namespace Zotlabs\Module;
use App;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Apps;
use Zotlabs\Web\Controller;
* module: invitexv2.php
* send email invitations to join social network
class Invite extends Controller {
* While coding this, I want to introduce a system of qualified messages and notifications.
* Each message consists of a 3 letter prefix, a 4 digit number and a one letter suffix (PREnnnnS).
* The spirit about is not from me, but many decades used by IBM inc. in devel with best success.
* The system prefix, used uppercase as system message id, lowercase as css and js prefix (classes, ids etc).
* Usually not used as self::MYP, but placed in the code dominant enough for easy to find.
* Concrete here:
* The prefix indicates Z for the Zlabs(core), A for Account stuff, I for Invite.
* The numbers scope will be 00xx within/for templates, 01xx for get, 02xx for post functions.
* Message qualification ends with a uppercase suffix, where
* I=Info(only),
* W=Warning(more then info and less then error),
* E=Error,
* F=Fatal(for unexpected errors).
* Btw, in case of using fail2ban, a scan of messages going to log is very much more with ease,
* esspecially in multi language driven systems where messages vary.
* @author Hilmar Runge
* @version 2.0.0
* @since 2020-01-20
const MYP = 'ZAI';
const VERSION = '2.0.0';
function post() {
// zai02
if (! local_channel()) {
notice( 'ZAI0201E,' .t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
if (! Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Invite')) {
notice( 'ZAI0202E,' . t('Invite App') . ' (' . t('Not Installed') . ')' . EOL);
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/', 'send_invite');
$ok = $ko = 0;
$feedbk = '';
$isajax = is_ajax();
$eol = $isajax ? "\n" : EOL;
$policy = intval(get_config('system','register_policy'));
if ($policy == REGISTER_CLOSED) {
notice( 'ZAI0212E,' . t('Register is closed') . ')' . EOL);
if ($policy == REGISTER_OPEN)
$flags = 0;
elseif ($policy == REGISTER_APPROVE)
$flags = ($flags | intval(get_config('system','verify_email')));
// how many max recipients in one mail submit
$maxto = get_config('system','invitation_max_recipients', 'na');
If (is_site_admin()) {
// set, if admin is operator, default to 12
if ($maxto === 'na') set_config('system','invitation_max_recipients', 12);
$maxto = ($maxto === 'na') ? 12 : $maxto;
// language code current for the invitation
$lcc = x($_POST['zailcc']) && preg_match('/[a-z\-]{2,5}/', $_POST['zailcc'])
? $_POST['zailcc']
: '';
// expiration duration amount quantity, in case of doubts defaults 2
$durn = x($_POST['zaiexpiren']) && preg_match('/[0-9]{1,2}/', $_POST['zaiexpiren'])
? trim(intval($_POST['zaiexpiren']))
: '2';
!$durn ? $durn = 2 : '';
// expiration duration unit 1st letter (day, weeks, months, years), defaults days
$durq = x($_POST['zaiexpire']) && preg_match('/[ihd]{1,1}/', $_POST['zaiexpire'])
? $_POST['zaiexpire']
: 'd';
$dur = self::calcdue($durn.$durq);
$due = t('Note, the invitation code is valid up to') . ' ' . $dur['due'];
if ($isajax) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0207I ' . $due . $eol;
// take the received email addresses and discart duplicates
$recips = array_filter( array_unique( preg_replace('/^\s*$/', '',
((x($_POST,'zaito')) ? explode( "\n",$_POST['zaito']) : array() ) )));
$havto = count($recips);
if ( $havto > $maxto) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0210E ' . sprintf( t('Too many recipients for one invitation (max %d)'), $maxto) . $eol;
} elseif ( $havto == 0 ) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0211E ' . t('No recipients for this invitation') . $eol;
} else {
// each email address
foreach($recips as $n => $recip) {
// if empty ignore
$recip = $recips[$n] = trim($recip);
if(! $recip) continue;
// see if we have an email address who@domain.tld
if (!preg_match('/^.{2,64}\@[a-z0-9.-]{4,32}\.[a-z]{2,12}$/', $recip)) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0203E ' . ($n+1) . ': ' . sprintf( t('(%s) : Not a valid email address'), $recip) . $eol;
if(! validate_email($recip)) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0204E ' . ($n+1) . ': ' . sprintf( t('(%s) : Not a real email address'), $recip) . $eol;
// do we accept the email (not black listed)
if(! allowed_email($recip)) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0205E ' . ($n+1) . ': ' . sprintf( t('(%s) : Not allowed email address'), $recip) . $eol;
// is the email address just in use for account or registered before
$r = q("SELECT account_email AS em FROM account WHERE account_email = '%s'"
. " UNION "
."SELECT reg_email AS em FROM register WHERE reg_vital = 1 AND reg_email = '%s' LIMIT 1;",
if($r && $r[0]['em'] == $recip) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0206E ' . ($n+1) . ': ' . sprintf( t('(%s) : email address already in use'), $recip) . $eol;
if ($isajax) {
// seems we have an email address acceptable
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0209I ' . ($n+1) . ': ' . sprintf( t('(%s) : Accepted email address'), $recip) . $eol;
if ($isajax) {
// we are not silent on the ajax road
echo json_encode(array('feedbk' => $feedbk, 'due' => $due));
// that mission is complete
// Total ?todo notice( t('Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator.') . EOL);
// any errors up to now in fg?
