards/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +
Informations de base
Les cartes représentent un domaine persistant de collaboration qui est distinct du volet social. Ils sont un peu plus légers que les pages web et les wikis pour une organisation rapide de l'information et ont l'avantage de permettre la collaboration et le commentaire. Ils sont bien adaptés pour aider à organiser des tâches complexes où il y a des mises à jour et des retours d'information fréquents. +
Ajouter une carte
+ La création d'une nouvelle carte est très similaire à la composition d'un nouveau message.

  • + Nom du lien de page : Le nom du lien de page est le nom de la carte pour l'URL statique. +
  • +
  • + Titre : Le titre est affiché en haut de la carte. +
  • +
  • + Catégories : Si la fonction catégories de messages est activée pour votre chaîne, vous pouvez ajouter des catégories à la carte. Ces catégories remplissent la liste des catégories sur le panneau de gauche et permettent de filtrer votre collection de cartes. +
  • +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 900663b85f322159d8ba872de1a8a4e8033d2f0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 15:37:19 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/chat/help.html --- doc/context/fr/chat/help.html | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/chat/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/chat/help.html b/doc/context/fr/chat/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f354c3c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/chat/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
Informations de base
Créez et utilisez des salons de discussion pour communiquer en temps réel, en utilisant le système standard de permissions Hubzilla pour le contrôle d'accès aux salons de discussion.
Créer un nouveau salon de discussion
Utilisez le bouton «Nouveau» pour créer un nouveau salon de discussion. Entrez un nom et la durée de conservation des messages.
Entrez votre message dans la boîte de message et cliquez sur «Envoyer». Vous pouvez définir un statut en sélectionnant le bouton du menu de la salle de discussion à côté du bouton «Envoyer». D'autres personnes «dans la salon» sont visibles dans le panneau latéral du panneau «Membres du Salon».
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 8d87b529f522ec3192f8769ea959ba81fcf27a36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 20:37:28 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/appman/help.html --- doc/context/fr/appman/help.html | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html b/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html index 1c845a16a..d65f78378 100644 --- a/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html +++ b/doc/context/fr/appman/help.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -dl class="dl-horizontal"> +
Information de base
Modifiez les propriétés individuelles de l'application que vous avez sélectionnée. Les catégories vous permettent de trier vos applications pour vous aider à les trouver plus facilement dans la liste. La prise en charge des applications personnalisées que vous ou votre administrateur pouvez choisir de créer inclut des champs tels que «Prix de l'application» et «Lieu d'achat» qui ne sont pas applicables aux applications centrales Hubzilla.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From c0141a7d5e25aa872bd965be97c95d2fe69e6eb5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: HappyPony Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 06:12:35 +0200 Subject: Russian translation for cards --- doc/context/ru/cards/help.html | 16 ++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/ru/cards/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/ru/cards/help.html b/doc/context/ru/cards/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccdf9d6d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/ru/cards/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +
Карточки используются для командной работы в виртуальном пространстве дополнительно к ленте сообщений. Карточки являются болле компактными по сравнению с веб-страницами и вики и предназначены для быстрой организации работы. Преимущество карточек в возможности совместной работы и комментирования. Карточки могут помочь организовать и упростить работу, связанную с частыми изменениями и с обсуждением в проекте. +
Добавить карточку
+ Создание новой карточки подобно написанию нового поста.

  • + Имя ссылки для веб-страницы: Имя ссылки для веб-страницы - это имя карточки для статической URL +
  • +
  • + Заголовок: Текст заголовка карточки +
  • +
  • + Категории: Если Инструмент "Категории сообщения" в вашем канале разрешён, то вы можете присвоить карточке определённую категорию. Эта категория появится в списке Категорий в левой колонке и разрешает быстрый выбор записей определённой категории из картотеки одним щёлчком мышки. +
  • +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From f28d6ad59e373537bf31d0e80ec155b3d92c76f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 08:46:55 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/cloud/help.html --- doc/context/fr/cloud/help.html | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/cloud/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/cloud/help.html b/doc/context/fr/cloud/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c72e2ca1b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/cloud/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page affiche les fichiers cloud d'un canal. Les fichiers visibles par l'observateur dépendent des permissions individuelles définies par le propriétaire du canal. Si vous avez l'autorisation de créer/télécharger des fichiers, vous verrez des boutons de contrôle au-dessus de la liste des fichiers. +
Onglets de contenu de la chaîne
Les onglets de contenu du canal sont des liens vers d'autres contenus publiés par le canal. L'onglet A propos permet d'accéder au profil du canal. L'onglet Photos permet d'accéder aux galeries de photos de la chaîne. L'onglet Fichiers permet d'accéder aux fichiers généraux partagés publiés par le canal.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From b6ec8bf687160ad9922157f154ef00ac53908f96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 08:56:53 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/connections/help.html --- doc/context/fr/connections/help.html | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/connections/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/connections/help.html b/doc/context/fr/connections/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38e581866 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/connections/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page affiche une liste de toutes les connexions de ce canal. La liste peut être triée et filtrée à l'aide du bouton de menu à côté du bouton de recherche.
Détails de connexion
Chaque entrée de liste affiche les détails d'une connexion spécifique. Une image d'avatar translucide indique une connexion archivée.
État de la connexion
Une connexion peut être dans différents états :
  • Archivé
  • Ignoré
  • Bloqué
  • Caché
-- cgit v1.2.3 From d59c6aa8870c77225c3e44daaa97b4c91f269d16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 09:00:25 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/connections/ifpending/help.html --- doc/context/fr/connections/ifpending/help.html | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/connections/ifpending/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/connections/ifpending/help.html b/doc/context/fr/connections/ifpending/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38e581866 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/connections/ifpending/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page affiche une liste de toutes les connexions de ce canal. La liste peut être triée et filtrée à l'aide du bouton de menu à côté du bouton de recherche.
Détails de connexion
Chaque entrée de liste affiche les détails d'une connexion spécifique. Une image d'avatar translucide indique une connexion archivée.
État de la connexion
Une connexion peut être dans différents états :
  • Archivé
  • Ignoré
  • Bloqué
  • Caché
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 5b0991fabc1e632b42b6b9c001a177ec5cb81408 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 09:11:27 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/connedit/help.html --- doc/context/fr/connedit/help.html | 13 +++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/connedit/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/connedit/help.html b/doc/context/fr/connedit/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9b784d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/connedit/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page vous permet de modifier ou d'éditer les paramètres individuels pour une connexion particulière ou de supprimer complètement une connexion. Vous êtes peut-être arrivé sur cette page après avoir créé ou approuvé une nouvelle connexion. Si c'est le cas, vous n'êtes pas tenu de faire quoi que ce soit. Votre connexion a déjà été établie. Vous pouvez les ajouter à un groupe ou ajuster des permissions spéciales, et cette page est présentée de façon à ce que vous puissiez le faire pendant que l'occasion se présente. +
Outils de connexion
Le menu Outils de connexion permet d'accéder à plusieurs paramètres. Afficher le profil, Afficher l'activité récente, Rafraîchir les autorisations, définir ou réinitialiser les indicateurs (Bloquer, Ignorer, Archiver, Cacher) et supprimer la connexion.
Groupes de protection de la vie privée
Chaque connexion peut être assignée à un ou plusieurs groupes de confidentialité pour regrouper des collections d'amis ayant accès à des messages, médias et autres contenus spécifiques. Vous pouvez les ajouter à un groupe de confidentialité existant ici, ou créer un nouveau groupe de confidentialité. Lorsque vous les ajoutez à un groupe existant, l'action est immédiate et vous n'avez pas besoin de soumettre un formulaire.
Permissions individuelles
L'octroi de permissions est généralement automatique et n'exige aucune action de votre part. Cependant, il se peut que vous souhaitiez ajuster des paramètres spécifiques pour cette connexion qui sont différents des autres.
Paramètres spécifiques aux fonctions
Un certain nombre de paramètres individuels sont contrôlés par des fonctions supplémentaires qui peuvent ou non être activées sur votre hub ou pour votre canal. Plusieurs fonctions optionnelles ont des paramètres pour chaque connexion, et ceux-ci peuvent être définis sur cette page par le biais d'onglets de formulaire supplémentaires qui peuvent être présents.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 98cfad5f2d285b39aea5f9c3c5233a335812694f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 09:19:30 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/events/help.html --- doc/context/fr/events/help.html | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/events/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/events/help.html b/doc/context/fr/events/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aafd49703 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/events/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page affiche un calendrier des événements qui vous appartiennent et que vous partagez avec d'autres canaux.
Vue du calendrier
Le calendrier peut être affiché en mode mois, semaine ou jour en utilisant les options du panneau latéral.
Exporter ou importer des événements de calendrier en utilisant des fichiers au format standard iCalendar (.ics).
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 95f1366f0cb37664ab50dd83ebeb08e831319213 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 12:22:42 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/mail/help.html --- doc/context/fr/mail/help.html | 10 ++++++++++ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/mail/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/mail/help.html b/doc/context/fr/mail/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fcf4eff21 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/mail/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +
Informations de base
Les messages affichés dans courrier privé ne sont visibles que pour vous et le destinataire unique.
Vue combinée
Les conversations complètes peuvent être visualisées dans un fil continu en sélectionnant Vue combinée . Les conversations disponibles sont affichées sous le menu dans le panneau latéral.
Boîte de réception/Boîte d'envoi
Les messages individuels envoyés sont visualisés en sélectionnant Boîte d'envoi, et les messages entrants sont visualisés en utilisant le filtre Boîte de réception.
Nouveau message.
Les messages individuels ont des rapports de livraison qui peuvent être visualisés à l'aide du menu déroulant. Les messages peuvent également être rappelés à partir du même menu, ce qui peut empêcher le destinataire de voir le message s'il ne l'a pas déjà lu.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 897dd7f380ce2b06e34e3dc2da25f93dff57a44c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 12:30:55 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/photos/help.html --- doc/context/fr/photos/help.html | 6 ++++++ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/photos/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/photos/help.html b/doc/context/fr/photos/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8609e9849 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/photos/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +
Informations de base
Cette page affiche les albums photos du canal. Les images visibles pour l'observateur dépendent des permissions d'images individuelles.
Onglets de contenu du canal
Les onglets de contenu du canal sont des liens vers d'autres contenus publiés par le canal. L'onglet A propos permet d'accéder au profil de canal. L'onglet Photos permet d'accéder aux galeries de photos des chaînes. L'onglet Fichiers permet d'accéder aux fichiers généraux partagés publiés par le canal.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 75f73fffe121a2f1b028f421ad0c7f4f71a4d7dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 12:35:46 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/profile/help.html --- doc/context/fr/profile/help.html | 6 ++++++ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/profile/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/profile/help.html b/doc/context/fr/profile/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26559db6f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/profile/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +
Informations de base
Ceci est la page de profil d'un canal. Il affiche typiquement des informations décrivant le canal. Si le canal représente une personne dans un réseau social, par exemple, le profil peut fournir des informations de contact et d'autres détails personnels sur la personne. Les canaux peuvent avoir plusieurs profils, où le profil affiché dépend de l'observateur.
Onglets de contenu du canal
Les onglets de contenu du canal sont des liens vers d'autres contenus publiés par le canal. L'onglet A propos permet d'accéder au profil de canal. L'onglet Photos permet d'accéder aux galeries de photos des chaînes. L'onglet Fichiers permet d'accéder aux fichiers généraux partagés publiés par le canal.
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 14953fa5c97dd24f026004a44a7d4ff240861ae7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:02:26 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/settings/account/help.html --- doc/context/fr/settings/account/help.html | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/settings/account/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/settings/account/help.html b/doc/context/fr/settings/account/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed8e7f374 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/settings/account/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +
Informations de base
+ Une fois que vous avez enregistré un compte dans la matrice, vous avez également créé un profil et un canal. +
+ Vous avez un compte. Il contient votre compte de courriel et votre mot de passe. Avec votre compte, vous accédez à votre profil et votre canal. Pensez à votre compte comme la façon dont vous vous authentifiez sur un site Hubzilla. Il vous permet de faire des choses, comme créer des profils et des canaux avec lesquels vous pouvez vous connecter à d'autres personnes. +
+ Vous vous êtes sûrement inscrit à d'autres services Internet, comme les forums ou les communautés en ligne. Pour chacun d'entre eux, vous avez fourni des informations sur vous-même, telles que la date de naissance, le pays, l'âge et autres. Contrairement à d'autres services, Hubzilla vous offre l'avantage de créer plus de profils. Vous pouvez ainsi faire la distinction entre les profils qui s'adressent à tous (votre profil public) et vos collègues de travail, votre famille et votre partenaire. Pensez à votre profil comme étant l'information de base sur vous-même que vous donnez aux autres. +
+ Lors de l'enregistrement, vous avez créé votre premier canal. Oui, en plus de plusieurs profils, vous pouvez avoir plusieurs canaux. Cela pourrait être un peu confus au début, mais mettons les choses au clair. Vous avez déjà créé un canal. Vous pouvez utiliser celui-ci pour le public, pour communiquer avec les gens sur la vie de tous les jours. Mais vous êtes peut-être un lecteur de livres passionné et beaucoup de gens s'ennuient. Ainsi, vous ouvrez un second canal juste pour les amateurs de livres, où vous pouvez tous parler de livres autant que vous le souhaitez. Il s'agit évidemment d'un nouveau flux de messages, avec un nouveau profil (ou nouveaux profils) et des contacts complètement différents. Certaines connexions peuvent exister dans les deux canaux, mais il y en aura qui sont exclusives à l'un d'entre eux. Vous-même vous changez entre les deux comme vous le feriez dans la vie réelle lorsque vous parlez à des gens que vous rencontrez dans la rue ou à des gens que vous rencontrez pour parler de livres spécifiquement. Vous pouvez même vous connecter à vous-même, ou mieux : à votre autre canal .
Penser un canal comme différents espaces dédiés à différents sujets où vous rencontrez différentes personnes.
. +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 7f244a8039b9dc2c342fa18f758a56e6027afade Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:04:38 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/settings/channel/help.html --- doc/context/fr/settings/channel/help.html | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/settings/channel/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/settings/channel/help.html b/doc/context/fr/settings/channel/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed8e7f374 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/settings/channel/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +
Informations de base
+ Une fois que vous avez enregistré un compte dans la matrice, vous avez également créé un profil et un canal. +
+ Vous avez un compte. Il contient votre compte de courriel et votre mot de passe. Avec votre compte, vous accédez à votre profil et votre canal. Pensez à votre compte comme la façon dont vous vous authentifiez sur un site Hubzilla. Il vous permet de faire des choses, comme créer des profils et des canaux avec lesquels vous pouvez vous connecter à d'autres personnes. +
+ Vous vous êtes sûrement inscrit à d'autres services Internet, comme les forums ou les communautés en ligne. Pour chacun d'entre eux, vous avez fourni des informations sur vous-même, telles que la date de naissance, le pays, l'âge et autres. Contrairement à d'autres services, Hubzilla vous offre l'avantage de créer plus de profils. Vous pouvez ainsi faire la distinction entre les profils qui s'adressent à tous (votre profil public) et vos collègues de travail, votre famille et votre partenaire. Pensez à votre profil comme étant l'information de base sur vous-même que vous donnez aux autres. +
+ Lors de l'enregistrement, vous avez créé votre premier canal. Oui, en plus de plusieurs profils, vous pouvez avoir plusieurs canaux. Cela pourrait être un peu confus au début, mais mettons les choses au clair. Vous avez déjà créé un canal. Vous pouvez utiliser celui-ci pour le public, pour communiquer avec les gens sur la vie de tous les jours. Mais vous êtes peut-être un lecteur de livres passionné et beaucoup de gens s'ennuient. Ainsi, vous ouvrez un second canal juste pour les amateurs de livres, où vous pouvez tous parler de livres autant que vous le souhaitez. Il s'agit évidemment d'un nouveau flux de messages, avec un nouveau profil (ou nouveaux profils) et des contacts complètement différents. Certaines connexions peuvent exister dans les deux canaux, mais il y en aura qui sont exclusives à l'un d'entre eux. Vous-même vous changez entre les deux comme vous le feriez dans la vie réelle lorsque vous parlez à des gens que vous rencontrez dans la rue ou à des gens que vous rencontrez pour parler de livres spécifiquement. Vous pouvez même vous connecter à vous-même, ou mieux : à votre autre canal .
Penser un canal comme différents espaces dédiés à différents sujets où vous rencontrez différentes personnes.
. +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From f094ac19d117253c201b6c5113d06241d95bd71b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:16:02 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/settings/tokens --- doc/context/fr/settings/tokens | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/settings/tokens (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/settings/tokens b/doc/context/fr/settings/tokens new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6be17a615 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/settings/tokens @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +
Jetons d'accès invités
+ Afin de faciliter le partage de ressources privées avec des non-membres ou des membres de nœuds de fédération à découverte d'identification limitée, Hubzilla devrait fournir aux membres un mécanisme pour créer et gérer des logins temporaires («jetables»), alias «Zot Access Tokens». Ces jetons/accréditations peuvent être utilisés pour s'authentifier sur un site hubzilla dans le seul but d'accéder à des ressources privilégiées ou contrôlées (fichiers, photos, posts, pages web, salons de discussion, etc. +
Créer un jeton
+ Le formulaire à créer/éditer accepte trois paramètres, un nom lisible par l'homme, un mot de passe ou un jeton d'accès, et une expiration facultative. Une fois expiré, le jeton d'accès n'est plus valide, ne peut plus être utilisé et sera automatiquement supprimé de la liste des comptes temporaires. Le champ mot de passe dans les formulaires de création/édition affiche le texte du jeton d'accès et non un mot de passe masqué. +
Partager un jeton
+ Nous ne spécifions pas de mécanismes pour partager ces jetons avec d'autres. Toute méthode de communication peut être utilisée. Tous les jetons que vous avez créés sont ajoutés au sélecteur de liste de contrôle d'accès et peuvent être utilisés partout où des listes de contrôle d'accès sont fournies. + + Exemple : Un visiteur arrive sur votre site. Elle a un jeton d'accès que vous lui avez fourni et tente de visiter l'un de vos albums photos (qui ne peut être visionné que par vous-même et une identité temporaire). La permission est refusée. + + Le visiteur sélectionne maintenant «Login» dans la barre de navigation du menu. Ceci présente une page de connexion. Elle entre le nom et le mot de passe que vous lui avez fournis, et elle peut maintenant voir l'album photo restreint. + + Alternativement, vous pouvez partager un lien vers un fichier protégé en ajoutant un paramètre «&zat=abc123» à l'URL, où la chaîne «abc123» est la clé d'accès ou le mot de passe pour la connexion temporaire. Aucune autre négociation n'est nécessaire et le dossier est présenté. +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 9c5ddf079a7fcee3eba5f84fe39c66f636701cad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:27:05 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/webpages/help.html --- doc/context/fr/webpages/help.html | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/webpages/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/webpages/help.html b/doc/context/fr/webpages/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9d34c08f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/webpages/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
Informations de base
Vous pouvez créer des sites Web modulaires, conscients de l'identité, composés d'éléments partageables.
Cette page énumère vos "pages", qui sont assignées des URLs où les gens peuvent visiter votre site. La structure des pages est généralement décrite par une mise en page associée , et leur contenu est construit à partir d'une collection de blocs.
Outils de portage de site Web
Les outils de portation de site Web vous permettent d'importer/exporter plusieurs éléments de pages Web (pages, mises en page, mises en page, blocs). Vous pouvez importer soit à partir d'un fichier zip téléchargé, soit à partir d'un dossier de fichiers cloud existant. Vous pouvez exporter vers un fichier zip contenant un groupe choisi d'éléments de page Web sous une forme compatible avec l'outil d'importation, ou vous pouvez exporter directement vers un dossier de fichiers dans le cloud. en savoir plus...
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 57cb4ccb7439940dac06ee4393e2a067f1a7c673 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:36:19 +0200 Subject: Create /doc/context/fr/wiki/help.html --- doc/context/fr/wiki/help.html | 13 +++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/fr/wiki/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/fr/wiki/help.html b/doc/context/fr/wiki/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af46899e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/fr/wiki/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +
Informations de base
Chaque wiki est une collection de pages, composée sous forme de fichiers texte au format Markdown.
Liste des wikis
Les wikis appartenant au canal que vous avez la permission de voir sont listés dans le panneau latéral.
Historique de la page
Chaque révision d'une page est sauvegardée pour permettre un retour rapide. Cliquez sur l'onglet History pour afficher l'historique des révisions de page, y compris la date et l'auteur de chacune d'entre elles. Le bouton Revenir chargera la révision sélectionnée mais n'enregistrera pas automatiquement la page.
La liste des pages du wiki est listée dans le panneau Pages Wiki. Avant d'enregistrer les modifications de page à l'aide du menu déroulant Page, vous pouvez entrer un message personnalisé à afficher dans le visualiseur d'historique de page avec la révision.
+ + + -- cgit v1.2.3 From b52e9731e39125f5911fe6795ef34eb1f183d4b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Thu, 3 May 2018 20:14:58 -0700 Subject: tagging changes: + (old style forum mentions), and underscore space replacement are no longer supported. --- doc/member/ | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/member/ b/doc/member/ index e36e1c497..7cd403d75 100644 --- a/doc/member/ +++ b/doc/member/ @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ The [b]![/b] character designates a deliverable mention to a forum or special ch !Gardening - mention the Gardening Forum and also post to the Gardening "network" (e.g. send to all the forum members; if you have permission to do so) [/code] -Note: In previous releases, forums were delivered by using @forum+ with a plus sign at the end. This mechanism is still used occasionally but is deprecated and !forum is now preferred. +Note: In previous releases, forums were delivered by using @forum+ with a plus sign at the end. This mechanism is no longer supported. [h4]Private Mentions[/h4] If you wish to restrict a post to a single person or a number of people, you can do this by selecting channels or privacy groups from the privacy tool. You can also just tag them with a privacy tag. A privacy tag is a name preceded by the two characters @! - and in addition to tagging these channels, will also change the privacy permissions of the post to only include them. You can have more than one privacy tag, for instance @!bob and @!linda will send the post only to Bob and Linda. This mechanism over-rides the privacy selector. @@ -383,17 +383,17 @@ Bookmarks indicate a link which can be saved to your bookmark folder. They use t Where possible please use the auto-complete window to select tag and mention recipients, because it will generate a coded tag which uniquely identifies one channel. Names are sometimes ambiguous. However, you can "manually" tag a channel by matching the channel name or address. [code] -@Robert Johnson +@billy [/code] -will tag Robert Johnson, but we can only match one space. If the name was "Blind Lemon Jefferson" it won't be found unless you enclose the entire name in double quotes or change the spaces to underscores. +will tag a connection whose name or network address is 'billy' (exact match). If you have two connections with a name or network address of billy, for instance and, you will need to supply the complete address or the results will be ambiguous and the wrong person may be tagged. [code] -@"Blind Lemon Jefferson" -@Blind_Lemon_Jefferson +@"Robert Johnson" [/code] -are both equivalent. +will tag Robert Johnson. The double quotes are required if the tagged name contains space characters. + [h3]Web Pages[/h3] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 70a0a833632fe125306e309414475efedb0e29bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Sat, 5 May 2018 02:56:57 -0700 Subject: more updates and clarifications re: tag/mention documentation --- doc/member/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/member/ b/doc/member/ index 7cd403d75..76150fee8 100644 --- a/doc/member/ +++ b/doc/member/ @@ -374,12 +374,12 @@ The above mechanisms only apply to "top-level" posts you create. Mentioning a ch [h4]Topical Tags (also known as Hashtags)[/h4] Topical tags are indicated by preceding the tag name with the # character. This will create a link in the post to a generalised site search for the term provided. For example, #[zrl=[baseurl]/search?tag=cars]cars[/zrl] will provide a search link for all posts mentioning 'cars' on your site. Topical tags are generally a minimum of three characters in length. Shorter search terms are not likely to yield any search results, although this depends on the database configuration. -Topical tags are also not linked if they are purely numeric, e.g. #1. If you wish to use a numeric hashtag, please add some descriptive text such as #2012-elections. +Topical tags are also not normally linked if they are purely numeric, e.g. #1. If you wish to use a numeric hashtag, please add some descriptive text such as #2012-elections or enclose the entire tag in double quotes (for example #"2012"). Doubles quotes are also required if the tag contains spaces (#"My Tag") and may be required if the tag contains punctuation characters (#"EndsWithPeriod." or #"Exciting!!!"). [h4]Bookmarks[/h4] Bookmarks indicate a link which can be saved to your bookmark folder. They use the sequence #^ followed by the link. Often these are generated automatically. If the 'bookmarker' addon is installed, this sequence will be converted to a bookmark icon when viewing the post or comment online, and clicking the icon will save the bookmark. If the bookmarker addon is not installed, the post 'dropdown menu' contains a link for saving the bookmark or bookmarks. -[h4]Spaces in Tags and Mentions[/h4] +[h4]Manual Mentions[/h4] Where possible please use the auto-complete window to select tag and mention recipients, because it will generate a coded tag which uniquely identifies one channel. Names are sometimes ambiguous. However, you can "manually" tag a channel by matching the channel name or address. [code] -- cgit v1.2.3 From bcaa0dacdf94670401c3eedf1e648415d2c3ed06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 21:26:21 -0700 Subject: use '[feed]' in the doc --- doc/member/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/member/ b/doc/member/ index 76150fee8..2b772d1c5 100644 --- a/doc/member/ +++ b/doc/member/ @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ Some communications offer more than one protocol. If you wish to connect with so [ostatus] [diaspora] [zot] -[rss] +[feed] [/code] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 179eeb10a6e1b661dc7788d74d60a7c11dfca6bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Manning Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 19:57:40 -0400 Subject: Rename Permission Groups to Permission Categories and clarify feature settings text. --- doc/feature/additional/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/feature/additional/ b/doc/feature/additional/ index 3581ca11d..b7f0df717 100644 --- a/doc/feature/additional/ +++ b/doc/feature/additional/ @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ Ability to create multiple profiles. Minimum required technical skill level to see this feature: 3 -### Permission Groups +### Permission Categories -Provide alternate connection permission roles. - +Provide alternate connection permission limits. + Minimum required technical skill level to see this feature: 2 -- cgit v1.2.3 From 49f7d63290b3520f3758617952b3b59d43abeca1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 23:40:10 -0700 Subject: first cut at a general purpose gdpr document. What we would like to do is use a conditional expression so that a site document will be loaded if it exists, and fallback to a project boiler plate document if it does not. This is an exercise for the community. --- doc/ | 6 +++ doc/ | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 120 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 97e9881aa..1e085559e 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +Privacy Policy +============== + +#include doc/; + + Terms of Service ================ diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..daa401a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ + +Privacy Notice May 2018 + +How your information will be used +================================= + +Information you provide to this website may be stored and used to provide services to you. + +We require an email address to idenitfy the account holder. This will not be shared with +any other website or service. It is used to send you notifications about your account and +perform administrative tasks such as resetting your password. You have the option to +opt-out of all email notifications through your settings. + +Communication channels created on this website require a name and a photo or avatar. A +default avatar will be chosen if you do not supply one. The name, avatar, and a link to +the channel webpage will be shared with other servers and services in order to refer to +this identity. The name does not need to be your real name and the photo or avatar does +not need to resemble you. + +All other information you supply to this website is optional. + +As a social communication and cloud storage service, you will usually be using this website +to share information with others. We provide a range of privacy options to allow you to +restrict this sharing to only those you choose. + + +Processing of your information +============================== + +Our processing of your information is limited to storing it for you to use. We MAY keep logs +of activity to help diagnose software issues and to maintain security of the system against +intrusion. These logs are routinely deleted after a few days. + +We MAY (if you have provided this permission) try to suggest frendships or connections based +on analysing publicly available information about your connections. This is currently the most +advanced data "processing" performed at this website. You may restrict access to this information +if this processing is undesired. + +If supplied, we MAY use your gender to formulate text messages in your native language, for +instance "Bob commented on HIS post." + +In all other cases, your data is stored under your desired privacy policy and to the best +of our ability is only shared with those who you have elected to share it with. + +We do not share your private information with third parties or analyse your behaviour or personal +characteristics. We have no advertisements or business relationships with advertisers. + +We MAY be asked or forced to divulge information provided by you in response to legitimate +criminal and legal proceedings. Where possible we will notify you if this happens. + + +Access to your information +========================== + +Some communications are shared with other websites. Those using the same software will usually +have similar privacy policies. + + +You may be shown embedded videos and provided links to visit other websites as part of your +day-to-day activities using this website. This MAY expose you to monitoring by external services, such +as (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Each website operator is allowed to configure +whether or not embedded content is permitted. + +Further access to your personal data and stored files is under your control. + +Our storage of your data is provided under your implied consent through your continued use of +the service. You may withdraw this consent at any time and on account deletion we will remove +all data which belongs to you. The process of deletion may take several days as we also make a good faith +effort to delete it from any internetworked websites that have been provided a copy. + + +All data and files stored for a communications channel are available for you to +download for either archival puposes or to transfer to another compatible website. + + + +Your rights +=========== + +Under the General Data Protection Regulation +(GDPR) and The Data Protection Act 2018 +(DPA) you have a number of rights with regard to your personal data. +You have the right to request from us access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data, +the right to restrict processing, object to processing as well as in certain circumstances the right +to data portability. + +If you have provided consent for the processing of your data you have the right (in certain +circumstances) to withdraw that consent at any time which will not affect the lawfulness of +the processing before your consent was withdrawn. + +You have the right to lodge a complaint to the Information Commissioners’ Office if you +believe that we have not complied with the requirements of the GDPR or DPA 18 with regard +to your personal data. + +Identity and contact details of controller and data protection officer + +[NAME OF COMPANY] +is the controller +[and processor] +of data for the purposes of the DPA 18 and GDPR. 3 + +If you have any concerns as to how your data is processed you can contact: + +[ +[NAME] +Data Protection Offer at +[EMAIL ADDRESS] +] +[NAME] [JOB TITLE] +at +[EMAIL ADDRESS] +or you can write to these +individuals using the address of +[] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 355a9ac7ee50398104ee8885d74475597aa3c107 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 10:05:17 +0200 Subject: Create --- doc/fr/ | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/fr/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d82a6614 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/fr/ @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +Avis de confidentialité Mai 2018 + +Comment vos informations seront utilisées +================================= + +Les informations que vous fournissez à ce site Web peuvent être stockées et utilisées pour vous fournir des services. + +Nous avons besoin d'une adresse e-mail pour identifier le titulaire du compte. Ceci ne sera pas partagé avec +tout autre site Web ou service. Il est utilisé pour vous envoyer des notifications concernant votre compte et +effectuer des tâches administratives telles que la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe. Vous avez la possibilité de +vous pouvez choisir de ne pas recevoir toutes les notifications par courriel par le biais de vos paramètres. + +Les canaux de communication créés sur ce site web nécessitent un nom et une photo ou un avatar. A +avatar par défaut sera choisi si vous n'en fournissez pas. Le nom, l'avatar, et un lien vers +la page web du canal sera partagée avec d'autres serveurs et services afin de se référer à +cette identité. Le nom n'a pas besoin d'être votre vrai nom et la photo ou l'avatar le fait. +pas besoin de te ressembler. + +Toutes les autres informations que vous fournissez à ce site Web sont facultatives. + +En tant que service de communication sociale et de stockage dans les nuages, vous utiliserez généralement ce site Web. +de partager l'information avec d'autres. Nous offrons une gamme d'options de confidentialité pour vous permettre de +limiter ce partage à ceux que vous choisissez. + +Traitement de vos informations +============================== + +Notre traitement de vos informations est limité à leur stockage pour que vous puissiez les utiliser. Nous POUVONS tenir des registres +d'activité pour aider à diagnostiquer les problèmes de logiciel et à maintenir la sécurité du système contre +intrusion. Ces journaux sont régulièrement effacés après quelques jours. + +Nous PEUVONS (si vous avez fourni cette permission) essayer de suggérer des amitiés ou des connexions basées sur des amitiés +sur l'analyse des informations accessibles au public concernant vos connexions. C'est actuellement le plus grand nombre d'entre eux. +le "traitement" avancé des données effectué sur ce site Web. Vous pouvez restreindre l'accès à ces informations. +si ce traitement n'est pas souhaité. + +S'il est fourni, nous PEUVONS utiliser votre sexe pour formuler des messages texte dans votre langue maternelle. + +Dans tous les autres cas, vos données sont stockées dans le cadre de la politique de confidentialité de votre choix et au mieux. +de notre capacité n'est partagée qu'avec ceux avec qui vous avez choisi de la partager. + +Nous ne partageons pas vos informations personnelles avec des tiers et n'analysons pas votre comportement ou vos informations personnelles. +Nous n'avons pas de publicité ou de relations d'affaires avec les annonceurs. + +Nous PEUVONS être invités ou forcés de divulguer les informations que vous nous avez fournies en réponse à des demandes légitimes. +les procédures pénales et judiciaires. Dans la mesure du possible, nous vous en aviserons si cela se produit. + +Accès à vos informations +========================== + +Certaines communications sont partagées avec d'autres sites Web. Ceux qui utilisent le même logiciel vont généralement +ont des politiques similaires en matière de protection de la vie privée. + +Il se peut que l'on vous montre des vidéos intégrées et des liens fournis pour visiter d'autres sites Web dans le cadre de votre site Web. +activités quotidiennes à l'aide de ce site Web. Cela peut vous exposer à une surveillance par des services externes, tels que +(mais sans s'y limiter) Facebook, Twitter et Google. Chaque opérateur de site web est autorisé à configurer si le contenu incorporé est autorisé ou non. + +L'accès à vos données personnelles et aux fichiers stockés est sous votre contrôle. + +Notre stockage de vos données est fourni sous votre consentement implicite par le biais de votre utilisation continue de +le service. Vous pouvez retirer ce consentement à tout moment et, en cas de suppression de compte, nous supprimerons les informations suivantes +toutes les données qui vous appartiennent. Le processus de suppression peut prendre plusieurs jours, car nous faisons également tout notre possible pour le supprimer de tous les sites Internet qui ont reçu une copie. + +Toutes les données et tous les fichiers stockés pour un canal de communication sont à votre disposition pour +télécharger pour les pupilles d'archives ou pour les transférer sur un autre site Web compatible. + +Vos droits +=========== + +En vertu du règlement général sur la protection des données +(GDPR) et la Loi sur la protection des données 2018 (DPA) +vous disposez d'un certain nombre de droits en ce qui concerne vos données personnelles. +Vous avez le droit de nous demander l'accès et la rectification ou l'effacement de vos données personnelles, +le droit de restreindre le traitement, de s'opposer au traitement ainsi que, dans certaines circonstances, le droit à la transformation. +à la portabilité des données. + +Si vous avez donné votre consentement pour le traitement de vos données, vous avez le droit (dans certains cas, vous pouvez le faire). +circonstances) de retirer ce consentement à tout moment, ce qui n'affectera pas la légalité de l'utilisation de la +le traitement avant le retrait de votre consentement. + +Vous avez le droit de déposer une plainte auprès du Commissariat à l'information si vous remplissez les conditions suivantes +nous estimons que nous n'avons pas respecté les exigences du GDPR ou de la DPA 18 en ce qui concerne +à vos données personnelles. + +Identité et coordonnées du responsable du traitement et du délégué à la protection des données + +[NOM DE L'ENTREPRISE] +est le contrôleur [et le processeur] +des données aux fins de la LPD 18 et du RDPPIB. 3 + +Si vous avez des questions sur la manière dont vos données sont traitées, vous pouvez nous contacter : + +[NOM] +Offre de protection des données à +[COURRIEL] + +[NOM] [TITRE] +à +[COURRIEL] + +ou vous pouvez écrire à l'adresse suivante [] -- cgit v1.2.3 From a8def37dcf02a19758305f2d1c8d9980d771d03d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 10:08:00 +0200 Subject: Create --- doc/fr/ | 10 ++++++++++ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/fr/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c51224e14 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/fr/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Politique de confidentialité +============== + +#include doc/; + + +Conditions d'utilisation +================ + +#include doc/; -- cgit v1.2.3 From cc1453a8de80b1cdac187a862336db3a59401507 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 10:16:39 +0200 Subject: Update --- doc/fr/ | 22 +++++----------------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ index 5d82a6614..e617a7a3d 100644 --- a/doc/fr/ +++ b/doc/fr/ @@ -5,34 +5,22 @@ Comment vos informations seront utilisées Les informations que vous fournissez à ce site Web peuvent être stockées et utilisées pour vous fournir des services. -Nous avons besoin d'une adresse e-mail pour identifier le titulaire du compte. Ceci ne sera pas partagé avec -tout autre site Web ou service. Il est utilisé pour vous envoyer des notifications concernant votre compte et -effectuer des tâches administratives telles que la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe. Vous avez la possibilité de -vous pouvez choisir de ne pas recevoir toutes les notifications par courriel par le biais de vos paramètres. +Nous avons besoin d'une adresse e-mail pour identifier le titulaire du compte. Ceci ne sera pas partagé avec tout autre site Web ou service. Il est utilisé pour vous envoyer des notifications concernant votre compte et effectuer des tâches administratives telles que la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe. Vous avez la possibilité de refuser toutes les notifications par courriel par le biais de vos paramètres. -Les canaux de communication créés sur ce site web nécessitent un nom et une photo ou un avatar. A -avatar par défaut sera choisi si vous n'en fournissez pas. Le nom, l'avatar, et un lien vers -la page web du canal sera partagée avec d'autres serveurs et services afin de se référer à -cette identité. Le nom n'a pas besoin d'être votre vrai nom et la photo ou l'avatar le fait. -pas besoin de te ressembler. +Les canaux de communication créés sur ce site web nécessitent un nom et une photo ou un avatar. Un avatar par défaut sera choisi si vous n'en fournissez pas. Le nom, l'avatar, et un lien vers la page web du canal sera partagée avec d'autres serveurs et services afin de se référer à cette identité. Le nom n'a pas besoin d'être votre vrai nom et la photo ou l'avatar n'a pas besoin de vous ressembler. Toutes les autres informations que vous fournissez à ce site Web sont facultatives. -En tant que service de communication sociale et de stockage dans les nuages, vous utiliserez généralement ce site Web. -de partager l'information avec d'autres. Nous offrons une gamme d'options de confidentialité pour vous permettre de -limiter ce partage à ceux que vous choisissez. +En tant que service de communication sociale et de stockage dans les nuages, vous utiliserez généralement ce site Web pour partager des informations avec d'autres personnes. Nous fournissons une gamme d'options de confidentialité pour vous permettre de limiter ce partage à ceux que vous choisissez. Traitement de vos informations ============================== -Notre traitement de vos informations est limité à leur stockage pour que vous puissiez les utiliser. Nous POUVONS tenir des registres -d'activité pour aider à diagnostiquer les problèmes de logiciel et à maintenir la sécurité du système contre +Notre traitement de vos informations est limité à leur stockage pour que vous puissiez les utiliser. Nous POUVONS tenir des registres d'activité pour aider à diagnostiquer les problèmes de logiciel et à maintenir la sécurité du système contre intrusion. Ces journaux sont régulièrement effacés après quelques jours. Nous PEUVONS (si vous avez fourni cette permission) essayer de suggérer des amitiés ou des connexions basées sur des amitiés -sur l'analyse des informations accessibles au public concernant vos connexions. C'est actuellement le plus grand nombre d'entre eux. -le "traitement" avancé des données effectué sur ce site Web. Vous pouvez restreindre l'accès à ces informations. -si ce traitement n'est pas souhaité. +sur l'analyse des informations accessibles au public concernant vos connexions. Il s'agit actuellement du "traitement" de données le plus avancé effectué sur ce site Web. Vous pouvez restreindre l'accès à ces informations si ce traitement n'est pas souhaité. S'il est fourni, nous PEUVONS utiliser votre sexe pour formuler des messages texte dans votre langue maternelle. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 1dbf89362f0634a672ac3ca9cc865fd82a608889 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 10:22:19 +0200 Subject: Update --- doc/fr/ | 11 +++-------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ index e617a7a3d..86fb8bc01 100644 --- a/doc/fr/ +++ b/doc/fr/ @@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ de notre capacité n'est partagée qu'avec ceux avec qui vous avez choisi de la Nous ne partageons pas vos informations personnelles avec des tiers et n'analysons pas votre comportement ou vos informations personnelles. Nous n'avons pas de publicité ou de relations d'affaires avec les annonceurs. -Nous PEUVONS être invités ou forcés de divulguer les informations que vous nous avez fournies en réponse à des demandes légitimes. -les procédures pénales et judiciaires. Dans la mesure du possible, nous vous en aviserons si cela se produit. +Nous PEUVONS être invités ou forcés de divulguer les informations que vous nous avez fournies en réponse à des procédures pénales et judiciaires légitimes. Dans la mesure du possible, nous vous en aviserons si cela se produit. Accès à vos informations ========================== @@ -39,15 +38,11 @@ Accès à vos informations Certaines communications sont partagées avec d'autres sites Web. Ceux qui utilisent le même logiciel vont généralement ont des politiques similaires en matière de protection de la vie privée. -Il se peut que l'on vous montre des vidéos intégrées et des liens fournis pour visiter d'autres sites Web dans le cadre de votre site Web. -activités quotidiennes à l'aide de ce site Web. Cela peut vous exposer à une surveillance par des services externes, tels que -(mais sans s'y limiter) Facebook, Twitter et Google. Chaque opérateur de site web est autorisé à configurer si le contenu incorporé est autorisé ou non. +Il se peut que l'on vous montre des vidéos intégrées et des liens fournis pour visiter d'autres sites Web dans le cadre de vos activités quotidiennes à l'aide de ce site Web. Cette mai vous exposer à la surveillance par des services externes, tels que (mais non limité à) Facebook, Twitter et Google. Chaque opérateur de site Web est autorisé à configurer si le contenu intégré est autorisé ou non. L'accès à vos données personnelles et aux fichiers stockés est sous votre contrôle. -Notre stockage de vos données est fourni sous votre consentement implicite par le biais de votre utilisation continue de -le service. Vous pouvez retirer ce consentement à tout moment et, en cas de suppression de compte, nous supprimerons les informations suivantes -toutes les données qui vous appartiennent. Le processus de suppression peut prendre plusieurs jours, car nous faisons également tout notre possible pour le supprimer de tous les sites Internet qui ont reçu une copie. +Notre stockage de vos données est fourni sous votre consentement implicite par le biais de votre utilisation continue du service. Vous pouvez retirer ce consentement à tout moment et, en cas de suppression de compte, nous supprimerons toutes les toutes les données qui vous appartiennent. Le processus de suppression peut prendre plusieurs jours, car nous faisons également tout notre possible pour le supprimer de tous les sites Internet qui ont reçu une copie. Toutes les données et tous les fichiers stockés pour un canal de communication sont à votre disposition pour télécharger pour les pupilles d'archives ou pour les transférer sur un autre site Web compatible. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 7e262005101a4686a82d3f04a7548edc270e19de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galette Saucisse Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 10:25:03 +0200 Subject: Update --- doc/fr/ | 19 ++++++------------- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/ index 86fb8bc01..bc0dfe056 100644 --- a/doc/fr/ +++ b/doc/fr/ @@ -51,19 +51,12 @@ Vos droits =========== En vertu du règlement général sur la protection des données -(GDPR) et la Loi sur la protection des données 2018 (DPA) -vous disposez d'un certain nombre de droits en ce qui concerne vos données personnelles. -Vous avez le droit de nous demander l'accès et la rectification ou l'effacement de vos données personnelles, -le droit de restreindre le traitement, de s'opposer au traitement ainsi que, dans certaines circonstances, le droit à la transformation. -à la portabilité des données. - -Si vous avez donné votre consentement pour le traitement de vos données, vous avez le droit (dans certains cas, vous pouvez le faire). -circonstances) de retirer ce consentement à tout moment, ce qui n'affectera pas la légalité de l'utilisation de la -le traitement avant le retrait de votre consentement. - -Vous avez le droit de déposer une plainte auprès du Commissariat à l'information si vous remplissez les conditions suivantes -nous estimons que nous n'avons pas respecté les exigences du GDPR ou de la DPA 18 en ce qui concerne -à vos données personnelles. +(GDPR) et la Loi sur la protection des données 2018 (DPA) , vous disposez d'un certain nombre de droits en ce qui concerne vos données personnelles. +Vous avez le droit de nous demander l'accès et la rectification ou l'effacement de vos données personnelles, le droit de restreindre le traitement, de s'opposer au traitement ainsi que, dans certaines circonstances, le droit à la portabilité des données. + +Si vous avez donné votre consentement au traitement de vos données, vous avez le droit (dans certaines circonstances) de retirer ce consentement à tout moment, ce qui n'affectera pas la licéité du traitement avant le retrait de votre consentement. + +Vous avez le droit de déposer une plainte auprès du Commissariat à l'information si vous estimez que nous n'avons pas respecté les exigences du GDPR ou de la DPA 18 en ce qui concerne vos données personnelles. Identité et coordonnées du responsable du traitement et du délégué à la protection des données -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2bf76928ccc60a7dace548ec7d326e15b78d47b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Manuel=20Jim=C3=A9nez=20Friaza?= Date: Sat, 26 May 2018 18:09:22 +0200 Subject: Some stuff of the Spanish Hubzilla --- doc/context/es-es/articles/help.html | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++ doc/es | 1 + 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/context/es-es/articles/help.html create mode 120000 doc/es (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/es-es/articles/help.html b/doc/context/es-es/articles/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bf176fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/es-es/articles/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +
El artículo es un tipo de documento de una naturaleza un poco especial, a mitad de camino entre las fichas de organización de trabajo ("cards") y las entradas normales, pero que está separado del stream social. Son muy adecuados para ayudar a escribir y organizar textos, con un formateo básico, pero completo, sobre cualquier tema, especialmente sobre documentación seriada, de forma más amplia que un wiki pero menos que un página web. Al no formar parte del stream social, para acceder a él hace falta conocer su dirección: [URL del sitio]/articles/[nombre del usuario, sin dominio]. Ahí estarán disponibles los distintas artículos que escriba, por orden de publicación.
