ApplicationController.class_eval do include Refinery::Blog::ControllerHelper before_filter :populate_sidebars before_filter :populate_home_page, :only => [:home] protected def populate_sidebars @sidebar_modules = [] Refinery::Blog::Category.all.each do |c| @sidebar_modules << end # # The blog categories and tags are listed in the right sidebar # on every page. # find_all_blog_categories #find_tags calc_tags end def populate_home_page @posts = Refinery::Blog::Post .live .includes(:comments, :categories) .where(:refinery_blog_categories => { :sidebar_position => 0 }) .page(params[:page]) end def calc_tags # Limit the number of tags to show: # This should show the 50 most popular tags from the past 30 days. # I think this is a fair compromise between most popular and recent. opts = { :order => 'count DESC', :start_at => 30.days.ago, :limit => 50 } @tags = Refinery::Blog::Post.tag_counts_on(:tags, opts) end end