/* ======================================== * Vibrato - Vibrato.h * Copyright (c) 2016 airwindows, All rights reserved * ======================================== */ #ifndef __Vibrato_H #include "Vibrato.h" #endif void Vibrato::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames) { float* in1 = inputs[0]; float* in2 = inputs[1]; float* out1 = outputs[0]; float* out2 = outputs[1]; double speed = pow(0.1+A,6); double depth = (pow(B,3) / sqrt(speed))*4.0; double speedB = pow(0.1+C,6); double depthB = pow(D,3) / sqrt(speedB); double tupi = 3.141592653589793238 * 2.0; double wet = (E*2.0)-1.0; //note: inv/dry/wet while (--sampleFrames >= 0) { long double inputSampleL = *in1; long double inputSampleR = *in2; if (fabs(inputSampleL)<1.18e-37) inputSampleL = fpd * 1.18e-37; if (fabs(inputSampleR)<1.18e-37) inputSampleR = fpd * 1.18e-37; double drySampleL = inputSampleL; double drySampleR = inputSampleR; airFactorL = airPrevL - inputSampleL; airFactorR = airPrevR - inputSampleR; if (flip) { airEvenL += airFactorL; airOddL -= airFactorL; airFactorL = airEvenL; airEvenR += airFactorR; airOddR -= airFactorR; airFactorR = airEvenR; } else { airOddL += airFactorL; airEvenL -= airFactorL; airFactorL = airOddL; airOddR += airFactorR; airEvenR -= airFactorR; airFactorR = airOddR; } airOddL = (airOddL - ((airOddL - airEvenL)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airOddR = (airOddR - ((airOddR - airEvenR)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airEvenL = (airEvenL - ((airEvenL - airOddL)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airEvenR = (airEvenR - ((airEvenR - airOddR)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airPrevL = inputSampleL; airPrevR = inputSampleR; inputSampleL += airFactorL; inputSampleR += airFactorR; flip = !flip; //air, compensates for loss of highs in the interpolation if (gcount < 1 || gcount > 8192) {gcount = 8192;} int count = gcount; pL[count+8192] = pL[count] = inputSampleL; pR[count+8192] = pR[count] = inputSampleR; double offset = depth + (depth * sin(sweep)); count += (int)floor(offset); inputSampleL = pL[count] * (1.0-(offset-floor(offset))); //less as value moves away from .0 inputSampleL += pL[count+1]; //we can assume always using this in one way or another? inputSampleL += pL[count+2] * (offset-floor(offset)); //greater as value moves away from .0 inputSampleL -= ((pL[count]-pL[count+1])-(pL[count+1]-pL[count+2]))/50.0; //interpolation hacks 'r us inputSampleL *= 0.5; // gain trim inputSampleR = pR[count] * (1.0-(offset-floor(offset))); //less as value moves away from .0 inputSampleR += pR[count+1]; //we can assume always using this in one way or another? inputSampleR += pR[count+2] * (offset-floor(offset)); //greater as value moves away from .0 inputSampleR -= ((pR[count]-pR[count+1])-(pR[count+1]-pR[count+2]))/50.0; //interpolation hacks 'r us inputSampleR *= 0.5; // gain trim sweep += (speed + (speedB * sin(sweepB) * depthB)); sweepB += speedB; if (sweep > tupi){sweep -= tupi;} if (sweep < 0.0){sweep += tupi;} //through zero FM if (sweepB > tupi){sweepB -= tupi;} gcount--; //still scrolling through the samples, remember if (wet !=1.0) { inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * wet) + (drySampleL * (1.0-fabs(wet))); inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * wet) + (drySampleR * (1.0-fabs(wet))); } //Inv/Dry/Wet control //begin 32 bit stereo floating point dither int expon; frexpf((float)inputSampleL, &expon); fpd ^= fpd << 13; fpd ^= fpd >> 17; fpd ^= fpd << 5; inputSampleL += ((double(fpd)-uint32_t(0x7fffffff)) * 5.5e-36l * pow(2,expon+62)); frexpf((float)inputSampleR, &expon); fpd ^= fpd << 13; fpd ^= fpd >> 17; fpd ^= fpd << 5; inputSampleR += ((double(fpd)-uint32_t(0x7fffffff)) * 5.5e-36l * pow(2,expon+62)); //end 32 bit stereo floating