path: root/mod
diff options
authorVasudev Kamath <kamathvasudev@gmail.com>2012-07-06 22:47:27 +0530
committerVasudev Kamath <kamathvasudev@gmail.com>2012-07-06 22:47:27 +0530
commitba4db236ecff1ffdb56adc2715b3f53515f8cb34 (patch)
treef0b9928aade8aab95d1608890fde1918ce163754 /mod
parent6e4760dd9c512147309b5e4a98d25216610f81da (diff)
parenta122fecf50d06856a2ada8b564f711fb52c327f0 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/friendica/friendica
Diffstat (limited to 'mod')
17 files changed, 1255 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/mod/admin.php b/mod/admin.php
index 56f88a489..c8ed7a53b 100644
--- a/mod/admin.php
+++ b/mod/admin.php
@@ -183,13 +183,15 @@ function admin_page_summary(&$a) {
Array( t('Normal Account'), 0),
Array( t('Soapbox Account'), 0),
Array( t('Community/Celebrity Account'), 0),
- Array( t('Automatic Friend Account'), 0)
+ Array( t('Automatic Friend Account'), 0),
+ Array( t('Blog Account'), 0),
+ Array( t('Private Forum'), 0)
foreach ($r as $u){ $accounts[$u['page-flags']][1] = $u['count']; $users+= $u['count']; }
- logger('accounts: ' . print_r($accounts,true));
+ logger('accounts: ' . print_r($accounts,true),LOGGER_DATA);
$r = q("SELECT COUNT(id) as `count` FROM `register`");
$pending = $r[0]['count'];
diff --git a/mod/babel.php b/mod/babel.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c881a5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/babel.php
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+function visible_lf($s) {
+ return str_replace("\n",'<br />', $s);
+function babel_content(&$a) {
+ $o .= '<h3>Babel Diagnostic</h3>';
+ $o .= '<form action="babel" method="post">';
+ $o .= t('Source (bbcode) text:') . EOL . '<textarea name="text" >' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['text']) .'</textarea>' . EOL;
+ $o .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></form>';
+ $o .= '<br /><br />';
+ if(x($_REQUEST,'text')) {
+ $text = trim($_REQUEST['text']);
+ $o .= t("Source input: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= visible_lf($text) . EOL. EOL;
+ $html = bbcode($text);
+ $o .= t("bb2html: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= $html. EOL. EOL;
+ $bbcode = html2bbcode($html);
+ $o .= t("bb2html2bb: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= visible_lf($bbcode) . EOL. EOL;
+ $diaspora = bb2diaspora($text);
+ $o .= t("bb2md: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= visible_lf($diaspora) . EOL. EOL;
+ $html = Markdown($diaspora);
+ $o .= t("bb2md2html: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= $html. EOL. EOL;
+ $bbcode = diaspora2bb($diaspora);
+ $o .= t("bb2dia2bb: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= visible_lf($bbcode) . EOL. EOL;
+ $bbcode = html2bbcode($html);
+ $o .= t("bb2md2html2bb: ") . EOL. EOL;
+ $o .= visible_lf($bbcode) . EOL. EOL;
+ }
+ return $o;
diff --git a/mod/content.php b/mod/content.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f3e954f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/content.php
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+// This is a purely experimental module and is not yet generally useful.
+// The eventual goal is to provide a json backend to fetch content and fill the current page.
+// The page will be filled in on the frontend using javascript.
+// At the present time this page is based on "network", but the hope is to extend to serving
+// any content (wall, community, search, etc.).
+// All search parameters, etc. will be managed in javascript and sent as request params.
+// Security will be managed on the backend.
+// There is no "pagination query", but we will manage the "current page" on the client
+// and provide a link to fetch the next page - until there are no pages left to fetch.
+// With the exception of complex tag and text searches, this prototype is incredibly
+// fast - e.g. one or two milliseconds to fetch parent items for the current content,
+// and 10-20 milliseconds to fetch all the child items.
+function content_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
+ require_once('include/conversation.php');
+ // Currently security is based on the logged in user
+ if(! local_user()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $arr = array('query' => $a->query_string);
+ call_hooks('content_content_init', $arr);
+ $datequery = $datequery2 = '';
+ $group = 0;
+ $nouveau = false;
+ if($a->argc > 1) {
+ for($x = 1; $x < $a->argc; $x ++) {
+ if(is_a_date_arg($a->argv[$x])) {
+ if($datequery)
+ $datequery2 = escape_tags($a->argv[$x]);
+ else {
+ $datequery = escape_tags($a->argv[$x]);
+ $_GET['order'] = 'post';
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($a->argv[$x] === 'new') {
+ $nouveau = true;
+ }
+ elseif(intval($a->argv[$x])) {
+ $group = intval($a->argv[$x]);
+ $def_acl = array('allow_gid' => '<' . $group . '>');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $o = '';
+ $contact_id = $a->cid;
+ require_once('include/acl_selectors.php');
+ $cid = ((x($_GET,'cid')) ? intval($_GET['cid']) : 0);
+ $star = ((x($_GET,'star')) ? intval($_GET['star']) : 0);
+ $bmark = ((x($_GET,'bmark')) ? intval($_GET['bmark']) : 0);
+ $order = ((x($_GET,'order')) ? notags($_GET['order']) : 'comment');
+ $liked = ((x($_GET,'liked')) ? intval($_GET['liked']) : 0);
+ $conv = ((x($_GET,'conv')) ? intval($_GET['conv']) : 0);
+ $spam = ((x($_GET,'spam')) ? intval($_GET['spam']) : 0);
+ $nets = ((x($_GET,'nets')) ? $_GET['nets'] : '');
+ $cmin = ((x($_GET,'cmin')) ? intval($_GET['cmin']) : 0);
+ $cmax = ((x($_GET,'cmax')) ? intval($_GET['cmax']) : 99);
+ $file = ((x($_GET,'file')) ? $_GET['file'] : '');
+ if(x($_GET,'search') || x($_GET,'file'))
+ $nouveau = true;
+ if($cid)
+ $def_acl = array('allow_cid' => '<' . intval($cid) . '>');
+ if($nets) {
+ $r = q("select id from contact where uid = %d and network = '%s' and self = 0",
+ intval(local_user()),
+ dbesc($nets)
+ );
+ $str = '';
+ if(count($r))
+ foreach($r as $rr)
+ $str .= '<' . $rr['id'] . '>';
+ if(strlen($str))
+ $def_acl = array('allow_cid' => $str);
+ }
+ $sql_options = (($star) ? " and starred = 1 " : '');
+ $sql_options .= (($bmark) ? " and bookmark = 1 " : '');
+ $sql_nets = (($nets) ? sprintf(" and `contact`.`network` = '%s' ", dbesc($nets)) : '');
+ $sql_extra = " AND `item`.`parent` IN ( SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = `parent` $sql_options ) ";
+ if($group) {
+ $r = q("SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `group` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($group),
+ intval($_SESSION['uid'])
+ );
+ if(! count($r)) {
+ if($update)
+ killme();
+ notice( t('No such group') . EOL );
+ goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/network');
+ }
+ $contacts = expand_groups(array($group));
+ if((is_array($contacts)) && count($contacts)) {
+ $contact_str = implode(',',$contacts);
+ }
+ else {
+ $contact_str = ' 0 ';
+ info( t('Group is empty'));
+ }
+ $sql_extra = " AND `item`.`parent` IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(`parent`) FROM `item` WHERE 1 $sql_options AND ( `contact-id` IN ( $contact_str ) OR `allow_gid` like '" . protect_sprintf('%<' . intval($group) . '>%') . "' ) and deleted = 0 ) ";
+ $o = '<h2>' . t('Group: ') . $r[0]['name'] . '</h2>' . $o;
+ }
+ elseif($cid) {
+ $r = q("SELECT `id`,`name`,`network`,`writable`,`nurl` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d
+ AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 LIMIT 1",
+ intval($cid)
+ );
+ if(count($r)) {
+ $sql_extra = " AND `item`.`parent` IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(`parent`) FROM `item` WHERE 1 $sql_options AND `contact-id` = " . intval($cid) . " and deleted = 0 ) ";
+ }
+ else {
+ killme();
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_extra3 = '';
+ if($datequery) {
+ $sql_extra3 .= protect_sprintf(sprintf(" AND item.created <= '%s' ", dbesc(datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(),'',$datequery))));
+ }
+ if($datequery2) {