// down from here, only on the main road (no more ajax)
// tell if sth is to tell
$feedbk ? notice($feedbk) . $eol : '';
if ($ko > 0) return;
// the personal mailtext
$mailtext = ((x($_POST,'zaitxt')) ? notags(trim($_POST['zaitxt'])) : '');
// to log in db
$reonar = json_decode( ((x($_POST,'zaireon')) ? notags(trim($_POST['zaireon'])) : ''), TRUE, 8) ;
// me, the invitor
$account = App::get_account();
$reonar['from'] = $account['account_email'];
$reonar['date'] = datetime_convert();
$reonar['fromip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// who is the invitor on
$inby = local_channel();
$ok = $ko = 0;
// send the mail(s)
foreach($recips as $n => $recip) {
$reonar['due'] = $due;
$reonar['to'] = $recip;
$reonar['txtpersonal'] = $mailtext;
// generate an invide code to store and pm
$invite_code = autoname(8) . rand(1000,9999);
// again the final localized templates $reonar['subject'] $reonar['lang'] $reonar['tpl']
// save current operators lc and take the desired to mail
// resolve
$tx = replace_macros(get_intltext_template('invite.'.$reonar['tpl'].'.tpl'),
'$projectname' => t('$Projectname'),
'$invite_code' => $invite_code,
'$invite_where' => z_root() . '/register',
'$invite_whereami' => str_replace('@', '@+', $reonar['whereami']),
'$invite_whoami' => z_root() . '/channel/' . $reonar['whoami'],
'$invite_anywhere' => z_root() . '/pubsites'
// restore lc to operator
$reonar['txttemplate'] = $tx;
// pm
$zem = z_mail(
'toEmail' => $recip,
'fromName' => ' ',
'fromEmail' => $reonar['from'],
'messageSubject' => $reonar['subject'],
'textVersion' => ($mailtext ? $mailtext . "\n\n" : '') . $tx . "\n" . $due,
if(!$zem) {
$msg = 'ZAI0208E,' . sprintf( t('%s : Message delivery failed.'), $recip);
} else {
$msg = 'ZAI0208I ' . sprintf( t('To %s : Message delivery success.'), $recip);
// if verify_email is the rule, email becomes a dId2 - NO
// $did2 = ($flags & ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED) == ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED ? $recip : '';
// always enforce verify email with invitations, thus email becomes a dId2
$did2 = $recip;
// defaults vital, reg_pass
$r = q("INSERT INTO register ("
. "reg_flags,reg_didx,reg_did2,reg_hash,reg_created,reg_startup,reg_expires,reg_email,reg_byc,reg_uid,reg_atip,reg_lang,reg_stuff)"
. " VALUES ( %d, 'i', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s') ",
dbesc(json_encode( array('reon' => $reonar) ))
$msg .= ' (a' . $account['account_id'] . ', c' . $inby . ', from:' . $reonar['from'] . ')';
zar_log( $msg);
$ok + $ko > 0
? notice( 'ZAI0212I ' . sprintf( t('%1$d mail(s) sent, %2$d mail error(s)'), $ok, $ko) . EOL)
: '';
//logger( print_r( $reonar, true) );
function get() {
// zai1
if(! local_channel()) {
notice( 'ZAI0101E,' . t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
if(! Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Invite')) {
//Do not display any associated widgets at this point
App::$pdl = '';
$o = 'ZAI0102E,' . t('Invite App') . ' (' . t('Not Installed') . ')' . EOL;
return $o;
if (! (get_config('system','invitation_also') || get_config('system','invitation_only')) ) {
$o = 'ZAI0103E,' . t('Invites not proposed by configuration') . '. ';
$o .= t('Contact the site admin');
return $o;
// invitation_by_user may still not configured, the default 'na' will tell this
// if configured, 0 disables invitations by users, other numbers are how many invites a user may propagate
$invuser = get_config('system','invitation_by_user', 'na');
// if the mortal user drives the invitation
If (! is_site_admin()) {
// when not configured, 4 is the default
$invuser = ($invuser === 'na') ? 4 : $invuser;
// a config value 0 disables invitation by users
if (!$invuser) {
$o = 'ZAI0104E, ' . t('Invites by users not enabled') . '. ';