point dither *out1 = inputSampleL; *out2 = inputSampleR; *in1++; *in2++; *out1++; *out2++; } } void Vibrato::processDoubleReplacing(double **inputs, double **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames) { double* in1 = inputs[0]; double* in2 = inputs[1]; double* out1 = outputs[0]; double* out2 = outputs[1]; double speed = pow(0.1+A,6); double depth = (pow(B,3) / sqrt(speed))*4.0; double speedB = pow(0.1+C,6); double depthB = pow(D,3) / sqrt(speedB); double tupi = 3.141592653589793238 * 2.0; double wet = (E*2.0)-1.0; //note: inv/dry/wet while (--sampleFrames >= 0) { long double inputSampleL = *in1; long double inputSampleR = *in2; if (fabs(inputSampleL)<1.18e-43) inputSampleL = fpd * 1.18e-43; if (fabs(inputSampleR)<1.18e-43) inputSampleR = fpd * 1.18e-43; double drySampleL = inputSampleL; double drySampleR = inputSampleR; airFactorL = airPrevL - inputSampleL; airFactorR = airPrevR - inputSampleR; if (flip) { airEvenL += airFactorL; airOddL -= airFactorL; airFactorL = airEvenL; airEvenR += airFactorR; airOddR -= airFactorR; airFactorR = airEvenR; } else { airOddL += airFactorL; airEvenL -= airFactorL; airFactorL = airOddL; airOddR += airFactorR; airEvenR -= airFactorR; airFactorR = airOddR; } airOddL = (airOddL - ((airOddL - airEvenL)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airOddR = (airOddR - ((airOddR - airEvenR)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airEvenL = (airEvenL - ((airEvenL - airOddL)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airEvenR = (airEvenR - ((airEvenR - airOddR)/256.0)) / 1.0001; airPrevL = inputSampleL; airPrevR = inputSampleR; inputSampleL += airFactorL; inputSampleR += airFactorR; flip = !flip; //air, compensates for loss of highs in the interpolation if (gcount < 1 || gcount > 8192) {gcount = 8192;} int count = gcount; pL[count+8192] = pL[count] = inputSampleL; pR[count+8192] = pR[count] = inputSampleR; double offset = depth + (depth * sin(sweep)); count += (int)floor(offset); inputSampleL = pL[count] * (1.0-(offset-floor(offset))); //less as value moves away from .0 inputSampleL += pL[count+1]; //we can assume always using this in one way or another? inputSampleL += pL[count+2] * (offset-floor(offset)); //greater as value moves away from .0 inputSampleL -= ((pL[count]-pL[count+1])-(pL[count+1]-pL[count+2]))/50.0; //interpolation hacks 'r us inputSampleL *= 0.5; // gain trim inputSampleR = pR[count] * (1.0-(offset-floor(offset))); //less as value moves away from .0 inputSampleR += pR[count+1]; //we can assume always using this in one way or another? inputSampleR += pR[count+2] * (offset-floor(offset)); //greater as value moves away from .0 inputSampleR -= ((pR[count]-pR[count+1])-(pR[count+1]-pR[count+2]))/50.0; //interpolation hacks 'r us inputSampleR *= 0.5; // gain trim sweep += (speed + (speedB * sin(sweepB) * depthB)); sweepB += speedB; if (sweep > tupi){sweep -= tupi;} if (sweep < 0.0){sweep += tupi;} //through zero FM if (sweepB > tupi){sweepB -= tupi;} gcount--; //still scrolling through the samples, remember if (wet !=1.0) { inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * wet) + (drySampleL * (1.0-fabs(wet))); inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * wet) + (drySampleR * (1.0-fabs(wet))); } //Inv/Dry/Wet control //begin 64 bit stereo floating point dither int expon; frexp((double)inputSampleL, &expon); fpd ^= fpd << 13; fpd ^= fpd >> 17; fpd ^= fpd << 5; inputSampleL += ((double(fpd)-uint32_t(0x7fffffff)) * 1.1e-44l * pow(2,expon+62)); frexp((double)inputSampleR, &expon); fpd ^= fpd << 13; fpd ^= fpd >> 17; fpd ^= fpd << 5; inputSampleR += ((double(fpd)-uint32_t(0x7fffffff)) * 1.1e-44l * pow(2,expon+62)); //end 64 bit stereo floating point dither *out1 = inputSampleL; *out2 = inputSampleR; *in1++; *in2++; *out1++; *out2++; } }