+ $sql_extra3 .= protect_sprintf(sprintf(" AND item.created >= '%s' ", dbesc(datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(),'',$datequery2))));
+ }
+ $sql_extra2 = (($nouveau) ? '' : " AND `item`.`parent` = `item`.`id` ");
+ $sql_extra3 = (($nouveau) ? '' : $sql_extra3);
+ if(x($_GET,'search')) {
+ $search = escape_tags($_GET['search']);
+ if (get_config('system','use_fulltext_engine')) {
+ if(strpos($search,'#') === 0)
+ $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND (MATCH(tag) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode)) ",
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf($search))
+ );
+ else
+ $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND (MATCH(`item`.`body`) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode) or MATCH(tag) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode)) ",
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf($search)),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf($search))
+ );
+ } else {
+ $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND ( `item`.`body` like '%s' OR `item`.`tag` like '%s' ) ",
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $search . '%')),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf('%]' . $search . '[%'))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if(strlen($file)) {
+ $sql_extra .= file_tag_file_query('item',unxmlify($file));
+ }
+ if($conv) {
+ $myurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/'. $a->user['nickname'];
+ $myurl = substr($myurl,strpos($myurl,'://')+3);
+ $myurl = str_replace('www.','',$myurl);
+ $diasp_url = str_replace('/profile/','/u/',$myurl);
+ if (get_config('system','use_fulltext_engine'))
+ $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `item`.`parent` IN (SELECT distinct(`parent`) from item where (MATCH(`author-link`) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode) or MATCH(`tag`) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode) or MATCH(tag) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode))) ",
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf($myurl)),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf($myurl)),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf($diasp_url))
+ );
+ else
+ $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `item`.`parent` IN (SELECT distinct(`parent`) from item where ( `author-link` like '%s' or `tag` like '%s' or tag like '%s' )) ",
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $myurl)),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $myurl . ']%')),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $diasp_url . ']%'))
+ );
+ }
+ $pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d ",intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']));
+ if($nouveau) {
+ // "New Item View" - show all items unthreaded in reverse created date order
+ $items = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`,
+ `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`rel`, `contact`.`writable`,
+ `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`dfrn-id`, `contact`.`self`,
+ `contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid`
+ FROM `item`, `contact`
+ WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`visible` = 1
+ AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 and `item`.`moderated` = 0
+ $simple_update
+ AND `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
+ AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
+ $sql_extra $sql_nets
+ ORDER BY `item`.`received` DESC $pager_sql ",
+ intval($_SESSION['uid'])
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ // Normal conversation view
+ if($order === 'post')
+ $ordering = "`created`";
+ else
+ $ordering = "`commented`";
+ $start = dba_timer();
+ $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id` AS `item_id`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact_uid`
+ FROM `item` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
+ WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0
+ AND `item`.`moderated` = 0 AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
+ AND `item`.`parent` = `item`.`id`
+ $sql_extra3 $sql_extra $sql_nets
+ ORDER BY `item`.$ordering DESC $pager_sql ",
+ intval(local_user())
+ );
+ $first = dba_timer();
+ // Then fetch all the children of the parents that are on this page
+ $parents_arr = array();
+ $parents_str = '';
+ if(count($r)) {
+ foreach($r as $rr)
+ if(! in_array($rr['item_id'],$parents_arr))
+ $parents_arr[] = $rr['item_id'];
+ $parents_str = implode(', ', $parents_arr);
+ $items = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`,
+ `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`alias`, `contact`.`rel`, `contact`.`writable`,
+ `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`dfrn-id`, `contact`.`self`,
+ `contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid`
+ FROM `item`, `contact`
+ WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0
+ AND `item`.`moderated` = 0 AND `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
+ AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
+ AND `item`.`parent` IN ( %s )
+ $sql_extra ",
+ intval(local_user()),
+ dbesc($parents_str)
+ );
+ $second = dba_timer();
+ $items = conv_sort($items,$ordering);
+ } else {
+ $items = array();
+ }
+ }
+ logger('parent dba_timer: ' . sprintf('%01.4f',$first - $start));
+ logger('child dba_timer: ' . sprintf('%01.4f',$second - $first));
+ // Set this so that the conversation function can find out contact info for our wall-wall items
+ $a->page_contact = $a->contact;
+ $mode = (($nouveau) ? 'network-new' : 'network');
+ $o = render_content($a,$items,$mode,false);
+ header('Content-type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($o);
+ killme();
+function render_content(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
+ require_once('bbcode.php');
+ $ssl_state = ((local_user()) ? true : false);
+ $profile_owner = 0;
+ $page_writeable = false;
+ $previewing = (($preview) ? ' preview ' : '');
+ if($mode === 'network') {
+ $profile_owner = local_user();
+ $page_writeable = true;
+ }
+ if($mode === 'profile') {
+ $profile_owner = $a->profile['profile_uid'];
+ $page_writeable = can_write_wall($a,$profile_owner);
+ }
+ if($mode === 'notes') {
+ $profile_owner = local_user();
+ $page_writeable = true;
+ }
+ if($mode === 'display') {
+ $profile_owner = $a->profile['uid'];
+ $page_writeable = can_write_wall($a,$profile_owner);
+ }
+ if($mode === 'community') {
+ $profile_owner = 0;
+ $page_writeable = false;
+ }
+ if($update)
+ $return_url = $_SESSION['return_url'];
+ else
+ $return_url = $_SESSION['return_url'] = $a->query_string;
+ load_contact_links(local_user());
+ $cb = array('items' => $items, 'mode' => $mode, 'update' => $update, 'preview' => $preview);
+ call_hooks('conversation_start',$cb);
+ $items = $cb['items'];
+ $cmnt_tpl = get_markup_template('comment_item.tpl');
+ $tpl = 'wall_item.tpl';
+ $wallwall = 'wallwall_item.tpl';
+ $hide_comments_tpl = get_markup_template('hide_comments.tpl');
+ $alike = array();
+ $dlike = array();
+ // array with html for each thread (parent+comments)
+ $threads = array();
+ $threadsid = -1;
+ if($items && count($items)) {
+ if($mode === 'network-new' || $mode === 'search' || $mode === 'community') {
+ // "New Item View" on network page or search page results
+ // - just loop through the items and format them minimally for display
+ //$tpl = get_markup_template('search_item.tpl');
+ $tpl = 'search_item.tpl';
+ foreach($items as $item) {
+ $threadsid++;
+ $comment = '';
+ $owner_url = '';
+ $owner_photo = '';
+ $owner_name = '';
+ $sparkle = '';
+ if($mode === 'search' || $mode === 'community') {
+ if(((activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_LIKE)) || (activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)))
+ && ($item['id'] != $item['parent']))
+ continue;
+ $nickname = $item['nickname'];
+ }
+ else
+ $nickname = $a->user['nickname'];
+ // prevent private email from leaking.