Crear un artículo
+ Crear un artículo nuevo es muy parecido a componer un nuevo post.

  • + Nombre del enlace de la página: Este nombre es el del nombre del artículo para una URL estática +
  • +
  • + Título: El título se muestra en la parte de arriba del artículo +
  • +
  • + Temas o Categorías: Si tiene activada la opción Temas de las entradas en su canal, entonces puede añadirlos al artículo. Estas categorías o temas se despliegan en la lista Temas en el panel de la izquierda y permiten filtrar su colección de artículos. +
  • +
  • Sumario: Es el espacio, entre las etiquetas predefinidas [summary][/summary], reservado para redactar un resumen del artículo, que aparecerá en su encabezado. El espacio disponible a continuación del sumario, en la ventana de composición, es el adecuado para la redacción del artículo en sí. +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/es b/doc/es new file mode 120000 index 000000000..c8ba7666b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +es-es \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3 From ea8ff7037a7272802a500ad91c2052451c0c1deb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Manuel=20Jim=C3=A9nez=20Friaza?= Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2018 11:45:05 +0200 Subject: Initial translations in doc/es-es --- doc/es-es/ | 10 ++ doc/es-es/about/ | 209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ doc/es-es/about/ | 7 ++ doc/es-es/about/ | 185 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ doc/es-es/ | 84 +++++++++++++++ doc/es-es/ | 78 ++++++++++++++ doc/es-es/ | 12 +++ doc/es-es/toc.html | 74 +++++++++++++ 8 files changed, 659 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/es-es/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/about/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/about/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/about/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/ create mode 100644 doc/es-es/toc.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0963ae38e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Política de privacidad +============== + +#include doc/; + + +Condiciones de uso +================ + +#include doc/; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/es-es/about/ b/doc/es-es/about/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..731bdef85 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/about/ @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +[h3]¿Qué es $Projectname?[/h3] +$Projectname es un conjunto [b]gratuito y de código abierto[/b] de aplicaciones y servicios web que se ejecutan en un tipo especial de servidor web, llamado "hub", que puede conectarse a otros hubs en una red descentralizada que nos gusta llamar "la red", proporcionando sofisticados servicios de comunicaciones, identidad y control de acceso que funcionan juntos a la perfección a través de dominios y sitios web independientes. Permite a cualquiera publicar, pública o[b]privadamente[/b], contenidos a través de "canales", que son las identidades fundamentales, criptográficamente seguras, que proporcionan autenticación independientemente de los hubs que los alojan. Esta revolucionaria liberación de la identidad en línea a partir de servidores y dominios individuales se denomina "identidad nómada" y está impulsada por el protocolo Zot, un nuevo marco para el control de acceso descentralizado con permisos bien definidos y extensibles. + +[h3] De acuerdo... pero, entonces, ¿qué es $Projectname?[/h3] +Desde la perspectiva práctica de los miembros del hub que utilizan el software, $Projectname ofrece una variedad de aplicaciones y servicios web familiares e integrados, incluyendo: +[ul] +[li]hilos de discusión de redes sociales[/li] +[li]almacenamiento de archivos de nube[/li] +[li]Calendario y contactos (con soporte CalDAV y CardDAV)[/li] +[li]alojamiento de páginas web con un sistema de gestión de contenidos[/li] +[li]wiki[/li] +[li]y más...[/li][/ul] +Aunque todas estas aplicaciones y servicios se pueden encontrar en otros paquetes de software, sólo $Projectname le permite establecer permisos para grupos e individuos que pueden no tener cuentas en tu hub. En las aplicaciones web típicas, si desea compartir cosas en privado en Internet, las personas con las que comparte deben tener cuentas en el servidor que aloja sus datos; de lo contrario, no hay una forma sólida para que su servidor[i]autentifique[/i] a los visitantes del sitio para saber si les concede acceso. $Projectname resuelve este problema con un sistema avanzado de[i]autenticación remota[/i] que valida la identidad de los visitantes empleando técnicas que incluyen criptografía de clave pública. + + +[h3]El software[/h3] + +$Projectname es, básicamente, una aplicación de servidor web relativamente estándar escrita principalmente en PHP/MySQL [url=][/url], que requiere poco más que un servidor web, una base de datos compatible con MySQL y el lenguaje de scripting PHP. Está diseñado para ser fácilmente instalable por aquellos con habilidades básicas de administración de sitios web en plataformas típicas de alojamiento compartido con una amplia gama de hardware informático. También se puede extender fácilmente a través de plugins y temas y otras herramientas de terceros. + +[h3]Glosario[/h3] + +[dl terms="b"] +Una instancia de este software ejecutándose en un servidor web estándar + +[grid] Red global de hubs que intercambian información entre sí utilizando el protocolo Zot. + +La identidad fundamental en la cuadrícula. Un canal puede representar a una persona, un blog o un foro, por nombrar algunos. Los canales pueden hacer conexiones con otros canales para compartir información con permisos muy detallados. + +Los canales pueden tener clones asociados con cuentas separadas y otras cuentas no relacionadas en hubs independientes. Las comunicaciones compartidas con un canal se sincronizan entre los clones del canal, permitiendo que un canal envíe y reciba mensajes y acceda a contenido compartido desde múltiples hubs. Esto proporciona resistencia contra fallas en la red y en el hardware, lo que puede ser un problema significativo para los servidores web autohospedados o de recursos limitados. La clonación le permite mover completamente un canal de un hub a otro, llevando sus datos y conexiones con usted. Ver identidad nómada. + +Identidad nómada] La capacidad de autenticar y migrar fácilmente una identidad a través de concentradores y dominios web independientes. La identidad nómada proporciona una verdadera propiedad de una identidad en línea, porque las identidades de los canales controlados por una cuenta en un hub no están vinculadas al propio hub. Un hub es más como un "host" para canales. Con Hubzilla, no tienes una "cuenta" en un servidor como lo haces en sitios web típicos; tienes una identidad que puedes llevarte a través de la rejilla usando clones. + +Traducción y sincronización: El novedoso protocolo basado en JSON para la implementación de comunicaciones y servicios descentralizados seguros. Se diferencia de muchos otros protocolos de comunicación en que construye las comunicaciones sobre un marco de identidad y autenticación descentralizado. El componente de autenticación es similar a OpenID conceptualmente pero está aislado de las identidades basadas en DNS. Cuando es posible, la autenticación remota es silenciosa e invisible. Esto proporciona un mecanismo para el control de acceso distribuido a escala de Internet que es discreto. +[/dl] + +[h3]Características[/h3] + +Esta página enumera algunas de las características principales de $Projectname que se incluyen en la versión oficial. $Projectname es una plataforma altamente extensible, por lo que se pueden añadir más características y capacidades a través de temas y plugins adicionales. + +[h4]Control deslizante de afinidad[/h4] + +Cuando se añaden conexiones en $Projectname, los miembros tienen la opción de asignar niveles de "afinidad" (cuán cerca está su amigo). +Por otro lado, al añadir el canal de un amigo, se puede situar bajo el nivel de afinidad de "Amigos". + +En este punto, la herramienta $Projectname [i]Control deslizante de afinidad[/i], que normalmente aparece en la parte superior de la página, ajusta su contenido para incluir aquellos contactos que están dentro del rango de afinidad deseado. Los canales fuera de ese rango no se mostrarán, a menos que ajuste el control deslizante para incluirlos. + +El control deslizante de afinidad permite el filtrado instantáneo de grandes cantidades de contenido, agrupado por niveles de cercanía. + +[h4]Filtrado de conexiones[/h4] + +Usted tiene la capacidad de controlar con precisión lo que aparece en su flujo usando el "Filtro de conexión" opcional. Cuando está habilitado, el Editor de conexión proporciona entradas para seleccionar los criterios que deben coincidir para incluir o excluir un mensaje específico de un canal específico. Una vez que un mensaje ha sido permitido, todos los comentarios a ese mensaje son permitidos sin importar si coinciden o no con los criterios de selección. Puede seleccionar las palabras que, si están presentes, bloquean el mensaje o se aseguran de que esté incluido en su stream. Se pueden utilizar expresiones regulares para un control aún más preciso, así como hashtags o incluso el idioma detectado del mensaje. + +[h4]Listas de Control de Acceso[/h4] + +Al compartir contenido, los miembros tienen la opción de restringir quién ve el contenido. Al hacer clic en el candado debajo del cuadro de compartir, uno puede elegir los destinatarios deseados del mensaje, haciendo clic en sus nombres. + +Una vez enviado, el mensaje sólo podrá ser visto por el remitente y los destinatarios seleccionados. En otras palabras, el mensaje no aparecerá en ningún muro público. + +Las listas de control de acceso se pueden aplicar a contenido y mensajes, fotos, eventos, páginas web, salas de chat y archivos. + +[h4]Inicio de sesión único[/h4] + +Las listas de control de acceso funcionan para todos los canales de la red gracias a nuestra exclusiva tecnología de inicio de sesión único. La mayoría de los enlaces internos proporcionan un token de identidad que puede ser verificado en otros sitios de $Projectname y utilizado para controlar el acceso a recursos privados. Inicie sesión una vez en el hub de su casa. Después de eso, la autenticación de todos los recursos de $Projectname es "mágica". + + +[h4]Almacenamiento de Archivos habilitado para WebDAV[/h4] + +Los ficheros se pueden cargar en su área de almacenamiento personal utilizando las utilidades de su sistema operativo (arrastrar y soltar en la mayoría de los casos). Usted puede proteger estos archivos con Listas de Control de Acceso a cualquier combinación de miembros de $Projectname (incluyendo algunos miembros de una red de terceros) o hacerlos públicos. + +[h4]Álbumes de Fotos[/h4] + +Almacenar fotos en álbumes. Todas sus fotos pueden estar protegidas por Listas de Control de Acceso. + +[h4]Calendario de eventos[/h4] + +Cree y gestione eventos y tareas, que también pueden estar protegidos con Listas de Control de Acceso. Los eventos pueden importarse/exportarse a otro software utilizando el formato vcalendar/iCal estándar de la industria y compartirse en mensajes con otros. Los eventos de cumpleaños de tus amigos se añaden automáticamente y se convierten a tu zona horaria correcta para que sepas exactamente cuándo ocurre el cumpleaños, sin importar en qué parte del mundo estés en relación con la persona que cumple años. Los eventos normalmente se crean con contadores de asistencia para que sus amigos y conexiones puedan confirmar su asistencia instantáneamente. + +[h4]Salas de chat[/h4] + +Puede crear cualquier número de salas de chat personales y permitir el acceso a través de las listas de control de acceso. Éstas son típicamente más seguras que XMPP, IRC, y otros transportes de Mensajería Instantánea, aunque también permitimos el uso de estos otros servicios a través de plugins. + +[h4]Construcción de Páginas Web[/h4] + +El nombre del proyecto tiene muchas herramientas de creación de "Gestión de contenidos" para construir páginas web, incluyendo edición de diseño, menús, bloques, widgets y regiones de página/contenido. Todo esto puede ser controladospara que las páginas resultantes sean privadas para la audiencia a la que están destinadas. + +[h4]Aplicaciones[/h4] + +Las aplicaciones pueden ser construidas y distribuidas por los miembros. Éstas se diferencian de las aplicaciones tradicionales de "bloqueo de proveedores" porque están completamente controladas por el autor, que puede proporcionar control de acceso en las páginas de aplicaciones de destino y cobrar en consecuencia por este acceso. La mayoría de las aplicaciones en $Projectname son gratuitas y pueden ser creadas fácilmente por aquellos sin conocimientos de programación. + +[h4]Diseño[/h4 + +El diseño de la página se basa en un lenguaje de descripción llamado comanche. El propio nombre del proyecto está escrito en diseños comanches que se pueden cambiar. Esto permite un nivel de personalización que no se encuentra normalmente en los llamados "entornos multiusuario". + +[h4]Marcadores[/h4] + +Comparta y guarde/maneje los marcadores de los enlaces proporcionados en las conversaciones. + +[h4]Cifrado privado de mensajes y cuestiones de privacidad[/h4] + +El correo privado se almacena en un formato "oscuro". Aunque este no es a prueba de balas, por lo general evita que el administrador del sitio o el ISP husmeen ocasionalmente. + +Cada canal $Projectname tiene su propio conjunto único de claves RSA 4096-bit privadas y públicas asociadas, generadas cuando se crean los canales por primera vez. Se utiliza para proteger mensajes privados y mensajes en tránsito. + +Además, los mensajes pueden crearse utilizando "encriptación de extremo a extremo" que no puede ser leída por los operadores de nombres de proyecto o ISPs o cualquier persona que no conozca el código de acceso. + +Por lo general, los mensajes públicos no se cifran durante el transporte ni durante el almacenamiento. + +Los mensajes privados pueden ser revocados (no enviados) aunque no hay garantía de que el destinatario no lo haya leído todavía. + +Los mensajes se pueden crear con una fecha de caducidad, en la que se borrarán/quitarán en el sitio del destinatario. + + +[h4]Federación de Servicios[/h4] + +Además de añadir "conectores de publicación cruzada" a una variedad de redes alternativas, hay soporte nativo para la importación de contenido desde RSS/Atom feeds y puede utilizarlo para crear canales especiales. Los plugins también están disponibles para comunicarse con otros usando los protocolos Diáspora, GNU-Social (OStatus) o Mastodon (ActivityPub). Estas redes no soportan la identidad nómada ni el control de acceso entre dominios; sin embargo, las comunicaciones básicas son soportadas desde/hacia la diáspora, Friendica, GNU-Social, Mastodon y otros proveedores que utilizan estos protocolos. + +También existe soporte experimental para la autenticación OpenID que puede utilizarse en las listas de control de acceso. Este es un trabajo en progreso. Su hub $Projectname puede ser utilizado como un proveedor de OpenID para autenticarle en servicios externos que utilizan esta tecnología. + +Los canales pueden tener permisos para convertirse en "canales derivados" cuando dos o más canales existentes se combinan para crear un nuevo canal temático. + +[h4]Grupos de Privacidad[/h4] + +Nuestra implementación de grupos de privacidad es similar a la de Google "Círculos" y "Aspectos" de la Diáspora. Esto le permite filtrar su flujo entrante por grupos seleccionados y establecer automáticamente la Lista de control de acceso saliente sólo para aquellos que se encuentren en ese grupo de privacidad cuando publique. Usted puede anular esto en cualquier momento (antes de enviar el correo). + + +[h4]Servicios de directorio[/h4] + +Proporcionamos un acceso fácil a un directorio de miembros y proporcionamos herramientas descentralizadas capaces de proporcionar "sugerencias" de amigos. Los directorios son sitios normales de $Projectname que han elegido aceptar el rol de servidor de directorio. Esto requiere más recursos que la mayoría de los sitios típicos, por lo que no es un servicio predeterminado. Los directorios están sincronizados y duplicados de forma que todos contengan información actualizada sobre toda la red (sujeta a los retardos normales de propagación). + + +[h4]TLS/SSL[/h4] + +En el caso de los concentradores de nombres de proyecto que utilizan TLS/SSL, las comunicaciones de cliente a servidor se cifran mediante TLS/SSL. Dadas las recientes revelaciones en los medios de comunicación con respecto a la vigilancia global generalizada y la elusión del cifrado por parte de NSA y GCHQ, es razonable asumir que las comunicaciones protegidas por HTTPS pueden verse comprometidas de varias maneras. Por consiguiente, las comunicaciones privadas se cifran a un nivel superior antes de enviarlas fuera del sitio. + +[h4]Ajustes de canal[/h4] + +Cuando se crea un canal, se elige una función que aplica una serie de configuraciones de seguridad y privacidad preconfiguradas. Éstos se eligen en función de las mejores prácticas para mantener la privacidad en los niveles solicitados. + +Si elige una función de privacidad "personalizada", cada canal permite establecer permisos precisos para varios aspectos de la comunicación. Por ejemplo, bajo el encabezado "Ajustes de seguridad y privacidad", cada aspecto del lado izquierdo de la página tiene seis (6) opciones de visualización/acceso posibles, que pueden seleccionarse haciendo clic en el menú desplegable. También hay otras configuraciones de privacidad que puedes editar. + +Las opciones son: + + Nadie excepto usted mismo. + Sólo aquellos que usted permita específicamente. + Cualquiera en sus conexiones aprobadas. + Cualquiera en este sitio web. + Cualquiera en esta red. + Cualquiera autentificado. + Cualquiera en Internet. + + +[h4]Foros Públicos y Privados[/h4] + +Los foros son típicamente canales que pueden estar abiertos a la participación de múltiples autores. Actualmente existen dos mecanismos para enviar mensajes a los foros: 1) mensajes de "muro a muro" y 2) a través de las etiquetas @mención del foro. Los foros pueden ser creados por cualquier persona y utilizados para cualquier propósito. El directorio contiene una opción para buscar foros públicos. Los foros privados sólo pueden ser publicados y, a menudo, sólo pueden ser vistos por los miembros. + +[h4]Clonación de cuentas[/h4] + +Las cuentas en $Projectname se denominan [i]identidades nómadas[/i], porque la identidad de un miembro no está vinculada al hub donde se creó la identidad originalmente. Por ejemplo, cuando creas una cuenta de Facebook o Gmail, está vinculada a esos servicios. No pueden funcionar sin o + +Por el contrario, digamos que ha creado una identidad $Projectname llamada[b]tina@$[/b]. Puede clonarlo a otro hub $Projectname eligiendo el mismo o un nombre diferente:[b]vivoParasiempre@algún$[/b] + +Ahora ambos canales están sincronizados, lo que significa que todos sus contactos y preferencias se duplicarán en su clon. No importa si envías un mensaje desde su hub original o desde el nuevo hub. Los mensajes se reflejarán en ambas cuentas. + +Esta es una característica bastante revolucionaria, si consideramos algunos escenarios: + + ¿Qué ocurre si el hub en el que se basa una identidad se desconecta de repente? Sin clonación, un miembro no podrá comunicarse hasta que el hub vuelva a estar en línea (sin duda muchos de ustedes han visto y maldecido el Twitter "Fail Whale"). Con la clonación, sólo tienesque iniciar sesión en su cuenta clonada y la vida continúa feliz para siempre. + + El administrador de su hub ya no puede permitirse el lujo de pagar por su hub gratuito y público $Projectname. Anuncia que el centro cerrará en dos semanas. Esto le da tiempo suficiente para clonar su(s) identidad(es) y preservar las relaciones, amigos y contenido de su $Projectname. + + ¿Qué sucede si su identidad está sujeta a la censura del gobierno? Es posible que su proveedor de hubs se vea obligado a eliminar su cuenta, junto con las identidades y los datos asociados. Con la clonación, $Projectname ofrece [b]resistencia a la censura[/b]. Usted puede tener cientos de clones, si lo desea, todos con diferentes nombres, y que existen en muchos hubs diferentes, esparcidos por todo el Internet. + +$Projectname ofrece nuevas e interesantes posibilidades de privacidad. Puede leer más en la página <>. + +Se aplican algunas advertencias. Para una explicación completa de la clonación de identidad, lea el documento . + +[h4]Perfiles Múltiples[/h4] + +Se puede crear cualquier número de perfiles que contengan información diferente y éstos pueden hacerse visibles para algunas de sus conexiones/amigos. Un perfil "predeterminado" puede ser visto por cualquiera y puede contener información limitada, con más información disponible para seleccionar grupos o personas. Esto significa que el perfil (y el contenido del sitio) que ven sus compañeros de trabajo puede ser diferente de lo que ven sus compañeros de trabajo, y también completamente diferente de lo que es visible para el público en general. + +[h4]Copia de seguridad de la cuenta[/h4] + +$Projectname ofrece una sencilla copia de seguridad de la cuenta con un solo clic, en la que puede descargar una copia de seguridad completa de su(s) perfil(es). Las copias de seguridad se pueden utilizar para clonar o restaurar un perfil. + +[h4]Borrado de cuenta[/h4] + +Las cuentas se pueden eliminar inmediatamente haciendo clic en un enlace. Eso es todo. Todo el contenido asociado se elimina de la rejilla (esto incluye los mensajes y cualquier otro contenido producido por el perfil eliminado). Dependiendo del número de conexiones que tenga, el proceso de eliminación de contenido remoto podría llevar algún tiempo, pero está previsto que ocurra tan rápido como sea posible. + +[h4]Supresión de contenido[/h4] +Cualquier contenido creado en $Projectname permanece bajo el control del miembro (o canal) que lo creó originalmente. En cualquier momento, un miembro puede borrar un mensaje o un rango de mensajes. El proceso de eliminación garantiza que el contenido se elimine, independientemente de si se publicó en el concentrador principal (doméstico) de un canal o en otro concentrador, donde el canal se autenticó de forma remota a través de Zot (protocolo de autenticación y comunicación de $Projectname). + +[h4]Medios[/h4] + +Al igual que cualquier otro sistema moderno de blogging, red social, o un servicio de micro-blogging, $Projectname soporta la carga de archivos, incrustación de video y vinculación de páginas web. + +[h4]Previsualización/Edición[/h4] +Los mensajes y comentarios se pueden previsualizar antes de enviarlos y editarlos después de enviarlos. + +[h4]Votación/Consenso[/h4] + +Los mensajes pueden convertirse en elementos de "consenso" que permiten a los lectores ofrecer retroalimentación, que se recopila en contadores de "acuerdo", "desacuerdo" y "abstención". Esto le permite medir el interés por las ideas y crear encuestas informales. + +[h4]Extendiendo $Nombre del proyecto[/h4] + +El nombre del proyecto se puede ampliar de varias maneras, a través de la personalización del sitio, personalización, configuración de opciones, temas y complementos/plugins. + +[h4]API[/h4] + + +Una API está disponible para su uso por parte de servicios de terceros. Un plugin también proporciona una implementación básica de Twitter (para los que existen cientos de herramientas de terceros). El acceso puede ser proporcionado por login/contraseña o OAuth, y el registro del cliente de las aplicaciones de OAuth es proporcionado. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/es-es/about/ b/doc/es-es/about/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92faeb9f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/about/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[h3]Información del sitio[/h3] +[list][*][url=[baseurl]/siteinfo]Información del sitio[/url] +[*][url=[baseurl]/siteinfo/json]Información del sitio (en formato JSON)[/url][/list] +[h3]Términos del Servicio[/h3] +[list][*][url=[baseurl]/help/TermsOfService]Términos de servicio de este hub[/url][/list] +#include doc/; + diff --git a/doc/es-es/about/ b/doc/es-es/about/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6871869d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/about/ @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +[h3]$Nombre del proyecto Gobernanza[/h3] + +La gobernanza se relaciona con la gestión de un proyecto y, en particular, con su relación con la resolución de conflictos. + +[h4]Gobernanza de la comunidad[/h4] + +El proyecto es mantenido y las decisiones tomadas por la "comunidad". La estructura de gobernanza sigue evolucionando. Hasta que se finalice la estructura, las decisiones se toman en el siguiente orden: + +[ol] +Consenso perezoso + +Si se presenta una propuesta de proyecto a uno de los foros de gobierno de la comunidad y no hay objeciones serias en un plazo "razonable" desde la fecha de la propuesta (por lo general, disponemos de 2 a 3 días para que todas las partes interesadas puedan opinar), no es necesario votar y la propuesta se considerará aprobada. En este momento se pueden plantear algunas preocupaciones, pero si éstas se abordan durante la discusión y se proporcionan soluciones provisionales, se considerarán aprobadas. + + +[*] Veto + +Los desarrolladores senior con un historial significativo de proyectos se comprometen a vetar cualquier decisión. La decisión no podrá adoptarse hasta que se retire el veto o se presente una propuesta alternativa. + + +Voto Comunitario + +Una decisión que no tiene un mandato claro o un consenso claro, pero que no es vetada, puede ser llevada a votación comunitaria. En la actualidad se trata de un simple voto popular en uno de los foros comunitarios aplicables. En este momento, el voto popular decide el resultado. Esto puede cambiar en el futuro si la comunidad adopta un modelo de gobierno de "consejo". Este documento se actualizará en ese momento con las reglas de gobierno actualizadas. +[/ol] + +El Voto Comunitario no siempre proporciona un resultado agradable y puede generar facciones polarizadas en la comunidad (de ahí la razón por la que se están considerando otros modelos). Si la propuesta es "rechazada" todavía hay varias cosas que se pueden hacer y la propuesta se vuelve a presentar con parámetros ligeramente diferentes (convertir a un complemento, convertir a una característica opcional que está desactivada por defecto, etc.). Si el interés en la película es alto y la votación es "cercana", puede generar muchos malos sentimientos entre los votantes perdedores. En estas votaciones tan reñidas, se[b]recomienda encarecidamente[/b] que el proponente tome medidas para abordar cualquier inquietud que se haya planteado y vuelva a presentar. + + + +[h4]Política de privacidad[/h4] + +P: ¿Quién puede ver mi contenido? + +R: Por defecto CUALQUIER PERSONA en Internet, A MENOS que usted lo restrinja. El nombre del proyecto le permite elegir el nivel de privacidad que desea. El contenido restringido NO será visible para las "redes de espionaje" y los anunciantes. Estará protegido contra las escuchas de personas ajenas a la empresa, en la medida de nuestras posibilidades. Los administradores de los hubs con suficientes habilidades y paciencia PUEDEN ser capaces de escuchar a escondidas algunas comunicaciones privadas, pero deben hacer un esfuerzo para hacerlo. Los modos de privacidad existen dentro de $Projectname que son incluso resistentes a las escuchas por parte de administradores de hubs cualificados y decididos. + +P: ¿Se puede censurar mi contenido? + +R: $Nombre del proyecto (la red) NO PUEDE censurar su contenido. Los administradores de servidores y hubs están sujetos a las leyes locales y PUEDEN eliminar contenido objetable de su sitio o hub. Cualquiera PUEDE convertirse en administrador del hub, incluyéndote a ti; y por lo tanto publicar contenido que de otra manera podría ser censurado. Usted aún PUEDE estar sujeto a las leyes locales. + + +[h5]Definiciones[/h5] + +**$$Nombre del proyecto** + +También conocido como "la red", $Projectname es una colección de ordenadores/servidores individuales (aka **hubs**) que se conectan para formar una red cooperativa más grande. + +*Hub* + +Una computadora individual o servidor conectado a $Projectname. Estos son proporcionados por un administrador de **hub y pueden ser públicos o privados, de pago o gratuitos. + +El administrador del hub. + +El operador del sistema de un hub individual. + +[h5]Políticas[/h5] + +**Información Pública** + +Cualquier información o cualquier cosa publicada por usted dentro de $Projectname PUEDE ser pública o visible para cualquier persona en Internet. En la medida de lo posible, $Projectname le permite proteger el contenido y restringir quién puede verlo. + +La foto de tu perfil, el nombre de su canal y la ubicación (URL o dirección de red) de su canal son visibles para cualquiera en Internet y los controles de privacidad no afectarán la visualización de estos elementos. + +Usted PUEDE proporcionar adicionalmente otra información de perfil. Cualquier información que proporcione en su "perfil por defecto" o **perfil público** PUEDE ser transmitida a otros hubs en $Nombre del proyecto y además PUEDE ser mostrada en el directorio de canales. Puede restringir la visualización de esta información de perfil. Puede estar restringido sólo a los miembros de su hub, o sólo a conexiones (amigos), u otros grupos limitados de espectadores que desee. Si desea que su perfil sea restringido, debe establecer la configuración de privacidad apropiada, o simplemente NO proporcione información adicional. + +**Contenido** + +El contenido que usted proporciona (mensajes de estado, fotos, archivos, etc.) le pertenece a usted. Por defecto, el nombre del proyecto es publicar contenido de forma abierta y visible para cualquiera en Internet (PÚBLICO). Usted PUEDE controlar esto en la configuración de su canal y restringir los permisos predeterminados o PUEDE restringir la visibilidad de cualquier elemento publicado por separado (PRIVADO). +Los desarrolladores de $Projectbane se asegurarán de que el contenido restringido SÓLO sea visible para aquellos en la lista de restricciones, en la medida de sus posibilidades. + +El contenido (especialmente los mensajes de estado) que comparte con otras redes o que has hecho visible para cualquiera en Internet (PÚBLICO) no se puede recuperar fácilmente una vez que se ha publicado. PUEDE ser compartido con otras redes y estar disponible a través de RSS/Atom feeds. También puede ser sindicado en otros sitios de $Projectname. Puede aparecer en otras redes y sitios web y ser visible en búsquedas en Internet. Si no desea este comportamiento por defecto, por favor ajuste la configuración de su canal y restrinja quién puede ver su contenido. + +**Comentarios y mensajes en el Foro*** + +Los comentarios a los mensajes creados por otros y los mensajes designados como mensajes del foro le pertenecen a usted como creador/autor, pero la distribución de estos mensajes no está bajo su control directo, y usted renuncia a ALGUNOS derechos sobre estos elementos. Estos mensajes/comentarios PUEDEN ser redistribuidos a otros, y PUEDEN ser visibles para cualquier persona en Internet. En el caso de los comentarios, el creador del "primer mensaje" en el hilo (conversación) al que está respondiendo controla la distribución de todos los comentarios y respuestas a ese mensaje. Ellos "poseen" y por lo tanto tienen ciertos derechos con respecto a toda la conversación (incluyendo todos los comentarios contenidos en ella). Todavía puede editar o eliminar el comentario, pero el propietario de la conversación también tiene derechos para editar, eliminar, redistribuir y realizar copias de seguridad/restaurar todo o parte del contenido de la conversación. + +**Información Privada** + +Los desarrolladores de $Projectnamese asegurarán de que cualquier contenido que usted proporcione que esté designado como PRIVADO estará protegido contra las escuchas clandestinas, en la medida de sus posibilidades. El contenido de los canales privados PUEDE ser visto en la base de datos de cada administrador de hubs involucrado, pero los mensajes privados son ocultados en la base de datos. Esto último significa que es muy difícil, pero NO imposible, que este contenido sea visto por un administrador de hubs. El contenido de los canales privados y los mensajes privados también se eliminan de las notificaciones por correo electrónico. La encriptación de extremo a extremo se proporciona como una característica opcional y esto NO PUEDE ser visto, ni siquiera por un administrador determinado. + +[h5]Privacidad de la identidad[/h5] + +La privacidad para su identidad es otro aspecto. Debido a que tiene una identidad descentralizada en $Projectname, su privacidad se extiende más allá de su centro de operaciones. Si quiere tener el control total de tu privacidad y seguridad, deberías tener tu propio hub en un servidor dedicado. Para muchas personas, esto es complicado y puede estirar sus habilidades técnicas. Así que vamos a enumerar algunas precauciones que puede tomar para asegurar su privacidad tanto como sea posible. + +Una identidad descentralizada tiene muchas ventajas y le ofrece muchas características interesantes, pero debe tener en cuenta que su identidad es conocida por otros hubs de la red $Projectname. Una de esas ventajas es que otros canales pueden servirte contenido personalizado y permitirte ver cosas privadas (como fotos privadas que otros desean compartir contigo). Por eso esos canales necesitan saber quién eres. Pero entendemos que a veces esos otros canales saben más de ti de lo que deseas. Por ejemplo el plug-in Visage que puede decirle al propietario de un canal la última vez que visites su perfil. Usted puede fácilmente OPT-OUT de este bajo nivel y, pensamos, seguimiento inofensivo. + +Puede habilitar [No rastrear (DNT)]( en su navegador web. Respetamos esta nueva propuesta de política de privacidad. Todos los navegadores modernos soportan DNT. Lo encontrarás en la configuración de privacidad de tus navegadores o bien puedes consultar el manual del navegador. Esto no afectará a la funcionalidad de $Projectname. Este ajuste es probablemente suficiente para la mayoría de las personas. + +Puede [desactivar la publicación](configuración) de su canal en nuestro directorio de canales. Si quieres que la gente encuentre tu canal, debes darles la dirección de tu canal directamente a ellos. Creemos que esto es una buena indicación de que prefieres privacidad extra y habilitar automáticamente "No rastrear" si este es el caso. + +Puedes tener un hub bloqueado. Esto significa que todos los canales y contenidos de ese hub no son públicos y no son visibles para el mundo exterior. Esto es algo que sólo el administrador del hub puede hacer. También respetamos esto y activamos automáticamente "No rastrear" si está configurado. + +[h5]Censura[/h5] + +$Projectname es una red global que incluye todas las religiones y culturas. Esto no implica que todos los miembros de la red se sientan de la misma manera que usted en cuestiones polémicas, y es posible que algunas personas se opongan rotundamente al contenido que usted publica. En general, si desea publicar algo que sabe que puede no ser universalmente aceptable, el mejor enfoque es restringir la audiencia utilizando los controles de privacidad a un pequeño círculo de amigos. + +El nombre del proyecto como proveedor de red no puede censurar el contenido. Sin embargo, los administradores de los hubs PUEDEN censurar cualquier contenido que aparezca en su hub para cumplir con las leyes locales o incluso con juicios personales. Su decisión es definitiva. Si tienes problemas con algún administrador de hub, puedes mover tu cuenta y anuncios a otro sitio que esté más en línea con tus expectativas. +$Projectname RECOMIENDA que los administradores de hubs proporcionen un período de gracia de 1-2 días entre el aviso al titular de la cuenta del contenido que necesita ser eliminado y la eliminación o desactivación física de la cuenta. Esto le dará al propietario del contenido la oportunidad de exportar los metadatos de su canal e importarlos a otro sitio. En raras ocasiones el contenido puede ser de tal naturaleza que justifique la terminación inmediata de la cuenta. Esta es una decisión de hub, no $Projectname. + +Si usted típica y regularmente publica contenido de naturaleza adulta u ofensiva, se le recomienda encarecidamente que marque su cuenta "NSFW" (No es seguro para el trabajo). Esto evitará que se muestre la foto de tu perfil en el directorio, excepto a los espectadores que hayan optado por desactivar el "modo seguro". Si los administradores del directorio consideran que la foto de tu perfil es adulta u ofensiva, el administrador del directorio PUEDE marcar tu foto de perfil como NSFW. Actualmente no existe ningún mecanismo oficial para impugnar o revertir esta decisión, razón por la cual DEBERÍA usted marcar su propia cuenta NSFW si es probable que sea inapropiada para el público en general. + +[h3]Créditos[/h3] + +Gracias a todos los que han ayudado y contribuido al proyecto y a sus predecesores a lo largo de los años. +Es posible que hayamos fallado en su nombre, pero esto no es intencional. También agradecemos a la comunidad y a sus miembros por hacer aportes valiosos y sin los cuales todo este esfuerzo carecería de sentido. + +También vale la pena reconocer las contribuciones y soluciones a los problemas que surgieron a partir de discusiones entre miembros y desarrolladores de otros proyectos relacionados y en competencia; incluso si hemos tenido nuestros desacuerdos ocasionales. + +[list] +[li]Mike Macgirvin[/li] +[li]Fabio Comuni[/li] +[li]Simon L'nu[/li] +[li]marijus[/li] +[li]Tobias Diekershoff[/li] +[li]fabrixxm[/li] +[li]tommy tomson[/li] +[li]Simon[/li] +[li]zottel[/li] +[li]Christian Vogeley[/li] +[li]Jeroen van Riet Paap (jeroenpraat)[/li] +[li]Michael Vogel[/li] +[li]erik[/li] +[li]Zach Prezkuta[/li] +[li]Paolo T[/li] +[li]Michael Meer[/li] +[li]Michael[/li] +[li]Abinoam P. Marques Jr[/li] +[li]Tobias Hößl[/li] +[li]Alexander Kampmann[/li] +[li]Olaf Conradi[/li] +[li]Paolo Tacconi[/li] +[li]tobiasd[/li] +[li]Devlon Duthie[/li] +[li]Zvi ben Yaakov (a.k.a rdc)[/li] +[li]Alexandre Hannud Abdo[/li] +[li]Olivier Migeot[/li] +[li]Chris Case[/li] +[li]Klaus Weidenbach[/li] +[li]Michael Johnston[/li] +[li]olivierm[/li] +[li]Vasudev Kamath[/li] +[li]pixelroot[/li] +[li]Max Weller[/li] +[li]duthied[/li] +[li]Martin Schmitt[/li] +[li]Sebastian Egbers[/li] +[li]Erkan Yilmaz[/li] +[li]sasiflo[/li] +[li]Stefan Parviainen[/li] +[li]Haakon Meland Eriksen[/li] +[li]Oliver Hartmann (23n)[/li] +[li]Erik Lundin[/li] +[li]habeascodice[/li] +[li]sirius[/li] +[li]Charles[/li] +[li]Tony Baldwin[/li] +[li]Hauke Zuehl[/li] +[li]Keith Fernie[/li] +[li]Anne Walk[/li] +[li]toclimb[/li] +[li]Daniel Frank[/li] +[li]Matthew Exon[/li] +[li]Michal Supler[/li] +[li]Tobias Luther[/li] +[li]U-SOUND\mike[/li] +[li]mrjive[/li] +[li]nostupidzone[/li] +[li]tonnerkiller[/li] +[li]Antoine G[/li] +[li]Christian Drechsler[/li] +[li]Ludovic Grossard[/li] +[li]RedmatrixCanada[/li] +[li]Stanislav Lechev [0xAF][/li] +[li]aweiher[/li] +[li]bufalo1973[/li] +[li]dsp1986[/li] +[li]felixgilles[/li] +[li]ike[/li] +[li]maase2[/li] +[li]mycocham[/li] +[li]ndurchx[/li] +[li]pafcu[/li] +[li]Simó Albert i Beltran[/li] +[li]Manuel Reva[/li] +[li]Manuel Jiménez Friaza[/li] +[li]Gustav Wall aka "neue medienordnung plus"[/li] +[/list] diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67fcf354e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ + +Aviso sobre privacidad. Mayo, 2018 + +Cómo será usada su información +================================= + +La información que usted proporcione a este sitio web puede ser almacenada y usada con el fin de proveer servicios para usted. + +Necesitamos una dirección de correo electrónico para identificar al titular de la cuenta. Esta no será compartido con ningún otro sitio web o servicio. Será usada para enviarle notificaciones acerca de su cuenta y para llevar a cabo tareas administrativas como realizar un cambio de contraseña. Tiene la opción de inhabilitar todas las notificaciones por correo electrónico en su configuración personal. + +Communication channels created on this website require a name and a photo or avatar. A +default avatar will be chosen if you do not supply one. The name, avatar, and a link to +the channel webpage will be shared with other servers and services in order to refer to +this identity. The name does not need to be your real name and the photo or avatar does +not need to resemble you. + +All other information you supply to this website is optional. + +As a social communication and cloud storage service, you will usually be using this website +to share information with others. We provide a range of privacy options to allow you to +restrict this sharing to only those you choose. + + +Procesamiento de su información +============================== + +Nuestro tratamiento de su información se limitia a almacenarla para su uso. Our processing of your information is limited to storing it for you to use. PODRÍAMOS mantener registros de actividad para ayudar a diagnosticar problemas de software y mantener la seguridad del sistema contra intrusión. Estos registros se borran rutinariamente al cabo de unos días. + +Nosotros PODEMOS (si usted ha proporcionado este permiso) tratar de sugerir amistades o conexiones basadas en en el análisis de la información disponible públicamente sobre sus conexiones. Este es actualmente el "procesamiento" más avanzado de datos realizado en este sitio web. Usted puede restringir el acceso a esta información si no lo desea. + +Si se nos proporciona, PODRÍAMOS usar su género para formular mensajes de texto en su idioma nativo, por ejemplo "Bob comentó en SU post." + +En todos los demás casos, sus datos se almacenan bajo su propia política de privacidad y de la mejor manera posible, según nuestra habilidad, sólo se comparte con aquellos con quienes usted ha elegido compartirla. + +No compartimos su información privada con terceros ni analizamos su comportamiento o características personales. No tenemos publicidad ni relaciones comerciales con anunciantes. + +PODRÍAMOS ser solicitados u obligados a divulgar información proporcionada por usted en respuesta a preguntas legítimas en procedimientos penales y judiciales. En la medida de lo posible, le notificaremos si esto sucede. + + +Acceso a su información +========================== + +Algunas comunicaciones se comparten con otros sitios web. Aquellos que usan el mismo software normalmente tienen políticas de privacidad similares. + +Es posible que se le muestren vídeos incrustados y se le proporcionen enlaces para visitar otros sitios web como parte de sus actividades diarias utilizando este sitio web. Esto PUEDE exponerle a la monitorización por parte de servicios externos, tales como como (pero no limitado a) Facebook, Twitter y Google. Cada operador de sitio web puede configurar si se permite o no el contenido incrustado. + +El acceso a sus datos personales y archivos almacenados está bajo su control. + +Nuestro almacenamiento de sus datos se proporciona bajo su consentimiento implícito a través de su uso continuado de el servicio. Usted puede retirar este consentimiento en cualquier momento y, en caso de eliminación de la cuenta, eliminaremos todos los datos que le pertenecen. El proceso de eliminación puede tomar varios días ya que también hacemos de buena fe un esfuerzo para eliminarlo de cualquier sitio web conectado a Internet al que se le haya proporcionado una copia. + +Todos los datos y archivos almacenados para un canal de comunicación están disponibles para que usted pueda para guardarlos o transferirlos a otro sitio web compatible. + + + +Sus derechos +=========== + +Bajo el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (GDPR) y la Ley de Protección de Datos de 2018 (DPA) usted tiene una serie de derechos con respecto a sus datos personales. +Usted tiene derecho a solicitarnos el acceso, rectificación o cancelación de sus datos personales, el derecho a restringir el tratamiento, a oponerse al tratamiento así como, en determinadas circunstancias, el derecho a la portabilidad de datos. + +Si usted ha dado su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos, tiene derecho (en determinados casos) a retirar ese consentimiento en cualquier momento, siempre que no afecte a la legalidad, a dicho procesamiento antes de que su consentimiento fuera retirado. + +Usted tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante la Oficina del Comisionado de Información si cree que no hemos cumplido con los requisitos del GDPR o DPA 18 con respecto a sus datos personales. + +Identidad y datos de contacto del responsable del tratamiento y del responsable de la protección de datos + +[NOMBRE DE LA COMPAÑÍA] +es el controlador +[y procesador] +de datos a efectos de la DPA 18 y el GDPR. 3 + +Si tiene alguna duda sobre cómo se procesan sus datos, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros: + +[ +[NOMBRE] +Oferta de protección de datos en +[DIRECCIÓN DE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO] +] +[NOMBRE][CARGO] +en +[DIRECCIÓN DE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO] +o puede escribir a las siguientes direcciones +personas que utilicen la dirección de +[] diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a3ab980b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +[b]Git para no desarrolladores[/b] + +Así que está manejando una traducción, o está contribuyendo a un tema, y cada vez que hace un pull request tiene que hablar con uno de los desarrolladores antes de que sus cambios puedan ser fusionados? + +Lo más probable es que no haya encontrado una forma rápida de explicar cómo mantener las cosas sincronizadas en su lado. Es realmente muy fácil. + +Después de crear un fork del repositorio (sólo tiene que hacer clic en "fork" en github), necesita clonar su propia copia. + +Por ejemplo, asumiremos que está trabajando en un tema llamado redexample (que no existe). + +[code]git clone[/code] + +Así que está manejando una traducción, o está contribuyendo a un tema, y cada vez que hace un pull request tiene que hablar con uno de los desarrolladores antes de que sus cambios puedan ser fusionados? + +Lo más probable es que no haya encontrado una forma rápida de explicar cómo mantener las cosas sincronizadas en su lado. Es realmente muy fácil. + +Después de crear un fork del repositorio (sólo tiene que hacer clic en "fork" en github), necesita clonar su propia copia. + +Por ejemplo, asumiremos que está trabajando en un tema llamado redexample (que no existe). + +Una vez que lo haya hecho, cd en el directorio, y añadir un upstream. + +[code] +cd red +git remote add upstream +[/code] + +A partir de ahora, puede realizar cambios en el upstream con el comando +[code]git fetch upstream[/code] + +Antes de que sus cambios puedan fusionarse automáticamente, a menudo necesitará fusionar los cambios anteriores. + +[code] +git merge upstream/master +[/code] + +Siempre debe fusionar upstream antes de subir cualquier cambio, y [i]debe[/i] fusionar upstream con cualquier pull request para que se fusionen automáticamente. + +El 99% de las veces, todo irá bien. La única vez que no lo hará es si alguien más ha estado editando los mismos ficheros que usted y, a menudo, sólo si ha estado editando las mismas líneas de los mismos archivos. Si eso sucede, ese sería un buen momento para solicitar ayuda hasta que se acostumbre a manejar sus propios conflictos de fusión. + +Entonces sólo necesitas añadir tus cambios [code]git añadir vista/tema/redexample/[/code] + +Esto agregará todos los archivos en la vista/tema/redexample y cualquier subdirectorio. Si sus archivos particulares se mezclan a través del código, usted debe agregar uno a la vez. Trata de no hacer git add -a, ya que esto lo agregará todo, incluyendo archivos temporales (mayormente, pero no siempre atrapamos a aquellos con un.gitignore) y cualquier cambio local que tenga, pero que no intente confirmar. + +Una vez que haya agregado todos los archivos que ha cambiado, necesita confirmarlos. [code]git commit[/code] + +Esto abrirá un editor donde podrá describir los cambios que ha realizado. Guarde este archivo y salga del editor. + +Finalmente, suba los cambios en su propio git +[code]git push[/code] + +Y eso es todo, su repo está al día! + +Todo lo que necesita hacer ahora es crear la petición pull. Hay dos maneras de hacerlo. + +La forma más fácil, si está utilizando Github, es simplemente hacer clic en el botón verde en la parte superior de su propia copia del repositorio, introducir una descripción de los cambios, y hacer clic en `crear pull request'. El repositorio principal, los temas y los complementos tienen su rama principal en Github, por lo que este método se puede utilizar la mayor parte del tiempo. + +La mayoría de la gente puede parar aquí. + +Algunos proyectos en la ecosfera extendida de RedMatrix no tienen presencia en Github, para un pull request, los pasos son un poco diferentes: usted tendrá que crear su pull request manualmente. Afortunadamente, esto no es +mucho más difícil. + +[code]git request-pull -p [/code] + +Start es el nombre de un commit por el que empezar. Esto debe existir en el upstream. Normalmente, sólo querr'a la rama master. + +URL es la URL de[i]su[/i] repo. + +También se puede especificar . Este valor predeterminado es HEAD. + +Ejemplo: +[código] +git request-pull master +[/código] + +Y simplemente envíe la salida al mantenedor del proyecto. + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00d2e47bb --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/about][b]¿Qué es $Projectname?[/b][/zrl] +$Projectname est un software de publicación y comunicación descentralizadas que le permite tener el control de sus necesidades y datos. Es ustedm y solo usted, quien decide a quién permite ver sus publicaciones. + + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/features][b]Funcionaliades de $Projectname[/b][/zrl] +$Projectname es una red global distribuida que es flexible, pero puede crecer en potencia desde in pequeño sitio personal hasta albergar una comunidad de numerosas personas. + +$Projectname funciona en tanto que red global distribuida. Es flexible y puede crecer en potencia. Se puede usar para los miembros de una familia, para una comunidad en línea, para foros, blogs y páginas web. + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/what_is_zot][b]¿Qué es Zot?[/b][/zrl] +Zot es un protocolo de comunicación diseñado especialmente para $Projectname. En tanto que miembro, usted no está ligado a un sitio web único o a un hub, gracias a la identidad nómada. Puede migrar fácilmente a otros servidores y guardar sus contactos. Puede también clonar su canal y éste se encontrará en distintos servidores. En el caso de que un servidor deje de estar operativo definitivamente, usted perderá sus datos. Además, si está en $Projectname, no tendrá necesidad de identificarse varias veces, incluso para acceder a otros sitios $Projectname. De modo que Zot es el corazón de $Projectname. diff --git a/doc/es-es/toc.html b/doc/es-es/toc.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..152d9de25 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/es-es/toc.html @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +

