module Refinery module GalleryLinks class GalleryLinksController < ::ApplicationController before_filter :find_all_gallery_links before_filter :find_page def index # you can use meta fields from your model instead (e.g. browser_title) # by swapping @page for @gallery_link in the line below: present(@page) end def show @gallery_link = GalleryLink.find(params[:id]) # you can use meta fields from your model instead (e.g. browser_title) # by swapping @page for @gallery_link in the line below: present(@page) end protected def find_all_gallery_links @gallery_links = GalleryLink.order('date DESC') logger.debug "Found #{@gallery_links.length} galleries..." end def find_page @page = ::Refinery::Page.where( :link_url => "#{ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']}/gallery_links") .first end end end end