+ if($item['network'] === NETWORK_MAIL && local_user() != $item['uid'])
+ continue;
+ $profile_name = ((strlen($item['author-name'])) ? $item['author-name'] : $item['name']);
+ if($item['author-link'] && (! $item['author-name']))
+ $profile_name = $item['author-link'];
+ $sp = false;
+ $profile_link = best_link_url($item,$sp);
+ if($profile_link === 'mailbox')
+ $profile_link = '';
+ if($sp)
+ $sparkle = ' sparkle';
+ else
+ $profile_link = zrl($profile_link);
+ $normalised = normalise_link((strlen($item['author-link'])) ? $item['author-link'] : $item['url']);
+ if(($normalised != 'mailbox') && (x($a->contacts[$normalised])))
+ $profile_avatar = $a->contacts[$normalised]['thumb'];
+ else
+ $profile_avatar = ((strlen($item['author-avatar'])) ? $a->get_cached_avatar_image($item['author-avatar']) : $item['thumb']);
+ $locate = array('location' => $item['location'], 'coord' => $item['coord'], 'html' => '');
+ call_hooks('render_location',$locate);
+ $location = ((strlen($locate['html'])) ? $locate['html'] : render_location_google($locate));
+ localize_item($item);
+ if($mode === 'network-new')
+ $dropping = true;
+ else
+ $dropping = false;
+ $drop = array(
+ 'dropping' => $dropping,
+ 'select' => t('Select'),
+ 'delete' => t('Delete'),
+ );
+ $star = false;
+ $isstarred = "unstarred";
+ $lock = false;
+ $likebuttons = false;
+ $shareable = false;
+ $body = prepare_body($item,true);
+ //$tmp_item = replace_macros($tpl,array(
+ $tmp_item = array(
+ 'template' => $tpl,
+ 'id' => (($preview) ? 'P0' : $item['item_id']),
+ 'linktitle' => sprintf( t('View %s\'s profile @ %s'), $profile_name, ((strlen($item['author-link'])) ? $item['author-link'] : $item['url'])),
+ 'profile_url' => $profile_link,
+ 'item_photo_menu' => item_photo_menu($item),
+ 'name' => template_escape($profile_name),
+ 'sparkle' => $sparkle,
+ 'lock' => $lock,
+ 'thumb' => $profile_avatar,
+ 'title' => template_escape($item['title']),
+ 'body' => template_escape($body),
+ 'text' => strip_tags(template_escape($body)),
+ 'ago' => (($item['app']) ? sprintf( t('%s from %s'),relative_date($item['created']),$item['app']) : relative_date($item['created'])),
+ 'location' => template_escape($location),
+ 'indent' => '',
+ 'owner_name' => template_escape($owner_name),
+ 'owner_url' => $owner_url,
+ 'owner_photo' => $owner_photo,
+ 'plink' => get_plink($item),
+ 'edpost' => false,
+ 'isstarred' => $isstarred,
+ 'star' => $star,
+ 'drop' => $drop,
+ 'vote' => $likebuttons,
+ 'like' => '',
+ 'dislike' => '',
+ 'comment' => '',
+ 'conv' => (($preview) ? '' : array('href'=> $a->get_baseurl($ssl_state) . '/display/' . $nickname . '/' . $item['id'], 'title'=> t('View in context'))),
+ 'previewing' => $previewing,
+ 'wait' => t('Please wait'),
+ );
+ $arr = array('item' => $item, 'output' => $tmp_item);
+ call_hooks('display_item', $arr);
+ $threads[$threadsid]['id'] = $item['item_id'];
+ $threads[$threadsid]['items'] = array($arr['output']);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal View
+ // Figure out how many comments each parent has
+ // (Comments all have gravity of 6)
+ // Store the result in the $comments array
+ $comments = array();
+ foreach($items as $item) {
+ if((intval($item['gravity']) == 6) && ($item['id'] != $item['parent'])) {
+ if(! x($comments,$item['parent']))
+ $comments[$item['parent']] = 1;
+ else
+ $comments[$item['parent']] += 1;
+ } elseif(! x($comments,$item['parent']))
+ $comments[$item['parent']] = 0; // avoid notices later on
+ }
+ // map all the like/dislike activities for each parent item
+ // Store these in the $alike and $dlike arrays
+ foreach($items as $item) {
+ like_puller($a,$item,$alike,'like');
+ like_puller($a,$item,$dlike,'dislike');
+ }
+ $comments_collapsed = false;
+ $comments_seen = 0;
+ $comment_lastcollapsed = false;
+ $comment_firstcollapsed = false;
+ $blowhard = 0;
+ $blowhard_count = 0;
+ foreach($items as $item) {
+ $comment = '';
+ $template = $tpl;
+ $commentww = '';
+ $sparkle = '';
+ $owner_url = $owner_photo = $owner_name = '';
+ // We've already parsed out like/dislike for special treatment. We can ignore them now
+ if(((activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_LIKE))
+ || (activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)))
+ && ($item['id'] != $item['parent']))
+ continue;
+ $toplevelpost = (($item['id'] == $item['parent']) ? true : false);
+ // Take care of author collapsing and comment collapsing
+ // (author collapsing is currently disabled)
+ // If a single author has more than 3 consecutive top-level posts, squash the remaining ones.
+ // If there are more than two comments, squash all but the last 2.
+ if($toplevelpost) {
+ $item_writeable = (($item['writable'] || $item['self']) ? true : false);
+ $comments_seen = 0;
+ $comments_collapsed = false;
+ $comment_lastcollapsed = false;
+ $comment_firstcollapsed = false;
+ $threadsid++;
+ $threads[$threadsid]['id'] = $item['item_id'];
+ $threads[$threadsid]['private'] = $item['private'];
+ $threads[$threadsid]['items'] = array();
+ }
+ else {
+ // prevent private email reply to public conversation from leaking.
+ if($item['network'] === NETWORK_MAIL && local_user() != $item['uid'])
+ continue;
+ $comments_seen ++;
+ $comment_lastcollapsed = false;
+ $comment_firstcollapsed = false;
+ }
+ $override_comment_box = ((($page_writeable) && ($item_writeable)) ? true : false);
+ $show_comment_box = ((($page_writeable) && ($item_writeable) && ($comments_seen == $comments[$item['parent']])) ? true : false);
+ if(($comments[$item['parent']] > 2) && ($comments_seen <= ($comments[$item['parent']] - 2)) && ($item['gravity'] == 6)) {
+ if (!$comments_collapsed){
+ $threads[$threadsid]['num_comments'] = sprintf( tt('%d comment','%d comments',$comments[$item['parent']]),$comments[$item['parent']] );
+ $threads[$threadsid]['hide_text'] = t('show more');
+ $comments_collapsed = true;
+ $comment_firstcollapsed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(($comments[$item['parent']] > 2) && ($comments_seen == ($comments[$item['parent']] - 1))) {
+ $comment_lastcollapsed = true;
+ }
+ $redirect_url = $a->get_baseurl($ssl_state) . '/redir/' . $item['cid'] ;
+ $lock = ((($item['private'] == 1) || (($item['uid'] == local_user()) && (strlen($item['allow_cid']) || strlen($item['allow_gid'])
+ || strlen($item['deny_cid']) || strlen($item['deny_gid']))))
+ ? t('Private Message')
+ : false);
+ // Top-level wall post not written by the wall owner (wall-to-wall)
+ // First figure out who owns it.
+ $osparkle = '';
+ if(($toplevelpost) && (! $item['self']) && ($mode !== 'profile')) {
+ if($item['wall']) {
+ // On the network page, I am the owner. On the display page it will be the profile owner.
+ // This will have been stored in $a->page_contact by our calling page.
+ // Put this person as the wall owner of the wall-to-wall notice.
+ $owner_url = zrl($a->page_contact['url']);
+ $owner_photo = $a->page_contact['thumb'];
+ $owner_name = $a->page_contact['name'];
+ $template = $wallwall;
+ $commentww = 'ww';
+ }
+ if((! $item['wall']) && $item['owner-link']) {
+ $owner_linkmatch = (($item['owner-link']) && link_compare($item['owner-link'],$item['author-link']));
+ $alias_linkmatch = (($item['alias']) && link_compare($item['alias'],$item['author-link']));
+ $owner_namematch = (($item['owner-name']) && $item['owner-name'] == $item['author-name']);
+ if((! $owner_linkmatch) && (! $alias_linkmatch) && (! $owner_namematch)) {
+ // The author url doesn't match the owner (typically the contact)
+ // and also doesn't match the contact alias.
+ // The name match is a hack to catch several weird cases where URLs are
+ // all over the park. It can be tricked, but this prevents you from
+ // seeing "Bob Smith to Bob Smith via Wall-to-wall" and you know darn
+ // well that it's the same Bob Smith.
+ // But it could be somebody else with the same name. It just isn't highly likely.