+ Tutoriales +

+ +
+ +

+ Administradores +

+ +

+ Desarrolladores +

+ +

+ A propósito de +

+ +
-- cgit v1.2.3 From 2c7597066c03bc60e83b934415df6fd7551016d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2018 17:12:20 -0700 Subject: update a number of links in the code --- doc/ | 8 ++++---- doc/ | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- doc/developer/ | 28 +++++++++++++--------------- doc/ | 11 +++++------ 4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index ef02c8327..b1f185c2e 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ doing development. Create your own github account. -You may fork/clone the Red repository from []( +You may fork/clone the $Projectname repository from []( Follow the instructions provided here: []( -to create and use your own tracking fork on github +to create and use your own tracking fork on framagit -Then go to your github page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready +Then go to your gramagit page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready to notify us to merge your work. **Translations** -Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit []( and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'messages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. +Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit []( and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'messages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. [Translations - More Info](help/Translations) diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 654ba1b83..6106e43b1 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Translating $Projectname Translation Process ------------------- -The strings used in the UI of Hubzilla is translated at [Transifex][1] and then +The strings used in the UI of $Projectname is translated at [Transifex][1] and then included in the git repository at github. If you want to help with translation -for any language, be it correcting terms or translating Hubzilla to a +for any language, be it correcting terms or translating $Projectname to a currently not supported language, please register an account at and contact the Redmatrix translation team there. -Translating Hubzilla is simple. Just use the online tool at transifex. If you +Translating $Projectname is simple. Just use the online tool at transifex. If you don't want to deal with git & co. that is fine, we check the status of the translations regularly and import them into the source tree at github so that others can use them. @@ -26,32 +26,32 @@ tree. If you want to get your work into the source tree yourself, feel free to do so and contact us with and question that arises. The process is simple and -Hubzilla ships with all the tools necessary. +$Projectname ships with all the tools necessary. The location of the translated files in the source tree is /view/LNG-CODE/ where LNG-CODE is the language code used, e.g. de for German or fr for French. For the email templates (the *.tpl files) just place them into the directory and you are done. The translated strings come as a "hmessages.po" file from -transifex which needs to be translated into the PHP file Hubzilla uses. To do +transifex which needs to be translated into the PHP file $Projectname uses. To do so, place the file in the directory mentioned above and use the "po2php" -utility from the util directory of your Hubzilla installation. +utility from the util directory of your $Projectname installation. Assuming you want to convert the German localization which is placed in view/de/hmessages.po you would do the following. 1. Navigate at the command prompt to the base directory of your - Hubzilla installation + $Projectname installation 2. Execute the po2php script, which will place the translation - in the hstrings.php file that is used by Hubzilla. + in the hstrings.php file that is used by $Projectname. $> php util/po2php.php view/de/hmessages.po The output of the script will be placed at view/de/hstrings.php where froemdoca os expecting it, so you can test your translation mmediately. -3. Visit your Hubzilla page to check if it still works in the language you +3. Visit your $Projectname page to check if it still works in the language you just translated. If not try to find the error, most likely PHP will give you a hint in the log/warnings.about the error. @@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ view/de/hmessages.po you would do the following. $> php view/de/hstrings.php 4. commit the two files with a meaningful commit message to your git - repository, push it to your fork of the Hubzilla repository at github and + repository, push it to your fork of the $Projectname repository at github and issue a pull request for that commit. Utilities --------- Additional to the po2php script there are some more utilities for translation -in the "util" directory of the Hubzilla source tree. If you only want to -translate Hubzilla into another language you wont need any of these tools most -likely but it gives you an idea how the translation process of Hubzilla +in the "util" directory of the $Projectname source tree. If you only want to +translate $Projectname into another language you wont need any of these tools most +likely but it gives you an idea how the translation process of $Projectname works. For further information see the utils/README file. @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ For further information see the utils/README file. Known Problems -------------- -* Hubzilla uses the language setting of the visitors browser to determain the +* $Projectname uses the language setting of the visitors browser to determain the language for the UI. Most of the time this works, but there are some known quirks. * the early translations are based on the friendica translations, if you @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Known Problems Links ------ -[1]: +[1]: #include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/developer/ b/doc/developer/ index f8ba0c1d8..d04cec121 100644 --- a/doc/developer/ +++ b/doc/developer/ @@ -53,29 +53,27 @@ The [url=[baseurl]/help/admin/hub_snapshots]hub snapshots[/url] page provides in [h3]Translations[/h3] -Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit [url=]Transifex[/url] and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'messages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. +Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit [url=]Transifex[/url] and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'messages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. [h4]Translation Process[/h4] -The strings used in the UI of $Projectname is translated at [url=]Transifex[/url] and then +The strings used in the UI of $Projectname is translated at [url=]Transifex[/url] and then included in the git repository at github. If you want to help with translation for any language, be it correcting terms or translating $Projectname to a currently not supported language, please register an account at -and contact the Redmatrix translation team there. +and contact the translation team there. Translating $Projectname is simple. Just use the online tool at transifex. If you -don't want to deal with git & co. that is fine, we check the status of the[/td][/tr] -[tr]ranslations regularly and import them into the source tree at github so that -others can use them. +don't want to deal with git & co. that is fine, we check the status of the translations +regularly and import them into the source tree at github so that others can use them. We do not include every translation from transifex in the source tree to avoid a scattered and disturbed overall experience. As an uneducated guess we have a lower limit of 50% translated strings before we include the language. This -limit is judging only by the amount of translated strings under the assumption[/td][/tr] -[tr]hat the most prominent strings for the UI will be translated first by a[/td][/tr] -[tr]ranslation team. If you feel your translation useable before this limit, -please contact us and we will probably include your teams work in the source[/td][/tr] -[tr]ree. +limit is judging only by the amount of translated strings under the assumption +that the most prominent strings for the UI will be translated first by a translation +team. If you feel your translation useable before this limit, +please contact us and we will probably include your teams work in the source tree. If you want to get your work into the source tree yourself, feel free to do so and contact us with and question that arises. The process is simple and @@ -85,8 +83,8 @@ The location of the translated files in the source tree is /view/LNG-CODE/ where LNG-CODE is the language code used, e.g. de for German or fr for French. For the email templates (the *.tpl files) just place them into the directory -and you are done. The translated strings come as a "hmessages.po" file from[/td][/tr] -[tr]ransifex which needs to be translated into the PHP file $Projectname uses. To do +and you are done. The translated strings come as a "hmessages.po" file from +Transifex which needs to be translated into the PHP file $Projectname uses. To do so, place the file in the directory mentioned above and use the "po2php" utility from the util directory of your $Projectname installation. @@ -121,8 +119,8 @@ view/de/hmessages.po you would do the following. [h4]Utilities[/h4] Additional to the po2php script there are some more utilities for translation -in the "util" directory of the $Projectname source tree. If you only want to[/td][/tr] -[tr]ranslate $Projectname into another language you wont need any of these tools most +in the "util" directory of the $Projectname source tree. If you only want to +translate $Projectname into another language you wont need any of these tools most likely but it gives you an idea how the translation process of $Projectname works. diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index f8489640b..c8eec04ca 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ doing development. Create your own github account. -You may fork/clone the Red repository from [url=][/url] +You may fork/clone the project repository from [url=][/url] Follow the instructions provided here: [url=][/url] -to create and use your own tracking fork on github +to create and use your own tracking fork on framagit -Then go to your github page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready +Then go to your framagit page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready to notify us to merge your work. [b]Translations[/b] -Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit [url=][/url] and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'messages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. +Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit [url=][/url] and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'hmessages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. [zrl=[baseurl]/help/Translations]Translations - More Info[/zrl] @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ Please pull in any changes from the project repository and merge them with your Also - **test your changes**. Don't assume that a simple fix won't break something else. If possible get an experienced Red developer to review the code. -Further documentation can be found at the Github wiki pages at: [url=][/url] [b]Licensing[/b] @@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ All code contributed to the project falls under the MIT license, unless otherwis Code changes which fix an obvious bug are pretty straight-forward. For instance if you click "Save" and the thing you're trying to save isn't saved, it's fairly obvious what the intended behaviour should be. Often when developing feature requests, it may affect large numbers of community members and it's possible that other members of the community won't agree with the need for the feature, or with your proposed implementation. They may not see something as a bug or a desirable feature. -We encourage consensus building within the community when it comes to any feature which might be considered controversial or where there isn't unanimous decision that the proposed feature is the correct way to accomplish the task. The first place to pitch your ideas is to [url=]Channel One[/url]. Others may have some input or be able to point out facets of your concept which might be problematic in our environment. But also, you may encounter opposition to your plan. This doesn't mean you should stop and/or ignore the feature. Listen to the concerns of others and try and work through any implementation issues. +We encourage consensus building within the community when it comes to any feature which might be considered controversial or where there isn't unanimous decision that the proposed feature is the correct way to accomplish the task. The first place to pitch your ideas is to the [url=]Hubzilla Development[/url] forum. Others may have some input or be able to point out facets of your concept which might be problematic in our environment. But also, you may encounter opposition to your plan. This doesn't mean you should stop and/or ignore the feature. Listen to the concerns of others and try and work through any implementation issues. There are places where opposition cannot be resolved. In these cases, please consider making your feature [b]optional[/b] or non-default behaviour that must be specifically enabled. This technique can often be used when a feature has significant but less than unanimous support. Those who desire the feature can turn it on and those who don't want it - will leave it turned off. -- cgit v1.2.3 From de20d8f73a705deecf7c81c29e6361c838305fc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gia vec Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2018 22:10:32 +0200 Subject: Update (cherry picked from commit 68ffddafb1ce27bf408735f08f2a69ad094655b3) --- doc/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index b1f185c2e..624c058d2 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ You may fork/clone the $Projectname repository from [ Follow the instructions provided here: []( to create and use your own tracking fork on framagit -Then go to your gramagit page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready +Then go to your framagit page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready to notify us to merge your work. **Translations** -- cgit v1.2.3 From c69c7db4f7daaa91b338340a3bd2e74cf7b17abb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gia vec Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2018 22:13:18 +0200 Subject: Update (cherry picked from commit 009ecb0ff4a7118e9713d79dbb3cc7faa1d22034) --- doc/ | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index c8eec04ca..4bda7fdff 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,71 +1,71 @@ -[b]$Projectname Developer Guide[/b] - -We're pretty relaxed when it comes to developers. We don't have a lot of rules. Some of us are over-worked and if you want to help we're happy to let you help. That said, attention to a few guidelines will make the process smoother and make it easier to work together. All developers are expected to abide by our [zrl=[baseurl]/help/contributor/covenant]code of conduct[/zrl]. We have developers from across the globe with different abilities and different cultural backgrounds and different levels of patience. Our primary rule is to respect others. Sometimes this is hard and sometimes we have very different opinions of how things should work, but if everybody makes an effort, we'll get along just fine. - -[b]Here is how you can join us.[/b] - -First, get yourself a working git package on the system where you will be -doing development. - -Create your own github account. - -You may fork/clone the project repository from [url=][/url] - -Follow the instructions provided here: [url=][/url] -to create and use your own tracking fork on framagit - -Then go to your framagit page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready -to notify us to merge your work. - -[b]Translations[/b] - -Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit [url=][/url] and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'hmessages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. - -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Translations]Translations - More Info[/zrl] - -[b]Important[/b] - -Please pull in any changes from the project repository and merge them with your work **before** issuing a pull request. We reserve the right to reject any patch which results in a large number of merge conflicts. This is especially true in the case of language translations - where we may not be able to understand the subtle differences between conflicting versions. - -Also - **test your changes**. Don't assume that a simple fix won't break something else. If possible get an experienced Red developer to review the code. - - -[b]Licensing[/b] - -All code contributed to the project falls under the MIT license, unless otherwise specified. We will accept third-party code which falls under MIT, BSD and LGPL, but copyleft licensing (GPL, and AGPL) is only permitted in addons. It must be possible to completely remove the GPL (copyleft) code from the main project without breaking anything. - -[b]Concensus Building[/b] - -Code changes which fix an obvious bug are pretty straight-forward. For instance if you click "Save" and the thing you're trying to save isn't saved, it's fairly obvious what the intended behaviour should be. Often when developing feature requests, it may affect large numbers of community members and it's possible that other members of the community won't agree with the need for the feature, or with your proposed implementation. They may not see something as a bug or a desirable feature. - -We encourage consensus building within the community when it comes to any feature which might be considered controversial or where there isn't unanimous decision that the proposed feature is the correct way to accomplish the task. The first place to pitch your ideas is to the [url=]Hubzilla Development[/url] forum. Others may have some input or be able to point out facets of your concept which might be problematic in our environment. But also, you may encounter opposition to your plan. This doesn't mean you should stop and/or ignore the feature. Listen to the concerns of others and try and work through any implementation issues. - -There are places where opposition cannot be resolved. In these cases, please consider making your feature [b]optional[/b] or non-default behaviour that must be specifically enabled. This technique can often be used when a feature has significant but less than unanimous support. Those who desire the feature can turn it on and those who don't want it - will leave it turned off. - -If a feature uses other networks or websites and or is only seen as desirable by a small minority of the community, consider making the functionality available via an addon or plugin. Once again, those who don't desire the feature won't need to install it. Plugins are relatively easy to create and "hooks" can be easily added or modified if the current hooks do not do what is needed to allow your plugin to work. - - -[b]Coding Style[/b] - -In the interests of consistency we adopt the following code styling. We may accept patches using other styles, but where possible please try to provide a consistent code style. We aren't going to argue or debate the merits of this style, and it is irrelevant what project 'xyz' uses. This is not project 'xyz'. This is a baseline to try and keep the code readable now and in the future. - -[li] All comments should be in English.[/li] - -[li] We use doxygen to generate documentation. This hasn't been consistently applied, but learning it and using it are highly encouraged.[/li] - -[li] Indentation is accomplished primarily with tabs using a tab-width of 4.[/li] - -[li] String concatenation and operators should be separated by whitespace. e.g. "$foo = $bar . 'abc';" instead of "$foo=$bar.'abc';"[/li] - -[li] Generally speaking, we use single quotes for string variables and double quotes for SQL statements. "Here documents" should be avoided. Sometimes using double quoted strings with variable replacement is the most efficient means of creating the string. In most cases, you should be using single quotes.[/li] - -[li] Use whitespace liberally to enhance readability. When creating arrays with many elements, we will often set one key/value pair per line, indented from the parent line appropriately. Lining up the assignment operators takes a bit more work, but also increases readability.[/li] - -[li] Generally speaking, opening braces go on the same line as the thing which opens the brace. They are the last character on the line. Closing braces are on a line by themselves. [/li] - -[li] Some functions take arguments in argc/argv style like main() in C or function args in bash or Perl. Urls are broken up within a module. e.g, given "", then $this->argc will be 3 (integer) and $this->argv will contain: [0] => 'module', [1] => 'arg1', [2] => 'arg2'. There will always be one argument. If provided a naked domain URL, $this->argv[0] is set to "home".[/li] - -[b]See Also[/b] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/sql_conventions]SQL Conventions[/zrl] - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]$Projectname Developer Guide[/b] + +We're pretty relaxed when it comes to developers. We don't have a lot of rules. Some of us are over-worked and if you want to help we're happy to let you help. That said, attention to a few guidelines will make the process smoother and make it easier to work together. All developers are expected to abide by our [zrl=[baseurl]/help/contributor/covenant]code of conduct[/zrl]. We have developers from across the globe with different abilities and different cultural backgrounds and different levels of patience. Our primary rule is to respect others. Sometimes this is hard and sometimes we have very different opinions of how things should work, but if everybody makes an effort, we'll get along just fine. + +[b]Here is how you can join us.[/b] + +First, get yourself a working git package on the system where you will be +doing development. + +Create your own github account. + +You may fork/clone the project repository from [url=][/url] + +Follow the instructions provided here: [url=][/url] +to create and use your own tracking fork on framagit + +Then go to your framagit page and create a "Pull request" when you are ready +to notify us to merge your work. + +[b]Translations[/b] + +Our translations are managed through Transifex. If you wish to help out translating $Projectname to another language, sign up on, visit [url=][/url] and request to join one of the existing language teams or create a new one. Notify one of the core developers when you have a translation update which requires merging, or ask about merging it yourself if you're comfortable with git and PHP. We have a string file called 'hmessages.po' which is gettext compliant and a handful of email templates, and from there we automatically generate the application's language files. + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Translations]Translations - More Info[/zrl] + +[b]Important[/b] + +Please pull in any changes from the project repository and merge them with your work **before** issuing a pull request. We reserve the right to reject any patch which results in a large number of merge conflicts. This is especially true in the case of language translations - where we may not be able to understand the subtle differences between conflicting versions. + +Also - **test your changes**. Don't assume that a simple fix won't break something else. If possible get an experienced Red developer to review the code. + + +[b]Licensing[/b] + +All code contributed to the project falls under the MIT license, unless otherwise specified. We will accept third-party code which falls under MIT, BSD and LGPL, but copyleft licensing (GPL, and AGPL) is only permitted in addons. It must be possible to completely remove the GPL (copyleft) code from the main project without breaking anything. + +[b]Concensus Building[/b] + +Code changes which fix an obvious bug are pretty straight-forward. For instance if you click "Save" and the thing you're trying to save isn't saved, it's fairly obvious what the intended behaviour should be. Often when developing feature requests, it may affect large numbers of community members and it's possible that other members of the community won't agree with the need for the feature, or with your proposed implementation. They may not see something as a bug or a desirable feature. + +We encourage consensus building within the community when it comes to any feature which might be considered controversial or where there isn't unanimous decision that the proposed feature is the correct way to accomplish the task. The first place to pitch your ideas is to the [url=]Hubzilla Development[/url] forum. Others may have some input or be able to point out facets of your concept which might be problematic in our environment. But also, you may encounter opposition to your plan. This doesn't mean you should stop and/or ignore the feature. Listen to the concerns of others and try and work through any implementation issues. + +There are places where opposition cannot be resolved. In these cases, please consider making your feature [b]optional[/b] or non-default behaviour that must be specifically enabled. This technique can often be used when a feature has significant but less than unanimous support. Those who desire the feature can turn it on and those who don't want it - will leave it turned off. + +If a feature uses other networks or websites and or is only seen as desirable by a small minority of the community, consider making the functionality available via an addon or plugin. Once again, those who don't desire the feature won't need to install it. Plugins are relatively easy to create and "hooks" can be easily added or modified if the current hooks do not do what is needed to allow your plugin to work. + + +[b]Coding Style[/b] + +In the interests of consistency we adopt the following code styling. We may accept patches using other styles, but where possible please try to provide a consistent code style. We aren't going to argue or debate the merits of this style, and it is irrelevant what project 'xyz' uses. This is not project 'xyz'. This is a baseline to try and keep the code readable now and in the future. + +[li] All comments should be in English.[/li] + +[li] We use doxygen to generate documentation. This hasn't been consistently applied, but learning it and using it are highly encouraged.[/li] + +[li] Indentation is accomplished primarily with tabs using a tab-width of 4.[/li] + +[li] String concatenation and operators should be separated by whitespace. e.g. "$foo = $bar . 'abc';" instead of "$foo=$bar.'abc';"[/li] + +[li] Generally speaking, we use single quotes for string variables and double quotes for SQL statements. "Here documents" should be avoided. Sometimes using double quoted strings with variable replacement is the most efficient means of creating the string. In most cases, you should be using single quotes.[/li] + +[li] Use whitespace liberally to enhance readability. When creating arrays with many elements, we will often set one key/value pair per line, indented from the parent line appropriately. Lining up the assignment operators takes a bit more work, but also increases readability.[/li] + +[li] Generally speaking, opening braces go on the same line as the thing which opens the brace. They are the last character on the line. Closing braces are on a line by themselves. [/li] + +[li] Some functions take arguments in argc/argv style like main() in C or function args in bash or Perl. Urls are broken up within a module. e.g, given "", then $this->argc will be 3 (integer) and $this->argv will contain: [0] => 'module', [1] => 'arg1', [2] => 'arg2'. There will always be one argument. If provided a naked domain URL, $this->argv[0] is set to "home".[/li] + +[b]See Also[/b] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/sql_conventions]SQL Conventions[/zrl] + +#include doc/macros/; -- cgit v1.2.3 From b47fdd748f4f7e8112ae5cd9d2d5c84985f43c7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mario Vavti Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2018 08:30:22 +0200 Subject: typo --- doc/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 4bda7fdff..22dc82d7e 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ doing development. Create your own github account. -You may fork/clone the project repository from [url=][/url] +You may fork/clone the project repository from [url=][/url] Follow the instructions provided here: [url=][/url] to create and use your own tracking fork on framagit -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4feff1cf897918892e6555b431f0d069031a8597 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Manning Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2018 05:37:23 -0400 Subject: Update git repo URLs with URLs --- doc/ | 4 ++-- doc/ | 2 +- doc/about/ | 2 +- doc/ | 2 +- doc/ | 2 +- doc/admin/ | 12 ++++++------ doc/ | 2 +- doc/ca/ | 4 ++-- doc/ca/ | 2 +- doc/ | 2 +- doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html | 2 +- doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html | 2 +- doc/de/ | 4 ++-- doc/ | 6 +++--- doc/developer/ | 4 ++-- doc/es-es/about/ | 2 +- doc/es-es/ | 2 +- doc/fr/about/ | 2 +- doc/ | 4 ++-- doc/ | 2 +- doc/member/bbcode.html | 8 ++++---- doc/ | 4 ++-- 22 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index bdc8bf9bf..7bdd70955 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ [b]$Projectname on OpenShift[/b] -You will notice a new .openshift folder when you fetch from upstream, i.e. from [url=][/url] , which contains a deploy script to set up Hubzilla on OpenShift with plugins and extra themes. +You will notice a new .openshift folder when you fetch from upstream, i.e. from [url=][/url] , which contains a deploy script to set up Hubzilla on OpenShift with plugins and extra themes. As of this writing, 2015-10-28, you do not have to pay for OpenShift on the Free plan, which gives you three gears at no cost. The Bronze plan gives you three gears at no cost too, but you can expand to 16 gears by paying, and this requires you to register your payment card. The three gears can give three instances of Hubzilla with one gear each, or you can combine two gears into one high-availability Hubzilla instance and one extra gear. The main difference to be aware of is this: gears on the Free plan will go into hibernation if left idle for too long, this does not happen on the Bronze plan. Create an account on OpenShift, then use the registration e-mail and password to create your first Hubzilla instance. Install git and RedHat's command line tools - rhc - if you have not already done so. See for example on how to do this on Debian GNU/Linux, or in the menu on that page for other GNU/Linux distributions or other operating systems. -[code]rhc app-create your_app_name php-5.4 mysql-5.5 cron phpmyadmin --namespace your_domain --from-code -l your@email.address -p your_account_password +[code]rhc app-create your_app_name php-5.4 mysql-5.5 cron phpmyadmin --namespace your_domain --from-code -l your@email.address -p your_account_password [/code] Make a note of the database username and password OpenShift creates for your instance, and use these at [url=][/url] to complete the setup. You MUST change server address from to localhost. diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 54f80bebe..8de107877 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Hubzilla - Community Server ===========================

-Installing Hubzilla +Installing Hubzilla

diff --git a/doc/about/ b/doc/about/ index b927e80c0..e909f54cd 100644 --- a/doc/about/ +++ b/doc/about/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ From the practical perspective of hub members who use the software, $Projectname While all of these apps and services can be found in other software packages, only $Projectname allows you to set permissions for groups and individuals who may not even have accounts on your hub! In typical web apps, if you want to share things privately on the internet, the people you share with must have accounts on the server hosting your data; otherwise, there is no robust way for your server to [i]authenticate[/i] visitors to the site to know whether to grant them access. $Projectname solves this problem with an advanced system of [i]remote authentication[/i] that validates the identity of visitors by employing techniques that include public key cryptography. [h3]Software Stack[/h3] -The $Projectname software stack is a relatively standard webserver application written primarily in PHP/MySQL and [url=]requiring little more than a web server, a MySQL-compatible database, and the PHP scripting language[/url]. It is designed to be easily installable by those with basic website administration skills on typical shared hosting platforms with a broad range of computing hardware. It is also easily extended via plugins and themes and other third-party tools. +The $Projectname software stack is a relatively standard webserver application written primarily in PHP/MySQL and [url=]requiring little more than a web server, a MySQL-compatible database, and the PHP scripting language[/url]. It is designed to be easily installable by those with basic website administration skills on typical shared hosting platforms with a broad range of computing hardware. It is also easily extended via plugins and themes and other third-party tools. [h3]Glossary[/h3] [dl terms="b"] diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index e6841d3d0..a37ecee99 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ For these reasons we [b]strongly recommend[/b] that you do NOT install addons fr We also recognise that some developers prefer working on their own and do not wish their code to be mingled with the project repository for a variety of reasons. These developers can ease troubleshooting and debugging by providing a README file in their respective code repository outlining the process for submitting patches and bug fixes. It is also recommended that these projects provide both a 'dev' (development) and 'master' (production) branch which tracks the current project branches of those names. This is because dev and master are often not compatible from the viewpoint of library interfaces. It is also highly recommended that your repository versions are tagged and moved forward within 24 hours of project releases. This is a major inconvenience for everybdy involved, and can present downtime for production sites while this process is being carried out; which is one more reason why we [b]strongly recommend[/b] that addons be submitted to the project addon repository and that you do NOT install such third-party addons. -[url=][/url] Main project addon repository +[url=][/url] Main project addon repository [url=][/url] Oliver's repository (mayan_places and flip) diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index d9aed9ac5..fbb387476 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Next, click the link to Register a new application. That brings up the new appli Icon. I uploaded $Projectname icon located at this link, after saving it to my computer: - + Name. Give the application an appropriate name. I called mine hubzilla. You might prefer r2g. diff --git a/doc/admin/ b/doc/admin/ index 939dc18a7..e966115d0 100644 --- a/doc/admin/ +++ b/doc/admin/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ we welcome patches if you manage to get it working. ### Where to find more help If you encounter problems or have issues not addressed in this documentation, please let us know via the [Github issue -tracker]( Please be as clear as you +tracker]( Please be as clear as you can about your operating environment and provide as much detail as possible about any error messages you may see, so that we can prevent it from happening in the future. Due to the large variety of operating systems and PHP platforms @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ repository rather than to use a packaged tar or zip file. This makes the software much easier to update. The Linux command to clone the repository into a directory "mywebsite" would be: - git clone mywebsite + git clone mywebsite and then you can pick up the latest changes at any time with: @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ web-based administrative tools to function: Navigate to your website. Then you should clone the addon repository (separately). We'll give this repository a nickname of 'hzaddons'. You can pull in other hubzilla addon repositories by giving them different nicknames:: cd mywebsite - util/add_addon_repo hzaddons + util/add_addon_repo hzaddons ##### Updating For keeping the addon tree updated, you should be on your top level website directory and issue an update command for that repository:: @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ The installation script was originally designed for a small hardware server behi 1. `apt-get install git` 1. `mkdir -p /var/www/html` 1. `cd /var/www/html` -1. `git clone .` +1. `git clone .` 1. `nano .homeinstall/hubzilla-config.txt` 1. `cd .homeinstall/` 1. `./` @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ To immediately clear out all the extra logging stuff you added. Use the informa ##### Rotating log files -1. Enable the **logrot** addon in the official [hubzilla-addons]( repo +1. Enable the **logrot** addon in the official [hubzilla-addons]( repo 1. Create a directory in your web root called `log` with webserver write permissions 1. Go to the **logrot** admin settings and enter this folder name as well as the max size and number of retained log files. @@ -407,6 +407,6 @@ When reporting issues, please try to provide as much detail as may be necessary We encourage you to try to the best of your abilities to use these logs combined with the source code in your possession to troubleshoot issues and find their cause. The community is often able to help, but only you have access to your site logfiles and it is considered a security risk to share them. -If a code issue has been uncovered, please report it on the project bugtracker ( Again provide as much detail as possible to avoid us going back and forth asking questions about your configuration or how to duplicate the problem, so that we can get right to the problem and figure out what to do about it. You are also welcome to offer your own solutions and submit patches. In fact we encourage this as we are all volunteers and have little spare time available. The more people that help, the easier the workload for everybody. It's OK if your solution isn't perfect. Every little bit helps and perhaps we can improve on it. +If a code issue has been uncovered, please report it on the project bugtracker ( Again provide as much detail as possible to avoid us going back and forth asking questions about your configuration or how to duplicate the problem, so that we can get right to the problem and figure out what to do about it. You are also welcome to offer your own solutions and submit patches. In fact we encourage this as we are all volunteers and have little spare time available. The more people that help, the easier the workload for everybody. It's OK if your solution isn't perfect. Every little bit helps and perhaps we can improve on it. diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index cc1ea3a20..f6e14b659 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you get a blank white screen when doing something, this is almost always a co At this point it might be worthwhile discussing the issue on one of the online forums. There may be several of these and some may be more suited to your spoken language. At this time, the 'Hubzilla Support' channel ( is the recommended forum for discussing bugs. -If community members with software engineering training/expertise can't help you right away, understand that they are volunteers and may have a lot of other work and demands on their time. At this point you need to file a bug report. You will need an account on to do this. So register, and then visit . Create an issue here and provide all the same information that you provided online. Don't leave out anything. +If community members with software engineering training/expertise can't help you right away, understand that they are volunteers and may have a lot of other work and demands on their time. At this point you need to file a bug report. You will need an account on to do this. So register, and then visit . Create an issue here and provide all the same information that you provided online. Don't leave out anything. Then you wait. If it's a high profile issue, it may get fixed quickly. But nobody is in charge of fixing bugs. If it lingers without resolution, please spend some more time investigating the problem. Ask about anything you don't understand related to the behaviour. You will learn more about how the software works and quite possibly figure out why it isn't working now. Ultimately it is somebody in the community who is going to fix this and you are a member of the community; and this is how the open source process works. diff --git a/doc/ca/ b/doc/ca/ index 682b1ff52..3e46b6136 100644 --- a/doc/ca/ +++ b/doc/ca/ @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ [h3]Recursos Externs[/h3] [zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]Enllaços a Recursos Externs[/zrl] -[url=]Lloc Web Principal[/url] +[url=]Lloc Web Principal[/url] -[url=]Complements del Lloc Web[/url] +[url=]Complements del Lloc Web[/url] [url=[baseurl]/help/credits]Credits en $Projectname[/url] diff --git a/doc/ca/ b/doc/ca/ index df1f15921..83d9614a3 100644 --- a/doc/ca/ +++ b/doc/ca/ @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Per més detalla, informació tècnica sobre Zot, clica sobre algún dels següe - [url=]Especificació pel desenvolupament de Zot (en anglès)[/url] - - [url=]Referència per la implementació de Zot en PHP (en anglès)[/url] + - [url=]Referència per la implementació de Zot en PHP (en anglès)[/url] #include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 750412ba3..677abf8c0 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Each contributor at this level gets their own $Projectname virtual private serve We're a handful of volunteers, and we understand that not everyone can contribute by donating money. There are many other ways you can in getting the Matrix to version 1.0! -First, you can checkout our source code on github: +First, you can checkout our source code on github: Maybe you can dive in and help us out with some development. diff --git a/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html b/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html index d57f4967f..320d93040 100644 --- a/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html +++ b/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ which opens a control panel for managing what plugin repositories are installed. These repos are stored in extend/addon/[repo name]/. The official Hubzilla plugin repo can be added by entering the repo URL - + and choosing a name for the repo such as official. You should see this repo in the list similar to the following:
diff --git a/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html b/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html index 0096937fe..520425b17 100644 --- a/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html +++ b/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ que abre un panel de control para administrar qué repositorios de plugins están instalados. Estos repositorios están almacenados en extend/addon/[nombre del repositorio]/. El repositorio de plugins oficial de Hubzilla se puede añadir escribiendo la URL del repositorio - + y eligiendo un nombre para el repositorio como oficial. Debería ver este repositorio en una lista parecida a esta:
diff --git a/doc/de/ b/doc/de/ index b9b75f161..3168c4d9b 100644 --- a/doc/de/ +++ b/doc/de/ @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ [h3]Externe Ressourcen[/h3] [zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]Links zu externen Ressourcen[/zrl] -[url=]Haupt-Website[/url] -[url=]Addons-Website[/url] +[url=]Haupt-Website[/url] +[url=]Addons-Website[/url] [url=[baseurl]/help/credits]$Projectname Credits[/url] diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 4cf1ca591..d07b20574 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ It is a good idea to read the whole manual! Git is different to other version co Now you should [list] [*] create an account at -[*] fork -[*] fork +[*] fork +[*] fork [/list] If you not want to use GIT from the command line - there is a usefull Eclipse plugin named ""Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector". @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ surfer@debian:/var/www$ git checkout -b dev_beginning Make sure your local repository is up-to-date with the main project. Add the original repository as a remote named “upstream” if not done yet [code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git remote add upstream +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git remote add upstream [/code] Fetch the newest work from that remote diff --git a/doc/developer/ b/doc/developer/ index 74d914aaf..5ba719226 100644 --- a/doc/developer/ +++ b/doc/developer/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ doing development. Create your own github account. -You may fork/clone the Red repository from []( +You may fork/clone the Red repository from []( Follow the instructions provided here: []( to create and use your own tracking fork on github @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ doing development. Create your own github account. -You may fork/clone the Red repository from [url=][/url] +You may fork/clone the Red repository from [url=][/url] Follow the instructions provided here: [url=][/url] to create and use your own tracking fork on github diff --git a/doc/es-es/about/ b/doc/es-es/about/ index 731bdef85..8f5e46f3c 100644 --- a/doc/es-es/about/ +++ b/doc/es-es/about/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Aunque todas estas aplicaciones y servicios se pueden encontrar en otros paquete [h3]El software[/h3] -$Projectname es, básicamente, una aplicación de servidor web relativamente estándar escrita principalmente en PHP/MySQL [url=][/url], que requiere poco más que un servidor web, una base de datos compatible con MySQL y el lenguaje de scripting PHP. Está diseñado para ser fácilmente instalable por aquellos con habilidades básicas de administración de sitios web en plataformas típicas de alojamiento compartido con una amplia gama de hardware informático. También se puede extender fácilmente a través de plugins y temas y otras herramientas de terceros. +$Projectname es, básicamente, una aplicación de servidor web relativamente estándar escrita principalmente en PHP/MySQL [url=][/url], que requiere poco más que un servidor web, una base de datos compatible con MySQL y el lenguaje de scripting PHP. Está diseñado para ser fácilmente instalable por aquellos con habilidades básicas de administración de sitios web en plataformas típicas de alojamiento compartido con una amplia gama de hardware informático. También se puede extender fácilmente a través de plugins y temas y otras herramientas de terceros. [h3]Glosario[/h3] diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ index 7a3ab980b..2599c2f7c 100644 --- a/doc/es-es/ +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Una vez que lo haya hecho, cd en el directorio, y añadir un upstream. [code] cd red -git remote add upstream +git remote add upstream [/code] A partir de ahora, puede realizar cambios en el upstream con el comando diff --git a/doc/fr/about/ b/doc/fr/about/ index de736bff2..0c0463d7c 100644 --- a/doc/fr/about/ +++ b/doc/fr/about/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Du point de vue pratique des membres du hub qui utilisent le logiciel, $Projectn Alors que toutes ces applications et services peuvent être trouvés dans d'autres progiciels, seul $Projectname vous permet de définir des permissions pour des groupes et des individus qui n'ont peut-être même pas de comptes sur votre hub ! Dans les applications web typiques, si vous voulez partager des choses en privé sur Internet, les personnes avec qui vous partagez doivent avoir des comptes sur le serveur hébergeant vos données ; autrement, il n'y a pas de moyen robuste pour votre serveur [i]d'authentifier[/i] les visiteurs du site pour savoir s'ils doivent leur accorder l'accès. $Projectname résout ce problème avec un système avancé [i]d'authentification à distance[/i] qui valide l'identité des visiteurs en employant des techniques qui incluent la cryptographie à clé publique. [h3]Pile logicielle[/h3]. -La pile logicielle $Projectname est une application serveur web relativement standard écrite principalement en PHP/MySQL et [url=] nécessitant un peu plus qu'un serveur web, une base de données compatible MySQL, et le langage de script PHP[/url]. Il est conçu pour être facilement installable par ceux qui ont des compétences de base en administration de sites Web sur des plates-formes d'hébergement mutualisé typiques avec une large gamme de matériel informatique. Il est aussi facilement extensible via des plugins et des thèmes et d'autres outils tiers. +La pile logicielle $Projectname est une application serveur web relativement standard écrite principalement en PHP/MySQL et [url=] nécessitant un peu plus qu'un serveur web, une base de données compatible MySQL, et le langage de script PHP[/url]. Il est conçu pour être facilement installable par ceux qui ont des compétences de base en administration de sites Web sur des plates-formes d'hébergement mutualisé typiques avec une large gamme de matériel informatique. Il est aussi facilement extensible via des plugins et des thèmes et d'autres outils tiers. [h3]Glossaire[/h3]. [dl terms="b"] diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 8390aceb3..ecdaf1dfd 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ [h3]External resources[/h3] [zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]List of external resources[/zrl] -[url=]Main Website[/url] -[url=]Addon Website[/url] +[url=]Main Website[/url] +[url=]Addon Website[/url] [url=[baseurl]/help/credits]$Projectname Credits[/url] [h3]About this $Projectname hub[/h3] [zrl=[baseurl]/help/TermsOfService]Terms of Service For This Hub[/zrl] diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 80c11024b..54d34fdf5 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Once you've done that, cd into the directory, and add an upstream. [code] cd red -git remote add upstream +git remote add upstream [/code] From now on, you can pull upstream changes with the command diff --git a/doc/member/bbcode.html b/doc/member/bbcode.html index 9b7080a32..a61289364 100644 --- a/doc/member/bbcode.html +++ b/doc/member/bbcode.html @@ -315,17 +315,17 @@ Create a table of content in a webpage or wiki page. Please refer to the [baseurl]/rpost?f=&title=title&body=Text+to+post - This requires the qrator plugin.
