namespace Zotlabs\Module;
class Webpages extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
function init() {
if(argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'sys' && is_site_admin()) {
$sys = get_sys_channel();
if($sys && intval($sys['channel_id'])) {
\App::$is_sys = true;
if(argc() > 1)
$which = argv(1);
function get() {
if(! \App::$profile) {
notice( t('Requested profile is not available.') . EOL );
\App::$error = 404;
$which = argv(1);
$_SESSION['return_url'] = \App::$query_string;
$uid = local_channel();
$owner = 0;
$channel = null;
$observer = \App::get_observer();
$channel = \App::get_channel();
switch ($_SESSION['action']) {
case 'import':
$_SESSION['action'] = null;
$o .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('webpage_import.tpl'), array(
'$title' => t('Import Webpage Elements'),
'$importbtn' => t('Import selected'),
'$action' => 'import',
'$pages' => $_SESSION['pages'],
'$layouts' => $_SESSION['layouts'],
'$blocks' => $_SESSION['blocks'],
return $o;
case 'importselected':
$_SESSION['action'] = null;
case 'export_select_list':
$_SESSION['action'] = null;
$o .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('webpage_export_list.tpl'), array(
'$title' => t('Export Webpage Elements'),
'$exportbtn' => t('Export selected'),
'$action' => $_SESSION['export'], // value should be 'zipfile' or 'cloud'
$_SESSION['export'] = null;
return $o;
default :
$_SESSION['action'] = null;
if(\App::$is_sys && is_site_admin()) {
$sys = get_sys_channel();
if($sys && intval($sys['channel_id'])) {
$uid = $owner = intval($sys['channel_id']);
$channel = $sys;
$observer = $sys;
if(! $owner) {
// Figure out who the page owner is.
$r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s'",
if($r) {
$owner = intval($r[0]['channel_id']);
$ob_hash = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : '');
$perms = get_all_perms($owner,$ob_hash);
if(! $perms['write_pages']) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
$mimetype = (($_REQUEST['mimetype']) ? $_REQUEST['mimetype'] : get_pconfig($owner,'system','page_mimetype'));
$layout = (($_REQUEST['layout']) ? $_REQUEST['layout'] : get_pconfig($owner,'system','page_layout'));
// Create a status editor (for now - we'll need a WYSIWYG eventually) to create pages
// Nickname is set to the observers xchan, and profile_uid to the owner's.
// This lets you post pages at other people's channels.
if((! $channel) && ($uid) && ($uid == \App::$profile_uid)) {
$channel = \App::get_channel();
if($channel) {
$channel_acl = array(
'allow_cid' => $channel['channel_allow_cid'],
'allow_gid' => $channel['channel_allow_gid'],
'deny_cid' => $channel['channel_deny_cid'],
'deny_gid' => $channel['channel_deny_gid']
$channel_acl = array();
$is_owner = ($uid && $uid == $owner);
$o = profile_tabs($a, $is_owner, \App::$profile['channel_address']);
$x = array(
'webpage' => ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE,
'is_owner' => true,
'nickname' => \App::$profile['channel_address'],
'lockstate' => (($channel['channel_allow_cid'] || $channel['channel_allow_gid'] || $channel['channel_deny_cid'] || $channel['channel_deny_gid']) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'),
'acl' => (($is_owner) ? populate_acl($channel_acl,false, \Zotlabs\Lib\PermissionDescription::fromGlobalPermission('view_pages')) : ''),
'permissions' => (($is_owner) ? $channel_acl : ''),
'showacl' => (($is_owner) ? true : false),
'visitor' => true,
'hide_location' => true,
'hide_voting' => true,
'profile_uid' => intval($owner),
'mimetype' => $mimetype,
'mimeselect' => true,
'layout' => $layout,
'layoutselect' => true,
'expanded' => true,
'novoting'=> true,
'bbco_autocomplete' => 'bbcode',
'bbcode' => true
$x['title'] = $_REQUEST['title'];
$x['body'] = $_REQUEST['body'];
$x['pagetitle'] = $_REQUEST['pagetitle'];
$editor = status_editor($a,$x);
// Get a list of webpages. We can't display all them because endless scroll makes that unusable,
// so just list titles and an edit link.