+ $owner_url = $item['owner-link'];
+ $owner_photo = $item['owner-avatar'];
+ $owner_name = $item['owner-name'];
+ $template = $wallwall;
+ $commentww = 'ww';
+ // If it is our contact, use a friendly redirect link
+ if((link_compare($item['owner-link'],$item['url']))
+ && ($item['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN)) {
+ $owner_url = $redirect_url;
+ $osparkle = ' sparkle';
+ }
+ else
+ $owner_url = zrl($owner_url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $likebuttons = '';
+ $shareable = ((($profile_owner == local_user()) && ($item['private'] != 1)) ? true : false);
+ if($page_writeable) {
+/* if($toplevelpost) { */
+ $likebuttons = array(
+ 'like' => array( t("I like this \x28toggle\x29"), t("like")),
+ 'dislike' => array( t("I don't like this \x28toggle\x29"), t("dislike")),
+ );
+ if ($shareable) $likebuttons['share'] = array( t('Share this'), t('share'));
+/* } */
+ $qc = $qcomment = null;
+ if(in_array('qcomment',$a->plugins)) {
+ $qc = ((local_user()) ? get_pconfig(local_user(),'qcomment','words') : null);
+ $qcomment = (($qc) ? explode("\n",$qc) : null);
+ }
+ if(($show_comment_box) || (($show_comment_box == false) && ($override_comment_box == false) && ($item['last-child']))) {
+ $comment = replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array(
+ '$return_path' => '',
+ '$jsreload' => (($mode === 'display') ? $_SESSION['return_url'] : ''),
+ '$type' => (($mode === 'profile') ? 'wall-comment' : 'net-comment'),
+ '$id' => $item['item_id'],
+ '$parent' => $item['parent'],
+ '$qcomment' => $qcomment,
+ '$profile_uid' => $profile_owner,
+ '$mylink' => $a->contact['url'],
+ '$mytitle' => t('This is you'),
+ '$myphoto' => $a->contact['thumb'],
+ '$comment' => t('Comment'),
+ '$submit' => t('Submit'),
+ '$edbold' => t('Bold'),
+ '$editalic' => t('Italic'),
+ '$eduline' => t('Underline'),
+ '$edquote' => t('Quote'),
+ '$edcode' => t('Code'),
+ '$edimg' => t('Image'),
+ '$edurl' => t('Link'),
+ '$edvideo' => t('Video'),
+ '$preview' => t('Preview'),
+ '$ww' => (($mode === 'network') ? $commentww : '')
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if(local_user() && link_compare($a->contact['url'],$item['author-link']))
+ $edpost = array($a->get_baseurl($ssl_state)."/editpost/".$item['id'], t("Edit"));
+ else
+ $edpost = false;
+ $drop = '';
+ $dropping = false;
+ if((intval($item['contact-id']) && $item['contact-id'] == remote_user()) || ($item['uid'] == local_user()))
+ $dropping = true;
+ $drop = array(
+ 'dropping' => $dropping,
+ 'select' => t('Select'),
+ 'delete' => t('Delete'),
+ );
+ $star = false;
+ $filer = false;
+ $isstarred = "unstarred";
+ if ($profile_owner == local_user()) {
+ if($toplevelpost) {
+ $isstarred = (($item['starred']) ? "starred" : "unstarred");
+ $star = array(
+ 'do' => t("add star"),
+ 'undo' => t("remove star"),
+ 'toggle' => t("toggle star status"),
+ 'classdo' => (($item['starred']) ? "hidden" : ""),
+ 'classundo' => (($item['starred']) ? "" : "hidden"),
+ 'starred' => t('starred'),
+ 'tagger' => t("add tag"),
+ 'classtagger' => "",
+ );
+ }
+ $filer = t("save to folder");
+ }
+ $photo = $item['photo'];
+ $thumb = $item['thumb'];
+ // Post was remotely authored.
+ $diff_author = ((link_compare($item['url'],$item['author-link'])) ? false : true);
+ $profile_name = (((strlen($item['author-name'])) && $diff_author) ? $item['author-name'] : $item['name']);
+ if($item['author-link'] && (! $item['author-name']))
+ $profile_name = $item['author-link'];
+ $sp = false;
+ $profile_link = best_link_url($item,$sp);
+ if($profile_link === 'mailbox')
+ $profile_link = '';
+ if($sp)
+ $sparkle = ' sparkle';
+ else
+ $profile_link = zrl($profile_link);
+ $normalised = normalise_link((strlen($item['author-link'])) ? $item['author-link'] : $item['url']);
+ if(($normalised != 'mailbox') && (x($a->contacts,$normalised)))
+ $profile_avatar = $a->contacts[$normalised]['thumb'];
+ else
+ $profile_avatar = (((strlen($item['author-avatar'])) && $diff_author) ? $item['author-avatar'] : $a->get_cached_avatar_image($thumb));
+ $like = ((x($alike,$item['uri'])) ? format_like($alike[$item['uri']],$alike[$item['uri'] . '-l'],'like',$item['uri']) : '');
+ $dislike = ((x($dlike,$item['uri'])) ? format_like($dlike[$item['uri']],$dlike[$item['uri'] . '-l'],'dislike',$item['uri']) : '');
+ $locate = array('location' => $item['location'], 'coord' => $item['coord'], 'html' => '');
+ call_hooks('render_location',$locate);
+ $location = ((strlen($locate['html'])) ? $locate['html'] : render_location_google($locate));
+ $indent = (($toplevelpost) ? '' : ' comment');
+ if(strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$item['created']),datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 12 hours')) > 0)
+ $indent .= ' shiny';
+ //
+ localize_item($item);
+ $tags=array();
+ foreach(explode(',',$item['tag']) as $tag){
+ $tag = trim($tag);
+ if ($tag!="") $tags[] = bbcode($tag);
+ }
+ // Build the HTML
+ $body = prepare_body($item,true);
+ //$tmp_item = replace_macros($template,
+ $tmp_item = array(
+ // collapse comments in template. I don't like this much...