[qr]text to post[/qr] + This requires the qrator plugin.
[qr]text to post[/qr] - This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. + This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. [map]Generate an inline map using the current browser coordinates of the poster, if browser location is enabled - This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. + This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. [map=latitude,longitude]Generate a map using global coordinates. - This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. + This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. [map]Place Name[/map] Generate a map for a given named location. The first matching location is returned. For instance "Sydney" will usually return Sydney, Australia and not Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada unless the more precise location is specified. It is highly recommended to use the post preview utility to ensure you have the correct location before submitting the post. diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 28db7dc70..8a056b81b 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ Cleanup: Remove the directory www/ (Git will not create files and folders in dir Remove directory[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo rm -rf www/[/code] Download the sources of $Projectname from GIT -[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo git clone www[/code] +[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo git clone www[/code] Download the sources of the addons from GIT -[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo git clone addon[/code] +[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo git clone addon[/code] Make user www-data the owner of the whole web directory (including subdirectories and files) (TODO: This step has to be proofed by the next installation.) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 950006a4dea6223d4c4059c13bffa0131785d97d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Manuel=20Jim=C3=A9nez=20Friaza?= Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2018 12:49:21 +0200 Subject: Update doc/es-es --- doc/es-es/about/ | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ doc/es-es/about/ | 25 +++++++++--------- doc/es-es/ | 1 - 3 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/es-es/about/ b/doc/es-es/about/ index 731bdef85..74cef9bfc 100644 --- a/doc/es-es/about/ +++ b/doc/es-es/about/ @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Desde la perspectiva práctica de los miembros del hub que utilizan el software, [li]y más...[/li][/ul] Aunque todas estas aplicaciones y servicios se pueden encontrar en otros paquetes de software, sólo $Projectname le permite establecer permisos para grupos e individuos que pueden no tener cuentas en tu hub. En las aplicaciones web típicas, si desea compartir cosas en privado en Internet, las personas con las que comparte deben tener cuentas en el servidor que aloja sus datos; de lo contrario, no hay una forma sólida para que su servidor[i]autentifique[/i] a los visitantes del sitio para saber si les concede acceso. $Projectname resuelve este problema con un sistema avanzado de[i]autenticación remota[/i] que valida la identidad de los visitantes empleando técnicas que incluyen criptografía de clave pública. - [h3]El software[/h3] $Projectname es, básicamente, una aplicación de servidor web relativamente estándar escrita principalmente en PHP/MySQL [url=][/url], que requiere poco más que un servidor web, una base de datos compatible con MySQL y el lenguaje de scripting PHP. Está diseñado para ser fácilmente instalable por aquellos con habilidades básicas de administración de sitios web en plataformas típicas de alojamiento compartido con una amplia gama de hardware informático. También se puede extender fácilmente a través de plugins y temas y otras herramientas de terceros. @@ -20,23 +19,25 @@ $Projectname es, básicamente, una aplicación de servidor web relativamente est [h3]Glosario[/h3] [dl terms="b"] -Una instancia de este software ejecutándose en un servidor web estándar +[*= Hub] Una instancia de este software ejecutándose en un servidor web estándar -[grid] Red global de hubs que intercambian información entre sí utilizando el protocolo Zot. +[*= Grid] Red global de hubs que intercambian información entre sí utilizando el protocolo Zot. -La identidad fundamental en la cuadrícula. Un canal puede representar a una persona, un blog o un foro, por nombrar algunos. Los canales pueden hacer conexiones con otros canales para compartir información con permisos muy detallados. +[*= Canal] La identidad fundamental en la cuadrícula. Un canal puede representar a una persona, un blog o un foro, por nombrar algunos. Los canales pueden hacer conexiones con otros canales para compartir información con permisos muy detallados. -Los canales pueden tener clones asociados con cuentas separadas y otras cuentas no relacionadas en hubs independientes. Las comunicaciones compartidas con un canal se sincronizan entre los clones del canal, permitiendo que un canal envíe y reciba mensajes y acceda a contenido compartido desde múltiples hubs. Esto proporciona resistencia contra fallas en la red y en el hardware, lo que puede ser un problema significativo para los servidores web autohospedados o de recursos limitados. La clonación le permite mover completamente un canal de un hub a otro, llevando sus datos y conexiones con usted. Ver identidad nómada. +[*= Clones] Los canales pueden tener clones asociados con cuentas separadas y otras cuentas no relacionadas en hubs independientes. Las comunicaciones compartidas con un canal se sincronizan entre los clones del canal, permitiendo que un canal envíe y reciba mensajes y acceda a contenido compartido desde múltiples hubs. Esto proporciona resistencia contra fallas en la red y en el hardware, lo que puede ser un problema significativo para los servidores web autohospedados o de recursos limitados. La clonación le permite mover completamente un canal de un hub a otro, llevando sus datos y conexiones con usted. Ver identidad nómada. -Identidad nómada] La capacidad de autenticar y migrar fácilmente una identidad a través de concentradores y dominios web independientes. La identidad nómada proporciona una verdadera propiedad de una identidad en línea, porque las identidades de los canales controlados por una cuenta en un hub no están vinculadas al propio hub. Un hub es más como un "host" para canales. Con Hubzilla, no tienes una "cuenta" en un servidor como lo haces en sitios web típicos; tienes una identidad que puedes llevarte a través de la rejilla usando clones. +[*= Identidad nómada] La capacidad de autenticar y migrar fácilmente una identidad a través de hubs y dominios web independientes. La identidad nómada proporciona una verdadera propiedad de una identidad en línea, porque las identidades de los canales controlados por una cuenta en un hub no están vinculadas al propio hub. Un hub es más como un "host" para canales. Con Hubzilla, no tienes una "cuenta" en un servidor como lo haces en sitios web típicos; tienes una identidad que puedes llevarte a través de la rejilla usando clones. -Traducción y sincronización: El novedoso protocolo basado en JSON para la implementación de comunicaciones y servicios descentralizados seguros. Se diferencia de muchos otros protocolos de comunicación en que construye las comunicaciones sobre un marco de identidad y autenticación descentralizado. El componente de autenticación es similar a OpenID conceptualmente pero está aislado de las identidades basadas en DNS. Cuando es posible, la autenticación remota es silenciosa e invisible. Esto proporciona un mecanismo para el control de acceso distribuido a escala de Internet que es discreto. +[*= Zot] El novedoso protocolo basado en JSON para la implementación de comunicaciones y servicios descentralizados seguros. Se diferencia de muchos otros protocolos de comunicación en que construye las comunicaciones sobre un marco de identidad y autenticación descentralizado. El componente de autenticación es similar a OpenID conceptualmente pero está aislado de las identidades basadas en DNS. Cuando es posible, la autenticación remota es silenciosa e invisible. Esto proporciona un mecanismo para el control de acceso distribuido a escala de Internet que es discreto. [/dl] + [h3]Características[/h3] Esta página enumera algunas de las características principales de $Projectname que se incluyen en la versión oficial. $Projectname es una plataforma altamente extensible, por lo que se pueden añadir más características y capacidades a través de temas y plugins adicionales. + [h4]Control deslizante de afinidad[/h4] Cuando se añaden conexiones en $Projectname, los miembros tienen la opción de asignar niveles de "afinidad" (cuán cerca está su amigo). @@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ En este punto, la herramienta $Projectname [i]Control deslizante de afinidad[/i] El control deslizante de afinidad permite el filtrado instantáneo de grandes cantidades de contenido, agrupado por niveles de cercanía. + [h4]Filtrado de conexiones[/h4] Usted tiene la capacidad de controlar con precisión lo que aparece en su flujo usando el "Filtro de conexión" opcional. Cuando está habilitado, el Editor de conexión proporciona entradas para seleccionar los criterios que deben coincidir para incluir o excluir un mensaje específico de un canal específico. Una vez que un mensaje ha sido permitido, todos los comentarios a ese mensaje son permitidos sin importar si coinciden o no con los criterios de selección. Puede seleccionar las palabras que, si están presentes, bloquean el mensaje o se aseguran de que esté incluido en su stream. Se pueden utilizar expresiones regulares para un control aún más preciso, así como hashtags o incluso el idioma detectado del mensaje. @@ -81,19 +83,23 @@ Puede crear cualquier número de salas de chat personales y permitir el acceso a [h4]Construcción de Páginas Web[/h4] -El nombre del proyecto tiene muchas herramientas de creación de "Gestión de contenidos" para construir páginas web, incluyendo edición de diseño, menús, bloques, widgets y regiones de página/contenido. Todo esto puede ser controladospara que las páginas resultantes sean privadas para la audiencia a la que están destinadas. +$Projectname tiene muchas herramientas de creación de "Gestión de contenidos" para construir páginas web, incluyendo edición de diseño, menús, bloques, widgets y regiones de página/contenido. Todo esto puede ser controladospara que las páginas resultantes sean privadas para la audiencia a la que están destinadas. + [h4]Aplicaciones[/h4] Las aplicaciones pueden ser construidas y distribuidas por los miembros. Éstas se diferencian de las aplicaciones tradicionales de "bloqueo de proveedores" porque están completamente controladas por el autor, que puede proporcionar control de acceso en las páginas de aplicaciones de destino y cobrar en consecuencia por este acceso. La mayoría de las aplicaciones en $Projectname son gratuitas y pueden ser creadas fácilmente por aquellos sin conocimientos de programación. -[h4]Diseño[/h4 -El diseño de la página se basa en un lenguaje de descripción llamado comanche. El propio nombre del proyecto está escrito en diseños comanches que se pueden cambiar. Esto permite un nivel de personalización que no se encuentra normalmente en los llamados "entornos multiusuario". +[h4]Diseño[/h4] + +El diseño de la página se basa en un lenguaje de descripción llamado comanche. La propia $Projectname está escrito en diseños comanches que se pueden cambiar. Esto permite un nivel de personalización que no se encuentra normalmente en los llamados "entornos multiusuario". + [h4]Marcadores[/h4] -Comparta y guarde/maneje los marcadores de los enlaces proporcionados en las conversaciones. +Comparta y guarde/maneje los marcadores de los enlaces proporcionados en las conversaciones. + [h4]Cifrado privado de mensajes y cuestiones de privacidad[/h4] @@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ El correo privado se almacena en un formato "oscuro". Aunque este no es a prueba Cada canal $Projectname tiene su propio conjunto único de claves RSA 4096-bit privadas y públicas asociadas, generadas cuando se crean los canales por primera vez. Se utiliza para proteger mensajes privados y mensajes en tránsito. -Además, los mensajes pueden crearse utilizando "encriptación de extremo a extremo" que no puede ser leída por los operadores de nombres de proyecto o ISPs o cualquier persona que no conozca el código de acceso. +Además, los mensajes pueden crearse utilizando "encriptación de extremo a extremo" que no puede ser leída por los operadores de $Projectname o ISPs o cualquier persona que no conozca el código de acceso. Por lo general, los mensajes públicos no se cifran durante el transporte ni durante el almacenamiento. @@ -130,7 +136,8 @@ Proporcionamos un acceso fácil a un directorio de miembros y proporcionamos her [h4]TLS/SSL[/h4] -En el caso de los concentradores de nombres de proyecto que utilizan TLS/SSL, las comunicaciones de cliente a servidor se cifran mediante TLS/SSL. Dadas las recientes revelaciones en los medios de comunicación con respecto a la vigilancia global generalizada y la elusión del cifrado por parte de NSA y GCHQ, es razonable asumir que las comunicaciones protegidas por HTTPS pueden verse comprometidas de varias maneras. Por consiguiente, las comunicaciones privadas se cifran a un nivel superior antes de enviarlas fuera del sitio. +En el caso de los hubs de $Projectname que utilizan TLS/SSL, las comunicaciones de cliente a servidor se cifran mediante TLS/SSL. Dadas las recientes revelaciones en los medios de comunicación con respecto a la vigilancia global generalizada y la elusión del cifrado por parte de NSA y GCHQ, es razonable asumir que las comunicaciones protegidas por HTTPS pueden verse comprometidas de varias maneras. Por consiguiente, las comunicaciones privadas se cifran a un nivel superior antes de enviarlas fuera del sitio. + [h4]Ajustes de canal[/h4] @@ -140,13 +147,13 @@ Si elige una función de privacidad "personalizada", cada canal permite establec Las opciones son: - Nadie excepto usted mismo. - Sólo aquellos que usted permita específicamente. - Cualquiera en sus conexiones aprobadas. - Cualquiera en este sitio web. - Cualquiera en esta red. - Cualquiera autentificado. - Cualquiera en Internet. + - Nadie excepto usted mismo. + - Sólo aquellos que usted permita específicamente. + - Cualquiera en sus conexiones aprobadas. + - Cualquiera en este sitio web. + - Cualquiera en esta red. + - Cualquiera autentificado. + - Cualquiera en Internet. [h4]Foros Públicos y Privados[/h4] @@ -173,37 +180,45 @@ $Projectname ofrece nuevas e interesantes posibilidades de privacidad. Puede lee Se aplican algunas advertencias. Para una explicación completa de la clonación de identidad, lea el documento . + [h4]Perfiles Múltiples[/h4] Se puede crear cualquier número de perfiles que contengan información diferente y éstos pueden hacerse visibles para algunas de sus conexiones/amigos. Un perfil "predeterminado" puede ser visto por cualquiera y puede contener información limitada, con más información disponible para seleccionar grupos o personas. Esto significa que el perfil (y el contenido del sitio) que ven sus compañeros de trabajo puede ser diferente de lo que ven sus compañeros de trabajo, y también completamente diferente de lo que es visible para el público en general. + [h4]Copia de seguridad de la cuenta[/h4] $Projectname ofrece una sencilla copia de seguridad de la cuenta con un solo clic, en la que puede descargar una copia de seguridad completa de su(s) perfil(es). Las copias de seguridad se pueden utilizar para clonar o restaurar un perfil. + [h4]Borrado de cuenta[/h4] Las cuentas se pueden eliminar inmediatamente haciendo clic en un enlace. Eso es todo. Todo el contenido asociado se elimina de la rejilla (esto incluye los mensajes y cualquier otro contenido producido por el perfil eliminado). Dependiendo del número de conexiones que tenga, el proceso de eliminación de contenido remoto podría llevar algún tiempo, pero está previsto que ocurra tan rápido como sea posible. [h4]Supresión de contenido[/h4] -Cualquier contenido creado en $Projectname permanece bajo el control del miembro (o canal) que lo creó originalmente. En cualquier momento, un miembro puede borrar un mensaje o un rango de mensajes. El proceso de eliminación garantiza que el contenido se elimine, independientemente de si se publicó en el concentrador principal (doméstico) de un canal o en otro concentrador, donde el canal se autenticó de forma remota a través de Zot (protocolo de autenticación y comunicación de $Projectname). +Cualquier contenido creado en $Projectname permanece bajo el control del miembro (o canal) que lo creó originalmente. En cualquier momento, un miembro puede borrar un mensaje o un rango de mensajes. El proceso de eliminación garantiza que el contenido se elimine, independientemente de si se publicó en el hub principal de un canal o en otro hub, donde el canal se autenticó de forma remota a través de Zot (protocolo de autenticación y comunicación de $Projectname). + [h4]Medios[/h4] Al igual que cualquier otro sistema moderno de blogging, red social, o un servicio de micro-blogging, $Projectname soporta la carga de archivos, incrustación de video y vinculación de páginas web. + [h4]Previsualización/Edición[/h4] + Los mensajes y comentarios se pueden previsualizar antes de enviarlos y editarlos después de enviarlos. + [h4]Votación/Consenso[/h4] Los mensajes pueden convertirse en elementos de "consenso" que permiten a los lectores ofrecer retroalimentación, que se recopila en contadores de "acuerdo", "desacuerdo" y "abstención". Esto le permite medir el interés por las ideas y crear encuestas informales. -[h4]Extendiendo $Nombre del proyecto[/h4] +[h4]Extendiendo $Projectname[/h4] -El nombre del proyecto se puede ampliar de varias maneras, a través de la personalización del sitio, personalización, configuración de opciones, temas y complementos/plugins. -[h4]API[/h4] +$Projectname se puede ampliar de varias maneras, a través de la personalización del sitio, personalización, configuración de opciones, temas y complementos/plugins. +[h4]API[/h4] + Una API está disponible para su uso por parte de servicios de terceros. Un plugin también proporciona una implementación básica de Twitter (para los que existen cientos de herramientas de terceros). El acceso puede ser proporcionado por login/contraseña o OAuth, y el registro del cliente de las aplicaciones de OAuth es proporcionado. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/es-es/about/ b/doc/es-es/about/ index 6871869d5..5f493af1d 100644 --- a/doc/es-es/about/ +++ b/doc/es-es/about/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -[h3]$Nombre del proyecto Gobernanza[/h3] +[h3]Gobernanza de $Projectname[/h3] La gobernanza se relaciona con la gestión de un proyecto y, en particular, con su relación con la resolución de conflictos. @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ La gobernanza se relaciona con la gestión de un proyecto y, en particular, con El proyecto es mantenido y las decisiones tomadas por la "comunidad". La estructura de gobernanza sigue evolucionando. Hasta que se finalice la estructura, las decisiones se toman en el siguiente orden: [ol] -Consenso perezoso +[*] Consenso perezoso Si se presenta una propuesta de proyecto a uno de los foros de gobierno de la comunidad y no hay objeciones serias en un plazo "razonable" desde la fecha de la propuesta (por lo general, disponemos de 2 a 3 días para que todas las partes interesadas puedan opinar), no es necesario votar y la propuesta se considerará aprobada. En este momento se pueden plantear algunas preocupaciones, pero si éstas se abordan durante la discusión y se proporcionan soluciones provisionales, se considerarán aprobadas. @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ Si se presenta una propuesta de proyecto a uno de los foros de gobierno de la co Los desarrolladores senior con un historial significativo de proyectos se comprometen a vetar cualquier decisión. La decisión no podrá adoptarse hasta que se retire el veto o se presente una propuesta alternativa. -Voto Comunitario +[*] Voto Comunitario Una decisión que no tiene un mandato claro o un consenso claro, pero que no es vetada, puede ser llevada a votación comunitaria. En la actualidad se trata de un simple voto popular en uno de los foros comunitarios aplicables. En este momento, el voto popular decide el resultado. Esto puede cambiar en el futuro si la comunidad adopta un modelo de gobierno de "consejo". Este documento se actualizará en ese momento con las reglas de gobierno actualizadas. [/ol] -El Voto Comunitario no siempre proporciona un resultado agradable y puede generar facciones polarizadas en la comunidad (de ahí la razón por la que se están considerando otros modelos). Si la propuesta es "rechazada" todavía hay varias cosas que se pueden hacer y la propuesta se vuelve a presentar con parámetros ligeramente diferentes (convertir a un complemento, convertir a una característica opcional que está desactivada por defecto, etc.). Si el interés en la película es alto y la votación es "cercana", puede generar muchos malos sentimientos entre los votantes perdedores. En estas votaciones tan reñidas, se[b]recomienda encarecidamente[/b] que el proponente tome medidas para abordar cualquier inquietud que se haya planteado y vuelva a presentar. +El Voto Comunitario no siempre proporciona un resultado agradable y puede generar facciones polarizadas en la comunidad (de ahí la razón por la que se están considerando otros modelos). Si la propuesta es "rechazada" todavía hay varias cosas que se pueden hacer y la propuesta se vuelve a presentar con parámetros ligeramente diferentes (convertir a un complemento, convertir a una característica opcional que está desactivada por defecto, etc.). Si el interés en la película es alto y la votación es "cercana", puede generar muchos malos sentimientos entre los votantes perdedores. En estas votaciones tan reñidas, se [b]recomienda encarecidamente[/b] que el proponente tome medidas para abordar cualquier inquietud que se haya planteado y vuelva a presentar. @@ -30,24 +30,24 @@ El Voto Comunitario no siempre proporciona un resultado agradable y puede genera P: ¿Quién puede ver mi contenido? -R: Por defecto CUALQUIER PERSONA en Internet, A MENOS que usted lo restrinja. El nombre del proyecto le permite elegir el nivel de privacidad que desea. El contenido restringido NO será visible para las "redes de espionaje" y los anunciantes. Estará protegido contra las escuchas de personas ajenas a la empresa, en la medida de nuestras posibilidades. Los administradores de los hubs con suficientes habilidades y paciencia PUEDEN ser capaces de escuchar a escondidas algunas comunicaciones privadas, pero deben hacer un esfuerzo para hacerlo. Los modos de privacidad existen dentro de $Projectname que son incluso resistentes a las escuchas por parte de administradores de hubs cualificados y decididos. +R: Por defecto CUALQUIER PERSONA en Internet, A MENOS que usted lo restrinja. $Projectname le permite elegir el nivel de privacidad que desea. El contenido restringido NO será visible para las "redes de espionaje" y los anunciantes. Estará protegido contra las escuchas de personas ajenas a la empresa, en la medida de nuestras posibilidades. Los administradores de los hubs con suficientes habilidades y paciencia PUEDEN ser capaces de escuchar a escondidas algunas comunicaciones privadas, pero deben hacer un esfuerzo para hacerlo. Los modos de privacidad existen dentro de $Projectname que son incluso resistentes a las escuchas por parte de administradores de hubs cualificados y decididos. P: ¿Se puede censurar mi contenido? -R: $Nombre del proyecto (la red) NO PUEDE censurar su contenido. Los administradores de servidores y hubs están sujetos a las leyes locales y PUEDEN eliminar contenido objetable de su sitio o hub. Cualquiera PUEDE convertirse en administrador del hub, incluyéndote a ti; y por lo tanto publicar contenido que de otra manera podría ser censurado. Usted aún PUEDE estar sujeto a las leyes locales. +R: $Projectname (la red) NO PUEDE censurar su contenido. Los administradores de servidores y hubs están sujetos a las leyes locales y PUEDEN eliminar contenido objetable de su sitio o hub. Cualquiera PUEDE convertirse en administrador del hub, incluyéndote a ti; y por lo tanto publicar contenido que de otra manera podría ser censurado. Usted aún PUEDE estar sujeto a las leyes locales. [h5]Definiciones[/h5] -**$$Nombre del proyecto** +**$Projectname** También conocido como "la red", $Projectname es una colección de ordenadores/servidores individuales (aka **hubs**) que se conectan para formar una red cooperativa más grande. -*Hub* +**Hub** Una computadora individual o servidor conectado a $Projectname. Estos son proporcionados por un administrador de **hub y pueden ser públicos o privados, de pago o gratuitos. -El administrador del hub. +**El administrador del hub** El operador del sistema de un hub individual. @@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ La privacidad para su identidad es otro aspecto. Debido a que tiene una identida Una identidad descentralizada tiene muchas ventajas y le ofrece muchas características interesantes, pero debe tener en cuenta que su identidad es conocida por otros hubs de la red $Projectname. Una de esas ventajas es que otros canales pueden servirte contenido personalizado y permitirte ver cosas privadas (como fotos privadas que otros desean compartir contigo). Por eso esos canales necesitan saber quién eres. Pero entendemos que a veces esos otros canales saben más de ti de lo que deseas. Por ejemplo el plug-in Visage que puede decirle al propietario de un canal la última vez que visites su perfil. Usted puede fácilmente OPT-OUT de este bajo nivel y, pensamos, seguimiento inofensivo. -Puede habilitar [No rastrear (DNT)]( en su navegador web. Respetamos esta nueva propuesta de política de privacidad. Todos los navegadores modernos soportan DNT. Lo encontrarás en la configuración de privacidad de tus navegadores o bien puedes consultar el manual del navegador. Esto no afectará a la funcionalidad de $Projectname. Este ajuste es probablemente suficiente para la mayoría de las personas. +* Puede habilitar [No rastrear (DNT)](] en su navegador web. Respetamos esta nueva propuesta de política de privacidad. Todos los navegadores modernos soportan DNT. Lo encontrarás en la configuración de privacidad de tus navegadores o bien puedes consultar el manual del navegador. Esto no afectará a la funcionalidad de $Projectname. Este ajuste es probablemente suficiente para la mayoría de las personas. -Puede [desactivar la publicación](configuración) de su canal en nuestro directorio de canales. Si quieres que la gente encuentre tu canal, debes darles la dirección de tu canal directamente a ellos. Creemos que esto es una buena indicación de que prefieres privacidad extra y habilitar automáticamente "No rastrear" si este es el caso. +* Puede [desactivar la publicación](configuración) de su canal en nuestro directorio de canales. Si quieres que la gente encuentre tu canal, debes darles la dirección de tu canal directamente a ellos. Creemos que esto es una buena indicación de que prefieres privacidad extra y habilitar automáticamente "No rastrear" si este es el caso. -Puedes tener un hub bloqueado. Esto significa que todos los canales y contenidos de ese hub no son públicos y no son visibles para el mundo exterior. Esto es algo que sólo el administrador del hub puede hacer. También respetamos esto y activamos automáticamente "No rastrear" si está configurado. +* Puede tener un hub bloqueado. Esto significa que todos los canales y contenidos de ese hub no son públicos y no son visibles para el mundo exterior. Esto es algo que sólo el administrador del hub puede hacer. También respetamos esto y activamos automáticamente "No rastrear" si está configurado. [h5]Censura[/h5] @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ $Projectname RECOMIENDA que los administradores de hubs proporcionen un período Si usted típica y regularmente publica contenido de naturaleza adulta u ofensiva, se le recomienda encarecidamente que marque su cuenta "NSFW" (No es seguro para el trabajo). Esto evitará que se muestre la foto de tu perfil en el directorio, excepto a los espectadores que hayan optado por desactivar el "modo seguro". Si los administradores del directorio consideran que la foto de tu perfil es adulta u ofensiva, el administrador del directorio PUEDE marcar tu foto de perfil como NSFW. Actualmente no existe ningún mecanismo oficial para impugnar o revertir esta decisión, razón por la cual DEBERÍA usted marcar su propia cuenta NSFW si es probable que sea inapropiada para el público en general. + [h3]Créditos[/h3] Gracias a todos los que han ayudado y contribuido al proyecto y a sus predecesores a lo largo de los años. diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ index 00d2e47bb..dff1717e4 100644 --- a/doc/es-es/ +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ [zrl=[baseurl]/help/about][b]¿Qué es $Projectname?[/b][/zrl] $Projectname est un software de publicación y comunicación descentralizadas que le permite tener el control de sus necesidades y datos. Es ustedm y solo usted, quien decide a quién permite ver sus publicaciones. - [zrl=[baseurl]/help/features][b]Funcionaliades de $Projectname[/b][/zrl] $Projectname es una red global distribuida que es flexible, pero puede crecer en potencia desde in pequeño sitio personal hasta albergar una comunidad de numerosas personas. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 438ce44af9e66153af2ab1719c2372165143aff6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Manuel=20Jim=C3=A9nez=20Friaza?= Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2018 13:41:13 +0200 Subject: Update symbolic link doc/es --- doc/es | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/es b/doc/es index c8ba7666b..a170c77bc 120000 --- a/doc/es +++ b/doc/es @@ -1 +1 @@ -es-es \ No newline at end of file +doc/es-es \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3 From b361fb4f89ff60bbe32c7aa41dca5caf895ab54c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Herbert Thielen Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 15:54:22 +0200 Subject: fix links to addons repository --- doc/ | 2 +- doc/admin/ | 2 +- doc/ca/ | 2 +- doc/de/ | 2 +- doc/ | 6 +++--- doc/ | 2 +- 6 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index a37ecee99..4bfa7a9fd 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ For these reasons we [b]strongly recommend[/b] that you do NOT install addons fr We also recognise that some developers prefer working on their own and do not wish their code to be mingled with the project repository for a variety of reasons. These developers can ease troubleshooting and debugging by providing a README file in their respective code repository outlining the process for submitting patches and bug fixes. It is also recommended that these projects provide both a 'dev' (development) and 'master' (production) branch which tracks the current project branches of those names. This is because dev and master are often not compatible from the viewpoint of library interfaces. It is also highly recommended that your repository versions are tagged and moved forward within 24 hours of project releases. This is a major inconvenience for everybdy involved, and can present downtime for production sites while this process is being carried out; which is one more reason why we [b]strongly recommend[/b] that addons be submitted to the project addon repository and that you do NOT install such third-party addons. -[url=][/url] Main project addon repository +[url=][/url] Main project addon repository [url=][/url] Oliver's repository (mayan_places and flip) diff --git a/doc/admin/ b/doc/admin/ index e966115d0..34dfa8cad 100644 --- a/doc/admin/ +++ b/doc/admin/ @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ To immediately clear out all the extra logging stuff you added. Use the informa ##### Rotating log files -1. Enable the **logrot** addon in the official [hubzilla-addons]( repo +1. Enable the **logrot** addon in the official [hubzilla-addons]( repo 1. Create a directory in your web root called `log` with webserver write permissions 1. Go to the **logrot** admin settings and enter this folder name as well as the max size and number of retained log files. diff --git a/doc/ca/ b/doc/ca/ index 3e46b6136..fb54f0abc 100644 --- a/doc/ca/ +++ b/doc/ca/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ [url=]Lloc Web Principal[/url] -[url=]Complements del Lloc Web[/url] +[url=]Complements del Lloc Web[/url] [url=[baseurl]/help/credits]Credits en $Projectname[/url] diff --git a/doc/de/ b/doc/de/ index 3168c4d9b..2ce5533f1 100644 --- a/doc/de/ +++ b/doc/de/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ [zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]Links zu externen Ressourcen[/zrl] [url=]Haupt-Website[/url] -[url=]Addons-Website[/url] +[url=]Addons-Website[/url] [url=[baseurl]/help/credits]$Projectname Credits[/url] diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index d07b20574..3e98c6ec3 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ It is a good idea to read the whole manual! Git is different to other version co Now you should [list] [*] create an account at -[*] fork -[*] fork +[*] fork +[*] fork [/list] If you not want to use GIT from the command line - there is a usefull Eclipse plugin named ""Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector". @@ -416,4 +416,4 @@ surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push [/code] -#include doc/macros/; \ No newline at end of file +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index ecdaf1dfd..0b80db756 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ [h3]External resources[/h3] [zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]List of external resources[/zrl] [url=]Main Website[/url] -[url=]Addon Website[/url] +[url=]Addon Website[/url] [url=[baseurl]/help/credits]$Projectname Credits[/url] [h3]About this $Projectname hub[/h3] [zrl=[baseurl]/help/TermsOfService]Terms of Service For This Hub[/zrl] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 0dc266153da954f5479979293f9fbd158ec0022e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2018 21:01:22 -0700 Subject: This effectively reverts 438ce44a which symlinked doc/es to a non-existent file (doc/doc/es-es) --- doc/es | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/es b/doc/es index a170c77bc..c8ba7666b 120000 --- a/doc/es +++ b/doc/es @@ -1 +1 @@ -doc/es-es \ No newline at end of file +es-es \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3 From dcd8fb289ee21536359998a64aeef2f4973834e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2018 21:13:46 -0700 Subject: remove admin docs on upgrading from redmatrix; operation is no longer supported --- doc/admin/ | 10 ---------- 1 file changed, 10 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/admin/ b/doc/admin/ index 34dfa8cad..5f1d40428 100644 --- a/doc/admin/ +++ b/doc/admin/ @@ -331,16 +331,6 @@ empty: util/config system directory_server "" -### Upgrading from RedMatrix to $Projectname - -#### How to migrate an individual channel from RedMatrix to $Projectname - -1. Clone the channel by opening an account on a $Projectname hub and performing a basic import (not content) from the original RedMatrix hub. Give your new clone time to sync connections and settings. -1. Export individual channel content from your RedMatrix hub to a set of JSON text files using the red.hub/uexport tool. Do this in monthly increments if necessary. -1. Import the JSON data files sequentially in chronological order into the $Projectname clone using the new.hub/import_items tool. -1. Inform your Friendica and Diaspora contacts that your channel moves. They need to reconnect to your new address. -1. After successful import (check!) delete your channel on the old RedMatrix Server. -1. On the $Projectname server visit new.hub/locs and upgrade to your channel to a primary one. And when the old Redmatrix server is still listed delete them here as well. Press "Sync" to inform all other server in the grid. ### Administration -- cgit v1.2.3 From 36d73b3da9eda9539a851c1a1e697db9ffa7d935 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2018 21:41:20 -0700 Subject: consolidate the various project roadmap files and remove stuff that's either finished or abandoned --- doc/ | 46 +++++++++++++--------------------------------- doc/ | 27 --------------------------- doc/ | 29 ----------------------------- 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 doc/ delete mode 100644 doc/ (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 9ef9f146a..78e6da489 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,49 +1,29 @@ -Roadmap for $Projectname V3 +Roadmap -*HZ = Hubzilla repository +Platform -Crypto - Convert E2EE to dynamic loading (on demand) using jQuery.getScript() [or other methods] to only load encryption libs when you require them. This should also support multiple encryption libraries (e.g. SJCL, others) triggered from the choice of algorithm and remain pluggable. + Convert E2EE and select Javascript resources to dynamic loading to dynamic loading using jQuery.getScript() [or other methods]. -Subscriptions and business models - Build enough into core(/addons) to generate income (or at least try and cover costs) out of the box +Webpages - Resolve the "every photo has an item" confusion, perhaps every file should also - but only if we can explain it and separate them conceptually. - -Migration tools - Friendica importer - Diaspora importer (channel and connection import done, conversations and photos still in progress and waiting for support from Diaspora) - -Webpage design UI improvements - If practical, separate "conversation" sub-themes from overall themes so one can choose different conversation and content layouts within a base theme. Make webpage building easy, with point-n-click selectors to build PDLs - bring back WYSIWYG, which ideally requires a JS abstraction layer so we can use any editor and change it based on mimetype -Social Networking Federation - Friendica native mode? - - Others? - -Lists - Create a list object to contain arbitrary things for system use - Create a list object to contain arbitrary things for personal use Events + Recurring events + Integrate Hubzilla events with CalDAV + + +Connections + + CardDAV integration with abook and profiles -Zot - Provide a way to sync web resources. This could be built on DAV except for preserving resource naming (guids) instead of filenames. -API extensions - More, more, more. +Issues manager -Evangelism - More documentation. More, more, more. - Libzot + Provide easy(easier) channel move (as opposed to channel copy or clone) -DNS abstraction for V3 - Allow a channel to live in an arbitrary "DNS" namespace, for instance "mike@core.hubzilla". Use our directories and zot to find the actual DNS location via redirection. This could potentially allow hubs to be hidden behind tor or alt-roots and accessible only via the matrix. - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index a64fb2d5c..000000000 --- a/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ - -Hubzilla III -============ - -Due: December 2017 -Codename: - - -Wishlist: - -- Move CalDAV/CardDAV server to core - -- Integrate Hubzilla events with CalDAV - -- Connection 'roles' allows you to select different permission roles for your connections; such as follower, friend, contributor, etc. - -- CardDAV integration with abook and profiles - -- App tray - -- issues manager - -- wiki cloning - -- provide easy channel move (as opposed to channel copy or clone), which is currently supported only by the basic server role. - -- provide RSA keychange operation; which cannot affect the primary identity (which is based on the channel keys), so add a secondary dynamic key pair which will be used for all other operations and can be upgraded or revoked at any time. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ deleted file mode 100644 index 419cd8d4c..000000000 --- a/doc/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -[h1]Project Roadmap V4[/h1] - -[h2]Hubzilla 2.0 - code name "Universal Thunder"[/h2] - -[h3]Project Core Development[/h3] - -Goals/Highlights: - - -Focus on visual website design tools, widgets, and sharing mechanisms - -[x] App organisation. - -[x] Conversion of core application to a composer format living under the namespace "Zotlabs" - -[x] Conversion of Modules to a more general purpose Controllers layout with DB/memory based -controller routing as opposed to filesystem routing. - -[x] (partial) Conversion of core Zot Protocol to a class library - -[x] Abstraction of nomadic identity so that sending/receiving to/from singleton networks to/from any clone works flawlessly - [b]provided[/b] the clone physically connected to that singleton identity is up. - -[h3]Community Development[/h3] - -[x] CalDAV/CardDAV - -E-Commerce - -Auto Updater \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3 From d448742ae5059ad4aa6e3381b91e4c0e3b9d7766 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 20:18:29 -0700 Subject: translate dos line endings --- doc/api/ | 266 ++++++------ doc/ca/ | 74 ++-- doc/ | 474 ++++++++++---------- doc/ | 40 +- doc/ | 522 +++++++++++----------- doc/ | 838 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ doc/ | 86 ++-- doc/es-es/ | 156 +++---- doc/ | 42 +- doc/ | 196 ++++----- doc/ | 142 +++--- doc/ | 226 +++++----- doc/ | 624 +++++++++++++-------------- doc/ | 76 ++-- doc/ | 684 ++++++++++++++--------------- doc/ | 156 +++---- doc/sv/ | 160 +++---- 17 files changed, 2381 insertions(+), 2381 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/ index e6cde3dc6..fe7cb11ba 100644 --- a/doc/api/ +++ b/doc/api/ @@ -1,133 +1,133 @@ -[b]Red Twitter API[/b] - -The "basic" Red web API is based on the Twitter API, as this provides instant compatibility with a huge number of third-party clients and applications without requiring any code changes on their part. It is also a super-set of the StatusNet version of the Twitter API, as this also has existing wide support. - -Red has a lot more capability that isn't exposed in the Twitter interfaces or where we are forced to "dumb-down" the API functions to work with the primitive Twitter/StatusNet communications and privacy model. So we plan to extend the Twitter API in ways that will allow Red-specific clients to make full use of Red features without being crippled. - -A dedicated Red API is also being developed to work with native data structures and permissions and which do not require translating to different privacy and permission models and storage formats. This will be described in other documents. The prefix for all of the native endpoints is 'api/red'. - -Red provides multiple channels accesible via the same login account. With Red, any API function which requires authentication will accept a parameter &channel={channel_nickname} - and will select that channel and make it current before executing the API command. By default, the default channel associated with an account is selected. - -Red also provides an extended permission model. In the absence of any Red specific API calls to set permissions, they will be set to the default permissions settings which are associated with the current channel. - -Red will probably never be able to support the Twitter 'api/friendships' functions fully because Red is not a social network and has no concept of "friendships" - it only recognises permissions to do stuff (or not do stuff as the case may be). - -Legend: T= Twitter, S= StatusNet, F= Friendica, R= Red, ()=Not yet working, J= JSON only (XML formats deprecated) - -Twitter API compatible functions: - - api/account/verify_credentials T,S,F,R - api/statuses/update T,S,F,R - api/users/show T,S,F,R - api/statuses/home_timeline T,S,F,R - api/statuses/friends_timeline T,S,F,R - api/statuses/public_timeline T,S,F,R - api/statuses/show T,S,F,R - api/statuses/retweet T,S,F,R - api/statuses/destroy T,S,F,(R) - api/statuses/mentions T,S,F,(R) - api/statuses/replies T,S,F,(R) - api/statuses/user_timeline T,S,F,(R) - api/favorites T,S,F,R - api/account/rate_limit_status T,S,F,R - api/help/test T,S,F,R - api/statuses/friends T,S,F,R - api/statuses/followers T,S,F,R - api/friends/ids T,S,F,R - api/followers/ids T,S,F,R - api/direct_messages/new T,S,F,R - api/direct_messages/conversation T,S,F,R - api/direct_messages/all T,S,F,R - api/direct_messages/sent T,S,F,R - api/direct_messages T,S,F,R - api/oauth/request_token T,S,F,R - api/oauth/access_token T,S,F,R - api/favorites T,S,R - api/favorites/create T,S,R - api/favorites/destroy T,S,R - -Twitter API functions supported by StatusNet but not currently by Friendica or Red - - api/statuses/retweets_of_me T,S - api/friendships/create T,S - api/friendships/destroy T,S - api/friendships/exists T,S - api/friendships/show T,S - api/account/update_location T,S - api/account/update_profile_background_image T,S - api/account/update_profile_image T,S - api/blocks/create T,S - api/blocks/destroy T,S - -Twitter API functions not currently supported by StatusNet - - api/statuses/retweeted_to_me T - api/statuses/retweeted_by_me T - api/direct_messages/destroy T - api/account/end_session T,(R) - api/account/update_delivery_device T - api/notifications/follow T - api/notifications/leave T - api/blocks/exists T - api/blocks/blocking T - api/lists T - -Statusnet compatible extensions to the Twitter API supported in both Friendica and Red - - api/statusnet/version S,F,R - api/statusnet/config S,F,R - -Friendica API extensions to the Twitter API supported in both Friendica and Red - - api/statuses/mediap F,R - -Red specific API extensions to the Twitter API not supported in Friendica - - api/account/logout R - api/export/basic R,J - api/friendica/config R - api/red/config R - api/friendica/version R - - api/red/version R - - api/red/channel/export/basic R,J - api/red/channel/stream R,J (currently post only) - api/red/albums R,J - api/red/photos R,J (option album=xxxx) - -Red proposed API extensions to the Twitter API - - api/statuses/edit (R),J - api/statuses/permissions (R),J - api/statuses/permissions/update (R),J - api/statuses/ids (R),J # search for existing message_id before importing a foreign post - api/files/show (R),J - api/files/destroy (R),J - api/files/update (R),J - api/files/permissions (R),J - api/files/permissions/update (R),J - api/pages/show (R),J - api/pages/destroy (R),J - api/pages/update (R),J - api/pages/permissions (R),J - api/pages/permissions/update (R),J - api/events/show (R),J - api/events/update (R),J - api/events/permissions (R),J - api/events/permissions/update (R),J - api/events/destroy (R),J - api/photos/show (R),J - api/photos/update (R),J - api/photos/permissions (R),J - api/photos/permissions/update (R),J - api/albums/destroy (R),J - api/albums/show (R),J - api/albums/update (R),J - api/albums/permissions (R),J - api/albums/permissions/update (R),J - api/albums/destroy (R),J - api/friends/permissions (R),J - -#include doc/macros/; - +[b]Red Twitter API[/b] + +The "basic" Red web API is based on the Twitter API, as this provides instant compatibility with a huge number of third-party clients and applications without requiring any code changes on their part. It is also a super-set of the StatusNet version of the Twitter API, as this also has existing wide support. + +Red has a lot more capability that isn't exposed in the Twitter interfaces or where we are forced to "dumb-down" the API functions to work with the primitive Twitter/StatusNet communications and privacy model. So we plan to extend the Twitter API in ways that will allow Red-specific clients to make full use of Red features without being crippled. + +A dedicated Red API is also being developed to work with native data structures and permissions and which do not require translating to different privacy and permission models and storage formats. This will be described in other documents. The prefix for all of the native endpoints is 'api/red'. + +Red provides multiple channels accesible via the same login account. With Red, any API function which requires authentication will accept a parameter &channel={channel_nickname} - and will select that channel and make it current before executing the API command. By default, the default channel associated with an account is selected. + +Red also provides an extended permission model. In the absence of any Red specific API calls to set permissions, they will be set to the default permissions settings which are associated with the current channel. + +Red will probably never be able to support the Twitter 'api/friendships' functions fully because Red is not a social network and has no concept of "friendships" - it only recognises permissions to do stuff (or not do stuff as the case may be). + +Legend: T= Twitter, S= StatusNet, F= Friendica, R= Red, ()=Not yet working, J= JSON only (XML formats deprecated) + +Twitter API compatible functions: + + api/account/verify_credentials T,S,F,R + api/statuses/update T,S,F,R + api/users/show T,S,F,R + api/statuses/home_timeline T,S,F,R + api/statuses/friends_timeline T,S,F,R + api/statuses/public_timeline T,S,F,R + api/statuses/show T,S,F,R + api/statuses/retweet T,S,F,R + api/statuses/destroy T,S,F,(R) + api/statuses/mentions T,S,F,(R) + api/statuses/replies T,S,F,(R) + api/statuses/user_timeline T,S,F,(R) + api/favorites T,S,F,R + api/account/rate_limit_status T,S,F,R + api/help/test T,S,F,R + api/statuses/friends T,S,F,R + api/statuses/followers T,S,F,R + api/friends/ids T,S,F,R + api/followers/ids T,S,F,R + api/direct_messages/new T,S,F,R + api/direct_messages/conversation T,S,F,R + api/direct_messages/all T,S,F,R + api/direct_messages/sent T,S,F,R + api/direct_messages T,S,F,R + api/oauth/request_token T,S,F,R + api/oauth/access_token T,S,F,R + api/favorites T,S,R + api/favorites/create T,S,R + api/favorites/destroy T,S,R + +Twitter API functions supported by StatusNet but not currently by Friendica or Red + + api/statuses/retweets_of_me T,S + api/friendships/create T,S + api/friendships/destroy T,S + api/friendships/exists T,S + api/friendships/show T,S + api/account/update_location T,S + api/account/update_profile_background_image T,S + api/account/update_profile_image T,S + api/blocks/create T,S + api/blocks/destroy T,S + +Twitter API functions not currently supported by StatusNet + + api/statuses/retweeted_to_me T + api/statuses/retweeted_by_me T + api/direct_messages/destroy T + api/account/end_session T,(R) + api/account/update_delivery_device T + api/notifications/follow T + api/notifications/leave T + api/blocks/exists T + api/blocks/blocking T + api/lists T + +Statusnet compatible extensions to the Twitter API supported in both Friendica and Red + + api/statusnet/version S,F,R + api/statusnet/config S,F,R + +Friendica API extensions to the Twitter API supported in both Friendica and Red + + api/statuses/mediap F,R + +Red specific API extensions to the Twitter API not supported in Friendica + + api/account/logout R + api/export/basic R,J + api/friendica/config R + api/red/config R + api/friendica/version R + + api/red/version R + + api/red/channel/export/basic R,J + api/red/channel/stream R,J (currently post only) + api/red/albums R,J + api/red/photos R,J (option album=xxxx) + +Red proposed API extensions to the Twitter API + + api/statuses/edit (R),J + api/statuses/permissions (R),J + api/statuses/permissions/update (R),J + api/statuses/ids (R),J # search for existing message_id before importing a foreign post + api/files/show (R),J + api/files/destroy (R),J + api/files/update (R),J + api/files/permissions (R),J + api/files/permissions/update (R),J + api/pages/show (R),J + api/pages/destroy (R),J + api/pages/update (R),J + api/pages/permissions (R),J + api/pages/permissions/update (R),J + api/events/show (R),J + api/events/update (R),J + api/events/permissions (R),J + api/events/permissions/update (R),J + api/events/destroy (R),J + api/photos/show (R),J + api/photos/update (R),J + api/photos/permissions (R),J + api/photos/permissions/update (R),J + api/albums/destroy (R),J + api/albums/show (R),J + api/albums/update (R),J + api/albums/permissions (R),J + api/albums/permissions/update (R),J + api/albums/destroy (R),J + api/friends/permissions (R),J + +#include doc/macros/; + diff --git a/doc/ca/ b/doc/ca/ index 513bf5fed..5aa04e706 100644 --- a/doc/ca/ +++ b/doc/ca/ @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -[b]Profiles[/b] - -$Projectname has unlimited profiles. You may use different profiles to show different "sides of yourself" to different audiences. This is different to having different channels. Different channels allow for completely different sets of information. You may have a channel for yourself, a channel for your sports team, a channel for your website, or whatever else. A profile allows for finely graded "sides" of each channel. For example, your default public profile might say "Hello, I'm Fred, and I like laughing". You may show your close friends a profile that adds "and I also enjoy dwarf tossing". - -You always have a profile known as your "default" or "public" profile. This profile is always available to the general public and cannot be hidden (there may be rare exceptions on privately run or disconnected sites). You may, and probably should restrict the information you make available on your public profile. - -That said, if you want other friends to be able to find you, it helps to have the following information in your public profile... - -[ul][*]Your real name or at least a nickname everybody knows -[*]A photo of you -[*]Your location on the planet, at least to a country level.