return $o;
if ($ihave >= $invuser) {
notice( 'ZAI0105W,' . t('You have no more invitations available') . EOL);
return '';
} else {
// general deity admin invite limit infinite (theoretical)
if ($invuser === 'na') set_config('system','invitation_by_user', 4);
// for display only
$invuser = '∞';
// xchan record of the page observer
// while quoting matters the user, the sending is associated with a channel (of the user)
// also the admin may and should decide, which channel will told to the public
$ob = App::get_observer();
if(! $ob)
return 'ZAI0109F,' . t('Not on xchan') . EOL;
$whereami = $ob['xchan_addr'];
$channel = App::get_channel();
$whoami = $channel['channel_address'];
// to pass also to post()
$tao = 'tao.zai.whereami = ' . "'" . $whereami . "';\n"
. 'tao.zai.whoami = ' . "'" . $whoami . "';\n";
// expirations, duration interval
$dur = self::calcdue();
$tao .= 'tao.zai.expire = { durn: ' . $dur['durn']
. ', durq: ' . "'" . $dur['durq'] . "'"
. ', due: ' . "'" . $dur['due'] . "' };\n";
// to easy redisplay the empty form
// inform about the count of invitations we have at all
$r = q("SELECT count(reg_id) as ct FROM register WHERE reg_vital = 1"); // where not admin TODO
$wehave = ($r ? $r[0]['ct'] : 0);
// invites max for all users except admins
$invmaxau = intval(get_config('system','invitations_max_users'));
if(! $invmaxau) {
$invmaxau = 50;
if (is_site_admin()) {
if ($wehave > $invmaxau) {
if (! is_site_admin()) {
$feedbk .= 'ZAI0200E,' . t('All users invitation limit exceeded.') . $eol;
// let see how many invites currently used by the user
$r = q("SELECT count(reg_id) AS n FROM register WHERE reg_vital = 1 AND reg_byc = %d",
$ihave = $r ? $r[0]['n'] : 0;
$tpl = get_markup_template('invite.tpl');
$inv_rabots = array(
'i' => t('Minute(s)'),
'h' => t('Hour(s)') ,
'd' => t('Day(s)')
$inv_expire = replace_macros(get_markup_template('field_duration.qmc.tpl'),
'label' => t('Invitation expires after'),
'qmc' => 'zai',
'qmcid' => 'ZAI0014I',
'field' => array(
'name' => 'expire',
'title' => t('duration up from now'),
'value' => ($invexpire_n ? $invexpire_n : 2),
'min' => '1',
'max' => '99',
'size' => '2',
'default' => ($invexpire_u ? $invexpire_u : 'd')
'rabot' => $inv_rabots
// let generate an invite code that here and never will be applied (only to fill displayed template)
// real invite codes become generated for each recipient when we store the new invitation(s)
// $invite_code = substr(str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 0, 8) . rand(1000,9999);
// let take one descriptive for template (as said is never used)
$invite_code = 'INVITATE2020';
// what languages we use now
$lccmy = ((isset(App::$config['system']['language'])) ? App::$config['system']['language'] : 'en');
// and all the localized templates belonging to invite
$tpls = glob('view/*/invite.*.tpl');
foreach ($tpls as $tpli) {
list( $nop, $l, $t ) = explode( '/', $tpli);
if ( preg_match('/\.subject/', $t) =='1' ) {
// indicate a subject tpl exists
$t=str_replace(array('invite.', '.subject', '.tpl'), '', $t);
// collect unique template names cross all languages and
// tpla[language][]=template those available in each language
$tplx[] = $tpla[$l][] = str_replace( array('invite.', '.tpl'), '', $t);
asort( $langs = array_keys($tpla) );
asort( $tplx = array_unique($tplx) );
// prepare current language and the default standard template (causual) for js
// With and in js, I use a var 'tao' as a shortcut for top array object
// and also qualify the object with the prefix zai = tao.zai as my var used outsite functions
// can be unique within the overall included spaghette whirls
// one can say Im too lazy to write prototypes and just I can agree.
// tao simply applies the fact of using the same var as object and/or array in ja.