+ 'comment_firstcollapsed' => $comment_firstcollapsed,
+ 'comment_lastcollapsed' => $comment_lastcollapsed,
+ // template to use to render item (wall, walltowall, search)
+ 'template' => $template,
+ 'type' => implode("",array_slice(explode("/",$item['verb']),-1)),
+ 'tags' => $tags,
+ 'body' => template_escape($body),
+ 'text' => strip_tags(template_escape($body)),
+ 'id' => $item['item_id'],
+ 'linktitle' => sprintf( t('View %s\'s profile @ %s'), $profile_name, ((strlen($item['author-link'])) ? $item['author-link'] : $item['url'])),
+ 'olinktitle' => sprintf( t('View %s\'s profile @ %s'), $profile_name, ((strlen($item['owner-link'])) ? $item['owner-link'] : $item['url'])),
+ 'to' => t('to'),
+ 'wall' => t('Wall-to-Wall'),
+ 'vwall' => t('via Wall-To-Wall:'),
+ 'profile_url' => $profile_link,
+ 'item_photo_menu' => item_photo_menu($item),
+ 'name' => template_escape($profile_name),
+ 'thumb' => $profile_avatar,
+ 'osparkle' => $osparkle,
+ 'sparkle' => $sparkle,
+ 'title' => template_escape($item['title']),
+ 'ago' => (($item['app']) ? sprintf( t('%s from %s'),relative_date($item['created']),$item['app']) : relative_date($item['created'])),
+ 'lock' => $lock,
+ 'location' => template_escape($location),
+ 'indent' => $indent,
+ 'owner_url' => $owner_url,
+ 'owner_photo' => $owner_photo,
+ 'owner_name' => template_escape($owner_name),
+ 'plink' => get_plink($item),
+ 'edpost' => $edpost,
+ 'isstarred' => $isstarred,
+ 'star' => $star,
+ 'filer' => $filer,
+ 'drop' => $drop,
+ 'vote' => $likebuttons,
+ 'like' => $like,
+ 'dislike' => $dislike,
+ 'comment' => $comment,
+ 'previewing' => $previewing,
+ 'wait' => t('Please wait'),
+ );
+ $arr = array('item' => $item, 'output' => $tmp_item);
+ call_hooks('display_item', $arr);
+ $threads[$threadsid]['items'][] = $arr['output'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $threads;
diff --git a/mod/dfrn_confirm.php b/mod/dfrn_confirm.php
index 76b99cbca..8e39f5fd0 100644
--- a/mod/dfrn_confirm.php
+++ b/mod/dfrn_confirm.php
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(&$a,$handsfree = null) {
- $res = new_keypair(1024);
+ $res = new_keypair(4096);
$private_key = $res['prvkey'];
$public_key = $res['pubkey'];
diff --git a/mod/directory.php b/mod/directory.php
index 930a575b6..8a5685c9a 100644
--- a/mod/directory.php
+++ b/mod/directory.php
@@ -73,14 +73,12 @@ function directory_content(&$a) {
$order = " ORDER BY `name` ASC ";
- $r = q("SELECT `profile`.*, `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`timezone` FROM `profile` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` WHERE `is-default` = 1 $publish AND `user`.`blocked` = 0 $sql_extra $order LIMIT %d , %d ",
+ $r = q("SELECT `profile`.*, `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`timezone` , `user`.`page-flags` FROM `profile` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` WHERE `is-default` = 1 $publish AND `user`.`blocked` = 0 $sql_extra $order LIMIT %d , %d ",
if(count($r)) {
- $tpl = get_markup_template('directory_item.tpl');
if(in_array('small', $a->argv))
$photo = 'thumb';
@@ -113,20 +111,60 @@ function directory_content(&$a) {
$details .= '<br />' . t('Gender: ') . $rr['gender'];
+ if($rr['page-flags'] == PAGE_NORMAL)
+ $page_type = "Personal Profile";
+ if($rr['page-flags'] == PAGE_SOAPBOX)
+ $page_type = "Fan Page";
+ if($rr['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY)
+ $page_type = "Community Forum";
+ if($rr['page-flags'] == PAGE_FREELOVE)
+ $page_type = "Open Forum";
+ if($rr['page-flags'] == PAGE_PRVGROUP)
+ $page_type = "Private Group";
+ $profile = $rr;
+ if((x($profile,'address') == 1)
+ || (x($profile,'locality') == 1)
+ || (x($profile,'region') == 1)
+ || (x($profile,'postal-code') == 1)
+ || (x($profile,'country-name') == 1))
+ $location = t('Location:');
+ $gender = ((x($profile,'gender') == 1) ? t('Gender:') : False);
+ $marital = ((x($profile,'marital') == 1) ? t('Status:') : False);
+ $homepage = ((x($profile,'homepage') == 1) ? t('Homepage:') : False);
+ $about = ((x($profile,'about') == 1) ? t('About:') : False);
+ $tpl = get_markup_template('directory_item.tpl');
$entry = replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$id' => $rr['id'],
'$profile-link' => $profile_link,
'$photo' => $a->get_cached_avatar_image($rr[$photo]),
'$alt-text' => $rr['name'],
'$name' => $rr['name'],
- '$details' => $pdesc . $details
+ '$details' => $pdesc . $details,
+ '$page-type' => $page_type,
+ '$profile' => $profile,
+ '$location' => template_escape($location),
+ '$gender' => $gender,
+ '$pdesc' => $pdesc,
+ '$marital' => $marital,
+ '$homepage' => $homepage,
+ '$about' => $about,
$arr = array('contact' => $rr, 'entry' => $entry);
call_hooks('directory_item', $arr);
+ unset($profile);
+ unset($location);
$o .= $entry;
diff --git a/mod/events.php b/mod/events.php
index 2a6fb692e..bf02f8309 100755
--- a/mod/events.php
+++ b/mod/events.php
@@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ function events_post(&$a) {
if(strcmp($finish,$start) < 0)
$finish = $start;
+ $summary = escape_tags(trim($_POST['summary']));
$desc = escape_tags(trim($_POST['desc']));
$location = escape_tags(trim($_POST['location']));
$type = 'event';
- if((! $desc) || (! $start)) {
- notice( t('Event description and start time are required.') . EOL);
+ if((! $summary) || (! $start)) {
+ notice( t('Event title and start time are required.') . EOL);
goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/events/new');
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ function events_post(&$a) {
$datarray = array();
$datarray['start'] = $start;
$datarray['finish'] = $finish;
+ $datarray['summary'] = $summary;
$datarray['desc'] = $desc;
$datarray['location'] = $location;
$datarray['type'] = $type;
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ function events_post(&$a) {
$datarray['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow;
$datarray['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny;
$datarray['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny;
- $datarray['private'] = $private_event;
+ $datarray['private'] = (($private_event) ? 1 : 0);
$datarray['id'] = $event_id;
$datarray['created'] = $created;
$datarray['edited'] = $edited;
@@ -278,9 +280,11 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
$last_date = $d;
$edit = ((! $rr['cid']) ? array($a->get_baseurl().'/events/event/'.$rr['id'],t('Edit event'),'','') : null);
- list($title, $_trash) = explode("<br",bbcode($rr['desc']),2);
- $title = strip_tags($title);
+ $title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode($rr['summary']),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
+ if(! $title) {
+ list($title, $_trash) = explode("<br",bbcode($rr['desc']),2);
+ $title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($title,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
+ }
$html = format_event_html($rr);
$rr['desc'] = bbcode($rr['desc']);
$rr['location'] = bbcode($rr['location']);
@@ -351,6 +355,7 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
$n_checked = ((x($orig_event) && $orig_event['nofinish']) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
$a_checked = ((x($orig_event) && $orig_event['adjust']) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
+ $t_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['summary'] : '');
$d_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['desc'] : '');
$l_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['location'] : '');
$eid = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['id'] : 0);
@@ -405,10 +410,11 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
'$eid' => $eid,
'$cid' => $cid,
'$uri' => $uri,
'$title' => t('Event details'),
- '$desc' => sprintf( t('Format is %s %s. Starting date and Description are required.'),$dateformat,$timeformat),
+ '$desc' => sprintf( t('Format is %s %s. Starting date and Title are required.'),$dateformat,$timeformat),
- '$s_text' => t('Event Starts:') . ' <span class="required">*</span> ',
+ '$s_text' => t('Event Starts:') . ' <span class="required" title="' . t('Required') . '">*</span>',
'$s_dsel' => datesel($f,'start',$syear+5,$syear,false,$syear,$smonth,$sday),
'$s_tsel' => timesel('start',$shour,$sminute),
'$n_text' => t('Finish date/time is not known or not relevant'),
@@ -418,10 +424,12 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