[/ul] - -In addition, if you'd like to meet people that share some general interests with you, please take a moment and add some "Keywords" to your profile. Such as "music, linux, photography" or whatever. You can add as many keywords as you like. - -To create an alternate profile, first go to [zrl=[baseurl]/settings/features]Settings > Additional Features[/zrl] and enable "Multiple Profiles" there, otherwise you won't have the ability to use more than just your default profile. - -Then select "Edit Profiles" from the menu of your $Projectname site. You may edit an existing profile, change the profile photo, add things to a profile or create a new profile. You may also create a "clone" of an existing profile if you only wish to change a few items but don't wish to enter all the information again. To do that, click on the profile you want to clone and choose "Clone this profile" there. - -In the list of your profiles, you can also choose the contacts who can see a specific profile. Just click on "Edit visibility" next to the profile in question (only available for the profiles that are not your default profile) and then click on user images to add them to or remove them from the group of people who can see this profile. - -Once a profile has been selected, when the person views your profile, they will see the private profile you have assigned. If they are not authenticated, they will see your public profile. - -There is a setting which allows you to publish your profile to a directory and ensure that it can be found by others. You can change this setting on the "Settings" page. - -If you do not wish to be found be people unless you give them your channel address, you may leave your profile unpublished. - -[b]Keywords and Directory Search[/b] - -On the directory page, you may search for people with published profiles. Currently, only the name field and the keywords are searched. You may also include such keywords in your default profile - which may be used to search for common interests with other members. Keywords are used in the channel suggestion tool and although they aren't visible in the directory, they are shown if people visit your profile page. - -On your Connnections page and in the directory there is a link to "Suggestions" or "Channel Suggestions", respectively. This will find channels who have matching and/or similar keywords. The more keywords you provide, the more relevant the search results that are returned. These are sorted by relevance. - -See Also - -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/AdvancedSearch]Advanced Searching[/zrl] - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Profiles[/b] + +$Projectname has unlimited profiles. You may use different profiles to show different "sides of yourself" to different audiences. This is different to having different channels. Different channels allow for completely different sets of information. You may have a channel for yourself, a channel for your sports team, a channel for your website, or whatever else. A profile allows for finely graded "sides" of each channel. For example, your default public profile might say "Hello, I'm Fred, and I like laughing". You may show your close friends a profile that adds "and I also enjoy dwarf tossing". + +You always have a profile known as your "default" or "public" profile. This profile is always available to the general public and cannot be hidden (there may be rare exceptions on privately run or disconnected sites). You may, and probably should restrict the information you make available on your public profile. + +That said, if you want other friends to be able to find you, it helps to have the following information in your public profile... + +[ul][*]Your real name or at least a nickname everybody knows +[*]A photo of you +[*]Your location on the planet, at least to a country level.[/ul] + +In addition, if you'd like to meet people that share some general interests with you, please take a moment and add some "Keywords" to your profile. Such as "music, linux, photography" or whatever. You can add as many keywords as you like. + +To create an alternate profile, first go to [zrl=[baseurl]/settings/features]Settings > Additional Features[/zrl] and enable "Multiple Profiles" there, otherwise you won't have the ability to use more than just your default profile. + +Then select "Edit Profiles" from the menu of your $Projectname site. You may edit an existing profile, change the profile photo, add things to a profile or create a new profile. You may also create a "clone" of an existing profile if you only wish to change a few items but don't wish to enter all the information again. To do that, click on the profile you want to clone and choose "Clone this profile" there. + +In the list of your profiles, you can also choose the contacts who can see a specific profile. Just click on "Edit visibility" next to the profile in question (only available for the profiles that are not your default profile) and then click on user images to add them to or remove them from the group of people who can see this profile. + +Once a profile has been selected, when the person views your profile, they will see the private profile you have assigned. If they are not authenticated, they will see your public profile. + +There is a setting which allows you to publish your profile to a directory and ensure that it can be found by others. You can change this setting on the "Settings" page. + +If you do not wish to be found be people unless you give them your channel address, you may leave your profile unpublished. + +[b]Keywords and Directory Search[/b] + +On the directory page, you may search for people with published profiles. Currently, only the name field and the keywords are searched. You may also include such keywords in your default profile - which may be used to search for common interests with other members. Keywords are used in the channel suggestion tool and although they aren't visible in the directory, they are shown if people visit your profile page. + +On your Connnections page and in the directory there is a link to "Suggestions" or "Channel Suggestions", respectively. This will find channels who have matching and/or similar keywords. The more keywords you provide, the more relevant the search results that are returned. These are sorted by relevance. + +See Also + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/AdvancedSearch]Advanced Searching[/zrl] + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 677abf8c0..dddc614f9 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,237 +1,237 @@ -[b]Initial Indiegg pitch[/b] - -[b][color= grey][size=20]What have we done, and what we hope to achieve[/size][/color][/b] - -[b][color= grey][size=18]Single-click sign on, nomadic identity, censorship-resistance, privacy, self-hosting[/size][/color][/b] - -We started $Projectname project by asking ourselves a few questions: - -- Imagine if it was possible to just access the content of different web sites, without the need to enter usernames and passwords for every site. Such a feature would permit Single-Click user identification: the ability to access sites simply by clicking on links to remote sites. -Authentication just happens automagically behind the scenes. Forget about remembering multiple user names with multiple passwords when accessing different sites online. - -We liked this idea and went ahead with coding it immediately. Today, single-click sign is in alpha state. It needs more love, which means a solid three months of full-time development efforts. - -- Think of your Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, or any other website where you currently have an account. Now imagine being able to clone your account, to make an exact duplicate of it (with all of your friends, posts and settings), then export your cloned account into another server that is part of this communication network. After you're done, both of your accounts are synced from the time they were cloned. It doesn't matter where you log in (at your original location, or where you imported your clone). You see the same content, the same friends, posts, and account settings. -At that point, it is more appropriate to call your account an identity that is nomadic (it is not tied to one home, unless you choose to do so!). -It's 2013, our online presence no longer has to be tied to a single server, domain name or IP address. We should be able to clone and import our identities to other servers. In such a network, it should only matter who you are, not where you are. - -We're very intrigued by the possibilities nomadic identities open up for freedom, censorship-resistance, and identity resilience. Consider the following scenarios: - - -- Should a repressive government or corporation decide to delete your account, your cloned identity lives on, because it is located on another server, across the world, which is part of the same communication network. You can't be silenced! - - -- What if there is a server meltdown, and your identity goes off line. No problem, you log into your clone and all is good. - - -- Your server administrator can no longer afford to keep paying to support a free service (a labor love and principle, which all of us have participating in as system administrators of Friendica sites!). She notifies you that you must clone your account before the shutoff date. Rather than loose all your friends, and start from scratch by creating a new identity somewhere, you clone and move to another server. -We feel this is especially helpful for the free web, where administrators of FOSS community sites are often faced with difficult financial decisions. Since many of them rely on donations, sometimes servers have to be taken offline, when costs become prohibitive for the brave DIY souls running those server. Nomadic identities should relieve some of the pressures associated with such situations. - -At the same time, we are also thinking of solutions that would make it possible for people running Red hubs to be financially sustainable. To that end, we're starting to implement service classes in our code, which would allow administrators to structure paid levels of service, if they choose to do so. - -Today, nomadic identity is currently in alpha state. It also needs more love, which means a solid three months of full-time development efforts. - -- Imagine a social network that is censorship-resistant, and privacy-respecting by design. It is not controlled by one mega-corporation, and where users cannot be easily censored by oppressive governments. So, in addition to nomadic identities, we are talking about decentralization, open source, freely software, that can run on any hardware that supports a database and a modern web browser. And we mean "any hardware", from a self-hosted $35 Raspberry Pi, to the very latest Intel Xeon and AMD Bulldozer-powered server behemoths. - -We've realized that privacy requires full control over content. We should be able to delete, backup and download all of our content, as well as associated account/identity information. To this end, we have already implemented the initial version of account export and backup. - -Concerned about pages and pages of posts from months and years past? The solution should be simple: visit your settings page, specify that all content older than 7 days, with the exception of starred posts, should be automatically deleted. Done, the clutter is gone! (Consider also the privacy and anti-mass surveillance implications of this feature. PRISM disclosures have hinted that three-letter spying agencies around the world are recording all internet traffic and storing it for a few days at a time. We feel that automatic post expiration becomes a rather useful feature in this context, and implementing it is one of our near future priorities.) - -[b][color= grey][size=18]The Affinity Slider and Access Control Lists[/size][/color][/b] - -- What if the permissions and access control lists that help secure modern operating systems were extended into a communication network that lived on the internet? This means somebody could log into this network from their home site, and with the simple click of a few buttons dynamically sort who can have access to their online content on a very fine level: from restricting others from seeing your latest blog post, to sharing your bookmarks with the world. - -We've coded the initial version of such a new feature. It is called the "Affinity Slider", and in our very-alpha user interface it looks like this. -[img][/img] - -{INSERT SCREENSHOT OF A MATRIX PAGE} - -Think of it as an easy way to filter content that you see, based on the degree of "closeness" to you. Move the slider to Friends, and only content coming from contacts you've tagged as friends is displayed on your home page. Uncluttering thousands of contacts, friends, RSS feeds, and other content should be a basic feature of modern communication on the web, but not at the expense of ease of use. - -In addition to the Affinity Slider, we also have the ACL (Access Control List). Say you want to share something with only 5 of your contacts (a blog, two friends from college, and two forums). You click on the padlock, choose the recipients, and that's it. Only those identities will recieve their posts. Furthermore, the post will be encrypted via PKI (pulic key encryption) to help maintain privacy. In the age of PRISM, we don't know all the details on what's safe out there, but we still think that privacy by design should be automatically present, invisible to the user, and easy to use. -Attaching permissions to any data that lives on this network, potentially solves a great many headaches, while achieving simplicity in communication. - -Think of it this way: the internet is nothing, but a bunch of permissions and a folder of data. You, the user controls the permissions and thus the data that is relevant to you. - -[b][color= grey][size=20]The Matrix is Born![/size][/color][/b] - -After asking and striving to answer a number of such questions, we realized that we were imagining a general purpose communication network with a number of unique, and potentially game-changing, features. We called it $Projectname and started thinking of it as an over-lay on top of the internet as it exists today; an operating system re-invented as a communication network, with its own permissions, access control lists, protocol, connectors to others services, and open-ended possibilities via its API. The sum of the matrix is greater than it's parts. We're not building website, but a way for websites to link together and grow into something that is unique and ever-changing, with autonomy and privacy. - -It's a lot of work, for anyone. So far, we've got a team of a handful of volunteers, code geeks, brave early adopters, system administrators and other good people, willing to give the project a shot. We're motivated by our commitment to a free web, where privacy is built-in, and corporations don't have a stranglehold on our daily communication. - -We need your help to finish it and release it to the world! - -[b][color= grey][size=20]What have we written so far[/size][/color][/b] - -As of the today, $Projectname is in developer preview (alpha) state. It is not ready for everyday use, but some of the initial set of core features are implemented (again, in alpha state). These include: - -- Zot, the protocol powering the matrix -- Single-signon logins. -- Nomadic identities -- Basic content manipulation: creation, deletion, rudimentary handling of photos, and media files -- A bare-bones outline of the API and user documentation. - - -[b][color= grey][size=20]Our TO-DO List[/size][/color][/b] - -However, in addition to finishing and polishing the above, there are a number of features that have to implemented to make $Projectname ready for daily use. If we meet our fundraising goal, we hope to dive into the following road map, by order of priority: - -- A professionally designed user interface (UI), interface that is adaptive to any user level, from end users who want to use the Matrix as a social network, to tinkerers who will put together a customized blog using Comanche, to hackers who will develop and extend the matrix using a built-in code editor, that hooks to the API and the git. - -- Comanche, our new markup language, similar to BBCode, with which to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components - some of which are pre-built and others which can be defined on the fly. You can read more about it on our github wiki: - -- A unique help system that lives in the matrix, but is not based on the principles of a search engine. We have some interesting ideas about decentralizing help documentation, without going down the road of distributed search engines. Here's a hint: We shouldn't be searching at all, we should just be filtering what's already there in new, and cunning ways. - -- An appropriate logo, along with professionally done documentation system, both for our API, as well as users. - -- WordPress-like single button software upgrades - -- A built-in development environment, using an integrated web-based code editor such as Ace9 - -[b][color= grey][size=20]What will the money be used for[/size][/color][/b] - -If we raise our targeted amount of funds, we plan to use it as follows: - -1) Fund 6 months {OR WHATEVER} of full time work for our current core developers, Mike, Thomas, and Tobias {ANYONE ELSE?] - -2) Pay a professional web developer to design an kick ass reference theme, along with a project logo. - -3) {WHAT ELSE?} - -[b][color= grey][size=20]Deadlines[/size][/color][/b] - -[b]March, 2014: $Projectname Beta with the following features[/b] - -- {LIST FEATURES} - -[b][color= grey][size=20]Who We Are[/size][/color][/b] - -Mike: {FILL IN BIO, reference Friendica, etc.} - -Thomas: {bio blurb} - -Tobias: {bio blurb} - -Arto: {documentation, etc.} - -{WHO ELSE? WE NEED A TEAM, AT LEAST 3-4 PEOPLE} - -[b][color= grey][size=20]What Do I Get as a Supporter?[/size][/color][/b] - -Our ability to reach 1.0 stable release depends on your generosity and support. We appreciate your help, regardless of the amount! Here's what we're thinking as far as different contribution levels go: - -[b]$1: {CATCHY TAGLINE}[/b] - -We'll list your name on our initial supporters list, a Hall of Fame of the matrix! - -[b]$5:[/b] - -[b]$10: [/b] - -[b]$16: [/b] - -You get one of your $Projectname t-shirts, as well as our undying gratitude. - -[b]$32: [/b] - -[b]$64 [/b] - -[b]128 [/b] - -[b]$256: [/b] - -[b]$512: [/b] - -[b]$1024 [/b] - -[b]$2048[/b] - -Each contributor at this level gets their own $Projectname virtual private server, installed, hosted and supported by us for a period of 1 year. - -[b][color= grey][size=20]Why are we so excited about $Projectname?[/size][/color][/b] - -{SOMETHING ABOUT THE POTENTIAL IMPACT OF RED, ITS INNOVATIONS, ETC> - -[b][color= grey][size=20]Other Ways to Help[/size][/color][/b] - -We're a handful of volunteers, and we understand that not everyone can contribute by donating money. There are many other ways you can in getting the Matrix to version 1.0! - -First, you can checkout our source code on github: - -Maybe you can dive in and help us out with some development. - -Second, you can install the current developer preview on a server and start compiling bug reports. - -Third, register at one of the public alpha Red hubs, and get a feel for what Red is trying to do! - -Perhaps you're good at writing and documenting stuff. Grab an account at one of the public alphas and give us a hand. - -[b][color= grey][size=20]Frequently Asked Questions[/size][/color][/b] - -[b]1. Is Red a social network?[/b] - -$Projectname is not a social network. We're thinking of it as a general purpose communication network, with sharing, and public/private communications built into the matrix. - -[b]2. What is the difference between Red and Friendica?[/b] - -What's the difference between a passport, and a postcard? - -Friendica is really, really good at sending postcards. It can do all sorts of things with postcards. It can send them to your friends. It can send them to people you don't know. It can put them in an envelope and send them privately. It can run them through a photocopier and plaster them all over the internet. It can even take postcards in one language and convert them to many others so your friends who speak a different language can read them. - -What Friendica can't do, is wave a postcard at somebody and expect them to believe that holding this postcard prove you are who you say you are. Sure, if you've been sending somebody postcards, they might accept that it is you in the picture, but somebody who has never heard of you will not accept ownership of a postcard as proof of identity. - -$Projectname offers a passport. - -You can still use it to send postcards. At the same time, when you wave your passport at somebody, they do accept it as proof of identity. No longer do you need to register at every single site you use. You already have an account - it's just not necessarily at our site - so we'll ask to see your passport instead. - -Once you've proven your identity, a Red hub lets you use our services, as though you'd registered with directly, and we'd verified your credentials as would have happened in the olden days. These resources can, of course, be anything at all. - -[b]2. Why did you choose PHP, instead of Ruby or Python?[/b] - -The reference implementation is in PHP. We chose PHP, because it is available everywhere, and is easily configurable. We understand the debates between proponents and opponents of PHP, Ruby and Python. Nothing prevents implementations of Zot and the matrix in those languages. In fact, people on the matrix have already started developing a version of Red in Python [SOURCE?], and there is talk about future implementations in C (aiming for blazing native performance) and Java. It's free and open source, so we feel it's only a matter of time, once Red is initially completed. - -[b]4. Other than PHP, what other technology does Red use?[/b] - -We use MySQL as our database (this include any forks such as, MariaDB or Percona), and any modern webserver (Apache, nginx, etc.). - -[b]5. How is the Affinity Slider different from Mozilla's Persona?[/b] -{COMPLETE} - -[b]6. Does $Projectname use encryption? Details please![/b] - -Yes, we do our best to use free and open source encryption libraries to help achieve privacy from general, mass surveillance. - -Communication between web browsers and Red hubs is encrypted using SSL certificates. - -Private communication on the matrix is protected by AES symmetric encryption, which is itself protected by RSA PKI (public key encryption). By default, we use AES-256-CBC, and our RSA keys are set to 4096-bits. - -For more info on our initial implementation of encrypted communication, check out our source code at Github: - -[b]7. What do you mean by decentralization? [/b] - - -[b]8. Can I build my own website with in $Projectname?[/b] - -Yes. The short explanation: We've got this spiffy idea we're calling "Comanche", which will allow non-programmers to build complete custom websites, and any such website will be able to connect to any other website or channel in the matrix. The goal of Comanche is to hide the technical complexities of communicating in the matrix, while encouraging people to use their creativity and put together their own unique presence on the matrix. - -The longer explanation: Comanche is a markup language, similar to bbcode, with which to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components - some of which are pre-built and others which can be defined on the fly. Comanche uses a Page Description Language file (".pdl", pronounced "puddle") to create these pages. Bbcode is not a requirement; an XML PDL file could also be used. The tag delimiters would be different. Usage is the same. - -Additional information is available on our Github project wiki: - -Comanche is another one of our priorities for the next six months. - -[b]9. Where can I see some technical description of Zot?[/b] - -Our github wiki contains a number of high-level and technical descriptions of Zot, Comanche, and Red in general: - -[b]10. What happens if you raise more than {TARGETED NUMBER}?[/b] - -Raising more than our initial goal of funds, will speed up our development efforts. More developers will be able to take time off from other jobs, and concentrate efforts on finishing Red. - -[b]11 Can I make a contribution via Bitcoin?[/b] - -{YES/NO} - -[b]12. I have additional Questions[/] - -Awesome. We'd be more than happy to chat. You can find us {HERE} - -#include doc/macros/; - +[b]Initial Indiegg pitch[/b] + +[b][color= grey][size=20]What have we done, and what we hope to achieve[/size][/color][/b] + +[b][color= grey][size=18]Single-click sign on, nomadic identity, censorship-resistance, privacy, self-hosting[/size][/color][/b] + +We started $Projectname project by asking ourselves a few questions: + +- Imagine if it was possible to just access the content of different web sites, without the need to enter usernames and passwords for every site. Such a feature would permit Single-Click user identification: the ability to access sites simply by clicking on links to remote sites. +Authentication just happens automagically behind the scenes. Forget about remembering multiple user names with multiple passwords when accessing different sites online. + +We liked this idea and went ahead with coding it immediately. Today, single-click sign is in alpha state. It needs more love, which means a solid three months of full-time development efforts. + +- Think of your Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, or any other website where you currently have an account. Now imagine being able to clone your account, to make an exact duplicate of it (with all of your friends, posts and settings), then export your cloned account into another server that is part of this communication network. After you're done, both of your accounts are synced from the time they were cloned. It doesn't matter where you log in (at your original location, or where you imported your clone). You see the same content, the same friends, posts, and account settings. +At that point, it is more appropriate to call your account an identity that is nomadic (it is not tied to one home, unless you choose to do so!). +It's 2013, our online presence no longer has to be tied to a single server, domain name or IP address. We should be able to clone and import our identities to other servers. In such a network, it should only matter who you are, not where you are. + +We're very intrigued by the possibilities nomadic identities open up for freedom, censorship-resistance, and identity resilience. Consider the following scenarios: + + -- Should a repressive government or corporation decide to delete your account, your cloned identity lives on, because it is located on another server, across the world, which is part of the same communication network. You can't be silenced! + + -- What if there is a server meltdown, and your identity goes off line. No problem, you log into your clone and all is good. + + -- Your server administrator can no longer afford to keep paying to support a free service (a labor love and principle, which all of us have participating in as system administrators of Friendica sites!). She notifies you that you must clone your account before the shutoff date. Rather than loose all your friends, and start from scratch by creating a new identity somewhere, you clone and move to another server. +We feel this is especially helpful for the free web, where administrators of FOSS community sites are often faced with difficult financial decisions. Since many of them rely on donations, sometimes servers have to be taken offline, when costs become prohibitive for the brave DIY souls running those server. Nomadic identities should relieve some of the pressures associated with such situations. + +At the same time, we are also thinking of solutions that would make it possible for people running Red hubs to be financially sustainable. To that end, we're starting to implement service classes in our code, which would allow administrators to structure paid levels of service, if they choose to do so. + +Today, nomadic identity is currently in alpha state. It also needs more love, which means a solid three months of full-time development efforts. + +- Imagine a social network that is censorship-resistant, and privacy-respecting by design. It is not controlled by one mega-corporation, and where users cannot be easily censored by oppressive governments. So, in addition to nomadic identities, we are talking about decentralization, open source, freely software, that can run on any hardware that supports a database and a modern web browser. And we mean "any hardware", from a self-hosted $35 Raspberry Pi, to the very latest Intel Xeon and AMD Bulldozer-powered server behemoths. + +We've realized that privacy requires full control over content. We should be able to delete, backup and download all of our content, as well as associated account/identity information. To this end, we have already implemented the initial version of account export and backup. + +Concerned about pages and pages of posts from months and years past? The solution should be simple: visit your settings page, specify that all content older than 7 days, with the exception of starred posts, should be automatically deleted. Done, the clutter is gone! (Consider also the privacy and anti-mass surveillance implications of this feature. PRISM disclosures have hinted that three-letter spying agencies around the world are recording all internet traffic and storing it for a few days at a time. We feel that automatic post expiration becomes a rather useful feature in this context, and implementing it is one of our near future priorities.) + +[b][color= grey][size=18]The Affinity Slider and Access Control Lists[/size][/color][/b] + +- What if the permissions and access control lists that help secure modern operating systems were extended into a communication network that lived on the internet? This means somebody could log into this network from their home site, and with the simple click of a few buttons dynamically sort who can have access to their online content on a very fine level: from restricting others from seeing your latest blog post, to sharing your bookmarks with the world. + +We've coded the initial version of such a new feature. It is called the "Affinity Slider", and in our very-alpha user interface it looks like this. +[img][/img] + +{INSERT SCREENSHOT OF A MATRIX PAGE} + +Think of it as an easy way to filter content that you see, based on the degree of "closeness" to you. Move the slider to Friends, and only content coming from contacts you've tagged as friends is displayed on your home page. Uncluttering thousands of contacts, friends, RSS feeds, and other content should be a basic feature of modern communication on the web, but not at the expense of ease of use. + +In addition to the Affinity Slider, we also have the ACL (Access Control List). Say you want to share something with only 5 of your contacts (a blog, two friends from college, and two forums). You click on the padlock, choose the recipients, and that's it. Only those identities will recieve their posts. Furthermore, the post will be encrypted via PKI (pulic key encryption) to help maintain privacy. In the age of PRISM, we don't know all the details on what's safe out there, but we still think that privacy by design should be automatically present, invisible to the user, and easy to use. +Attaching permissions to any data that lives on this network, potentially solves a great many headaches, while achieving simplicity in communication. + +Think of it this way: the internet is nothing, but a bunch of permissions and a folder of data. You, the user controls the permissions and thus the data that is relevant to you. + +[b][color= grey][size=20]The Matrix is Born![/size][/color][/b] + +After asking and striving to answer a number of such questions, we realized that we were imagining a general purpose communication network with a number of unique, and potentially game-changing, features. We called it $Projectname and started thinking of it as an over-lay on top of the internet as it exists today; an operating system re-invented as a communication network, with its own permissions, access control lists, protocol, connectors to others services, and open-ended possibilities via its API. The sum of the matrix is greater than it's parts. We're not building website, but a way for websites to link together and grow into something that is unique and ever-changing, with autonomy and privacy. + +It's a lot of work, for anyone. So far, we've got a team of a handful of volunteers, code geeks, brave early adopters, system administrators and other good people, willing to give the project a shot. We're motivated by our commitment to a free web, where privacy is built-in, and corporations don't have a stranglehold on our daily communication. + +We need your help to finish it and release it to the world! + +[b][color= grey][size=20]What have we written so far[/size][/color][/b] + +As of the today, $Projectname is in developer preview (alpha) state. It is not ready for everyday use, but some of the initial set of core features are implemented (again, in alpha state). These include: + +- Zot, the protocol powering the matrix +- Single-signon logins. +- Nomadic identities +- Basic content manipulation: creation, deletion, rudimentary handling of photos, and media files +- A bare-bones outline of the API and user documentation. + + +[b][color= grey][size=20]Our TO-DO List[/size][/color][/b] + +However, in addition to finishing and polishing the above, there are a number of features that have to implemented to make $Projectname ready for daily use. If we meet our fundraising goal, we hope to dive into the following road map, by order of priority: + +- A professionally designed user interface (UI), interface that is adaptive to any user level, from end users who want to use the Matrix as a social network, to tinkerers who will put together a customized blog using Comanche, to hackers who will develop and extend the matrix using a built-in code editor, that hooks to the API and the git. + +- Comanche, our new markup language, similar to BBCode, with which to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components - some of which are pre-built and others which can be defined on the fly. You can read more about it on our github wiki: + +- A unique help system that lives in the matrix, but is not based on the principles of a search engine. We have some interesting ideas about decentralizing help documentation, without going down the road of distributed search engines. Here's a hint: We shouldn't be searching at all, we should just be filtering what's already there in new, and cunning ways. + +- An appropriate logo, along with professionally done documentation system, both for our API, as well as users. + +- WordPress-like single button software upgrades + +- A built-in development environment, using an integrated web-based code editor such as Ace9 + +[b][color= grey][size=20]What will the money be used for[/size][/color][/b] + +If we raise our targeted amount of funds, we plan to use it as follows: + +1) Fund 6 months {OR WHATEVER} of full time work for our current core developers, Mike, Thomas, and Tobias {ANYONE ELSE?] + +2) Pay a professional web developer to design an kick ass reference theme, along with a project logo. + +3) {WHAT ELSE?} + +[b][color= grey][size=20]Deadlines[/size][/color][/b] + +[b]March, 2014: $Projectname Beta with the following features[/b] + +- {LIST FEATURES} + +[b][color= grey][size=20]Who We Are[/size][/color][/b] + +Mike: {FILL IN BIO, reference Friendica, etc.} + +Thomas: {bio blurb} + +Tobias: {bio blurb} + +Arto: {documentation, etc.} + +{WHO ELSE? WE NEED A TEAM, AT LEAST 3-4 PEOPLE} + +[b][color= grey][size=20]What Do I Get as a Supporter?[/size][/color][/b] + +Our ability to reach 1.0 stable release depends on your generosity and support. We appreciate your help, regardless of the amount! Here's what we're thinking as far as different contribution levels go: + +[b]$1: {CATCHY TAGLINE}[/b] + +We'll list your name on our initial supporters list, a Hall of Fame of the matrix! + +[b]$5:[/b] + +[b]$10: [/b] + +[b]$16: [/b] + +You get one of your $Projectname t-shirts, as well as our undying gratitude. + +[b]$32: [/b] + +[b]$64 [/b] + +[b]128 [/b] + +[b]$256: [/b] + +[b]$512: [/b] + +[b]$1024 [/b] + +[b]$2048[/b] + +Each contributor at this level gets their own $Projectname virtual private server, installed, hosted and supported by us for a period of 1 year. + +[b][color= grey][size=20]Why are we so excited about $Projectname?[/size][/color][/b] + +{SOMETHING ABOUT THE POTENTIAL IMPACT OF RED, ITS INNOVATIONS, ETC> + +[b][color= grey][size=20]Other Ways to Help[/size][/color][/b] + +We're a handful of volunteers, and we understand that not everyone can contribute by donating money. There are many other ways you can in getting the Matrix to version 1.0! + +First, you can checkout our source code on github: + +Maybe you can dive in and help us out with some development. + +Second, you can install the current developer preview on a server and start compiling bug reports. + +Third, register at one of the public alpha Red hubs, and get a feel for what Red is trying to do! + +Perhaps you're good at writing and documenting stuff. Grab an account at one of the public alphas and give us a hand. + +[b][color= grey][size=20]Frequently Asked Questions[/size][/color][/b] + +[b]1. Is Red a social network?[/b] + +$Projectname is not a social network. We're thinking of it as a general purpose communication network, with sharing, and public/private communications built into the matrix. + +[b]2. What is the difference between Red and Friendica?[/b] + +What's the difference between a passport, and a postcard? + +Friendica is really, really good at sending postcards. It can do all sorts of things with postcards. It can send them to your friends. It can send them to people you don't know. It can put them in an envelope and send them privately. It can run them through a photocopier and plaster them all over the internet. It can even take postcards in one language and convert them to many others so your friends who speak a different language can read them. + +What Friendica can't do, is wave a postcard at somebody and expect them to believe that holding this postcard prove you are who you say you are. Sure, if you've been sending somebody postcards, they might accept that it is you in the picture, but somebody who has never heard of you will not accept ownership of a postcard as proof of identity. + +$Projectname offers a passport. + +You can still use it to send postcards. At the same time, when you wave your passport at somebody, they do accept it as proof of identity. No longer do you need to register at every single site you use. You already have an account - it's just not necessarily at our site - so we'll ask to see your passport instead. + +Once you've proven your identity, a Red hub lets you use our services, as though you'd registered with directly, and we'd verified your credentials as would have happened in the olden days. These resources can, of course, be anything at all. + +[b]2. Why did you choose PHP, instead of Ruby or Python?[/b] + +The reference implementation is in PHP. We chose PHP, because it is available everywhere, and is easily configurable. We understand the debates between proponents and opponents of PHP, Ruby and Python. Nothing prevents implementations of Zot and the matrix in those languages. In fact, people on the matrix have already started developing a version of Red in Python [SOURCE?], and there is talk about future implementations in C (aiming for blazing native performance) and Java. It's free and open source, so we feel it's only a matter of time, once Red is initially completed. + +[b]4. Other than PHP, what other technology does Red use?[/b] + +We use MySQL as our database (this include any forks such as, MariaDB or Percona), and any modern webserver (Apache, nginx, etc.). + +[b]5. How is the Affinity Slider different from Mozilla's Persona?[/b] +{COMPLETE} + +[b]6. Does $Projectname use encryption? Details please![/b] + +Yes, we do our best to use free and open source encryption libraries to help achieve privacy from general, mass surveillance. + +Communication between web browsers and Red hubs is encrypted using SSL certificates. + +Private communication on the matrix is protected by AES symmetric encryption, which is itself protected by RSA PKI (public key encryption). By default, we use AES-256-CBC, and our RSA keys are set to 4096-bits. + +For more info on our initial implementation of encrypted communication, check out our source code at Github: + +[b]7. What do you mean by decentralization? [/b] + + +[b]8. Can I build my own website with in $Projectname?[/b] + +Yes. The short explanation: We've got this spiffy idea we're calling "Comanche", which will allow non-programmers to build complete custom websites, and any such website will be able to connect to any other website or channel in the matrix. The goal of Comanche is to hide the technical complexities of communicating in the matrix, while encouraging people to use their creativity and put together their own unique presence on the matrix. + +The longer explanation: Comanche is a markup language, similar to bbcode, with which to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components - some of which are pre-built and others which can be defined on the fly. Comanche uses a Page Description Language file (".pdl", pronounced "puddle") to create these pages. Bbcode is not a requirement; an XML PDL file could also be used. The tag delimiters would be different. Usage is the same. + +Additional information is available on our Github project wiki: + +Comanche is another one of our priorities for the next six months. + +[b]9. Where can I see some technical description of Zot?[/b] + +Our github wiki contains a number of high-level and technical descriptions of Zot, Comanche, and Red in general: + +[b]10. What happens if you raise more than {TARGETED NUMBER}?[/b] + +Raising more than our initial goal of funds, will speed up our development efforts. More developers will be able to take time off from other jobs, and concentrate efforts on finishing Red. + +[b]11 Can I make a contribution via Bitcoin?[/b] + +{YES/NO} + +[b]12. I have additional Questions[/] + +Awesome. We'd be more than happy to chat. You can find us {HERE} + +#include doc/macros/; + diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index ca7e070ad..7612d03d8 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -[b]Checking your account quota usage (service limits usage)[/b] - -Your hub might implement service class limits, assigning limits to the total size of file, photo, channels, top-level posts, etc., that can be created by an account holder for a specific service level. - -Here's how you can quickly check how much of your assigned quota you're currently using: - -[b]Check file storage quota levels[/b] -Visit the following URL in your browser: -[observer=1][observer.baseurl]/filestorage/[observer.webname][/observer] -[observer=0][/observer] - -[b]Check uploaded photos storage quota levels[/b] -[observer=1][observer.baseurl]/photos/[observer.webname][/observer] -[observer=0][/observer] - -Example: -[observer=1][observer.baseurl]/filestorage/[observer.webname][/observer] -[observer=0][/observer] - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Checking your account quota usage (service limits usage)[/b] + +Your hub might implement service class limits, assigning limits to the total size of file, photo, channels, top-level posts, etc., that can be created by an account holder for a specific service level. + +Here's how you can quickly check how much of your assigned quota you're currently using: + +[b]Check file storage quota levels[/b] +Visit the following URL in your browser: +[observer=1][observer.baseurl]/filestorage/[observer.webname][/observer] +[observer=0][/observer] + +[b]Check uploaded photos storage quota levels[/b] +[observer=1][observer.baseurl]/photos/[observer.webname][/observer] +[observer=0][/observer] + +Example: +[observer=1][observer.baseurl]/filestorage/[observer.webname][/observer] +[observer=0][/observer] + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 4b198d657..faf7e695e 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,261 +1,261 @@ -[b]Comanche Page Description Language[/b] - -Comanche is a markup language similar to bbcode with which to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components - some of which are pre-built and others which can be defined on the fly. Comanche uses a Page Decription Language to create these pages. - -Comanche primarily chooses what content will appear in various regions of the page. The various regions have names and these names can change depending on what layout template you choose. - -[b]Page Templates[/b] -Currently there are five layout templates, unless your site provides additional layouts. - -[code] - [b]default[/b] - The default template defines a "nav" region across the top, "aside" as a fixed width sidebar, - "content" for the main content region, and "footer" for a page footer. - - - [b]full[/b] - The full template defines the same as the default template with the exception that there is no "aside" region. - - - [b]choklet[/b] - The choklet template provides a number of fluid layout styles which can be specified by flavour: - - (default flavour) - a two column layout similar to the "default" template, but more fluid - bannertwo - a two column layout with a banner region, compatible with the "default" template on small displays - three - three column layout (adds a "right_aside" region to the default template) - edgestwo - two column layout with fixed side margins - edgesthree - three column layout with fixed side margins - full - three column layout with fixed side margins and adds a "header" region beneath the navigation bar - - [b]redable[/b] (sic) - A template for reading longer texts full screen (so without navigation bar). Three columns: aside, content and right_aside. - For maximum readability it is advised to only use the middle content column. - - [b]zen[/b] - Gives you the freedom to do everything yourself. Just a blank page with a content region. - -[/code] - -To choose a layout template, use the 'template' tag. - -[code] - [template]full[/template] - -[/code] - -To choose the "choklet" template with the "three" flavour: - -[code] - [template=three]choklet[/template] - -[/code] - -The default template will be used if no other template is specified. The template can use any names it desires for content regions. You will be using 'region' tags to decide what content to place in the respective regions. - -Three "macros" have been defined for your use. -[code] - $htmlhead - replaced with the site head content. - $nav - replaced with the site navigation bar content. - $content - replaced with the main page content. - -[/code] - -By default, $nav is placed in the "nav" page region and $content is placed in the "content" region. You only need to use these macros if you wish to re-arrange where these items appear, either to change the order or to move them to other regions. - - -To select a theme for your page, use the 'theme' tag. -[code] - [theme]suckerberg[/theme] - -[/code] -This will select the theme named "suckerberg". By default your channel's preferred theme will be used. - -[code] - [theme=passion]suckerberg[/theme] - -[/code] -This will select the theme named "suckerberg" and select the "passion" schema (theme variant). Alternatively it may be possible to use a condensed theme notation for this. - -[code] - [theme]suckerberg:passion[/theme] - -[/code] - -The condensed notation isn't part of Comanche itself but is recognised by $Projectname platform as a theme specifier. - -[b]Regions[/b] -Each region has a name, as noted above. You will specify the region of interest using a 'region' tag, which includes the name. Any content you wish placed in this region should be placed between the opening region tag and the closing tag. - -[code] - [region=htmlhead]....content goes here....[/region] - [region=aside]....content goes here....[/region] - [region=nav]....content goes here....[/region] - [region=content]....content goes here....