$tao.='tao.zai.lccmy = ' . "'" . $lccmy . "';\n" . 'tao.zai.itpl = ' . "'" . 'casual' . "';\n";
//$lccsym='<span class="fa zai_fa zai_lccsym"></span>'; // alt
$tplsym='<span class="fa zai_fa"></span>';
// I will uncomment for js console debug
// $tao.='tao.zai.debug = ' . "'" . json_encode($tplxs) . "';\n";
// running thru the localized templates (subjects and textmsgs) and bring them to tao
// lcc LanguageCountryCode,
// lcc2 is a 2 character and lcc5 a 5 character LanguageCountryCode
foreach($tpla as $l => $tn) {
// restyle lc to iso getttext format to avoid errors in js, hilite the current
$lcc = str_replace('-', '_', $l);
$hi = ($l == $lccmy) ? ' zai_hi' : '';
$lcc2 = strlen($l) == 2 ? ' zai_lcc2' : '';
$lcc5 = strlen($l) == 5 ? ' zai_lcc5' : '';
$lccg = ' zai_lccg' . substr( $l, 0, 2 );
.= '<span class="fa zai_fa zai_lccsym' . $lcc2 . $lcc5 . $lccg . '"></span>'
. '<a href="javascript:;" class="zai_lcc' . $lcc2 . $lcc5 . $lccg . $hi . '">' . $lcc . '</a>';
// textmsg
$tao .= 'tao.zai.t.' . $lcc . ' = {};' . "\n";
// subject
$tao .= 'tao.zai.s.' . $lcc . ' = {};' . "\n";
// resolve localized templates and take intented lc for
foreach($tn as $t1) {
// save current lc and take the desired
// resolve
$tx = replace_macros(get_intltext_template('invite.'.$t1.'.tpl'),
'$projectname' => t('$Projectname'),
'$invite_code' => $invite_code,
'$invite_where' => z_root() . '/register',
'$invite_whereami' => $whereami,
'$invite_whoami' => z_root() . '/channel/' . $whoami,
'$invite_anywhere' => z_root() . '/pubsites'
// a default subject if no associated exists
if ( $tplxs[$l][$t1] )
$ts = replace_macros(get_intltext_template('invite.'.$t1.'.subject.tpl'),
'$projectname' => t('$Projectname'),
'$invite_loc' => get_config('system','sitename')
// restore lc to current foreground
// bring to tao as js like it
$tao .= 'tao.zai.t.' . $lcc . '.' . $t1 . " = '" . rawurlencode($tx) . "';\n";
$tao .= 'tao.zai.s.' . $lcc . '.' . $t1 . " = '" . rawurlencode($ts) . "';\n";
// hilite the current defauls just from the beginning
foreach ($tplx as $t1) {
$hi = ($t1 == 'casual') ? ' zai_hi' : '';
$tplin .= $tplsym.'<a href="javascript:;" id="zai-' . $t1
. '" class="invites'.$hi.'">' . $t1 . '</a>';
// fill the form for foreground
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("send_invite"),
'$zai' => strtolower(self::MYP),
'$tao' => $tao,
'$invite' => t('Send invitations'),
'$ihave' => 'ZAI0106I, ' . t('Invitations I am using') . ': ' . $ihave . ' / ' . $invuser,
'$wehave' => 'ZAI0107I, ' . t('Invitations we are using') . ': ' . $wehave . ' / ' . $invmaxau,
'$n10' => 'ZAI0010I', '$m10' => t('§ Note, the email(s) sent will be recorded in the system logs'),
'$n11' => 'ZAI0011I', '$m11' => t('Enter email addresses, one per line:'),
'$n12' => 'ZAI0012I', '$m12' => t('Your message:'),
'$n13' => 'ZAI0013I', '$m13' => t('Invite template'),
'$inv_expire' => $inv_expire,
'$subject_label' => t('Subject:'),
'$subject' => t('Invitation'),
'$lcclane' => $lcclane,
'$tplin' => $tplin,
'$standard_message' => '',
'$personal_message' => '',
'$personal_pointer' => t('Here you may enter personal notes to the recipient(s)'),
'$due' => t('Note, the invitation code is valid up to') . ' ' . $dur['due'],
'$submit' => t('Submit')
return $o;
function calcdue($duri=false) {
// expirations, duration interval
if ($duri===false)
$duri = get_config('system','register_expire', '2d');
if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9]{1,2}[ihdwmy]{1}$/', $duri ) ) {
$durq = substr($duri, -1);
$durn = substr($duri, 0, -1);
$due = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+' . $durn . ' '
. str_replace( array(':i',':h',':d',':w',':m',':y'),
array('minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', 'years'),
return array( 'durn' => $durn, 'durq' => $durq, 'due' => $due);
return false;