'$f_tsel' => timesel('finish',$fhour,$fminute),
'$a_text' => t('Adjust for viewer timezone'),
'$a_checked' => $a_checked,
- '$d_text' => t('Description:') . ' <span class="required">*</span>',
+ '$d_text' => t('Description:'),
'$d_orig' => $d_orig,
'$l_text' => t('Location:'),
'$l_orig' => $l_orig,
+ '$t_text' => t('Title:') . ' <span class="required" title="' . t('Required') . '">*</span>',
+ '$t_orig' => $t_orig,
'$sh_text' => t('Share this event'),
'$sh_checked' => $sh_checked,
'$acl' => (($cid) ? '' : populate_acl(((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event : $a->user),false)),
diff --git a/mod/item.php b/mod/item.php
index c1c0b14ec..554e97fe4 100644
--- a/mod/item.php
+++ b/mod/item.php
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- if($parent) logger('mod_post: parent=' . $parent);
+ if($parent) logger('mod_item: item_post parent=' . $parent);
$profile_uid = ((x($_REQUEST,'profile_uid')) ? intval($_REQUEST['profile_uid']) : 0);
$post_id = ((x($_REQUEST,'post_id')) ? intval($_REQUEST['post_id']) : 0);
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
|| strlen($parent_item['allow_gid'])
|| strlen($parent_item['deny_cid'])
|| strlen($parent_item['deny_gid'])) {
- $private = 1;
+ $private = (($parent_item['private']) ? $parent_item['private'] : 1);
$str_contact_allow = $parent_item['allow_cid'];
@@ -728,26 +728,10 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- // We won't be able to sign Diaspora comments for authenticated visitors - we don't have their private key
- if($self) {
- require_once('include/bb2diaspora.php');
- $signed_body = html_entity_decode(bb2diaspora($datarray['body']));
- $myaddr = $a->user['nickname'] . '@' . substr($a->get_baseurl(), strpos($a->get_baseurl(),'://') + 3);
- if($datarray['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE)
- $signed_text = $datarray['guid'] . ';' . 'Post' . ';' . $parent_item['guid'] . ';' . 'true' . ';' . $myaddr;
- else
- $signed_text = $datarray['guid'] . ';' . $parent_item['guid'] . ';' . $signed_body . ';' . $myaddr;
- $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$a->user['prvkey'],'sha256'));
+ // Store the comment signature information in case we need to relay to Diaspora
+ store_diaspora_comment_sig($datarray, $author, ($self ? $a->user['prvkey'] : false), $parent_item, $post_id);
- q("insert into sign (`iid`,`signed_text`,`signature`,`signer`) values (%d,'%s','%s','%s') ",
- intval($post_id),
- dbesc($signed_text),
- dbesc(base64_encode($authorsig)),
- dbesc($myaddr)
- );
- }
else {
$parent = $post_id;
@@ -1038,3 +1022,47 @@ function handle_tag($a, &$body, &$inform, &$str_tags, $profile_uid, $tag) {
return array('replaced' => $replaced, 'contact' => $r[0]);
+function store_diaspora_comment_sig($datarray, $author, $uprvkey, $parent_item, $post_id) {
+ // We won't be able to sign Diaspora comments for authenticated visitors - we don't have their private key
+ $enabled = intval(get_config('system','diaspora_enabled'));
+ if(! $enabled) {
+ logger('mod_item: diaspora support disabled, not storing comment signature', LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ logger('mod_item: storing diaspora comment signature');
+ require_once('include/bb2diaspora.php');
+ $signed_body = html_entity_decode(bb2diaspora($datarray['body']));
+// $myaddr = $user['nickname'] . '@' . substr($baseurl, strpos($baseurl,'://') + 3);
+// if( $author['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)
+// $diaspora_handle = $author['addr'];
+// else {
+ // Only works for NETWORK_DFRN
+ $contact_baseurl_start = strpos($author['url'],'://') + 3;
+ $contact_baseurl_length = strpos($author['url'],'/profile') - $contact_baseurl_start;
+ $contact_baseurl = substr($author['url'], $contact_baseurl_start, $contact_baseurl_length);
+ $diaspora_handle = $author['nick'] . '@' . $contact_baseurl;
+// }
+ $signed_text = $datarray['guid'] . ';' . $parent_item['guid'] . ';' . $signed_body . ';' . $diaspora_handle;
+ if( $uprvkey !== false )
+ $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$uprvkey,'sha256'));
+ else
+ $authorsig = '';
+ q("insert into sign (`iid`,`signed_text`,`signature`,`signer`) values (%d,'%s','%s','%s') ",
+ intval($post_id),
+ dbesc($signed_text),
+ dbesc(base64_encode($authorsig)),
+ dbesc($diaspora_handle)
+ );
+ return;
diff --git a/mod/like.php b/mod/like.php
index 942a04fe7..1176c3110 100755
--- a/mod/like.php
+++ b/mod/like.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function like_content(&$a) {
logger('like: verb ' . $verb . ' item ' . $item_id);
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE ( `id` = '%s' OR `uri` = '%s') AND `id` = `parent` LIMIT 1",
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = '%s' OR `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
@@ -121,57 +121,16 @@ function like_content(&$a) {
- // Clean up the `sign` table
+ // Clean up the Diaspora signatures for this like
+ // Go ahead and do it even if Diaspora support is disabled. We still want to clean up
+ // if it had been enabled in the past
$r = q("DELETE FROM `sign` WHERE `iid` = %d",
// Save the author information for the unlike in case we need to relay to Diaspora
- // Note that we can only create a signature for a user of the local server. We don't have
- // a key for remote users. That is ok, because if a remote user is "unlike"ing a post, it
- // means we are the relay, and for relayable_retractions, Diaspora
- // only checks the parent_author_signature if it doesn't have to relay further
- //
- // If $item['resource-id'] exists, it means the item is a photo. Diaspora doesn't support
- // likes on photos, so don't bother.
- if(($activity === ACTIVITY_LIKE) && (! $item['resource-id'])) {
- $signed_text = $like_item['guid'] . ';' . 'Like';
- if( $contact['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)
- $diaspora_handle = $contact['addr'];
- else { // Only works for NETWORK_DFRN
- $contact_baseurl_start = strpos($contact['url'],'://') + 3;
- $contact_baseurl_length = strpos($contact['url'],'/profile') - $contact_baseurl_start;
- $contact_baseurl = substr($contact['url'], $contact_baseurl_start, $contact_baseurl_length);
- $diaspora_handle = $contact['nick'] . '@' . $contact_baseurl;
- // Get contact's private key if he's a user of the local Friendica server
- $r = q("SELECT `contact`.`uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($contact['url'])
- );
- if( $r) {
- $contact_uid = $r['uid'];
- $r = q("SELECT prvkey FROM user WHERE uid = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($contact_uid)
- );
- if( $r)
- $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$r['prvkey'],'sha256'));
- }
- }
- if(! isset($authorsig))
- $authorsig = '';
- q("insert into sign (`retract_iid`,`signed_text`,`signature`,`signer`) values (%d,'%s','%s','%s') ",
- intval($like_item['id']),
- dbesc($signed_text),
- dbesc($authorsig),
- dbesc($diaspora_handle)
- );
- }
+ store_diaspora_like_retract_sig($activity, $item, $like_item, $contact);
// proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","like","$post_id"); // $post_id isn't defined here!
@@ -217,6 +176,7 @@ EOT;
$arr['gravity'] = GRAVITY_LIKE;
$arr['parent'] = $item['id'];
$arr['parent-uri'] = $item['uri'];
+ $arr['thr-parent'] = $item['uri'];
$arr['owner-name'] = $remote_owner['name'];
$arr['owner-link'] = $remote_owner['url'];
$arr['owner-avatar'] = $remote_owner['thumb'];
@@ -251,35 +211,118 @@ EOT;
// Save the author information for the like in case we need to relay to Diaspora
+ store_diaspora_like_sig($activity, $post_type, $contact, $post_id);
+ $arr['id'] = $post_id;
+ call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr);
+ proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","like","$post_id");
+ killme();
+// return; // NOTREACHED
+function store_diaspora_like_retract_sig($activity, $item, $like_item, $contact) {
// Note that we can only create a signature for a user of the local server. We don't have
// a key for remote users. That is ok, because if a remote user is "unlike"ing a post, it
// means we are the relay, and for relayable_retractions, Diaspora
// only checks the parent_author_signature if it doesn't have to relay further
+ //
+ // If $item['resource-id'] exists, it means the item is a photo. Diaspora doesn't support
+ // likes on photos, so don't bother.