[/region] - -[/code] - -[b]CSS and Javascript[/b] -We have the possibility to include javascript and css libraries in the htmlhead region. At present we make use of jquery (js), bootstrap (css/js) and foundation (css/js). -This will overwrite the selected themes htmlhead. - -[code] - [region=htmlhead] - [css]bootstrap[/css] - [js]jquery[/js] - [js]bootstrap[/js] - [/region] - -[/code] - -[b]Menus and Blocks[/b] -Your webpage creation tools allow you to create menus and blocks, in addition to page content. These provide a chunk of existing content to be placed in whatever regions and whatever order you specify. Each of these has a name which you define when the menu or block is created. - -[code] - [menu]mymenu[/menu] - -[/code] -This places the menu called "mymenu" at this location on the page, which must be inside a region. - -[code] - [menu=horizontal]mymenu[/menu] - -[/code] -This places the menu called "mymenu" at this location on the page, which must be inside a region. Additionally it applies the "horizontal" class to the menu. "horizontal" is defined in the redbasic theme. It may or may not be available in other themes. - -[code] - [menu][var=wrap]none[/var]mymenu[/menu] - -[/code] -The variable [var=wrap]none[/var] in a block removes the wrapping div element from the menu. - -[code] - [block]contributors[/block] -[/code] -This places a block named "contributors" in this region. - -[code] - [block=someclass]contributors[/block] - -[/code] -This places a block named "contributors" in this region. Additionally it applies the "someclass" class to the block. This replaces the default block classes "bblock widget". - -[code] - [block][var=wrap]none[/var]contributors[/block] - -[/code] -The variable [var=wrap]none[/var] in a block removes the wrapping div element from the block. - -[b]Widgets[/b] -Widgets are executable apps provided by the system which you can place on your page. Some widgets take arguments which allows you to tailor the widget to your purpose. (TODO: list available widgets and arguments). The base system provides - -[code] - profile - widget which duplicates the profile sidebar of your channel page. This widget takes no arguments - tagcloud - provides a tag cloud of categories - count - maximum number of category tags to list - -[/code] - -Widgets and arguments are specified with the 'widget' and 'var' tags. -[code] - [widget=recent_visitors][var=count]24[/var][/widget] - -[/code] - -This loads the "recent_visitors" widget and supplies it with the argument "count" set to "24". - -[b]Comments[/b] -The 'comment' tag is used to delimit comments. These comments will not appear on the rendered page. - -[code] - [comment]This is a comment[/comment] - -[/code] - -[b]Conditional Execution[/b] -You can use an 'if' construct to make decisions. These are currently based on system configuration variable or the current observer. - -[code] - [if $] - ... the configuration variable evaluates to 'true'. - [else] - ... the configuration variable evaluates to 'false'. - [/if] - - [if $observer] - ... this content will only be show to authenticated viewers - [/if] - -[/code] - - The 'else' clause is optional. - - Several tests are supported besides boolean evaluation. - -[code] - [if $ == bar] - ... the configuration variable is equal to the string 'bar' - [/if] - [if $ != bar] - ... the configuration variable is not equal to the string 'bar' - [/if] - [if $ {} bar ] - ... the configuration variable is a simple array containing a value 'bar' - [/if] - [if $ {*} bar] - ... the configuration variable is a simple array containing a key named 'bar' - [/if] -[/code] - -[b]Complex Example[/b] -[code] - [comment]use an existing page template which provides a banner region plus 3 columns beneath it[/comment] - - [template]3-column-with-header[/template] - - [comment]Use the "darknight" theme[/comment] - - [theme]darkknight[/theme] - - [comment]Use the existing site navigation menu[/comment] - - [region=nav]$nav[/region] - - [region=side] - - [comment]Use my chosen menu and a couple of widgets[/comment] - - [menu]myfavouritemenu[/menu] - - [widget=recent_visitors] - [var=count]24[/var] - [var=names_only]1[/var] - [/widget] - - [widget=tagcloud][/widget] - [block]donate[/block] - - [/region] - - - - [region=middle] - - [comment]Show the normal page content[/comment] - - $content - - [/region] - - - - [region=right] - - [comment]Show my condensed channel "wall" feed and allow interaction if the observer is allowed to interact[/comment] - - [widget]channel[/widget] - - [/region] - -[/code] - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Comanche Page Description Language[/b] + +Comanche is a markup language similar to bbcode with which to create elaborate and complex web pages by assembling them from a series of components - some of which are pre-built and others which can be defined on the fly. Comanche uses a Page Decription Language to create these pages. + +Comanche primarily chooses what content will appear in various regions of the page. The various regions have names and these names can change depending on what layout template you choose. + +[b]Page Templates[/b] +Currently there are five layout templates, unless your site provides additional layouts. + +[code] + [b]default[/b] + The default template defines a "nav" region across the top, "aside" as a fixed width sidebar, + "content" for the main content region, and "footer" for a page footer. + + + [b]full[/b] + The full template defines the same as the default template with the exception that there is no "aside" region. + + + [b]choklet[/b] + The choklet template provides a number of fluid layout styles which can be specified by flavour: + + (default flavour) - a two column layout similar to the "default" template, but more fluid + bannertwo - a two column layout with a banner region, compatible with the "default" template on small displays + three - three column layout (adds a "right_aside" region to the default template) + edgestwo - two column layout with fixed side margins + edgesthree - three column layout with fixed side margins + full - three column layout with fixed side margins and adds a "header" region beneath the navigation bar + + [b]redable[/b] (sic) + A template for reading longer texts full screen (so without navigation bar). Three columns: aside, content and right_aside. + For maximum readability it is advised to only use the middle content column. + + [b]zen[/b] + Gives you the freedom to do everything yourself. Just a blank page with a content region. + +[/code] + +To choose a layout template, use the 'template' tag. + +[code] + [template]full[/template] + +[/code] + +To choose the "choklet" template with the "three" flavour: + +[code] + [template=three]choklet[/template] + +[/code] + +The default template will be used if no other template is specified. The template can use any names it desires for content regions. You will be using 'region' tags to decide what content to place in the respective regions. + +Three "macros" have been defined for your use. +[code] + $htmlhead - replaced with the site head content. + $nav - replaced with the site navigation bar content. + $content - replaced with the main page content. + +[/code] + +By default, $nav is placed in the "nav" page region and $content is placed in the "content" region. You only need to use these macros if you wish to re-arrange where these items appear, either to change the order or to move them to other regions. + + +To select a theme for your page, use the 'theme' tag. +[code] + [theme]suckerberg[/theme] + +[/code] +This will select the theme named "suckerberg". By default your channel's preferred theme will be used. + +[code] + [theme=passion]suckerberg[/theme] + +[/code] +This will select the theme named "suckerberg" and select the "passion" schema (theme variant). Alternatively it may be possible to use a condensed theme notation for this. + +[code] + [theme]suckerberg:passion[/theme] + +[/code] + +The condensed notation isn't part of Comanche itself but is recognised by $Projectname platform as a theme specifier. + +[b]Regions[/b] +Each region has a name, as noted above. You will specify the region of interest using a 'region' tag, which includes the name. Any content you wish placed in this region should be placed between the opening region tag and the closing tag. + +[code] + [region=htmlhead]....content goes here....[/region] + [region=aside]....content goes here....[/region] + [region=nav]....content goes here....[/region] + [region=content]....content goes here....[/region] + +[/code] + +[b]CSS and Javascript[/b] +We have the possibility to include javascript and css libraries in the htmlhead region. At present we make use of jquery (js), bootstrap (css/js) and foundation (css/js). +This will overwrite the selected themes htmlhead. + +[code] + [region=htmlhead] + [css]bootstrap[/css] + [js]jquery[/js] + [js]bootstrap[/js] + [/region] + +[/code] + +[b]Menus and Blocks[/b] +Your webpage creation tools allow you to create menus and blocks, in addition to page content. These provide a chunk of existing content to be placed in whatever regions and whatever order you specify. Each of these has a name which you define when the menu or block is created. + +[code] + [menu]mymenu[/menu] + +[/code] +This places the menu called "mymenu" at this location on the page, which must be inside a region. + +[code] + [menu=horizontal]mymenu[/menu] + +[/code] +This places the menu called "mymenu" at this location on the page, which must be inside a region. Additionally it applies the "horizontal" class to the menu. "horizontal" is defined in the redbasic theme. It may or may not be available in other themes. + +[code] + [menu][var=wrap]none[/var]mymenu[/menu] + +[/code] +The variable [var=wrap]none[/var] in a block removes the wrapping div element from the menu. + +[code] + [block]contributors[/block] +[/code] +This places a block named "contributors" in this region. + +[code] + [block=someclass]contributors[/block] + +[/code] +This places a block named "contributors" in this region. Additionally it applies the "someclass" class to the block. This replaces the default block classes "bblock widget". + +[code] + [block][var=wrap]none[/var]contributors[/block] + +[/code] +The variable [var=wrap]none[/var] in a block removes the wrapping div element from the block. + +[b]Widgets[/b] +Widgets are executable apps provided by the system which you can place on your page. Some widgets take arguments which allows you to tailor the widget to your purpose. (TODO: list available widgets and arguments). The base system provides + +[code] + profile - widget which duplicates the profile sidebar of your channel page. This widget takes no arguments + tagcloud - provides a tag cloud of categories + count - maximum number of category tags to list + +[/code] + +Widgets and arguments are specified with the 'widget' and 'var' tags. +[code] + [widget=recent_visitors][var=count]24[/var][/widget] + +[/code] + +This loads the "recent_visitors" widget and supplies it with the argument "count" set to "24". + +[b]Comments[/b] +The 'comment' tag is used to delimit comments. These comments will not appear on the rendered page. + +[code] + [comment]This is a comment[/comment] + +[/code] + +[b]Conditional Execution[/b] +You can use an 'if' construct to make decisions. These are currently based on system configuration variable or the current observer. + +[code] + [if $] + ... the configuration variable evaluates to 'true'. + [else] + ... the configuration variable evaluates to 'false'. + [/if] + + [if $observer] + ... this content will only be show to authenticated viewers + [/if] + +[/code] + + The 'else' clause is optional. + + Several tests are supported besides boolean evaluation. + +[code] + [if $ == bar] + ... the configuration variable is equal to the string 'bar' + [/if] + [if $ != bar] + ... the configuration variable is not equal to the string 'bar' + [/if] + [if $ {} bar ] + ... the configuration variable is a simple array containing a value 'bar' + [/if] + [if $ {*} bar] + ... the configuration variable is a simple array containing a key named 'bar' + [/if] +[/code] + +[b]Complex Example[/b] +[code] + [comment]use an existing page template which provides a banner region plus 3 columns beneath it[/comment] + + [template]3-column-with-header[/template] + + [comment]Use the "darknight" theme[/comment] + + [theme]darkknight[/theme] + + [comment]Use the existing site navigation menu[/comment] + + [region=nav]$nav[/region] + + [region=side] + + [comment]Use my chosen menu and a couple of widgets[/comment] + + [menu]myfavouritemenu[/menu] + + [widget=recent_visitors] + [var=count]24[/var] + [var=names_only]1[/var] + [/widget] + + [widget=tagcloud][/widget] + [block]donate[/block] + + [/region] + + + + [region=middle] + + [comment]Show the normal page content[/comment] + + $content + + [/region] + + + + [region=right] + + [comment]Show my condensed channel "wall" feed and allow interaction if the observer is allowed to interact[/comment] + + [widget]channel[/widget] + + [/region] + +[/code] + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 3e98c6ec3..4ac69c301 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,419 +1,419 @@ -[h2]You want to contribute code?[/h2] -[b]...and don't know how to start to...[/b] -[list] -[*] debug the red#matrix (php on the webserver), -[*] contribute code to the project, -[*] optionally - do it all from inside a virtual machine -[/list] -This manual was tested for Debian (Wheezy) as virtual machine on Lubuntu (Ubuntu 14.0) as host. - -Content - -[toc] - -[h2]Install a Virtual Machine (KVM)[/h2] - -[url=]Here[/url] the installation guide for Linux Debian. -The summary: -[list=1] -[*] install KVM -[code]# apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin[/code] -[*] add yourself to the group libvirt [code]# adduser libvirt[/code] -[*] install gui to manage virtual machines [code]# apt-get install virt-manager[/code] -[*] download an operating system to run inside the vm ([url=]mini.iso[/url]) -[*] start the virt manager -- create new virtual machine (click on icon) -- choose your iso image (just downloaded) as installation source -- optional: configure the new vm: ram, cpu's,... -- start virtual machine > result: linux debian starts in a new window. -[*] (optional) avoid network errors after restart of host os -[code]# virsh net-start default -# virsh net-autostart default[/code] -[/list] - - -[h2]Install Apache Webserver[/h2] - -Open a terminal and make yourself root -[code]su -l[/code] - -Create the standard group for the Apache webserver -[code]groupadd www-data[/code] -might exist already - -[code]usermod -a -G www-data www-data[/code] - -Check if the system is really up to date -[code]apt-get update -apt-get upgrade[/code] - -Optional restart services after installation -[code]reboot[/code] - -If you restarted, make yourself root -[code]su -l[/code] - -Install Apache: [code] -apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils[/code] - -Open webbrowser on PC and check [url=localhost]localhost[/url] -Should show you a page like "It works" - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - -[h2]Install PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin[/h2] - -[h3]PHP, MySQL[/h3] - -[code]su -l -apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php-pear php5-xcache php5-curl php5-mcrypt php5-xdebug -apt-get install php5-mysql -apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/code] -enter and note the mysql passwort - -Optional since its already enabled during phpmyadmin setup -[code] -php5enmod mcrypt -[/code] - -[h3]phpMyAdmin[/h3] - -Install php myadmin -[code]apt-get install phpmyadmin[/code] - -Configuring phpmyadmin -- Select apache2 (hint: use the tab key to select) -- Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?: Choose Yes - -(Source #^[url=][/url]) - -[h3]Enable rewrite[/h3] - -The default installation of Apache2 comes with mod_rewrite installed. To check whether this is the case, verify the existence of /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load - -[code] -root@debian /var/www $ nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load -[/code] - - (You should find the content: LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ -To enable and load mod_rewrite, do the rest of steps. -Create a symbolic link in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled - -[code] -cd /var/www -root@debian /var/www $ a2enmod rewrite -[/code] - -Then open up the following file, and replace every occurrence of "AllowOverride None" with "AllowOverride all". - -[code] -root@debian /var/www $nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -[/code] -or -[code] -root@debian:/var# gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default -[/code] - -Finally, restart Apache2. - -[code] -root@debian /var/www $service apache2 restart -[/code] - -[h3]Test installation[/h3] - -[code]cd /var/www[/code] - -create a php file to test the php installation[code]nano phpinfo.php[/code] - -Insert into the file: -[code] - -[/code] -(save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X) - -open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpinfo.php]http://localhost/phpinfo.php[/url] (page shows infos on php) - -connect phpMyAdmin with MySQL database [code]nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -[/code] -- CTRL+V... to the end of the file -- Insert at the end of the file: (save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X)[code]Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf[/code] - -restart apache -[code]/etc/init.d/apache2 restart -apt-get update -apt-get upgrade -reboot[/code] - -[b]phpMyAdmin[/b] - -open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpmyadmin]http://localhost/phpmyadmin[/url] - -(Source #^[url=][/url]) - -[h3]Create an empty database... that is later used by the red#matrix[/h3] - - -open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpmyadmin]http://localhost/phpmyadmin[/url] - -Create an empty database, for example named "red". -Create a database user, for example "red". -Grant all rights for the user "red" to the database "red". - -Note the access details (hostname, username, password, database name). - - -[h2]Fork the project on github[/h2] - -Please follow the instruction in the offiical [url=] documentation[/url] of git. -It is a good idea to read the whole manual! Git is different to other version control systems in many ways. - -Now you should -[list] -[*] create an account at -[*] fork -[*] fork -[/list] - -If you not want to use GIT from the command line - there is a usefull Eclipse plugin named ""Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector". - - -[h2]Install RED and its Addons[/h2] - -[h3]Git at your computer / vm[/h3] - -You should have created an account on github and forked the projects befor you procceed. - -Delete the directory www -[code]root@debian:/var# rm -R www/ -[/code] - -Install git (and optionally git-gui a client gui) -[code]apt-get install git git-gui[/code] - -[h3]Download red#matri and addons[/h3] - -Download the main project red and red-addons -[code] -root@debian:/var# git clone www -root@debian:/var# cd www/ -root@debian:/var/www# git clone addon -[/code] - -Make this extra folder -[code] -root@debian:/var/www# mkdir -p "store/[data]/smarty3" -[/code] - -Create .htconfig.php and make it writable by the webserver -[code] -root@debian:/var/www# touch .htconfig.php -root@debian:/var/www# chmod ou+w .htconfig.php -[/code] - -Make user www-data (webserver) is the owner all the project files -[code] -root@debian:/var/www# cd .. -root@debian:/var# chown -R www-data:www-data www/ -[/code] - -Add yourself ("surfer" in this example) to the group www-data. Why? Later you want to modify files in eclipse or in another editor. -Then make all files writable by the group www-date you are now a member of. -[code] -root@debian:/var# cd www/ -root@debian:/var/www# usermod -G www-data surfer -root@debian:/var# chmod -R g+w www/ -[/code] - -Restart the computer (or vm) -If you are still not able to modify the project files you can check the members of the group www-data with -[code] -cat /etc/group -[/code] - -[h3]Register yourself as admin[/h3] - -Open http://localhost and init the matrix - -Befor you register a first user switch off the registration mails. -Open /var/www/.htconfig.php -and make sure "0" is set in this line -[code] -App::$config['system']['verify_email'] = 0; -[/code] -You should be able to change the file as "yourself" (instead of using root or www-data). - -[h3]Cron and the poller[/h3] - -Important! -Run the poller to pick up the recent "public" postings of your friends -Set up a cron job or scheduled task to run the poller once every 5-10 -minutes to pick up the recent "public" postings of your friends - -[code] -crontab -e -[/code] - -Add -[code] -*/10 * * * * cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/php include/poller.php -[/code] - -If you don't know the path to PHP type -[code] -whereis php -[/code] - - -[h2]Debug the server via eclipse[/h2] - -[h3]Check the configuration of xdebug[/h3] - -You shoud already have installed xdebug in the steps befor -[code] -apt-get install php5-xdebug -[/code] - -Configuring Xdebug - -Open your terminal and type as root (su -l) -[code] -gedit /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini -[/code] - -if the file is empty try this location -[code] -gedit /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini -[/code] - -That command should open the text editor gedit with the Xdebug configuration file -At the end of the file content append the following text - -xdebug.remote_enable=on -xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp -xdebug.remote_host=localhost -xdebug.remote_port=9000 - -Save changes and close the editor. -In you terminal type to restart the web server. -[code] -service apache2 restart -[/code] - - -[h3]Install Eclipse and start debugging[/h3] - -Install eclipse. -Start eclipse with default worspace (or as you like) - -Install the PHP plugin -Menu > Help > Install new software... -Install "PHP Developnent Tools ..." - -Optionally - Install the GitHub connector plugin -Menu > Help > Install new software... -Install "Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector" - -Configure the PHP plugin -Menu > Window > Preferences... -> General > Webbrowser > Change to "Use external web browser" -> PHP > Debug > Debug Settings > PHP Debugger > Change to "XDebug" - -Create a new PHP project -Menu > File > New Project > Choose PHP > "PHP Project" -> Choose Create project at existing location" and "/var/www" - -Start debugging -Open index.php and "Debug as..." -Choose as Launch URL: "http://localhost/" - -Expected: -[list] -[*] The web browser starts -[*] The debugger will stop at the first php line -[/list] - - -[h2]Contribute your changes via github[/h2] - -[h3]Preparations[/h3] - -There is a related page in this docs: [zrl=[baseurl]/help/git_for_non_developers]Git for Non-Developers[/zrl]. -As stated befor it is recommended to read the official documentation [url=]GitHub-Contributing-to-a-Project[/url] of git. - -Eclipse has a usefull plugin for GIT: "Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector". - -Make sure you have set your data -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git config --global "Your Name" -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git config --global "" -[/code] - -[h3]Your first contribution[/h3] - -Create a descriptive topic branch -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git checkout -b dev_beginning -[/code] - -Make sure your local repository is up-to-date with the main project. -Add the original repository as a remote named “upstream” if not done yet -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git remote add upstream -[/code] - -Fetch the newest work from that remote -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git fetch upstream -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git merge upstream/master -[/code] - -Hint: You can list the branches -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git branch -v -[/code] - -Make your changes. In this example it is a new doc file. - -Check your modifications -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git status -[/code] - -Add (stage) the new file -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git add doc/ -[/code] - -Commit the changes to your local branch. This will open an editor to provide a message. -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git commit -a -[/code] - -Push back up to the same topic branch online -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push -[/code] - -Now you can go to your (online) account at github and create the pull request. - -[h3]Following contributions[/h3] - -In case the main devolpers want you to change something. -Fetch the newest work from the remote upstream/master to be sure you have the latest changes. -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git fetch upstream -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git merge upstream/master -[/code] -Make your changes, test them, commit (to local repository), push (to online repository) -[code] -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git status -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git commit -a -m "added modification of branch" -surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push -[/code] - - -#include doc/macros/; +[h2]You want to contribute code?[/h2] +[b]...and don't know how to start to...[/b] +[list] +[*] debug the red#matrix (php on the webserver), +[*] contribute code to the project, +[*] optionally - do it all from inside a virtual machine +[/list] +This manual was tested for Debian (Wheezy) as virtual machine on Lubuntu (Ubuntu 14.0) as host. + +Content + +[toc] + +[h2]Install a Virtual Machine (KVM)[/h2] + +[url=]Here[/url] the installation guide for Linux Debian. +The summary: +[list=1] +[*] install KVM +[code]# apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin[/code] +[*] add yourself to the group libvirt [code]# adduser libvirt[/code] +[*] install gui to manage virtual machines [code]# apt-get install virt-manager[/code] +[*] download an operating system to run inside the vm ([url=]mini.iso[/url]) +[*] start the virt manager +- create new virtual machine (click on icon) +- choose your iso image (just downloaded) as installation source +- optional: configure the new vm: ram, cpu's,... +- start virtual machine > result: linux debian starts in a new window. +[*] (optional) avoid network errors after restart of host os +[code]# virsh net-start default +# virsh net-autostart default[/code] +[/list] + + +[h2]Install Apache Webserver[/h2] + +Open a terminal and make yourself root +[code]su -l[/code] + +Create the standard group for the Apache webserver +[code]groupadd www-data[/code] +might exist already + +[code]usermod -a -G www-data www-data[/code] + +Check if the system is really up to date +[code]apt-get update +apt-get upgrade[/code] + +Optional restart services after installation +[code]reboot[/code] + +If you restarted, make yourself root +[code]su -l[/code] + +Install Apache: [code] +apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils[/code] + +Open webbrowser on PC and check [url=localhost]localhost[/url] +Should show you a page like "It works" + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + +[h2]Install PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin[/h2] + +[h3]PHP, MySQL[/h3] + +[code]su -l +apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php-pear php5-xcache php5-curl php5-mcrypt php5-xdebug +apt-get install php5-mysql +apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/code] +enter and note the mysql passwort + +Optional since its already enabled during phpmyadmin setup +[code] +php5enmod mcrypt +[/code] + +[h3]phpMyAdmin[/h3] + +Install php myadmin +[code]apt-get install phpmyadmin[/code] + +Configuring phpmyadmin +- Select apache2 (hint: use the tab key to select) +- Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?: Choose Yes + +(Source #^[url=][/url]) + +[h3]Enable rewrite[/h3] + +The default installation of Apache2 comes with mod_rewrite installed. To check whether this is the case, verify the existence of /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load + +[code] +root@debian /var/www $ nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load +[/code] + + (You should find the content: LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ +To enable and load mod_rewrite, do the rest of steps. +Create a symbolic link in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled + +[code] +cd /var/www +root@debian /var/www $ a2enmod rewrite +[/code] + +Then open up the following file, and replace every occurrence of "AllowOverride None" with "AllowOverride all". + +[code] +root@debian /var/www $nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +[/code] +or +[code] +root@debian:/var# gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default +[/code] + +Finally, restart Apache2. + +[code] +root@debian /var/www $service apache2 restart +[/code] + +[h3]Test installation[/h3] + +[code]cd /var/www[/code] + +create a php file to test the php installation[code]nano phpinfo.php[/code] + +Insert into the file: +[code] + +[/code] +(save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X) + +open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpinfo.php]http://localhost/phpinfo.php[/url] (page shows infos on php) + +connect phpMyAdmin with MySQL database [code]nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf +[/code] +- CTRL+V... to the end of the file +- Insert at the end of the file: (save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X)[code]Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf[/code] + +restart apache +[code]/etc/init.d/apache2 restart +apt-get update +apt-get upgrade +reboot[/code] + +[b]phpMyAdmin[/b] + +open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpmyadmin]http://localhost/phpmyadmin[/url] + +(Source #^[url=][/url]) + +[h3]Create an empty database... that is later used by the red#matrix[/h3] + + +open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpmyadmin]http://localhost/phpmyadmin[/url] + +Create an empty database, for example named "red". +Create a database user, for example "red". +Grant all rights for the user "red" to the database "red". + +Note the access details (hostname, username, password, database name). + + +[h2]Fork the project on github[/h2] + +Please follow the instruction in the offiical [url=] documentation[/url] of git. +It is a good idea to read the whole manual! Git is different to other version control systems in many ways. + +Now you should +[list] +[*] create an account at +[*] fork +[*] fork +[/list] + +If you not want to use GIT from the command line - there is a usefull Eclipse plugin named ""Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector". + + +[h2]Install RED and its Addons[/h2] + +[h3]Git at your computer / vm[/h3] + +You should have created an account on github and forked the projects befor you procceed. + +Delete the directory www +[code]root@debian:/var# rm -R www/ +[/code] + +Install git (and optionally git-gui a client gui) +[code]apt-get install git git-gui[/code] + +[h3]Download red#matri and addons[/h3] + +Download the main project red and red-addons +[code] +root@debian:/var# git clone www +root@debian:/var# cd www/ +root@debian:/var/www# git clone addon +[/code] + +Make this extra folder +[code] +root@debian:/var/www# mkdir -p "store/[data]/smarty3" +[/code] + +Create .htconfig.php and make it writable by the webserver +[code] +root@debian:/var/www# touch .htconfig.php +root@debian:/var/www# chmod ou+w .htconfig.php +[/code] + +Make user www-data (webserver) is the owner all the project files +[code] +root@debian:/var/www# cd .. +root@debian:/var# chown -R www-data:www-data www/ +[/code] + +Add yourself ("surfer" in this example) to the group www-data. Why? Later you want to modify files in eclipse or in another editor. +Then make all files writable by the group www-date you are now a member of. +[code] +root@debian:/var# cd www/ +root@debian:/var/www# usermod -G www-data surfer +root@debian:/var# chmod -R g+w www/ +[/code] + +Restart the computer (or vm) +If you are still not able to modify the project files you can check the members of the group www-data with +[code] +cat /etc/group +[/code] + +[h3]Register yourself as admin[/h3] + +Open http://localhost and init the matrix + +Befor you register a first user switch off the registration mails. +Open /var/www/.htconfig.php +and make sure "0" is set in this line +[code] +App::$config['system']['verify_email'] = 0; +[/code] +You should be able to change the file as "yourself" (instead of using root or www-data). + +[h3]Cron and the poller[/h3] + +Important! +Run the poller to pick up the recent "public" postings of your friends +Set up a cron job or scheduled task to run the poller once every 5-10 +minutes to pick up the recent "public" postings of your friends + +[code] +crontab -e +[/code] + +Add +[code] +*/10 * * * * cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/php include/poller.php +[/code] + +If you don't know the path to PHP type +[code] +whereis php +[/code] + + +[h2]Debug the server via eclipse[/h2] + +[h3]Check the configuration of xdebug[/h3] + +You shoud already have installed xdebug in the steps befor +[code] +apt-get install php5-xdebug +[/code] + +Configuring Xdebug + +Open your terminal and type as root (su -l) +[code] +gedit /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini +[/code] + +if the file is empty try this location +[code] +gedit /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini +[/code] + +That command should open the text editor gedit with the Xdebug configuration file +At the end of the file content append the following text + +xdebug.remote_enable=on +xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp +xdebug.remote_host=localhost +xdebug.remote_port=9000 + +Save changes and close the editor. +In you terminal type to restart the web server. +[code] +service apache2 restart +[/code] + + +[h3]Install Eclipse and start debugging[/h3] + +Install eclipse. +Start eclipse with default worspace (or as you like) + +Install the PHP plugin +Menu > Help > Install new software... +Install "PHP Developnent Tools ..." + +Optionally - Install the GitHub connector plugin +Menu > Help > Install new software... +Install "Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector" + +Configure the PHP plugin +Menu > Window > Preferences... +> General > Webbrowser > Change to "Use external web browser" +> PHP > Debug > Debug Settings > PHP Debugger > Change to "XDebug" + +Create a new PHP project +Menu > File > New Project > Choose PHP > "PHP Project" +> Choose Create project at existing location" and "/var/www" + +Start debugging +Open index.php and "Debug as..." +Choose as Launch URL: "http://localhost/" + +Expected: +[list] +[*] The web browser starts +[*] The debugger will stop at the first php line +[/list] + + +[h2]Contribute your changes via github[/h2] + +[h3]Preparations[/h3] + +There is a related page in this docs: [zrl=[baseurl]/help/git_for_non_developers]Git for Non-Developers[/zrl]. +As stated befor it is recommended to read the official documentation [url=]GitHub-Contributing-to-a-Project[/url] of git. + +Eclipse has a usefull plugin for GIT: "Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector". + +Make sure you have set your data +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git config --global "Your Name" +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git config --global "" +[/code] + +[h3]Your first contribution[/h3] + +Create a descriptive topic branch +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git checkout -b dev_beginning +[/code] + +Make sure your local repository is up-to-date with the main project. +Add the original repository as a remote named “upstream” if not done yet +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git remote add upstream +[/code] + +Fetch the newest work from that remote +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git fetch upstream +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git merge upstream/master +[/code] + +Hint: You can list the branches +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git branch -v +[/code] + +Make your changes. In this example it is a new doc file. + +Check your modifications +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git status +[/code] + +Add (stage) the new file +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git add doc/ +[/code] + +Commit the changes to your local branch. This will open an editor to provide a message. +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git commit -a +[/code] + +Push back up to the same topic branch online +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push +[/code] + +Now you can go to your (online) account at github and create the pull request. + +[h3]Following contributions[/h3] + +In case the main devolpers want you to change something. +Fetch the newest work from the remote upstream/master to be sure you have the latest changes. +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git fetch upstream +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git merge upstream/master +[/code] +Make your changes, test them, commit (to local repository), push (to online repository) +[code] +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git status +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git commit -a -m "added modification of branch" +surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push +[/code] + + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 183581361..48af9523d 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -[b]$Projectname development - some useful basic functions[/b] - -[b]get_account_id()[/b] - -Returns numeric account_id if authenticated or 0. It is possible to be authenticated and not connected to a channel. - -[b]local_channel()[/b] - -Returns authenticated numeric channel_id if authenticated and connected to a channel or 0. Sometimes referred to as $uid in the code. - -[b]remote_channel()[/b] - -Returns authenticated string hash of Red global identifier, if authenticated via remote auth, or an empty string. - -[b]App::get_observer()[/b] - -returns an xchan structure representing the current viewer if authenticated (locally or remotely). - -[b]get_config($family,$key), get_pconfig($uid,$family,$key), get_xconfig($xchan_hash,$family,$key)[/b] - -Returns the config setting for $family and $key or false if unset. - -[b] set_config($family,$key,$value), set_pconfig($uid,$family,$key,$value)[/b] - -Sets the value of config setting for $family and $key to $value. Returns $value. The config versions operate on system-wide settings. The pconfig versions get/set the values for a specific integer uid (channel_id). The xconfig version get/sets the value for a specific xchan hash - generally used for remote users. - -[b]dbesc()[/b] - -Always escape strings being used in DB queries. This function returns the escaped string. Integer DB parameters should all be proven integers by wrapping with intval() - -[b]q($sql,$var1...)[/b] - -Perform a DB query with the SQL statement $sql. printf style arguments %s and %d are replaced with variable arguments, which should each be appropriately dbesc() or intval(). SELECT queries return an array of results or false if SQL or DB error. Other queries return true if the command was successful or false if it wasn't. - -[b]t($string)[/b] - -Returns the translated variant of $string for the current language or $string (default 'en' language) if the language is unrecognised or a translated version of the string does not exist. - -[b]x($var), $x($array,$key)[/b] - -Shorthand test to see if variable $var is set and is not empty. Tests vary by type. Returns false if $var or $key is not set. If variable is set, returns 1 if has 'non-zero' value, otherwise returns 0. -- e.g. x('') or x(0) returns 0; - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]$Projectname development - some useful basic functions[/b] + +[b]get_account_id()[/b] + +Returns numeric account_id if authenticated or 0. It is possible to be authenticated and not connected to a channel. + +[b]local_channel()[/b] + +Returns authenticated numeric channel_id if authenticated and connected to a channel or 0. Sometimes referred to as $uid in the code. + +[b]remote_channel()[/b] + +Returns authenticated string hash of Red global identifier, if authenticated via remote auth, or an empty string. + +[b]App::get_observer()[/b] + +returns an xchan structure representing the current viewer if authenticated (locally or remotely). + +[b]get_config($family,$key), get_pconfig($uid,$family,$key), get_xconfig($xchan_hash,$family,$key)[/b] + +Returns the config setting for $family and $key or false if unset. + +[b] set_config($family,$key,$value), set_pconfig($uid,$family,$key,$value)[/b] + +Sets the value of config setting for $family and $key to $value. Returns $value. The config versions operate on system-wide settings. The pconfig versions get/set the values for a specific integer uid (channel_id). The xconfig version get/sets the value for a specific xchan hash - generally used for remote users. + +[b]dbesc()[/b] + +Always escape strings being used in DB queries. This function returns the escaped string. Integer DB parameters should all be proven integers by wrapping with intval() + +[b]q($sql,$var1...)[/b] + +Perform a DB query with the SQL statement $sql. printf style arguments %s and %d are replaced with variable arguments, which should each be appropriately dbesc() or intval(). SELECT queries return an array of results or false if SQL or DB error. Other queries return true if the command was successful or false if it wasn't. + +[b]t($string)[/b] + +Returns the translated variant of $string for the current language or $string (default 'en' language) if the language is unrecognised or a translated version of the string does not exist. + +[b]x($var), $x($array,$key)[/b] + +Shorthand test to see if variable $var is set and is not empty. Tests vary by type. Returns false if $var or $key is not set. If variable is set, returns 1 if has 'non-zero' value, otherwise returns 0. -- e.g. x('') or x(0) returns 0; + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/es-es/ b/doc/es-es/ index 2599c2f7c..904826f94 100644 --- a/doc/es-es/ +++ b/doc/es-es/ @@ -1,78 +1,78 @@ -[b]Git para no desarrolladores[/b] - -Así que está manejando una traducción, o está contribuyendo a un tema, y cada vez que hace un pull request tiene que hablar con uno de los desarrolladores antes de que sus cambios puedan ser fusionados? - -Lo más probable es que no haya encontrado una forma rápida de explicar cómo mantener las cosas sincronizadas en su lado. Es realmente muy fácil. - -Después de crear un fork del repositorio (sólo tiene que hacer clic en "fork" en github), necesita clonar su propia copia. - -Por ejemplo, asumiremos que está trabajando en un tema llamado redexample (que no existe). - -[code]git clone[/code] - -Así que está manejando una traducción, o está contribuyendo a un tema, y cada vez que hace un pull request tiene que hablar con uno de los desarrolladores antes de que sus cambios puedan ser fusionados? - -Lo más probable es que no haya encontrado una forma rápida de explicar cómo mantener las cosas sincronizadas en su lado. Es realmente muy fácil. - -Después de crear un fork del repositorio (sólo tiene que hacer clic en "fork" en github), necesita clonar su propia copia. - -Por ejemplo, asumiremos que está trabajando en un tema llamado redexample (que no existe). - -Una vez que lo haya hecho, cd en el directorio, y añadir un upstream. - -[code] -cd red -git remote add upstream -[/code] - -A partir de ahora, puede realizar cambios en el upstream con el comando -[code]git fetch upstream[/code] - -Antes de que sus cambios puedan fusionarse automáticamente, a menudo necesitará fusionar los cambios anteriores. - -[code] -git merge upstream/master -[/code] - -Siempre debe fusionar upstream antes de subir cualquier cambio, y [i]debe[/i] fusionar upstream con cualquier pull request para que se fusionen automáticamente. - -El 99% de las veces, todo irá bien. La única vez que no lo hará es si alguien más ha estado editando los mismos ficheros que usted y, a menudo, sólo si ha estado editando las mismas líneas de los mismos archivos. Si eso sucede, ese sería un buen momento para solicitar ayuda hasta que se acostumbre a manejar sus propios conflictos de fusión. - -Entonces sólo necesitas añadir tus cambios [code]git añadir vista/tema/redexample/[/code] - -Esto agregará todos los archivos en la vista/tema/redexample y cualquier subdirectorio. Si sus archivos particulares se mezclan a través del código, usted debe agregar uno a la vez. Trata de no hacer git add -a, ya que esto lo agregará todo, incluyendo archivos temporales (mayormente, pero no siempre atrapamos a aquellos con un.gitignore) y cualquier cambio local que tenga, pero que no intente confirmar. - -Una vez que haya agregado todos los archivos que ha cambiado, necesita confirmarlos. [code]git commit[/code] - -Esto abrirá un editor donde podrá describir los cambios que ha realizado. Guarde este archivo y salga del editor. - -Finalmente, suba los cambios en su propio git -[code]git push[/code] - -Y eso es todo, su repo está al día! - -Todo lo que necesita hacer ahora es crear la petición pull. Hay dos maneras de hacerlo. - -La forma más fácil, si está utilizando Github, es simplemente hacer clic en el botón verde en la parte superior de su propia copia del repositorio, introducir una descripción de los cambios, y hacer clic en `crear pull request'. El repositorio principal, los temas y los complementos tienen su rama principal en Github, por lo que este método se puede utilizar la mayor parte del tiempo. - -La mayoría de la gente puede parar aquí. - -Algunos proyectos en la ecosfera extendida de RedMatrix no tienen presencia en Github, para un pull request, los pasos son un poco diferentes: usted tendrá que crear su pull request manualmente. Afortunadamente, esto no es -mucho más difícil. - -[code]git request-pull -p [/code] - -Start es el nombre de un commit por el que empezar. Esto debe existir en el upstream. Normalmente, sólo querr'a la rama master. - -URL es la URL de[i]su[/i] repo. - -También se puede especificar . Este valor predeterminado es HEAD. - -Ejemplo: -[código] -git request-pull master -[/código] - -Y simplemente envíe la salida al mantenedor del proyecto. - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Git para no desarrolladores[/b] + +Así que está manejando una traducción, o está contribuyendo a un tema, y cada vez que hace un pull request tiene que hablar con uno de los desarrolladores antes de que sus cambios puedan ser fusionados? + +Lo más probable es que no haya encontrado una forma rápida de explicar cómo mantener las cosas sincronizadas en su lado. Es realmente muy fácil. + +Después de crear un fork del repositorio (sólo tiene que hacer clic en "fork" en github), necesita clonar su propia copia. + +Por ejemplo, asumiremos que está trabajando en un tema llamado redexample (que no existe). + +[code]git clone[/code] + +Así que está manejando una traducción, o está contribuyendo a un tema, y cada vez que hace un pull request tiene que hablar con uno de los desarrolladores antes de que sus cambios puedan ser fusionados? + +Lo más probable es que no haya encontrado una forma rápida de explicar cómo mantener las cosas sincronizadas en su lado. Es realmente muy fácil. + +Después de crear un fork del repositorio (sólo tiene que hacer clic en "fork" en github), necesita clonar su propia copia. + +Por ejemplo, asumiremos que está trabajando en un tema llamado redexample (que no existe). + +Una vez que lo haya hecho, cd en el directorio, y añadir un upstream. + +[code] +cd red +git remote add upstream +[/code] + +A partir de ahora, puede realizar cambios en el upstream con el comando +[code]git fetch upstream[/code] + +Antes de que sus cambios puedan fusionarse automáticamente, a menudo necesitará fusionar los cambios anteriores. + +[code] +git merge upstream/master +[/code] + +Siempre debe fusionar upstream antes de subir cualquier cambio, y [i]debe[/i] fusionar upstream con cualquier pull request para que se fusionen automáticamente. + +El 99% de las veces, todo irá bien. La única vez que no lo hará es si alguien más ha estado editando los mismos ficheros que usted y, a menudo, sólo si ha estado editando las mismas líneas de los mismos archivos. Si eso sucede, ese sería un buen momento para solicitar ayuda hasta que se acostumbre a manejar sus propios conflictos de fusión. + +Entonces sólo necesitas añadir tus cambios [code]git añadir vista/tema/redexample/[/code] + +Esto agregará todos los archivos en la vista/tema/redexample y cualquier subdirectorio. Si sus archivos particulares se mezclan a través del código, usted debe agregar uno a la vez. Trata de no hacer git add -a, ya que esto lo agregará todo, incluyendo archivos temporales (mayormente, pero no siempre atrapamos a aquellos con un.gitignore) y cualquier cambio local que tenga, pero que no intente confirmar. + +Una vez que haya agregado todos los archivos que ha cambiado, necesita confirmarlos. [code]git commit[/code] + +Esto abrirá un editor donde podrá describir los cambios que ha realizado. Guarde este archivo y salga del editor. + +Finalmente, suba los cambios en su propio git +[code]git push[/code] + +Y eso es todo, su repo está al día! + +Todo lo que necesita hacer ahora es crear la petición pull. Hay dos maneras de hacerlo. + +La forma más fácil, si está utilizando Github, es simplemente hacer clic en el botón verde en la parte superior de su propia copia del repositorio, introducir una descripción de los cambios, y hacer clic en `crear pull request'. El repositorio principal, los temas y los complementos tienen su rama principal en Github, por lo que este método se puede utilizar la mayor parte del tiempo. + +La mayoría de la gente puede parar aquí. + +Algunos proyectos en la ecosfera extendida de RedMatrix no tienen presencia en Github, para un pull request, los pasos son un poco diferentes: usted tendrá que crear su pull request manualmente. Afortunadamente, esto no es +mucho más difícil. + +[code]git request-pull -p [/code] + +Start es el nombre de un commit por el que empezar. Esto debe existir en el upstream. Normalmente, sólo querr'a la rama master. + +URL es la URL de[i]su[/i] repo. + +También se puede especificar . Este valor predeterminado es HEAD. + +Ejemplo: +[código] +git request-pull master +[/código] + +Y simplemente envíe la salida al mantenedor del proyecto. + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index a679e9381..338db8023 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -[h2]External resource links[/h2] -[h3]Third-Party Themes[/h3] -[ul] -[*][url=]Redstrap[/url] -[*][url=]Clean[/url] -[*][url=]nubasic[/url] -[*][url=]Sean Tilley's themes[/url] -[/ul] -[h3]Third-Party addons[/h3] -[ul] -[*][url=]ABCjs integration - display scores in posts (WIP)[/url] -[/ul] -[h3]Related projects[/h3] -[ul] -[*][url=]Redshare for Firefox[/url] -[*][url=]Red for Android[/url] -[*][url=] (posts Atom/RSS feeds to channel)[/url] -[*][url=]WordPress gateway (combine with wppost addon for full features)[/url] -[/ul] - -#include doc/macros/; +[h2]External resource links[/h2] +[h3]Third-Party Themes[/h3] +[ul] +[*][url=]Redstrap[/url] +[*][url=]Clean[/url] +[*][url=]nubasic[/url] +[*][url=]Sean Tilley's themes[/url] +[/ul] +[h3]Third-Party addons[/h3] +[ul] +[*][url=]ABCjs integration - display scores in posts (WIP)[/url] +[/ul] +[h3]Related projects[/h3] +[ul] +[*][url=]Redshare for Firefox[/url] +[*][url=]Red for Android[/url] +[*][url=] (posts Atom/RSS feeds to channel)[/url] +[*][url=]WordPress gateway (combine with wppost addon for full features)[/url] +[/ul] + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 0044a06a7..17d85228e 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ -// multiple of these have been enabled by default. should we note this here somewhere, move it or remove them from this file? -[b]Features[/b] - -The default interface of $Projectname was designed to be uncluttered. There are a huge number of extra features (some of which are extremely useful) which you can turn on and get the most of the application. These are found under the Extra Features link of your Settings page. - -[b]Content Expiration[/b] - -Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time. An