/** @TODO - this should be replaced with pagelist_widget */
$sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($owner);
$r = q("select * from iconfig left join item on iconfig.iid = item.id
where item.uid = %d and iconfig.cat = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'WEBPAGE' and item_type = %d
$sql_extra order by item.created desc",
// $r = q("select * from item_id left join item on item_id.iid = item.id
// where item_id.uid = %d and service = 'WEBPAGE' and item_type = %d $sql_extra order by item.created desc",
// intval($owner),
// );
$pages = null;
if($r) {
$pages = array();
foreach($r as $rr) {
$lockstate = (($rr['allow_cid'] || $rr['allow_gid'] || $rr['deny_cid'] || $rr['deny_gid']) ? 'lock' : 'unlock');
$element_arr = array(
'type' => 'webpage',
'title' => $rr['title'],
'body' => $rr['body'],
'created' => $rr['created'],
'edited' => $rr['edited'],
'mimetype' => $rr['mimetype'],
'pagetitle' => $rr['v'],
'mid' => $rr['mid'],
'layout_mid' => $rr['layout_mid']
$pages[$rr['iid']][] = array(
'url' => $rr['iid'],
'pagetitle' => $rr['v'],
'title' => $rr['title'],
'created' => datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['created']),
'edited' => datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['edited']),
'bb_element' => '[element]' . base64url_encode(json_encode($element_arr)) . '[/element]',
'lockstate' => $lockstate
//Build the base URL for edit links
$url = z_root() . '/editwebpage/' . $which;
$o .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('webpagelist.tpl'), array(
'$listtitle' => t('Webpages'),
'$baseurl' => $url,
'$create' => t('Create'),
'$edit' => t('Edit'),
'$share' => t('Share'),
'$delete' => t('Delete'),
'$pages' => $pages,
'$channel' => $which,
'$editor' => $editor,
'$view' => t('View'),
'$preview' => t('Preview'),
'$actions_txt' => t('Actions'),
'$pagelink_txt' => t('Page Link'),
'$title_txt' => t('Page Title'),
'$created_txt' => t('Created'),
'$edited_txt' => t('Edited')
return $o;
function post() {
logger(json_encode($_REQUEST), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];
if( $action ){
switch ($action) {
case 'scan':
// the state of this variable tracks whether website files have been scanned (null, true, false)
$cloud = null;
// Website files are to be imported from an uploaded zip file
if(($_FILES) && array_key_exists('zip_file',$_FILES) && isset($_POST['w_upload'])) {
$source = $_FILES["zip_file"]["tmp_name"];
$type = $_FILES["zip_file"]["type"];
$okay = false;
$accepted_types = array('application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'multipart/x-zip', 'application/x-compressed');
foreach ($accepted_types as $mime_type) {
if ($mime_type == $type) {
$okay = true;
if(!$okay) {
notice( t('Invalid file type.') . EOL);
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($source) === true) {
$tmp_folder_name = random_string(5);
$website = dirname($source) . '/' . $tmp_folder_name;
$zip->extractTo($website); // change this to the correct site path
@unlink($source); // delete the compressed file now that the content has been extracted
$cloud = false;
} else {
notice( t('Error opening zip file') . EOL);
return null;
// Website files are to be imported from the channel cloud files
if (($_POST) && array_key_exists('path',$_POST) && isset($_POST['cloudsubmit'])) {
$channel = \App::get_channel();
$dirpath = get_dirpath_by_cloudpath($channel, $_POST['path']);
if(!$dirpath) {
notice( t('Invalid folder path.') . EOL);
return null;
$cloud = true;
// If the website files were uploaded or specified in the cloud files, then $cloud
// should be either true or false
if ($cloud !== null) {
$elements = [];
if($cloud) {
$path = $_POST['path'];
} else {
$path = $website;
$elements['pages'] = scan_webpage_elements($path, 'page', $cloud);
$elements['layouts'] = scan_webpage_elements($path, 'layout', $cloud);
$elements['blocks'] = scan_webpage_elements($path, 'block', $cloud);
$_SESSION['blocks'] = $elements['blocks'];
$_SESSION['layouts'] = $elements['layouts'];
$_SESSION['pages'] = $elements['pages'];
if(!(empty($elements['pages']) && empty($elements['blocks']) && empty($elements['layouts']))) {
//info( t('Webpages elements detected.') . EOL);
$_SESSION['action'] = 'import';
} else {
notice( t('No webpage elements detected.') . EOL);
$_SESSION['action'] = null;
// If the website elements were imported from a zip file, delete the temporary decompressed files
if ($cloud === false && $website && $elements) {
rrmdir($website); // Delete the temporary decompressed files
case 'importselected':
$channel = \App::get_channel();
// Import layout first so that pages that reference new layouts will find
// the mid of layout items in the database
// Obtain the user-selected layouts to import and import them
$checkedlayouts = $_POST['layout'];
$layouts = [];
if (!empty($checkedlayouts)) {
foreach ($checkedlayouts as $name) {
foreach ($_SESSION['layouts'] as &$layout) {
if ($layout['name'] === $name) {
$layout['import'] = 1;
$layoutstoimport[] = $layout;
foreach ($layoutstoimport as $elementtoimport) {
$layouts[] = import_webpage_element($elementtoimport, $channel, 'layout');
$_SESSION['import_layouts'] = $layouts;
// Obtain the user-selected blocks to import and import them
$checkedblocks = $_POST['block'];
$blocks = [];
if (!empty($checkedblocks)) {
foreach ($checkedblocks as $name) {
foreach ($_SESSION['blocks'] as &$block) {
if ($block['name'] === $name) {
$block['import'] = 1;
$blockstoimport[] = $block;
foreach ($blockstoimport as $elementtoimport) {
$blocks[] = import_webpage_element($elementtoimport, $channel, 'block');
$_SESSION['import_blocks'] = $blocks;
// Obtain the user-selected pages to import and import them
$checkedpages = $_POST['page'];
$pages = [];
if (!empty($checkedpages)) {
foreach ($checkedpages as $pagelink) {
foreach ($_SESSION['pages'] as &$page) {
if ($page['pagelink'] === $pagelink) {
$page['import'] = 1;
$pagestoimport[] = $page;
foreach ($pagestoimport as $elementtoimport) {
$pages[] = import_webpage_element($elementtoimport, $channel, 'page');
$_SESSION['import_pages'] = $pages;
if(!(empty($_SESSION['import_pages']) && empty($_SESSION['import_blocks']) && empty($_SESSION['import_layouts']))) {
info( t('Import complete.') . EOL);
case 'exportzipfile':
if(isset($_POST['w_download'])) {
logger($_POST['w_download'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$_SESSION['action'] = 'export_select_list';
$_SESSION['export'] = 'zipfile';
if(isset($_POST['filename'])) {
$filename = filter_var($_POST['filename'], 'FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED');
} else {
$filename = 'website.zip';
default :