- if(($activity === ACTIVITY_LIKE) && ($post_type === t('status'))) {
- if( $contact['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)
- $diaspora_handle = $contact['addr'];
- else { // Only works for NETWORK_DFRN
- $contact_baseurl_start = strpos($contact['url'],'://') + 3;
- $contact_baseurl_length = strpos($contact['url'],'/profile') - $contact_baseurl_start;
- $contact_baseurl = substr($contact['url'], $contact_baseurl_start, $contact_baseurl_length);
- $diaspora_handle = $contact['nick'] . '@' . $contact_baseurl;
- // Get contact's private key if he's a user of the local Friendica server
- $r = q("SELECT `contact`.`uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($contact['url'])
+ $enabled = intval(get_config('system','diaspora_enabled'));
+ if(! $enabled) {
+ logger('mod_like: diaspora support disabled, not storing like retraction signature', LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ logger('mod_like: storing diaspora like retraction signature');
+ if(($activity === ACTIVITY_LIKE) && (! $item['resource-id'])) {
+ $signed_text = $like_item['guid'] . ';' . 'Like';
+// if( $contact['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)
+// $diaspora_handle = $contact['addr'];
+// else {
+ // Only works for NETWORK_DFRN
+ $contact_baseurl_start = strpos($contact['url'],'://') + 3;
+ $contact_baseurl_length = strpos($contact['url'],'/profile') - $contact_baseurl_start;
+ $contact_baseurl = substr($contact['url'], $contact_baseurl_start, $contact_baseurl_length);
+ $diaspora_handle = $contact['nick'] . '@' . $contact_baseurl;
+ // Get contact's private key if he's a user of the local Friendica server
+ $r = q("SELECT `contact`.`uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($contact['url'])
+ );
+ if( $r) {
+ $contact_uid = $r['uid'];
+ $r = q("SELECT prvkey FROM user WHERE uid = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($contact_uid)
- if( $r) {
- $contact_uid = $r['uid'];
- $r = q("SELECT prvkey FROM user WHERE uid = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($contact_uid)
- );
+ if( $r)
+ $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$r['prvkey'],'sha256'));
+ }
+// }
- if( $r)
- $contact_uprvkey = $r['prvkey'];
- }
+ if(! isset($authorsig))
+ $authorsig = '';
+ q("insert into sign (`retract_iid`,`signed_text`,`signature`,`signer`) values (%d,'%s','%s','%s') ",
+ intval($like_item['id']),
+ dbesc($signed_text),
+ dbesc($authorsig),
+ dbesc($diaspora_handle)
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+function store_diaspora_like_sig($activity, $post_type, $contact, $post_id) {
+ // Note that we can only create a signature for a user of the local server. We don't have
+ // a key for remote users. That is ok, because if a remote user is "unlike"ing a post, it
+ // means we are the relay, and for relayable_retractions, Diaspora
+ // only checks the parent_author_signature if it doesn't have to relay further
+ $enabled = intval(get_config('system','diaspora_enabled'));
+ if(! $enabled) {
+ logger('mod_like: diaspora support disabled, not storing like signature', LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ logger('mod_like: storing diaspora like signature');
+ if(($activity === ACTIVITY_LIKE) && ($post_type === t('status'))) {
+// if( $contact['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)
+// $diaspora_handle = $contact['addr'];
+// else {
+ // Only works for NETWORK_DFRN
+ $contact_baseurl_start = strpos($contact['url'],'://') + 3;
+ $contact_baseurl_length = strpos($contact['url'],'/profile') - $contact_baseurl_start;
+ $contact_baseurl = substr($contact['url'], $contact_baseurl_start, $contact_baseurl_length);
+ $diaspora_handle = $contact['nick'] . '@' . $contact_baseurl;
+ // Get contact's private key if he's a user of the local Friendica server
+ $r = q("SELECT `contact`.`uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($contact['url'])
+ );
+ if( $r) {
+ $contact_uid = $r['uid'];
+ $r = q("SELECT prvkey FROM user WHERE uid = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($contact_uid)
+ );
+ if( $r)
+ $contact_uprvkey = $r['prvkey'];
+// }
$r = q("SELECT guid, parent FROM `item` WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1",
@@ -307,13 +350,5 @@ EOT;
- $arr['id'] = $post_id;
- call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","like","$post_id");
- killme();
-// return; // NOTREACHED
+ return;
diff --git a/mod/lockview.php b/mod/lockview.php
index 9e64e2608..a832629f1 100644
--- a/mod/lockview.php
+++ b/mod/lockview.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function lockview_content(&$a) {
$deny_users = expand_acl($item['deny_cid']);
$deny_groups = expand_acl($item['deny_gid']);
- if(($item['private']) && (! strlen($item['allow_cid'])) && (! strlen($item['allow_gid']))
+ if(($item['private'] == 1) && (! strlen($item['allow_cid'])) && (! strlen($item['allow_gid']))
&& (! strlen($item['deny_cid'])) && (! strlen($item['deny_gid']))) {
echo t('Remote privacy information not available.') . '<br />';
diff --git a/mod/message.php b/mod/message.php
index 519634be5..80d2c6d99 100644
--- a/mod/message.php
+++ b/mod/message.php
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
// list messages
$o .= $header;
$r = q("SELECT count(*) AS `total` FROM `mail`
WHERE `mail`.`uid` = %d GROUP BY `parent-uri` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
$r = q("SELECT max(`mail`.`created`) AS `mailcreated`, min(`mail`.`seen`) AS `mailseen`,
`mail`.* , `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`thumb` , `contact`.`network`,
count( * ) as count
@@ -243,6 +244,7 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
if(! count($r)) {
info( t('No messages.') . EOL);
return $o;
diff --git a/mod/parse_url.php b/mod/parse_url.php
index cdf2223a8..a38f7e270 100644
--- a/mod/parse_url.php
+++ b/mod/parse_url.php
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ function parse_url_content(&$a) {
$i = fetch_url($image);
if($i) {
+ require_once('include/Photo.php');
// guess mimetype from headers or filename
$type = guess_image_type($image,true);
- require_once('include/Photo.php');
$ph = new Photo($i, $type);
if($ph->is_valid()) {
if($ph->getWidth() > 300 || $ph->getHeight() > 300) {
diff --git a/mod/photos.php b/mod/photos.php
index d96bc135e..624f0bdca 100644
--- a/mod/photos.php
+++ b/mod/photos.php
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ function photos_init(&$a) {
$o .= '<div class="fn">' . $a->data['user']['username'] . '</div>';
$o .= '<div id="profile-photo-wrapper"><img class="photo" style="width: 175px; height: 175px;" src="' . $a->get_cached_avatar_image($a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/profile/' . $a->data['user']['uid'] . '.jpg') . '" alt="' . $a->data['user']['username'] . '" /></div>';
$o .= '</div>';
- if(! intval($a->data['user']['hidewall'])) {
+ $albums_visible = ((intval($a->data['user']['hidewall']) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) ? false : true);
+ if($albums_visible) {
$o .= '<div id="side-bar-photos-albums" class="widget">';
$o .= '<h3>' . '<a href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '">' . t('Photo Albums') . '</a></h3>';
@@ -709,6 +711,24 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
logger('mod/photos.php: photos_post(): loading the contents of ' . $src , LOGGER_DEBUG);
$imagedata = @file_get_contents($src);
+ $r = q("select sum(octet_length(data)) as total from photo where uid = %d and scale = 0 and album != 'Contact Photos' ",
+ intval($a->data['user']['uid'])
+ );
+ $limit = service_class_fetch($a->data['user']['uid'],'photo_upload_limit');
+ if(($limit !== false) && (($r[0]['total'] + strlen($imagedata)) > $limit)) {
+ notice( upgrade_message() . EOL );
+ @unlink($src);
+ $foo = 0;
+ call_hooks('photo_post_end',$foo);
+ killme();
+ }
$ph = new Photo($imagedata, $type);
if(! $ph->is_valid()) {
@@ -723,6 +743,12 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
+ $max_length = get_config('system','max_image_length');
+ if(! $max_length)
+ $max_length = MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH;