extra button is added to the post editor which asks you for an expiration. Typically this in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" format, but in the English language you have a bit more freedom and can use most any recognisable date reference such as "next Thursday" or "+1 day". At the specified time (give or take approximately ten minutes based on the remote system's checking frequency) the post is removed. - -[b]Multiple Profiles[/b] - -The ability to create multiple profiles which are visible only to specific persons or groups. Your default profile may be visible to anybody, but secondary profiles can all contain different or additional information and can only be seen by those to whom that profile is assigned. - -[b]Web Pages[/b] - -Provides the ability to use web page design feaures and create custom webpages from your own content and also to design the pages with page layouts, custom menus, and content blocks. - -[b]Private Notes[/b] - -On pages where it is available (your matrix page and personal web pages) provide a "widget" to create and store personal reminders and notes. - -[b]Extended Identity Sharing[/b] - -By default your identity travels with you as you browse the matrix to remote sites - and they know who you are and can show you content that only you can see. With Extended Identity Sharing you can provide this information to any website you visit from within the matrix. - -[b]Expert Mode[/b] - -This allows you to see some advanced configuration options that would confuse some people or cause support issues. In particular this can give you full control over theme features and colours - so that you can tweak a large number of settings of the display theme to your liking. - -[b]Premium Channel[/b] - -This allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel. This may be used by celebrities or anybody else who wishes to describe their channel to people who wish to connect with it. In certain cases you may be asked for payment in order to connect. - -[b]Post Preview[/b] - -Allows previewing posts and comments exactly as they would look on the page before publishing them. - -[b]Channel Sources[/b] - -Automatically import and re-publish channel content from other channels or feeds. This allows you to create sub-channels and super-channels from content provided elsewhere. The rules are that the content must be public, and the channel owner must give you permission to source their channel. - -[b]Even More Encryption[/b] - -Private messages are encrypted during transport and storage. In this day and age, this encyption may not be enough if your communications are extremely sensitive. This options lets you provide optional encryption of content "end-to-end" with a shared secret key. How the recipient learns the secret key is completely up to you. You can provide a hint such as "the name of aunt Claire's first dog". - -[b]Search by Date[/b] - -This provides the ability to select posts by date ranges - -[b]Privacy Group Filter[/b] - -Enable widget to display stream posts only from selected privacy groups. This also toggles the outbound permissions while you are viewing a group. This is analogous to Google "circles" or Disapora "aspects". - -[b]Saved Searches[/b] - -Provides a search widget on your matrix page which can save selected search terms for re-use. - -[b]Personal Tab[/b] - -Enable tab to display only matrix posts that you've interacted with in some way, as an author or a contributor to the conversation. - -[b]New Tab[/b] - -Enables a tab to display all new matrix activity as a firehose or timeline. - -[b]Affinity Tool[/b] - -Filter matrix stream activity by the depth of your relationships - -[b]Edit Sent Posts[/b] - -Edit and correct posts and comments after sending - -[b]Tagging[/b] - -Ability to tag existing posts, including those written by others. - -[b]Post Categories[/b] - -Add categories to your channel posts - -[b]Saved Folders[/b] - -Ability to file posts under folders or tags for later recall - -[b]Dislike Posts[/b] - -Ability to dislike posts/comments - -[b]Star Posts[/b] - -Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator - -[b]Tag Cloud[/b] - -Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page - -#include doc/macros/; +// multiple of these have been enabled by default. should we note this here somewhere, move it or remove them from this file? +[b]Features[/b] + +The default interface of $Projectname was designed to be uncluttered. There are a huge number of extra features (some of which are extremely useful) which you can turn on and get the most of the application. These are found under the Extra Features link of your Settings page. + +[b]Content Expiration[/b] + +Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time. An extra button is added to the post editor which asks you for an expiration. Typically this in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" format, but in the English language you have a bit more freedom and can use most any recognisable date reference such as "next Thursday" or "+1 day". At the specified time (give or take approximately ten minutes based on the remote system's checking frequency) the post is removed. + +[b]Multiple Profiles[/b] + +The ability to create multiple profiles which are visible only to specific persons or groups. Your default profile may be visible to anybody, but secondary profiles can all contain different or additional information and can only be seen by those to whom that profile is assigned. + +[b]Web Pages[/b] + +Provides the ability to use web page design feaures and create custom webpages from your own content and also to design the pages with page layouts, custom menus, and content blocks. + +[b]Private Notes[/b] + +On pages where it is available (your matrix page and personal web pages) provide a "widget" to create and store personal reminders and notes. + +[b]Extended Identity Sharing[/b] + +By default your identity travels with you as you browse the matrix to remote sites - and they know who you are and can show you content that only you can see. With Extended Identity Sharing you can provide this information to any website you visit from within the matrix. + +[b]Expert Mode[/b] + +This allows you to see some advanced configuration options that would confuse some people or cause support issues. In particular this can give you full control over theme features and colours - so that you can tweak a large number of settings of the display theme to your liking. + +[b]Premium Channel[/b] + +This allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel. This may be used by celebrities or anybody else who wishes to describe their channel to people who wish to connect with it. In certain cases you may be asked for payment in order to connect. + +[b]Post Preview[/b] + +Allows previewing posts and comments exactly as they would look on the page before publishing them. + +[b]Channel Sources[/b] + +Automatically import and re-publish channel content from other channels or feeds. This allows you to create sub-channels and super-channels from content provided elsewhere. The rules are that the content must be public, and the channel owner must give you permission to source their channel. + +[b]Even More Encryption[/b] + +Private messages are encrypted during transport and storage. In this day and age, this encyption may not be enough if your communications are extremely sensitive. This options lets you provide optional encryption of content "end-to-end" with a shared secret key. How the recipient learns the secret key is completely up to you. You can provide a hint such as "the name of aunt Claire's first dog". + +[b]Search by Date[/b] + +This provides the ability to select posts by date ranges + +[b]Privacy Group Filter[/b] + +Enable widget to display stream posts only from selected privacy groups. This also toggles the outbound permissions while you are viewing a group. This is analogous to Google "circles" or Disapora "aspects". + +[b]Saved Searches[/b] + +Provides a search widget on your matrix page which can save selected search terms for re-use. + +[b]Personal Tab[/b] + +Enable tab to display only matrix posts that you've interacted with in some way, as an author or a contributor to the conversation. + +[b]New Tab[/b] + +Enables a tab to display all new matrix activity as a firehose or timeline. + +[b]Affinity Tool[/b] + +Filter matrix stream activity by the depth of your relationships + +[b]Edit Sent Posts[/b] + +Edit and correct posts and comments after sending + +[b]Tagging[/b] + +Ability to tag existing posts, including those written by others. + +[b]Post Categories[/b] + +Add categories to your channel posts + +[b]Saved Folders[/b] + +Ability to file posts under folders or tags for later recall + +[b]Dislike Posts[/b] + +Ability to dislike posts/comments + +[b]Star Posts[/b] + +Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator + +[b]Tag Cloud[/b] + +Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 54d34fdf5..5fba17439 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,71 +1,71 @@ -[b]Git For Non-Developers[/b] - -So you're handling a translation, or you're contributing to a theme, and every time you make a pull request you have to talk to one of the developers before your changes can be merged in? - -Chances are, you just haven't found a quick how-to explaining how to keep things in sync on your end. It's really very easy. - -After you've created a fork of the repo (just click "fork" at github), you need to clone your own copy. - -For the sake of examples, we'll assume you're working on a theme called redexample (which does not exist). - -[code]git clone[/code] - -Once you've done that, cd into the directory, and add an upstream. - -[code] -cd red -git remote add upstream -[/code] - -From now on, you can pull upstream changes with the command -[code]git fetch upstream[/code] - -Before your changes can be merged automatically, you will often need to merge upstream changes. - -[code] -git merge upstream/master -[/code] - -You should always merge upstream before pushing any changes, and [i]must[/i] merge upstream with any pull requests to make them automatically mergeable. - -99% of the time, this will all go well. The only time it won't is if somebody else has been editing the same files as you - and often, only if they have been editing the same lines of the same files. If that happens, that would be a good time to request help until you get the hang of handling your own merge conflicts. - -Then you just need to add your changes [code]git add view/theme/redexample/[/code] - -This will add all the files in view/theme/redexample and any subdirectories. If your particular files are mixed throughout the code, you should add one at a time. Try not to do git add -a, as this will add everything, including temporary files (we mostly, but not always catch those with a .gitignore) and any local changes you have, but did not intend to commit. - -Once you have added all the files you have changed, you need to commit them. [code]git commit[/code] - -This will open up an editor where you can describe the changes you have made. Save this file, and exit the editor. - -Finally, push the changes to your own git -[code]git push[/code] - -And that's it, your repo is up to date! - -All you need to do now is actually create the pull request. There are two ways to do this. - -The easy way, if you're using Github is to simply click the green button at the top of your own copy of the repository, enter a description of the changes, and click 'create pull request'. The -main repository, themes, and addons all have their main branch at Github, so this method can be used most of the time. - -Most people can stop here. - -Some projects in the extended RedMatrix ecosphere have no Github presence, to pull request these is a bit different - you'll have to create your pull request manually. Fortunately, this isn't -much harder. - -[code]git request-pull -p [/code] - -Start is the name of a commit to start at. This must exist upstream. Normally, you just want master. - -URL is the URL of [i]your[/i] repo. - -One can also specify . This defaults to HEAD. - -Example: -[code] -git request-pull master -[/code] - -And simply send the output to the project maintainer. - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Git For Non-Developers[/b] + +So you're handling a translation, or you're contributing to a theme, and every time you make a pull request you have to talk to one of the developers before your changes can be merged in? + +Chances are, you just haven't found a quick how-to explaining how to keep things in sync on your end. It's really very easy. + +After you've created a fork of the repo (just click "fork" at github), you need to clone your own copy. + +For the sake of examples, we'll assume you're working on a theme called redexample (which does not exist). + +[code]git clone[/code] + +Once you've done that, cd into the directory, and add an upstream. + +[code] +cd red +git remote add upstream +[/code] + +From now on, you can pull upstream changes with the command +[code]git fetch upstream[/code] + +Before your changes can be merged automatically, you will often need to merge upstream changes. + +[code] +git merge upstream/master +[/code] + +You should always merge upstream before pushing any changes, and [i]must[/i] merge upstream with any pull requests to make them automatically mergeable. + +99% of the time, this will all go well. The only time it won't is if somebody else has been editing the same files as you - and often, only if they have been editing the same lines of the same files. If that happens, that would be a good time to request help until you get the hang of handling your own merge conflicts. + +Then you just need to add your changes [code]git add view/theme/redexample/[/code] + +This will add all the files in view/theme/redexample and any subdirectories. If your particular files are mixed throughout the code, you should add one at a time. Try not to do git add -a, as this will add everything, including temporary files (we mostly, but not always catch those with a .gitignore) and any local changes you have, but did not intend to commit. + +Once you have added all the files you have changed, you need to commit them. [code]git commit[/code] + +This will open up an editor where you can describe the changes you have made. Save this file, and exit the editor. + +Finally, push the changes to your own git +[code]git push[/code] + +And that's it, your repo is up to date! + +All you need to do now is actually create the pull request. There are two ways to do this. + +The easy way, if you're using Github is to simply click the green button at the top of your own copy of the repository, enter a description of the changes, and click 'create pull request'. The +main repository, themes, and addons all have their main branch at Github, so this method can be used most of the time. + +Most people can stop here. + +Some projects in the extended RedMatrix ecosphere have no Github presence, to pull request these is a bit different - you'll have to create your pull request manually. Fortunately, this isn't +much harder. + +[code]git request-pull -p [/code] + +Start is the name of a commit to start at. This must exist upstream. Normally, you just want master. + +URL is the URL of [i]your[/i] repo. + +One can also specify . This defaults to HEAD. + +Example: +[code] +git request-pull master +[/code] + +And simply send the output to the project maintainer. + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 99dd8f8f3..6ef7a4d9e 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ -[b]$Projectname Developer Guide[/b] - -[b]File system layout:[/b] - -[addon] optional addons/plugins - -[boot.php] Every process uses this to bootstrap the application structure - -[doc] Help Files - -[images] core required images - -[include] The "model" in MVC - (back-end functions), also contains PHP "executables" for background processing - -[index.php] The front-end controller for web access - -[install] Installation and upgrade files and DB schema - -[library] Third party modules (must be license compatible) - -[mod] Controller modules based on URL pathname (e.g. #^[url=http://sitename/foo]http://sitename/foo[/url] loads mod/foo.php) - -[mod/site/] site-specific mod overrides, excluded from git - -[util] translation tools, main English string database and other miscellaneous utilities - -[] contains current version (auto-updated via cron for the master repository and distributed via git) - -[view] theming and language files - -[view/(css,js,img,php,tpl)] default theme files - -[view/(en,it,es ...)] language strings and resources - -[view/theme/] individual named themes containing (css,js,img,php,tpl) over-rides - -[b]The Database:[/b] - - [li]abook - contact table, replaces Friendica 'contact'[/li] - [li]account - service provider account[/li] - [li]addon - registered plugins[/li] - [li]app - peronal app data[/li] - [li]attach - file attachments[/li] - [li]auth_codes - OAuth usage[/li] - [li]cache - OEmbed cache[/li] - [li]channel - replaces Friendica 'user'[/li] - [li]chat - chat room content[/li] - [li]chatpresence - channel presence information for chat[/li] - [li]chatroom - data for the actual chat room[/li] - [li]clients - OAuth usage[/li] - [li]config - main configuration storage[/li] - [li]conv - Diaspora private messages[/li] - [li]event - Events[/li] - [li]fcontact - friend suggestion stuff[/li] - [li]ffinder - friend suggestion stuff[/li] - [li]fserver - obsolete[/li] - [li]fsuggest - friend suggestion stuff[/li] - [li]groups - privacy groups[/li] - [li]group_member - privacy groups[/li] - [li]hook - plugin hook registry[/li] - [li]hubloc - Red location storage, ties a location to an xchan[/li] - [li]item - posts[/li] - [li]item_id - other identifiers on other services for posts[/li] - [li]likes - likes of 'things'[/li] - [li]mail - private messages[/li] - [li]menu - channel menu data[/li] - [li]menu_item - items uses by channel menus[/li] - [li]notify - notifications[/li] - [li]notify-threads - need to factor this out and use item thread info on notifications[/li] - [li]obj - object data for things (x has y)[/li] - [li]outq - output queue[/li] - [li]pconfig - personal (per channel) configuration storage[/li] - [li]photo - photo storage[/li] - [li]poll - data for polls[/li] - [li]poll_elm - data for poll elements[/li] - [li]profdef - custom profile field definitions[/li] - [li]profext - custom profile field data[/li] - [li]profile - channel profiles[/li] - [li]profile_check - DFRN remote auth use, may be obsolete[/li] - [li]register - registrations requiring admin approval[/li] - [li]session - web session storage[/li] - [li]shares - shared item information[/li] - [li[sign - Diaspora signatures. To be phased out.[/li] - [li]site - site table to find directory peers[/li] - [li]source - channel sources data[/li] - [li]spam - unfinished[/li] - [li]sys_perms - extensible permissions for the sys channel[/li] - [li]term - item taxonomy (categories, tags, etc.) table[/li] - [li]tokens - OAuth usage[/li] - [li]updates - directory sync updates[/li] - [li]verify - general purpose verification structure[/li] - [li]vote - vote data for polls[/li] - [li]xchan - replaces 'gcontact', list of known channels in the universe[/li] - [li]xchat - bookmarked chat rooms[/li] - [li]xconfig - as pconfig but for channels with no local account[/li] - [li]xlink - "friends of friends" linkages derived from poco[/li] - [li]xprof - if this hub is a directory server, contains basic public profile info of everybody in the network[/li] - [li]xtag - if this hub is a directory server, contains tags or interests of everybody in the network[/li] - - -[b]How to theme $Projectname - by Olivier Migeot[/b] - -This is a short documentation on what I found while trying to modify $Projectname's appearance. - -First, you'll need to create a new theme. This is in /view/theme, and I chose to copy 'redbasic' since it's the only available for now. Let's assume I named it . - -Oh, and don't forget to rename the _init function in /php/theme.php to be _init() instead of redbasic_init(). - -At that point, if you need to add javascript or css files, add them to /js or /css, and then "register" them in _init() through head_add_js('file.js') and head_add_css('file.css'). - -Now you'll probably want to alter a template. These can be found in in /view/tpl OR view//tpl. All you should have to do is copy whatever you want to tweak from the first place to your theme's own tpl directory. - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]$Projectname Developer Guide[/b] + +[b]File system layout:[/b] + +[addon] optional addons/plugins + +[boot.php] Every process uses this to bootstrap the application structure + +[doc] Help Files + +[images] core required images + +[include] The "model" in MVC - (back-end functions), also contains PHP "executables" for background processing + +[index.php] The front-end controller for web access + +[install] Installation and upgrade files and DB schema + +[library] Third party modules (must be license compatible) + +[mod] Controller modules based on URL pathname (e.g. #^[url=http://sitename/foo]http://sitename/foo[/url] loads mod/foo.php) + +[mod/site/] site-specific mod overrides, excluded from git + +[util] translation tools, main English string database and other miscellaneous utilities + +[] contains current version (auto-updated via cron for the master repository and distributed via git) + +[view] theming and language files + +[view/(css,js,img,php,tpl)] default theme files + +[view/(en,it,es ...)] language strings and resources + +[view/theme/] individual named themes containing (css,js,img,php,tpl) over-rides + +[b]The Database:[/b] + + [li]abook - contact table, replaces Friendica 'contact'[/li] + [li]account - service provider account[/li] + [li]addon - registered plugins[/li] + [li]app - peronal app data[/li] + [li]attach - file attachments[/li] + [li]auth_codes - OAuth usage[/li] + [li]cache - OEmbed cache[/li] + [li]channel - replaces Friendica 'user'[/li] + [li]chat - chat room content[/li] + [li]chatpresence - channel presence information for chat[/li] + [li]chatroom - data for the actual chat room[/li] + [li]clients - OAuth usage[/li] + [li]config - main configuration storage[/li] + [li]conv - Diaspora private messages[/li] + [li]event - Events[/li] + [li]fcontact - friend suggestion stuff[/li] + [li]ffinder - friend suggestion stuff[/li] + [li]fserver - obsolete[/li] + [li]fsuggest - friend suggestion stuff[/li] + [li]groups - privacy groups[/li] + [li]group_member - privacy groups[/li] + [li]hook - plugin hook registry[/li] + [li]hubloc - Red location storage, ties a location to an xchan[/li] + [li]item - posts[/li] + [li]item_id - other identifiers on other services for posts[/li] + [li]likes - likes of 'things'[/li] + [li]mail - private messages[/li] + [li]menu - channel menu data[/li] + [li]menu_item - items uses by channel menus[/li] + [li]notify - notifications[/li] + [li]notify-threads - need to factor this out and use item thread info on notifications[/li] + [li]obj - object data for things (x has y)[/li] + [li]outq - output queue[/li] + [li]pconfig - personal (per channel) configuration storage[/li] + [li]photo - photo storage[/li] + [li]poll - data for polls[/li] + [li]poll_elm - data for poll elements[/li] + [li]profdef - custom profile field definitions[/li] + [li]profext - custom profile field data[/li] + [li]profile - channel profiles[/li] + [li]profile_check - DFRN remote auth use, may be obsolete[/li] + [li]register - registrations requiring admin approval[/li] + [li]session - web session storage[/li] + [li]shares - shared item information[/li] + [li[sign - Diaspora signatures. To be phased out.[/li] + [li]site - site table to find directory peers[/li] + [li]source - channel sources data[/li] + [li]spam - unfinished[/li] + [li]sys_perms - extensible permissions for the sys channel[/li] + [li]term - item taxonomy (categories, tags, etc.) table[/li] + [li]tokens - OAuth usage[/li] + [li]updates - directory sync updates[/li] + [li]verify - general purpose verification structure[/li] + [li]vote - vote data for polls[/li] + [li]xchan - replaces 'gcontact', list of known channels in the universe[/li] + [li]xchat - bookmarked chat rooms[/li] + [li]xconfig - as pconfig but for channels with no local account[/li] + [li]xlink - "friends of friends" linkages derived from poco[/li] + [li]xprof - if this hub is a directory server, contains basic public profile info of everybody in the network[/li] + [li]xtag - if this hub is a directory server, contains tags or interests of everybody in the network[/li] + + +[b]How to theme $Projectname - by Olivier Migeot[/b] + +This is a short documentation on what I found while trying to modify $Projectname's appearance. + +First, you'll need to create a new theme. This is in /view/theme, and I chose to copy 'redbasic' since it's the only available for now. Let's assume I named it . + +Oh, and don't forget to rename the _init function in /php/theme.php to be _init() instead of redbasic_init(). + +At that point, if you need to add javascript or css files, add them to /js or /css, and then "register" them in _init() through head_add_js('file.js') and head_add_css('file.css'). + +Now you'll probably want to alter a template. These can be found in in /view/tpl OR view//tpl. All you should have to do is copy whatever you want to tweak from the first place to your theme's own tpl directory. + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index a320de790..3aecc458f 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,312 +1,312 @@ -[b]Plugins[/b] - -So you want to make $Projectname do something it doesn't already do. There are lots of ways. But let's learn how to write a plugin or addon. - - -In your $Projectname folder/directory, you will probably see a sub-directory called 'addon'. If you don't have one already, go ahead and create it. -[code] - mkdir addon -[/code] -Then figure out a name for your addon. You probably have at least a vague idea of what you want it to do. For our example I'm going to create a plugin called 'randplace' that provides a somewhat random location for each of your posts. The name of your plugin is used to find the functions we need to access and is part of the function names, so to be safe, use only simple text characters. - -Once you've chosen a name, create a directory beneath 'addon' to hold your working file or files. -[code] - mkdir addon/randplace -[/code] -Now create your plugin file. It needs to have the same name, and it's a PHP script, so using your favourite editor, create the file -[code] - addon/randplace/randplace.php -[/code] -The very first line of this file needs to be -[code] - <?php -[/code] -Then we're going to create a comment block to describe the plugin. There's a special format for this. We use /* ... */ comment-style and some tagged lines consisting of -[code] - /** - * - * Name: Random Place (here you can use better descriptions than you could in the filename) - * Description: Sample $Projectname plugin, Sets a random place when posting. - * Version: 1.0 - * Author: Mike Macgirvin <> - * - */ -[/code] -These tags will be seen by the site administrator when he/she installs or manages plugins from the admin panel. There can be more than one author. Just add another line starting with 'Author:'. - -The typical plugin will have at least the following functions: -[code] - pluginname_load() - pluginname_unload() -[/code] -In our case, we'll call them randplace_load() and randplace_unload(), as that is the name of our plugin. These functions are called whenever we wish to either initialise the plugin or remove it from the current webpage. Also if your plugin requires things like altering the database schema before it can run for the very first time, you would likely place these instructions in the functions named -[code] - pluginname_install() - pluginname_uninstall() -[/code] - -Next we'll talk about [b]hooks[/b]. Hooks are places in $Projectname code where we allow plugins to do stuff. There are a [url=[baseurl]/help/hooklist]lot of these[/url], and they each have a name. What we normally do is use the pluginname_load() function to register a "handler function" for any hooks you are interested in. Then when any of these hooks are triggered, your code will be called. - -We register hook handlers with the 'Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register()' function. It typically takes 3 arguments. The first is the hook we wish to catch, the second is the filename of the file to find our handler function (relative to the base of your $Projectname installation), and the third is the function name of your handler function. So let's create our randplace_load() function right now. - -[code] - function randplace_load() { - Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register('post_local', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_post_hook'); - - Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register('feature_settings', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings'); - Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register('feature_settings_post', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings_post'); - - } -[/code] - -So we're going to catch three events, 'post_local' which is triggered when a post is made on the local system, 'feature_settings' to set some preferences for our plugin, and 'feature_settings_post' to store those settings. - -Next we'll create an unload function. This is easy, as it just unregisters our hooks. It takes exactly the same arguments. -[code] - function randplace_unload() { - Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::unregister('post_local', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_post_hook'); - - Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::unregister('feature_settings', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings'); - Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::unregister('feature_settings_post', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings_post'); - } -[/code] - -Hooks are always called with one argument which is specific to the hook you're calling. It contains information relevant to that particular place in the program, and often allows you to look at, and even change it. In order to change it, you need to add '&' to the variable name so it is passed to your function by reference. Otherwise it will create a copy and any changes you make will be lost when the hook process returns. Usually (but not always) the passed data is a named array of data structures. Please see the "hook reference" (not yet written as of this date) for details on any specific hook. Occasionally you may need to view the program source to see precisely how a given hook is called and how the results are processed. - -Let's go ahead and add some code to implement our post_local hook handler. -[code] - function randplace_post_hook(&$item) { - - /** - * - * An item was posted on the local system. - * We are going to look for specific items: - * - A status post by a profile owner - * - The profile owner must have allowed our plugin - * - */ - - logger('randplace invoked'); - - if(! local_channel()) /* non-zero if this is a logged in user of this system */ - return; - - if(local_channel() != $item['uid']) /* Does this person own the post? */ - return; - - if(($item['parent']) || (! is_item_normal($item))) { - /* If the item has a parent, or is not "normal", this is a comment or something else, not a status post. */ - return; - } - - /* Retrieve our personal config setting */ - - $active = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'randplace', 'enable'); - - if(! $active) - return; - /** - * - * OK, we're allowed to do our stuff. - * Here's what we are going to do: - * load the list of timezone names, and use that to generate a list of world cities. - * Then we'll pick one of those at random and put it in the "location" field for the post. - * - */ - - $cities = array(); - $zones = timezone_identifiers_list(); - foreach($zones as $zone) { - if((strpos($zone,'/')) && (! stristr($zone,'US/')) && (! stristr($zone,'Etc/'))) - $cities[] = str_replace('_', ' ',substr($zone,strpos($zone,'/') + 1)); - } - - if(! count($cities)) - return; - $city = array_rand($cities,1); - $item['location'] = $cities[$city]; - - return; - } -[/code] - -Now let's add our functions to create and store preference settings. -[code] - /** - * - * Callback from the settings post function. - * $post contains the global $_POST array. - * We will make sure we've got a valid user account - * and that only our own submit button was clicked - * and if so set our configuration setting for this person. - * - */ - - function randplace_settings_post($post) { - if(! local_channel()) - return; - if($_POST['randplace-submit']) - set_pconfig(local_channel(),'randplace','enable',intval($_POST['randplace'])); - } - - - - /** - * - * Called from the Feature Setting form. - * The second argument is a string in this case, the HTML content region of the page. - * Add our own settings info to the string. - * - * For uniformity of settings pages, we use the following convention - * <div class="settings-block"> - * <h3>title</h3> - * .... settings html - many elements will be floated... - * <div class="clear"></div> <!-- generic class which clears all floats --> - * <input type="submit" name="pluginnname-submit" class="settings-submit" ..... /> - * </div> - */ - - - - function randplace_settings(&$s) { - - if(! local_channel()) - return; - - /* Add our stylesheet to the page so we can make our settings look nice */ - - head_add_css(/addon/randplace/randplace.css'); - - /* Get the current state of our config variable */ - - $enabled = get_pconfig(local_channel(),'randplace','enable'); - - $checked = (($enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); - - /* Add some HTML to the existing form */ - - $s .= '<div class="settings-block">'; - $s .= '<h3>' . t('Randplace Settings') . '</h3>'; - $s .= '<div id="randplace-enable-wrapper">'; - $s .= '<label id="randplace-enable-label" for="randplace-checkbox">' . t('Enable Randplace Plugin') . '</label>'; - $s .= '<input id="randplace-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="randplace" value="1" ' . $checked . '/>'; - $s .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>'; - - /* provide a submit button */ - - $s .= '<div class="settings-submit-wrapper" ><input type="submit" name="randplace-submit" class="settings-submit" value="' . t('Submit') . '" /></div></div>'; - - } - -[/code] - - - -[h2]Advanced Plugins[/h2] - -Sometimes your plugins want to provide a range of new functionality which isn't provided at all or is clumsy to provide using hooks. In this case your plugin can also act as a 'module'. A module in our case refers to a structured webpage handler which responds to a given URL. Then anything which accesses that URL will be handled completely by your plugin. - -There are two ways to accomplish this. To create a module object use the following model: -[code] -/.hidden -[/code] - -***Porting Friendica Plugins*** - -$Projectname uses a similar plugin architecture to the Friendica project. The authentication, identity, and permissions systems are completely different. Many Friendica can be ported reasonably easily by renaming a few functions - and then ensuring that the permissions model is adhered to. The functions which need to be renamed are: - -[li] Friendica's pluginname_install() is pluginname_load()[/li] - -[li] Friendica's pluginname_uninstall() is pluginname_unload()[/li] - -$Projectname has _install and _uninstall functions but these are used differently. - -[li] Friendica's "plugin_settings" hook is called "feature_settings"[/li] - -[li] Friendica's "plugin_settings_post" hook is called "feature_settings_post"[/li] - -Changing these will often allow your plugin to function, but please double check all your permission and identity code because the concepts behind it are completely different in $Projectname. Many structured data names (especially DB schema columns) are also quite different. - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Plugins[/b] + +So you want to make $Projectname do something it doesn't already do. There are lots of ways. But let's learn how to write a plugin or addon. + + +In your $Projectname folder/directory, you will probably see a sub-directory called 'addon'. If you don't have one already, go ahead and create it. +[code] + mkdir addon +[/code] +Then figure out a name for your addon. You probably have at least a vague idea of what you want it to do. For our example I'm going to create a plugin called 'randplace' that provides a somewhat random location for each of your posts. The name of your plugin is used to find the functions we need to access and is part of the function names, so to be safe, use only simple text characters. + +Once you've chosen a name, create a directory beneath 'addon' to hold your working file or files. +[code] + mkdir addon/randplace +[/code] +Now create your plugin file. It needs to have the same name, and it's a PHP script, so using your favourite editor, create the file +[code] + addon/randplace/randplace.php +[/code] +The very first line of this file needs to be +[code] + <?php +[/code] +Then we're going to create a comment block to describe the plugin. There's a special format for this. We use /* ... */ comment-style and some tagged lines consisting of +[code] + /** + * + * Name: Random Place (here you can use better descriptions than you could in the filename) + * Description: Sample $Projectname plugin, Sets a random place when posting. + * Version: 1.0 + * Author: Mike Macgirvin <> + * + */ +[/code] +These tags will be seen by the site administrator when he/she installs or manages plugins from the admin panel. There can be more than one author. Just add another line starting with 'Author:'. + +The typical plugin will have at least the following functions: +[code] + pluginname_load() + pluginname_unload() +[/code] +In our case, we'll call them randplace_load() and randplace_unload(), as that is the name of our plugin. These functions are called whenever we wish to either initialise the plugin or remove it from the current webpage. Also if your plugin requires things like altering the database schema before it can run for the very first time, you would likely place these instructions in the functions named +[code] + pluginname_install() + pluginname_uninstall() +[/code] + +Next we'll talk about [b]hooks[/b]. Hooks are places in $Projectname code where we allow plugins to do stuff. There are a [url=[baseurl]/help/hooklist]lot of these[/url], and they each have a name. What we normally do is use the pluginname_load() function to register a "handler function" for any hooks you are interested in. Then when any of these hooks are triggered, your code will be called. + +We register hook handlers with the 'Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register()' function. It typically takes 3 arguments. The first is the hook we wish to catch, the second is the filename of the file to find our handler function (relative to the base of your $Projectname installation), and the third is the function name of your handler function. So let's create our randplace_load() function right now. + +[code] + function randplace_load() { + Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register('post_local', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_post_hook'); + + Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register('feature_settings', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings'); + Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::register('feature_settings_post', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings_post'); + + } +[/code] + +So we're going to catch three events, 'post_local' which is triggered when a post is made on the local system, 'feature_settings' to set some preferences for our plugin, and 'feature_settings_post' to store those settings. + +Next we'll create an unload function. This is easy, as it just unregisters our hooks. It takes exactly the same arguments. +[code] + function randplace_unload() { + Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::unregister('post_local', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_post_hook'); + + Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::unregister('feature_settings', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings'); + Zotlabs\Extend\Hook::unregister('feature_settings_post', 'addon/randplace/randplace.php', 'randplace_settings_post'); + } +[/code] + +Hooks are always called with one argument which is specific to the hook you're calling. It contains information relevant to that particular place in the program, and often allows you to look at, and even change it. In order to change it, you need to add '&' to the variable name so it is passed to your function by reference. Otherwise it will create a copy and any changes you make will be lost when the hook process returns. Usually (but not always) the passed data is a named array of data structures. Please see the "hook reference" (not yet written as of this date) for details on any specific hook. Occasionally you may need to view the program source to see precisely how a given hook is called and how the results are processed. + +Let's go ahead and add some code to implement our post_local hook handler. +[code] + function randplace_post_hook(&$item) { + + /** + * + * An item was posted on the local system. + * We are going to look for specific items: + * - A status post by a profile owner + * - The profile owner must have allowed our plugin + * + */ + + logger('randplace invoked'); + + if(! local_channel()) /* non-zero if this is a logged in user of this system */ + return; + + if(local_channel() != $item['uid']) /* Does this person own the post? */ + return; + + if(($item['parent']) || (! is_item_normal($item))) { + /* If the item has a parent, or is not "normal", this is a comment or something else, not a status post. */ + return; + } + + /* Retrieve our personal config setting */ + + $active = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'randplace', 'enable'); + + if(! $active) + return; + /** + * + * OK, we're allowed to do our stuff. + * Here's what we are going to do: + * load the list of timezone names, and use that to generate a list of world cities. + * Then we'll pick one of those at random and put it in the "location" field for the post. + * + */ + + $cities = array(); + $zones = timezone_identifiers_list(); + foreach($zones as $zone) { + if((strpos($zone,'/')) && (! stristr($zone,'US/')) && (! stristr($zone,'Etc/'))) + $cities[] = str_replace('_', ' ',substr($zone,strpos($zone,'/') + 1)); + } + + if(! count($cities)) + return; + $city = array_rand($cities,1); + $item['location'] = $cities[$city]; + + return; + } +[/code] + +Now let's add our functions to create and store preference settings. +[code] + /** + * + * Callback from the settings post function. + * $post contains the global $_POST array. + * We will make sure we've got a valid user account + * and that only our own submit button was clicked + * and if so set our configuration setting for this person. + * + */ + + function randplace_settings_post($post) { + if(! local_channel()) + return; + if($_POST['randplace-submit']) + set_pconfig(local_channel(),'randplace','enable',intval($_POST['randplace'])); + } + + + + /** + * + * Called from the Feature Setting form. + * The second argument is a string in this case, the HTML content region of the page. + * Add our own settings info to the string. + * + * For uniformity of settings pages, we use the following convention + * <div class="settings-block"> + * <h3>title</h3> + * .... settings html - many elements will be floated... + * <div class="clear"></div> <!-- generic class which clears all floats --> + * <input type="submit" name="pluginnname-submit" class="settings-submit" ..... /> + * </div> + */ + + + + function randplace_settings(&$s) { + + if(! local_channel()) + return; + + /* Add our stylesheet to the page so we can make our settings look nice */ + + head_add_css(/addon/randplace/randplace.css'); + + /* Get the current state of our config variable */ + + $enabled = get_pconfig(local_channel(),'randplace','enable'); + + $checked = (($enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); + + /* Add some HTML to the existing form */ + + $s .= '<div class="settings-block">'; + $s .= '<h3>' . t('Randplace Settings') . '</h3>'; + $s .= '<div id="randplace-enable-wrapper">'; + $s .= '<label id="randplace-enable-label" for="randplace-checkbox">' . t('Enable Randplace Plugin') . '</label>'; + $s .= '<input id="randplace-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="randplace" value="1" ' . $checked . '/>'; + $s .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>'; + + /* provide a submit button */ + + $s .= '<div class="settings-submit-wrapper" ><input type="submit" name="randplace-submit" class="settings-submit" value="' . t('Submit') . '" /></div></div>'; + + } + +[/code] + + + +[h2]Advanced Plugins[/h2] + +Sometimes your plugins want to provide a range of new functionality which isn't provided at all or is clumsy to provide using hooks. In this case your plugin can also act as a 'module'. A module in our case refers to a structured webpage handler which responds to a given URL. Then anything which accesses that URL will be handled completely by your plugin. + +There are two ways to accomplish this. To create a module object use the following model: +[code] +/.hidden +[/code] + +***Porting Friendica Plugins*** + +$Projectname uses a similar plugin architecture to the Friendica project. The authentication, identity, and permissions systems are completely different. Many Friendica can be ported reasonably easily by renaming a few functions - and then ensuring that the permissions model is adhered to. The functions which need to be renamed are: + +[li] Friendica's pluginname_install() is pluginname_load()[/li] + +[li] Friendica's pluginname_uninstall() is pluginname_unload()[/li] + +$Projectname has _install and _uninstall functions but these are used differently. + +[li] Friendica's "plugin_settings" hook is called "feature_settings"[/li] + +[li] Friendica's "plugin_settings_post" hook is called "feature_settings_post"[/li] + +Changing these will often allow your plugin to function, but please double check all your permission and identity code because the concepts behind it are completely different in $Projectname. Many structured data names (especially DB schema columns) are also quite different. + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 2d1fefc5b..7376d6163 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -[b]Problems Following An Update[/b] - -A good 90% of all bugs encountered immediately after updating the code to the latest version are simple cache errors of one sort or another. If you update and find something very obvious is broken - like your matrix page doesn't load, notifications are missing, or comment boxes are missing - the chances are it's not a bug at all. Breaking basic functionality is the kind of thing developers tend to notice. - -If this happens to you, there are a few simple steps to take before resorting to the support forums: - -[b]Browser Cache[/b] - -Symptoms: Menus do not expand, ACL selector does not open, progress indicator does not display (or loops forever), Matrix and channel pages do not load. - -Force reload the page. Shift reload, or ctrl+f5. Occasionally, but very, very rarely, you will also need to clear the session data - which is achieved by restarting the browser. - -[b]FastCGI[/b] - -Symptoms: Incorrect variables. The basic UI mostly works, but displays incorrect content or is missing content entirely. - -If you're using php5-fpm, this problem is usually resolved with [code]service php5-fpm restart[/code] - -[b]Smarty Cache[/b] - -Symptoms: - -1) White Screen Of Death. This is most prevalent on the settings and admin pages. - -2) Missing icons, tabs, menus or features. - -We use the Smarty3 template engine to generate pages. These templates are compiled before they are displayed. Occasionally, a new or modified template will fail to overwrite the old compiled version. To clear the Smarty cache, delete all the files in store/[data]/smarty3/compiled [b]but do not delete the directory itself[/b]. Templates will then be recompiled on their next access. - -[b]Theme Issues[/b] - -There are many themes for $Projectname. Only Redbasic is officialy supported by the core developers. This applies [i]even if a core developer happens to support an additional theme[/i]. This means new features are only guaranteed to work in Redbasic. - -Redbasic uses a few javascript libraries that are done differently, or entirely absent in other themes. This means new features may only work properly in Redbasic. Before reporting an issue, therefore, you should switch to Redbasic to see if it exists there. If the issue goes away, this is not a bug - it's a theme that isn't up to date. - -Should you report an issue with the theme developers then? No. Theme developers use their themes. Chances are, they know. Give them two or three days to catch up and [i]then[/i] report the issue if it's still not fixed. There are two workarounds for this situation. Firstly, you can temporarily use Redbasic. Secondly, most themes are open source too - open a pull request and make yourself a friend. - -#include doc/macros/; - +[b]Problems Following An Update[/b] + +A good 90% of all bugs encountered immediately after updating the code to the latest version are simple cache errors of one sort or another. If you update and find something very obvious is broken - like your matrix page doesn't load, notifications are missing, or comment boxes are missing - the chances are it's not a bug at all. Breaking basic functionality is the kind of thing developers tend to notice. + +If this happens to you, there are a few simple steps to take before resorting to the support forums: + +[b]Browser Cache[/b] + +Symptoms: Menus do not expand, ACL selector does not open, progress indicator does not display (or loops forever), Matrix and channel pages do not load. + +Force reload the page. Shift reload, or ctrl+f5. Occasionally, but very, very rarely, you will also need to clear the session data - which is achieved by restarting the browser. + +[b]FastCGI[/b] + +Symptoms: Incorrect variables. The basic UI mostly works, but displays incorrect content or is missing content entirely. + +If you're using php5-fpm, this problem is usually resolved with [code]service php5-fpm restart[/code] + +[b]Smarty Cache[/b] + +Symptoms: + +1) White Screen Of Death. This is most prevalent on the settings and admin pages. + +2) Missing icons, tabs, menus or features. + +We use the Smarty3 template engine to generate pages. These templates are compiled before they are displayed. Occasionally, a new or modified template will fail to overwrite the old compiled version. To clear the Smarty cache, delete all the files in store/[data]/smarty3/compiled [b]but do not delete the directory itself[/b]. Templates will then be recompiled on their next access. + +[b]Theme Issues[/b] + +There are many themes for $Projectname. Only Redbasic is officialy supported by the core developers. This applies [i]even if a core developer happens to support an additional theme[/i]. This means new features are only guaranteed to work in Redbasic. + +Redbasic uses a few javascript libraries that are done differently, or entirely absent in other themes. This means new features may only work properly in Redbasic. Before reporting an issue, therefore, you should switch to Redbasic to see if it exists there. If the issue goes away, this is not a bug - it's a theme that isn't up to date. + +Should you report an issue with the theme developers then? No. Theme developers use their themes. Chances are, they know. Give them two or three days to catch up and [i]then[/i] report the issue if it's still not fixed. There are two workarounds for this situation. Firstly, you can temporarily use Redbasic. Secondly, most themes are open source too - open a pull request and make yourself a friend. + +#include doc/macros/; + diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 8a056b81b..8ae087fbf 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,342 +1,342 @@ -[b]How to install $Projectname on a Raspberry Pi[/b] - -You just bought a Raspberry Pi and want to run the RED Matrix with your own domain name? - -Then this page is for you! You will: -[list=1] -[*] Install Raspberry OS (Debian Linux) on a Raspberry -[*] Install Apache Web Server, PHP, MaySQL, phpMyAdmin -[*] Register a free domain (dynamic DNS) and use it for your hub -[*] Install $Projectname -[*] Keep your Raspberry Pi and $Projectname up-to-date -[*] TODO Setting up SSL -[*] TODO Running with SSL -[*] TODO Make the webserver less vulnarable to attacks -[/list] - -[size=large]1. Install Raspberry OS (Debian Linux)[/size] - -instructions under [url=][/url] -This page links to the quick start containing detailed instruction. - -[b]Format SD card[/b] - -using the program gparted under Linux Mint 15 - -format as FAT32 - -[b]Download NOOBS (offline and network install)[/b] - -[url=][/url] - -unzip - -copy unzipped files to SD card - -[b]Install Raspbian as OS on the Rasperry Pi[/b] - -connect with keyboard via USB - -connect with monitor via HDMI - -Insert SD card into Rasperry Pi - -Connect with power supply to switch on the Rasperry - -choose Raspbian as OS (> installs Raspbian....) - -wait for the coniguration program raspi-config (you can later start it by sudo raspi-config) - -[b]Configure Raspbian[/b] - -in raspi-config > advanced > choose to use ssh (!! You need this to connect to administrate your Pi from your PC !!) - -in raspi-config > change the password (of default user "pi" from "raspberry" to your password) - -in raspi-config (optional) > Internationalisation options > Change Locale > to de_DE.utf-8 utf-8 (for example) - -in raspi-config (optional) > Internationalisation options > Change Timezoe > set your timezone - -in raspi-config (optional) > Overlock > medium - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - -[b]More[/b] - -[code]sudo reboot[/code] - -Now its time to connect the Pi to the network. -[ul] -[*] pull out keyboard -[*] pull out monitor -[*] you even can pull out the power supply (USB) -[*] plug-in the network cable to the router -[*] plug-in the power supply again -[*] wait for a minute or to give the Pi time to boot and start ssh... -[/ul] - -On your PC connect to the Pi to administrate (here update it). -Open the console on the PC (Window: Start > cmd, Linux: Shell) - -Hint: use the router admin tool to find out the IP of your PI[code]ssh pi@ -sudo apt-get update -sudo apt-get dist-upgrade[/code] - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - - -[size=large]2. Install Apache Web Server, PHP, MaySQL, phpMyAdmin[/size] - -[b]Install Apache Webserver[/b] - -[code]sudo bash -sudo groupadd www-data[/code] might exist already - -[code]sudo usermod -a -G www-data www-data -sudo apt-get update -sudo reboot[/code] - -wait... -reconnect via ssh, example: [code]ssh pi@ -sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils[/code] - -Open webbrowser on PC and check [url=][/url] -Should show you a page like "It works" - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - -[b]Install PHP, MaySQL, phpMyAdmin[/b] - -[code]sudo bash -apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php-pear php5-xcache php5-curl -apt-get install php5-mysql -apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/code] enter and note the mysql passwort - -[code]apt-get install phpmyadmin[/code] - -Configuring phpmyadmin -- Select apache2 -- Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?: Choose Yes - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - -[b]Test installation[/b] - -[code]cd /var/www[/code] - -create a php file to test the php installation[code]sudo nano phpinfo.php[/code] - -Insert into the file:[code] -<?php - phpinfo(); -?