+ if($max_length > 0)
+ $ph->scaleImage($max_length);
$width = $ph->getWidth();
$height = $ph->getHeight();
@@ -966,12 +992,25 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . t('Submit') . '" id="photos-upload-submit" /> </div>';
+ $r = q("select sum(octet_length(data)) as total from photo where uid = %d and scale = 0 and album != 'Contact Photos' ",
+ intval($a->data['user']['uid'])
+ );
+ $limit = service_class_fetch($a->data['user']['uid'],'photo_upload_limit');
+ if($limit !== false) {
+ $usage_message = sprintf( t("You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."), $r[0]['total'] / 1024000, $limit / 1024000 );
+ }
+ else {
+ $usage_message = sprintf( t('You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of photo storage.'), $r[0]['total'] / 1024000 );
+ }
$tpl = get_markup_template('photos_upload.tpl');
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$pagename' => t('Upload Photos'),
'$sessid' => session_id(),
+ '$usage' => $usage_message,
'$nickname' => $a->data['user']['nickname'],
'$newalbum' => t('New album name: '),
'$existalbumtext' => t('or existing album name: '),
diff --git a/mod/profiles.php b/mod/profiles.php
index a9da5454c..4df8a5af7 100644
--- a/mod/profiles.php
+++ b/mod/profiles.php
@@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
$politic = notags(trim($_POST['politic']));
$religion = notags(trim($_POST['religion']));
+ $likes = fix_mce_lf(escape_tags(trim($_POST['likes'])));
+ $dislikes = fix_mce_lf(escape_tags(trim($_POST['dislikes'])));
$about = fix_mce_lf(escape_tags(trim($_POST['about'])));
$interest = fix_mce_lf(escape_tags(trim($_POST['interest'])));
$contact = fix_mce_lf(escape_tags(trim($_POST['contact'])));
@@ -155,7 +158,15 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
if($withchanged) {
$changes[] = '[color=#ff0000]&hearts;[/color] ' . t('Romantic Partner');
$value = strip_tags($with);
- }
+ }
+ if($likes != $orig[0]['likes']) {
+ $changes[] = t('Likes');
+ $value = $likes;
+ }
+ if($dislikes != $orig[0]['dislikes']) {
+ $changes[] = t('Dislikes');
+ $value = $dislikes;
+ }
if($work != $orig[0]['work']) {
$changes[] = t('Work/Employment');
@@ -222,6 +233,8 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
`religion` = '%s',
`pub_keywords` = '%s',
`prv_keywords` = '%s',
+ `likes` = '%s',
+ `dislikes` = '%s',
`about` = '%s',
`interest` = '%s',
`contact` = '%s',
@@ -254,6 +267,8 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
+ dbesc($likes),
+ dbesc($dislikes),
@@ -577,6 +592,8 @@ function profiles_content(&$a) {
'$lbl_religion' => t('Religious Views:'),
'$lbl_pubkey' => t('Public Keywords:'),
'$lbl_prvkey' => t('Private Keywords:'),
+ '$lbl_likes' => t('Likes:'),
+ '$lbl_dislikes' => t('Dislikes:'),
'$lbl_ex2' => t('Example: fishing photography software'),
'$lbl_pubdsc' => t("\x28Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others\x29"),
'$lbl_prvdsc' => t("\x28Used for searching profiles, never shown to others\x29"),
@@ -617,6 +634,8 @@ function profiles_content(&$a) {
'$religion' => $r[0]['religion'],
'$pub_keywords' => $r[0]['pub_keywords'],
'$prv_keywords' => $r[0]['prv_keywords'],
+ '$likes' => $r[0]['likes'],
+ '$dislikes' => $r[0]['dislikes'],
'$music' => $r[0]['music'],
'$book' => $r[0]['book'],
'$tv' => $r[0]['tv'],
diff --git a/mod/settings.php b/mod/settings.php
index 92593d7a8..b1c3cf7d4 100644
--- a/mod/settings.php
+++ b/mod/settings.php
@@ -677,6 +677,14 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
$tpl = get_markup_template("settings_connectors.tpl");
+ if(! service_class_allows(local_user(),'email_connect')) {
+ $mail_disabled_message = upgrade_bool_message();
+ }
+ else {
+ $mail_disabled_message = (($mail_disabled) ? t('Email access is disabled on this site.') : '');
+ }
$o .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings_connectors"),
@@ -688,7 +696,7 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
'$h_imap' => t('Email/Mailbox Setup'),
'$imap_desc' => t("If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service \x28optional\x29, please specify how to connect to your mailbox."),
'$imap_lastcheck' => array('imap_lastcheck', t('Last successful email check:'), $mail_chk,''),
- '$mail_disabled' => (($mail_disabled) ? t('Email access is disabled on this site.') : ''),
+ '$mail_disabled' => $mail_disabled_message,
'$mail_server' => array('mail_server', t('IMAP server name:'), $mail_server, ''),
'$mail_port' => array('mail_port', t('IMAP port:'), $mail_port, ''),
'$mail_ssl' => array('mail_ssl', t('Security:'), strtoupper($mail_ssl), '', array( 'notls'=>t('None'), 'TLS'=>'TLS', 'SSL'=>'SSL')),
@@ -921,18 +929,12 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
$invisible = (((! $profile['publish']) && (! $profile['net-publish']))
? true : false);
info( t('Profile is <strong>not published</strong>.') . EOL );
$subdir = ((strlen($a->get_path())) ? '<br />' . t('or') . ' ' . $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/profile/' . $nickname : '');
@@ -1029,17 +1031,6 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
'$h_descadvn' => t('Change the behaviour of this account for special situations'),
'$pagetype' => $pagetype,
diff --git a/mod/share.php b/mod/share.php
index c7525113e..761220ad7 100644
--- a/mod/share.php
+++ b/mod/share.php
@@ -8,26 +8,25 @@ function share_init(&$a) {
if((! $post_id) || (! local_user()))
- $r = q("SELECT item.*, contact.network FROM `item` left join contact on `item`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` WHERE `item`.`id` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($post_id)
+ $r = q("SELECT item.*, contact.network FROM `item`
+ left join contact on `item`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id`
+ WHERE `item`.`id` = %d AND `item`.`uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($post_id),
+ intval(local_user())
- if(! count($r) || ($r[0]['private'] && ($r[0]['network'] != NETWORK_FEED)))
+ if(! count($r) || ($r[0]['private'] == 1))
$o = '';
-// if(local_user() && intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','plaintext'))) {
- $o .= "\xE2\x99\xb2" . ' [url=' . $r[0]['author-link'] . ']' . $r[0]['author-name'] . '[/url]' . "\n";
- if($r[0]['title'])
- $o .= '[b]' . $r[0]['title'] . '[/b]' . "\n";
- $o .= $r[0]['body'] . "\n";
-// }
-// else {
-// $o .= '&#x2672; <a href="' . $r[0]['author-link'] . '">' . $r[0]['author-name'] . '</a><br />';
-// if($r[0]['title'])
-// $o .= '<strong>' . $r[0]['title'] . '</strong><br />';
-// $o .= $r[0]['body'] . "\n";
-// }
+ $o .= "\xE2\x99\xb2" . ' [url=' . $r[0]['author-link'] . ']' . $r[0]['author-name'] . '[/url]' . "\n";
+ if($r[0]['title'])
+ $o .= '[b]' . $r[0]['title'] . '[/b]' . "\n";
+ $o .= $r[0]['body'] . "\n" ;
+ $o .= (($r[0]['plink']) ? '[url=' . $r[0]['plink'] . ']' . t('link') . '[/url]' . "\n" : '');
echo $o;
diff --git a/mod/wall_attach.php b/mod/wall_attach.php
index 03d9f5105..f179b3ca5 100644
--- a/mod/wall_attach.php
+++ b/mod/wall_attach.php
@@ -60,6 +60,19 @@ function wall_attach_post(&$a) {
+ $r = q("select sum(octet_length(data)) as total from attach where uid = %d ",
+ intval($page_owner_uid)
+ );
+ $limit = service_class_fetch($page_owner_uid,'attach_upload_limit');
+ if(($limit !== false) && (($r[0]['total'] + strlen($imagedata)) > $limit)) {
+ echo upgrade_message(true) . EOL ;
+ @unlink($src);
+ killme();
+ }
$filedata = @file_get_contents($src);
$mimetype = z_mime_content_type($filename);
$hash = random_string();
diff --git a/mod/wall_upload.php b/mod/wall_upload.php
index 4b81f8d1c..5990f2834 100644
--- a/mod/wall_upload.php
+++ b/mod/wall_upload.php
@@ -79,6 +79,19 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a) {
+ $r = q("select sum(octet_length(data)) as total from photo where uid = %d and scale = 0 and album != 'Contact Photos' ",
+ intval($page_owner_uid)
+ );
+ $limit = service_class_fetch($page_owner_uid,'photo_upload_limit');
+ if(($limit !== false) && (($r[0]['total'] + strlen($imagedata)) > $limit)) {
+ echo upgrade_message(true) . EOL ;
+ @unlink($src);
+ killme();
+ }
$imagedata = @file_get_contents($src);
$ph = new Photo($imagedata, $filetype);