> -[/code] -(save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X) - -open webbrowser on PC and try [url=][/url] (page shows infos on php) - -connect phpMyAdmin with MySQL database [code]nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf[/code] -- CTRL+V... to the end of the file -- Insert at the end of the file: (save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X)[code]Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf[/code] - -restart apache[code]/etc/init.d/apache2 restart -sudo apt-get update -sudo apt-get upgrade -sudo reboot[/code] - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - -[b]phpMyAdmin[/b] - -open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=][/url] - -(Source [url=][/url]) - - -[b]Create an empty database... that is later used by RED[/b] - -open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=][/url] - -Create an empty database - -Note the access details (hostname, username, password, database name). - - -[size=large]3. Selfhost[/size] - -(Source: #^[url=][/url]) - -[url=][/url] - -[b]Step 1[/b] -Register for a Free domain at #^[url=][/url] -(We will take in this guide) - -[b]Step 2[/b] - -Logon to FreeDNS (where you just registered) and goto #^[url=][/url] -Right click on "Direct Link" and copy the URL and paste it somewhere. -You should notice a large and unique alpha-numeric key in the URL, make a note of it as shown below: -[code][/code] - - -[b]Step 3[/b] -Install inadyn using the following command:[code]sudo apt-get install inadyn[/code] - -[b]Step 4[/b] -Configure inadyn using the below steps:[code]sudo nano /etc/inadyn.conf[/code] -And add the following contains in it replacing the actual values: -[code] ---username [color=red]techhome[/color] ---password [color=red]mypassword[/color] ---update_period 3600 ---forced_update_period 14400 ---alias [color=red]</b>,[color=red]alphanumeric key[/color] ---background ---dyndns_system ---syslog - [/code] - - -[b]Step 5[/b] - -Now, we need to ensure that the DNS updater (Inadyn) runs automatically after every re-boot[code]export EDITOR=gedit && sudo crontab -e[/code] -Add the following line:[code]@reboot /usr/sbin/inadyn[/code] - - -[b]Step 6[/b] - -Reboot system and then run the following command to ensure inadyn is running:[code] -sudo reboot -ps -A | grep inadyn -[/code] -Now your host is ready and up for accessing from internet... -You can trying ssh-ing from another computer over the internet -[code]ssh[/code] -Or, if any web server is running, then simply browse to #^[url=][/url] -Or, you can just ping it to test ping -To check the logs you can use this: -[code]more /var/log/messages |grep INADYN[/code] - - -[size=large]4. Install $Projectname[/size] - -(Source: [zrl=[baseurl]/help/Install][baseurl]/help/Install[/zrl]) - -Linux Appache document root is /var/www/ -Two files exist there (created by the steps above): index.html, phpinfo.php - - -[b]Install $Projectname and its Addons[/b] - -Cleanup: Remove the directory www/ (Git will not create files and folders in directories that are not empty.) Make sure you are in directory var[code]pi@pi /var $ cd /var[/code] - -Remove directory[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo rm -rf www/[/code] - -Download the sources of $Projectname from GIT -[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo git clone www[/code] - -Download the sources of the addons from GIT -[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo git clone addon[/code] - -Make user www-data the owner of the whole web directory (including subdirectories and files) -(TODO: This step has to be proofed by the next installation.) -[code]pi@pi /var $ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/[/code] - -Check if you can update the sources from git[code] -pi@pi /var $ cd www -pi@pi /var/www $ git pull -[/code] - -Check if you can update the addons -[code]pi@pi /var/www $ cd addon/ -pi@pi /var/www/addon $ sudo git pull[/code] - -Make sure folder store/[data]/smarty3 exists and is writable by the webserver -[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo chmod ou+w "store/\[data\]/smarty3"[/code] - -Create .htconfig.php and is writable by the webserver -[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo touch .htconfig.php -pi@pi /var/www $ sudo chmod ou+w .htconfig.php[/code] - -[b]First start and initial configuration of your RED Matrix hub[/b] - -In browser open #^[zrl=][/zrl] -(Replace by your domain, see chapter selfhost. Be patient. It takes time.) -(#^[zrl=][/zrl]) - -There might be errors like the following. - -Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed. -Solution: -apt-get install php5-curl - -Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed. -Solution -(Source: [url=][/url]) -The default installation of Apache2 comes with mod_rewrite installed. To check whether this is the case, verify the existence of /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load -- pi@pi /var/www $ nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load - (You should find the contendt: LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ -To enable and load mod_rewrite, do the rest of steps. -Create a symbolic link in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled -- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo a2enmod rewrite -Then open up the following file, and replace every occurrence of "AllowOverride None" with "AllowOverride all". -- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default -Finally, restart Apache2. -- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo service apache2 restart - -Error store is writable (not checked) -Solution: -(TODO: Make writeable to group www-data only?) -pi@pi /var/www $ sudo mkdir store -pi@pi /var/www $ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/red/ -pi@pi /var/www $ sudo chmod ou+w view - -[b]More[/b] - -Set up a cron job to run the poller once every 15 minutes in order to perform background processing. -- pi@pi /var/www $ which php -Make sure you are in the document root directory of the webserver -- pi@pi /var/www $ cd /var/www/ -Try to execute the poller in order to make sure it works -- pi@pi /var/www $ /usr/bin/php include/poller.php -Create the cronjob -- pi@pi /var/www $ crontab -e -Enter -- */15 * * * * cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/php include/poller.php -- Save and exit. - -Prevent search engines from indexing your search pages. Why? This can cause heavy resource use. - -[code] -php util/config system block_public_search 1 -[/code] - - - -[size=large]5. Keep your Raspberry Pi and your $Projectname up-to-date[/size] - -Git update every day at 4 am and addons at 5 am every day -Try if the command is working -- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo git pull -Create the cronjob -- pi@pi /var/www $ crontab -e -Enter the following to update at 4:01 am every day -- 01 04 * * * cd /var/www/; sudo git pull -Enter the following to update the addons at 5:01 am every day -- 01 05 * * * cd /var/www/addon/; sudo git pull -Enter the following to update the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian OS = Debian) at 6:01 am every day -- 01 06 * * * sudo aptitude -y update && sudo aptitude -y safe-upgrade -Save and exit. - -[size=large]6. Running with SSL[/size] - -Follow the instructions here: -[url=][/url] - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]How to install $Projectname on a Raspberry Pi[/b] + +You just bought a Raspberry Pi and want to run the RED Matrix with your own domain name? + +Then this page is for you! You will: +[list=1] +[*] Install Raspberry OS (Debian Linux) on a Raspberry +[*] Install Apache Web Server, PHP, MaySQL, phpMyAdmin +[*] Register a free domain (dynamic DNS) and use it for your hub +[*] Install $Projectname +[*] Keep your Raspberry Pi and $Projectname up-to-date +[*] TODO Setting up SSL +[*] TODO Running with SSL +[*] TODO Make the webserver less vulnarable to attacks +[/list] + +[size=large]1. Install Raspberry OS (Debian Linux)[/size] + +instructions under [url=][/url] +This page links to the quick start containing detailed instruction. + +[b]Format SD card[/b] + +using the program gparted under Linux Mint 15 + +format as FAT32 + +[b]Download NOOBS (offline and network install)[/b] + +[url=][/url] + +unzip + +copy unzipped files to SD card + +[b]Install Raspbian as OS on the Rasperry Pi[/b] + +connect with keyboard via USB + +connect with monitor via HDMI + +Insert SD card into Rasperry Pi + +Connect with power supply to switch on the Rasperry + +choose Raspbian as OS (> installs Raspbian....) + +wait for the coniguration program raspi-config (you can later start it by sudo raspi-config) + +[b]Configure Raspbian[/b] + +in raspi-config > advanced > choose to use ssh (!! You need this to connect to administrate your Pi from your PC !!) + +in raspi-config > change the password (of default user "pi" from "raspberry" to your password) + +in raspi-config (optional) > Internationalisation options > Change Locale > to de_DE.utf-8 utf-8 (for example) + +in raspi-config (optional) > Internationalisation options > Change Timezoe > set your timezone + +in raspi-config (optional) > Overlock > medium + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + +[b]More[/b] + +[code]sudo reboot[/code] + +Now its time to connect the Pi to the network. +[ul] +[*] pull out keyboard +[*] pull out monitor +[*] you even can pull out the power supply (USB) +[*] plug-in the network cable to the router +[*] plug-in the power supply again +[*] wait for a minute or to give the Pi time to boot and start ssh... +[/ul] + +On your PC connect to the Pi to administrate (here update it). +Open the console on the PC (Window: Start > cmd, Linux: Shell) + +Hint: use the router admin tool to find out the IP of your PI[code]ssh pi@ +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get dist-upgrade[/code] + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + + +[size=large]2. Install Apache Web Server, PHP, MaySQL, phpMyAdmin[/size] + +[b]Install Apache Webserver[/b] + +[code]sudo bash +sudo groupadd www-data[/code] might exist already + +[code]sudo usermod -a -G www-data www-data +sudo apt-get update +sudo reboot[/code] + +wait... +reconnect via ssh, example: [code]ssh pi@ +sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils[/code] + +Open webbrowser on PC and check [url=][/url] +Should show you a page like "It works" + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + +[b]Install PHP, MaySQL, phpMyAdmin[/b] + +[code]sudo bash +apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php-pear php5-xcache php5-curl +apt-get install php5-mysql +apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/code] enter and note the mysql passwort + +[code]apt-get install phpmyadmin[/code] + +Configuring phpmyadmin +- Select apache2 +- Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?: Choose Yes + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + +[b]Test installation[/b] + +[code]cd /var/www[/code] + +create a php file to test the php installation[code]sudo nano phpinfo.php[/code] + +Insert into the file:[code] +<?php + phpinfo(); +?> +[/code] +(save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X) + +open webbrowser on PC and try [url=][/url] (page shows infos on php) + +connect phpMyAdmin with MySQL database [code]nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf[/code] +- CTRL+V... to the end of the file +- Insert at the end of the file: (save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X)[code]Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf[/code] + +restart apache[code]/etc/init.d/apache2 restart +sudo apt-get update +sudo apt-get upgrade +sudo reboot[/code] + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + +[b]phpMyAdmin[/b] + +open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=][/url] + +(Source [url=][/url]) + + +[b]Create an empty database... that is later used by RED[/b] + +open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=][/url] + +Create an empty database + +Note the access details (hostname, username, password, database name). + + +[size=large]3. Selfhost[/size] + +(Source: #^[url=][/url]) + +[url=][/url] + +[b]Step 1[/b] +Register for a Free domain at #^[url=][/url] +(We will take in this guide) + +[b]Step 2[/b] + +Logon to FreeDNS (where you just registered) and goto #^[url=][/url] +Right click on "Direct Link" and copy the URL and paste it somewhere. +You should notice a large and unique alpha-numeric key in the URL, make a note of it as shown below: +[code][/code] + + +[b]Step 3[/b] +Install inadyn using the following command:[code]sudo apt-get install inadyn[/code] + +[b]Step 4[/b] +Configure inadyn using the below steps:[code]sudo nano /etc/inadyn.conf[/code] +And add the following contains in it replacing the actual values: +[code] +--username [color=red]techhome[/color] +--password [color=red]mypassword[/color] +--update_period 3600 +--forced_update_period 14400 +--alias [color=red]</b>,[color=red]alphanumeric key[/color] +--background +--dyndns_system +--syslog + [/code] + + +[b]Step 5[/b] + +Now, we need to ensure that the DNS updater (Inadyn) runs automatically after every re-boot[code]export EDITOR=gedit && sudo crontab -e[/code] +Add the following line:[code]@reboot /usr/sbin/inadyn[/code] + + +[b]Step 6[/b] + +Reboot system and then run the following command to ensure inadyn is running:[code] +sudo reboot +ps -A | grep inadyn +[/code] +Now your host is ready and up for accessing from internet... +You can trying ssh-ing from another computer over the internet +[code]ssh[/code] +Or, if any web server is running, then simply browse to #^[url=][/url] +Or, you can just ping it to test ping +To check the logs you can use this: +[code]more /var/log/messages |grep INADYN[/code] + + +[size=large]4. Install $Projectname[/size] + +(Source: [zrl=[baseurl]/help/Install][baseurl]/help/Install[/zrl]) + +Linux Appache document root is /var/www/ +Two files exist there (created by the steps above): index.html, phpinfo.php + + +[b]Install $Projectname and its Addons[/b] + +Cleanup: Remove the directory www/ (Git will not create files and folders in directories that are not empty.) Make sure you are in directory var[code]pi@pi /var $ cd /var[/code] + +Remove directory[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo rm -rf www/[/code] + +Download the sources of $Projectname from GIT +[code]pi@pi /var $ sudo git clone www[/code] + +Download the sources of the addons from GIT +[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo git clone addon[/code] + +Make user www-data the owner of the whole web directory (including subdirectories and files) +(TODO: This step has to be proofed by the next installation.) +[code]pi@pi /var $ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/[/code] + +Check if you can update the sources from git[code] +pi@pi /var $ cd www +pi@pi /var/www $ git pull +[/code] + +Check if you can update the addons +[code]pi@pi /var/www $ cd addon/ +pi@pi /var/www/addon $ sudo git pull[/code] + +Make sure folder store/[data]/smarty3 exists and is writable by the webserver +[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo chmod ou+w "store/\[data\]/smarty3"[/code] + +Create .htconfig.php and is writable by the webserver +[code]pi@pi /var/www $ sudo touch .htconfig.php +pi@pi /var/www $ sudo chmod ou+w .htconfig.php[/code] + +[b]First start and initial configuration of your RED Matrix hub[/b] + +In browser open #^[zrl=][/zrl] +(Replace by your domain, see chapter selfhost. Be patient. It takes time.) +(#^[zrl=][/zrl]) + +There might be errors like the following. + +Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed. +Solution: +apt-get install php5-curl + +Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed. +Solution +(Source: [url=][/url]) +The default installation of Apache2 comes with mod_rewrite installed. To check whether this is the case, verify the existence of /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load +- pi@pi /var/www $ nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load + (You should find the contendt: LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ +To enable and load mod_rewrite, do the rest of steps. +Create a symbolic link in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled +- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo a2enmod rewrite +Then open up the following file, and replace every occurrence of "AllowOverride None" with "AllowOverride all". +- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default +Finally, restart Apache2. +- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo service apache2 restart + +Error store is writable (not checked) +Solution: +(TODO: Make writeable to group www-data only?) +pi@pi /var/www $ sudo mkdir store +pi@pi /var/www $ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/red/ +pi@pi /var/www $ sudo chmod ou+w view + +[b]More[/b] + +Set up a cron job to run the poller once every 15 minutes in order to perform background processing. +- pi@pi /var/www $ which php +Make sure you are in the document root directory of the webserver +- pi@pi /var/www $ cd /var/www/ +Try to execute the poller in order to make sure it works +- pi@pi /var/www $ /usr/bin/php include/poller.php +Create the cronjob +- pi@pi /var/www $ crontab -e +Enter +- */15 * * * * cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/php include/poller.php +- Save and exit. + +Prevent search engines from indexing your search pages. Why? This can cause heavy resource use. + +[code] +php util/config system block_public_search 1 +[/code] + + + +[size=large]5. Keep your Raspberry Pi and your $Projectname up-to-date[/size] + +Git update every day at 4 am and addons at 5 am every day +Try if the command is working +- pi@pi /var/www $ sudo git pull +Create the cronjob +- pi@pi /var/www $ crontab -e +Enter the following to update at 4:01 am every day +- 01 04 * * * cd /var/www/; sudo git pull +Enter the following to update the addons at 5:01 am every day +- 01 05 * * * cd /var/www/addon/; sudo git pull +Enter the following to update the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian OS = Debian) at 6:01 am every day +- 01 06 * * * sudo aptitude -y update && sudo aptitude -y safe-upgrade +Save and exit. + +[size=large]6. Running with SSL[/size] + +Follow the instructions here: +[url=][/url] + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 3d4c84e85..10832684a 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,78 +1,78 @@ -[b]Red Development - A Guide To The Schema System[/b] - -A schema, in a nutshell, is a collection of settings for a bunch of variables to define -certain elements of a theme. A schema is loaded as though it were part of config.php -and has access to all the same information. Importantly, this means it is identity aware, -and can be used to do some interesting things. One could, for example, restrict options -by service class, or present different options to different members. - -By default, we filter only by whether or not expert mode is enabled. If expert mode is -enabled, all options are presented to the member. If it is not, only scheme, background -image, font face, and iconset are available as choices. - -A schema is loaded *after* the member's personal settings. Therefore, to allow a member -to overwrite a particular aspect of a schema you would use the following syntax: -[code] - if (! $foo) - $foo = 'bar'; -[/code] -However, there are circumstances - particularly with positional elements - where it -may be desirable (or necessary) to override a member's settings. In this case, the syntax -is even simpler: -[code] - $foo = 'bar'; -[/code] -Members will not thank you for this, however, so only use it when it is required. - -If no personal options are set, and no schema is selected, we will first try to load a schema -with the file name "default.php". This file should never be included with a theme. If it -is, merge conflicts will occur as people update their code. Rather, this should be defined -by administrators on a site by site basis. -default.php and default.css MUST be symlinks to existing scheme files. - -You schema does not need to - and should not - contain all of these values. Only the values -that differ from the defaults should be listed. This gives you some very powerful options -with very few lines of code. - -Note the options available differ with each theme. The options available with the Redbasic -theme are as follows: - -[li] nav_colour - The colour of the navigation bar. Options are red, black and silver. Alternatively, - one can set $nav_bg_1, $nav_bg_2, $nav_bg_3 and $nav_bg_4 to provide gradient and - hover effects.[/li] -[li] banner_colour - The font colour of the banner element. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] -[li] bgcolour - Set the body background colour. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] -[li] background_image - Sets a background image. Accepts a URL or path.[/li] -[li] item_colour - Set the background colour of items. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] -[li] item_opacity - Set the opacity of items. Accepts a value from 0.01 to 1[/li] -[li] toolicon_colour - Set the colour of tool icons. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] -[li] toolicon_activecolour - Set the colour of active or hovered icon tools.[/li] -[li] font_size - Set the size of fonts in items and posts. Accepts px or em.[/li] -[li] body_font_size - Sets the size of fonts at the body level. Accepts px or em.[/li] -[li] font_colour - Sets the font colour. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] -[li] radius - Set the radius of corners. Accepts a numeral, and is always in px.[/li] -[li] shadow - Set the size of shadows shown with inline images. Accepts a numerical - value. Note shadows are not applied to smileys.[/li] -[li] converse_width - Set the maximum width of the content region in px.[/li] -[li] nav_min_opacity[/li] -[li] top_photo[/li] -[li] reply_photo[/li] - -If a your_schema_name.css file is found, the content of this file will be attached to the end of style.css. -This gives the schem developer the possiblity to override any style component. - -#include doc/macros/; +[b]Red Development - A Guide To The Schema System[/b] + +A schema, in a nutshell, is a collection of settings for a bunch of variables to define +certain elements of a theme. A schema is loaded as though it were part of config.php +and has access to all the same information. Importantly, this means it is identity aware, +and can be used to do some interesting things. One could, for example, restrict options +by service class, or present different options to different members. + +By default, we filter only by whether or not expert mode is enabled. If expert mode is +enabled, all options are presented to the member. If it is not, only scheme, background +image, font face, and iconset are available as choices. + +A schema is loaded *after* the member's personal settings. Therefore, to allow a member +to overwrite a particular aspect of a schema you would use the following syntax: +[code] + if (! $foo) + $foo = 'bar'; +[/code] +However, there are circumstances - particularly with positional elements - where it +may be desirable (or necessary) to override a member's settings. In this case, the syntax +is even simpler: +[code] + $foo = 'bar'; +[/code] +Members will not thank you for this, however, so only use it when it is required. + +If no personal options are set, and no schema is selected, we will first try to load a schema +with the file name "default.php". This file should never be included with a theme. If it +is, merge conflicts will occur as people update their code. Rather, this should be defined +by administrators on a site by site basis. +default.php and default.css MUST be symlinks to existing scheme files. + +You schema does not need to - and should not - contain all of these values. Only the values +that differ from the defaults should be listed. This gives you some very powerful options +with very few lines of code. + +Note the options available differ with each theme. The options available with the Redbasic +theme are as follows: + +[li] nav_colour + The colour of the navigation bar. Options are red, black and silver. Alternatively, + one can set $nav_bg_1, $nav_bg_2, $nav_bg_3 and $nav_bg_4 to provide gradient and + hover effects.[/li] +[li] banner_colour + The font colour of the banner element. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] +[li] bgcolour + Set the body background colour. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] +[li] background_image + Sets a background image. Accepts a URL or path.[/li] +[li] item_colour + Set the background colour of items. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] +[li] item_opacity + Set the opacity of items. Accepts a value from 0.01 to 1[/li] +[li] toolicon_colour + Set the colour of tool icons. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] +[li] toolicon_activecolour + Set the colour of active or hovered icon tools.[/li] +[li] font_size + Set the size of fonts in items and posts. Accepts px or em.[/li] +[li] body_font_size + Sets the size of fonts at the body level. Accepts px or em.[/li] +[li] font_colour + Sets the font colour. Accepts an RGB or Hex value.[/li] +[li] radius + Set the radius of corners. Accepts a numeral, and is always in px.[/li] +[li] shadow + Set the size of shadows shown with inline images. Accepts a numerical + value. Note shadows are not applied to smileys.[/li] +[li] converse_width + Set the maximum width of the content region in px.[/li] +[li] nav_min_opacity[/li] +[li] top_photo[/li] +[li] reply_photo[/li] + +If a your_schema_name.css file is found, the content of this file will be attached to the end of style.css. +This gives the schem developer the possiblity to override any style component. + +#include doc/macros/; diff --git a/doc/sv/ b/doc/sv/ index 1c6ad3f63..e304a84cd 100644 --- a/doc/sv/ +++ b/doc/sv/ @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ -[img][baseurl]/images/hubzilla-banner.png[/img] - -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/about][b]Vad är $Projectname?[/b][/zrl] -$Projectname är en decentraliserad publicerings- och kommunikationsplattform som möjliggör att du behåller kontrollen över dina kommunikationer med hjälp av automatisk kryptering och fininställbar behörighetskontroll. Det är du, och bara du, som beslutar vem som är behörig att ta del av ditt innehåll. - -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/features][b]$Projectname funktioner[/b][/zrl] -$Projectname används redan och bildar ett globalt distribuerad närverk och bevisar* dagligen sin skalbarhet och diversitet i allt från installationer med en kanal till installationer med många användare och många kanaler med en stor mängd innehåll. -Föreställ dig isolerade familjekommunikationsplatformer, distribuerade nätforum med fildelning, hjälpforum, bloggar och hemsidor. Eller proffesionellt anpassade innehållsleverantörer med kommersiella premium* kanaler och målriktat innehållsstyrning. Vad du än önskar så finns $Projectname för att stödja dig i förverkligande av din kreativitet. - -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/what_is_zot][b]Har du Zot? Skaffa det, direkt.[/b][/zrl] -Zot är en fantastisk ny kommunikationsprotokoll uppfunnit speciellt för $Projectname. Som medlem är du inte längre bunden till en enskild sida eller hub tack vara "nomadiska identiteter". Flytt lätt till en annan server och håll dina kontakter och förbindelser intakta eller klona och kör den samma kanal på flera servrar simultant. I tillfälle av att en av dem stänger ner så går du inte miste om något. Plus när du är loggat in i $Projectname så är det inga flera inloggningar även när du kontakter andra hubbar i nätverket. Zot är det som gör $Projectname till något särskilt värdefullt/som urskiljer $Projectname från mängden. - -[h3]Kom igång[/h3] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Privacy]Privacy Policy[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/registration]Account Registration[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/accounts_profiles_channels_basics]You at $Projectname: accounts, profiles and channels in short[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/profiles]Profiles[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/channels]Channels[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/sv/roles]Behörighetsförval för kanaler[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/first-post]Your first posting[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/connecting_to_channels]Connecting To Other Channels[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/permissions]Permissions And Encryption: You Are In Control[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/cloud]Cloud Storage[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/remove_account]Remove Channel or Account[/zrl] - -[h3]Hjälp till medlemmar[/h3] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/tags_and_mentions]Tags and Mentions[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/webpages]Web Pages[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/bbcode]BBcode reference for posts and comments[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/checking_account_quota_usage]Checking Account Quota Usage[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/cloud_desktop_clients]Cloud Desktop Clients[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/AdvancedSearch]Advanced Directory Search[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/addons]Help With Addons[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/diaspora_compat]Diaspora Communications Compatibility (Diaspora and Friendica)[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_members]FAQ For Members[/zrl] - -[h3]Hjälp till administratorer[/h3] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/install]Install[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/debian_install]Easy Install on Debian via script[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/red2pi]Installing Red on the Raspberry Pi[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/troubleshooting]Troubleshooting Tips[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/hidden_configs]Tweaking $Projectname's Hidden Configurations[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_admins]FAQ For Admins[/zrl] - -[h3]Teknisk dokumentation[/h3] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Zot---A-High-Level-Overview]A high level overview of Zot[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/zot]An introduction to Zot[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/zot_structures]Zot Stuctures[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/comanche]Comanche Page Descriptions[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Creating-Templates]Creating Comanche Templates[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Widgets]Core Widgets[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/plugins]Plugins[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/doco]Contributing Documentation[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/DerivedTheme1]Creating Derivative Themes[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/schema_development]Schemas[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Translations]Translations[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/developers]Developers[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/intro_for_developers]Intro for Developers[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/api_functions]API functions[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/api_posting]Posting to the red# using the API[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/developer_function_primer]Red Functions 101[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/doc/html/]Code Reference (doxygen generated - sets cookies)[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/to_do_doco]To-Do list for the Red Documentation Project[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/to_do_code]To-Do list for Developers[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/roadmap]Version 3 roadmap[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/git_for_non_developers]Git for Non-Developers[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/dev_beginner]Sep-for-step manual for beginning developers[/zrl] - -[h3]Externa resurser[/h3] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]External Resource Links[/zrl] -[url=]Main Website[/url] -[url=]Addon Website[/url] -[url=]Development Channel[/url] - -[url=[baseurl]/help/credits]$Projectname Credits[/url] - -[h3]About This $Projectname Hub[/h3] -[zrl=[baseurl]/help/TermsOfService]Terms of Service For This Hub[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/siteinfo]Hub Information (/siteinfo)[/zrl] -[zrl=[baseurl]/siteinfo_json]Detailed Technical Hub Information (/siteinfo_json)[/zrl] +[img][baseurl]/images/hubzilla-banner.png[/img] + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/about][b]Vad är $Projectname?[/b][/zrl] +$Projectname är en decentraliserad publicerings- och kommunikationsplattform som möjliggör att du behåller kontrollen över dina kommunikationer med hjälp av automatisk kryptering och fininställbar behörighetskontroll. Det är du, och bara du, som beslutar vem som är behörig att ta del av ditt innehåll. + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/features][b]$Projectname funktioner[/b][/zrl] +$Projectname används redan och bildar ett globalt distribuerad närverk och bevisar* dagligen sin skalbarhet och diversitet i allt från installationer med en kanal till installationer med många användare och många kanaler med en stor mängd innehåll. +Föreställ dig isolerade familjekommunikationsplatformer, distribuerade nätforum med fildelning, hjälpforum, bloggar och hemsidor. Eller proffesionellt anpassade innehållsleverantörer med kommersiella premium* kanaler och målriktat innehållsstyrning. Vad du än önskar så finns $Projectname för att stödja dig i förverkligande av din kreativitet. + +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/what_is_zot][b]Har du Zot? Skaffa det, direkt.[/b][/zrl] +Zot är en fantastisk ny kommunikationsprotokoll uppfunnit speciellt för $Projectname. Som medlem är du inte längre bunden till en enskild sida eller hub tack vara "nomadiska identiteter". Flytt lätt till en annan server och håll dina kontakter och förbindelser intakta eller klona och kör den samma kanal på flera servrar simultant. I tillfälle av att en av dem stänger ner så går du inte miste om något. Plus när du är loggat in i $Projectname så är det inga flera inloggningar även när du kontakter andra hubbar i nätverket. Zot är det som gör $Projectname till något särskilt värdefullt/som urskiljer $Projectname från mängden. + +[h3]Kom igång[/h3] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Privacy]Privacy Policy[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/registration]Account Registration[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/accounts_profiles_channels_basics]You at $Projectname: accounts, profiles and channels in short[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/profiles]Profiles[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/channels]Channels[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/sv/roles]Behörighetsförval för kanaler[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/first-post]Your first posting[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/connecting_to_channels]Connecting To Other Channels[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/permissions]Permissions And Encryption: You Are In Control[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/cloud]Cloud Storage[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/remove_account]Remove Channel or Account[/zrl] + +[h3]Hjälp till medlemmar[/h3] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/tags_and_mentions]Tags and Mentions[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/webpages]Web Pages[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/bbcode]BBcode reference for posts and comments[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/checking_account_quota_usage]Checking Account Quota Usage[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/cloud_desktop_clients]Cloud Desktop Clients[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/AdvancedSearch]Advanced Directory Search[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/addons]Help With Addons[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/diaspora_compat]Diaspora Communications Compatibility (Diaspora and Friendica)[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_members]FAQ For Members[/zrl] + +[h3]Hjälp till administratorer[/h3] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/install]Install[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/debian_install]Easy Install on Debian via script[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/red2pi]Installing Red on the Raspberry Pi[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/troubleshooting]Troubleshooting Tips[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/hidden_configs]Tweaking $Projectname's Hidden Configurations[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_admins]FAQ For Admins[/zrl] + +[h3]Teknisk dokumentation[/h3] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Zot---A-High-Level-Overview]A high level overview of Zot[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/zot]An introduction to Zot[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/zot_structures]Zot Stuctures[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/comanche]Comanche Page Descriptions[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Creating-Templates]Creating Comanche Templates[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Widgets]Core Widgets[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/plugins]Plugins[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/doco]Contributing Documentation[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/DerivedTheme1]Creating Derivative Themes[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/schema_development]Schemas[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Translations]Translations[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/developers]Developers[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/intro_for_developers]Intro for Developers[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/api_functions]API functions[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/api_posting]Posting to the red# using the API[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/developer_function_primer]Red Functions 101[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/doc/html/]Code Reference (doxygen generated - sets cookies)[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/to_do_doco]To-Do list for the Red Documentation Project[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/to_do_code]To-Do list for Developers[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/roadmap]Version 3 roadmap[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/git_for_non_developers]Git for Non-Developers[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/dev_beginner]Sep-for-step manual for beginning developers[/zrl] + +[h3]Externa resurser[/h3] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/external-resource-links]External Resource Links[/zrl] +[url=]Main Website[/url] +[url=]Addon Website[/url] +[url=]Development Channel[/url] + +[url=[baseurl]/help/credits]$Projectname Credits[/url] + +[h3]About This $Projectname Hub[/h3] +[zrl=[baseurl]/help/TermsOfService]Terms of Service For This Hub[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/siteinfo]Hub Information (/siteinfo)[/zrl] +[zrl=[baseurl]/siteinfo_json]Detailed Technical Hub Information (/siteinfo_json)[/zrl] -- cgit v1.2.3 From 35f29b5d8a42b3ccc2953d72a0bb329e36d8f6fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gia vec Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 23:04:50 +0200 Subject: Update --- doc/ | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ index 78e6da489..dce19848a 100644 --- a/doc/ +++ b/doc/ @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ - Roadmap Platform - Convert E2EE and select Javascript resources to dynamic loading to dynamic loading using jQuery.getScript() [or other methods]. + Convert E2EE and select Javascript resources to dynamic loading using jQuery.getScript() [or other methods]. Webpages -- cgit v1.2.3 From fa6e5e4d754fec3acee019ed1edaa68357f0c2d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 16:43:22 -0700 Subject: plugins -> addons --- doc/context/en/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png | Bin 0 -> 16983 bytes doc/context/en/admin/addons/help.html | 14 ++++++++++++++ .../en/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png | Bin 16983 -> 0 bytes doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html | 14 -------------- .../es-es/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png | Bin 0 -> 16983 bytes doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/help.html | 14 ++++++++++++++ .../es-es/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png | Bin 16983 -> 0 bytes doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html | 14 -------------- 8 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) create mode 100644 doc/context/en/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png create mode 100644 doc/context/en/admin/addons/help.html delete mode 100644 doc/context/en/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png delete mode 100644 doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html create mode 100644 doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png create mode 100644 doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/help.html delete mode 100644 doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png delete mode 100644 doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/context/en/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png b/doc/context/en/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37139b345 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/context/en/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png differ diff --git a/doc/context/en/admin/addons/help.html b/doc/context/en/admin/addons/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfb5e416a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/en/admin/addons/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +
This page manages which addons (also known as plugins) are installed.
Manage Repos
If your webserver has the necessary write permissions, you will see a button labeled Manage Repos, + which opens a control panel for managing what plugin repositories are installed. These repos are + stored in extend/addon/[repo name]/. The official Hubzilla + addon repo can be added by entering the repo URL + + and choosing a name for the repo such as official. You should see this repo in the list similar + to the following: +
diff --git a/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png b/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 37139b345..000000000 Binary files a/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html b/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html deleted file mode 100644 index 320d93040..000000000 --- a/doc/context/en/admin/plugins/help.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -
This page manages which plugins (also known as addons) are installed.
Manage Repos
If your webserver has the necessary write permissions, you will see a button labeled Manage Repos, - which opens a control panel for managing what plugin repositories are installed. These repos are - stored in extend/addon/[repo name]/. The official Hubzilla - plugin repo can be added by entering the repo URL - - and choosing a name for the repo such as official. You should see this repo in the list similar - to the following: -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png b/doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37139b345 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png differ diff --git a/doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/help.html b/doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/help.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49a047f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/context/es-es/admin/addons/help.html @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +
Esta página gestiona qué addons (también llamados plugins o complementos) están instalados.
Gestión de los repositorios
Si su servidor web tiene los permisos de escritura necesarios, verá un botón etiquetado como Gestión de repositorios, + que abre un panel de control para administrar qué repositorios de addons están instalados. Estos repositorios están + almacenados en extend/addon/[nombre del repositorio]/. El repositorio de addons oficial de Hubzilla + se puede añadir escribiendo la URL del repositorio + + y eligiendo un nombre para el repositorio como oficial. Debería ver este repositorio en una lista parecida + a esta: +
diff --git a/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png b/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png deleted file mode 100644 index 37139b345..000000000 Binary files a/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/assets/addon_repo_gui_1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html b/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html deleted file mode 100644 index 520425b17..000000000 --- a/doc/context/es-es/admin/plugins/help.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -
Esta página gestiona qué plugins (también llamados addons o complementos) están instalados.
Gestión de los repositorios
Si su servidor web tiene los permisos de escritura necesarios, verá un botón etiquetado como Gestión de repositorios, - que abre un panel de control para administrar qué repositorios de plugins están instalados. Estos repositorios están - almacenados en extend/addon/[nombre del repositorio]/. El repositorio de plugins oficial de Hubzilla - se puede añadir escribiendo la URL del repositorio - - y eligiendo un nombre para el repositorio como oficial. Debería ver este repositorio en una lista parecida - a esta: -
\ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3 From 63a3f5149a32de1b3fb2f47535f061c53496bde2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zotlabs Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 15:47:06 -0700 Subject: be very precise about what a url looks like --- doc/member/bbcode.html | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'doc') diff --git a/doc/member/bbcode.html b/doc/member/bbcode.html index a61289364..e3e079b4d 100644 --- a/doc/member/bbcode.html +++ b/doc/member/bbcode.html @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ If a rendering plugin is not installed or an unsupported language is specified, [url=]Hubzilla[/url]Hubzilla - An image [img]url/of/image.jpg[/img] + An image [img][/img] in some text An image Image/photo in some text -- cgit v1.2.3