/* * File: Floor.cpp * * Version: 1.0 * * Created: 12/8/10 * * Copyright: Copyright © 2010 Airwindows, All Rights Reserved * * Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in * consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification * or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do * not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple * software. * * In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, * Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this * original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the * Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you * redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this * notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. * Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written * permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or * licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any * patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the * Apple Software may be incorporated. * * The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE * OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, * REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER * UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN * IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /*============================================================================= Floor.h =============================================================================*/ #include "Floor.h" //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPONENT_ENTRY(Floor) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::Floor //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Floor::Floor(AudioUnit component) : AUEffectBase(component) { CreateElements(); Globals()->UseIndexedParameters(kNumberOfParameters); SetParameter(kParam_One, kDefaultValue_ParamOne ); SetParameter(kParam_Two, kDefaultValue_ParamTwo ); SetParameter(kParam_Three, kDefaultValue_ParamThree ); #if AU_DEBUG_DISPATCHER mDebugDispatcher = new AUDebugDispatcher (this); #endif } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::GetParameterValueStrings //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult Floor::GetParameterValueStrings(AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, CFArrayRef * outStrings) { return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::GetParameterInfo //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult Floor::GetParameterInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo ) { ComponentResult result = noErr; outParameterInfo.flags = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable | kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable; if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) { switch(inParameterID) { case kParam_One: AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterOneName, false); outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic; outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0; outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0; outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamOne; break; case kParam_Two: AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterTwoName, false); outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic; outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0; outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0; outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamTwo; break; case kParam_Three: AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterThreeName, false); outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic; outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0; outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0; outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamThree; break; default: result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter; break; } } else { result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter; } return result; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::GetPropertyInfo //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult Floor::GetPropertyInfo (AudioUnitPropertyID inID, AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitElement inElement, UInt32 & outDataSize, Boolean & outWritable) { return AUEffectBase::GetPropertyInfo (inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::GetProperty //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult Floor::GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitElement inElement, void * outData ) { return AUEffectBase::GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::Initialize //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult Floor::Initialize() { ComponentResult result = AUEffectBase::Initialize(); if (result == noErr) Reset(kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); return result; } #pragma mark ____FloorEffectKernel //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::FloorKernel::Reset() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void Floor::FloorKernel::Reset() { flip = false; iirSample1A = 0.0; iirSample1B = 0.0; iirSample1C = 0.0; iirSample1D = 0.0; iirSample1E = 0.0; iirSample2A = 0.0; iirSample2B = 0.0; iirSample2C = 0.0; iirSample2D = 0.0; iirSample2E = 0.0; fpNShape = 0.0; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Floor::FloorKernel::Process //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void Floor::FloorKernel::Process( const Float32 *inSourceP, Float32 *inDestP, UInt32 inFramesToProcess, UInt32 inNumChannels, bool &ioSilence ) { UInt32 nSampleFrames = inFramesToProcess; const Float32 *sourceP = inSourceP; Float32 *destP = inDestP; Float64 overallscale = 1.0; overallscale /= 44100.0; overallscale *= GetSampleRate(); Float64 setting = pow(GetParameter( kParam_One ),2); Float64 iirAmount = (setting/4.0)/overallscale; Float64 tight = -1.0; Float64 gaintrim = 1.0 + (setting/4.0); Float64 offset; Float64 lows; Float64 density = GetParameter( kParam_Two ); Float64 bridgerectifier; Float64 temp; iirAmount += (iirAmount * tight * tight); tight /= 3.0; if (iirAmount <= 0.0) iirAmount = 0.0; if (iirAmount > 1.0) iirAmount = 1.0; Float64 wet = GetParameter( kParam_Three ); Float64 dry = 1.0-wet; while (nSampleFrames-- > 0) { long double inputSample = *sourceP; static int noisesource = 0; int residue; double applyresidue; noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++; residue = noisesource * noisesource; residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue; residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue; residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue; residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue; residue = residue % 17; applyresidue = residue; applyresidue *= 0.00000001; applyresidue *= 0.00000001; inputSample += applyresidue; if (inputSample<1.2e-38 && -inputSample<1.2e-38) { inputSample -= applyresidue; } //for live air, we always apply the dither noise. Then, if our result is //effectively digital black, we'll subtract it again. We want a 'air' hiss long double drySample = inputSample; if (tight > 0) offset = (1 - tight) + (fabs(inputSample)*tight); else offset = (1 + tight) + ((1-fabs(inputSample))*tight); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > 1) offset = 1; iirSample1A = (iirSample1A * (1 - (offset * iirAmount))) + (inputSample * (offset * iirAmount)); lows = iirSample1A; inputSample -= lows; temp = lows; if (lows < 0) {lows = -sin(-lows*1.5707963267949);} if (lows > 0) {lows = sin(lows*1.5707963267949);} lows -= temp; inputSample += lows; inputSample *= gaintrim; if (tight > 0) offset = (1 - tight) + (fabs(inputSample)*tight); else offset = (1 + tight) + ((1-fabs(inputSample))*tight); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > 1) offset = 1; iirSample1B = (iirSample1B * (1 - (offset * iirAmount))) + (inputSample * (offset * iirAmount)); lows = iirSample1B; inputSample -= lows; temp = lows; if (lows < 0) {lows = -sin(-lows*1.5707963267949);} if (lows > 0) {lows = sin(lows*1.5707963267949);} lows -= temp; inputSample += lows; inputSample *= gaintrim; if (tight > 0) offset = (1 - tight) + (fabs(inputSample)*tight); else offset = (1 + tight) + ((1-fabs(inputSample))*tight); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > 1) offset = 1; iirSample1C = (iirSample1C * (1 - (offset * iirAmount))) + (inputSample * (offset * iirAmount)); lows = iirSample1C; inputSample -= lows; temp = lows; if (lows < 0) {lows = -sin(-lows*1.5707963267949);} if (lows > 0) {lows = sin(lows*1.5707963267949);} lows -= temp; inputSample += lows; inputSample *= gaintrim; if (tight > 0) offset = (1 - tight) + (fabs(inputSample)*tight); else offset = (1 + tight) + ((1-fabs(inputSample))*tight); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > 1) offset = 1; iirSample1D = (iirSample1D * (1 - (offset * iirAmount))) + (inputSample * (offset * iirAmount)); lows = iirSample1D; inputSample -= lows; temp = lows; if (lows < 0) {lows = -sin(-lows*1.5707963267949);} if (lows > 0) {lows = sin(lows*1.5707963267949);} lows -= temp; inputSample += lows; inputSample *= gaintrim; if (tight > 0) offset = (1 - tight) + (fabs(inputSample)*tight); else offset = (1 + tight) + ((1-fabs(inputSample))*tight); if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if (offset > 1) offset = 1; iirSample1E = (iirSample1E * (1 - (offset * iirAmount))) + (inputSample * (offset * iirAmount)); lows = iirSample1E; inputSample -= lows; temp = lows; if (lows < 0) {lows = -sin(-lows*1.5707963267949);} if (lows > 0) {lows = sin(lows*1.5707963267949);} lows -= temp; inputSample += lows; inputSample *= gaintrim; if (inputSample > 1.0) inputSample = 1.0; if (inputSample < -1.0) inputSample = -1.0; bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSample)*1.57079633; bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier)*1.57079633; bridgerectifier = (fabs(inputSample)*(1-density))+(bridgerectifier*density); bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier); if (inputSample > 0) inputSample = (inputSample*(1-density))+(bridgerectifier*density); else inputSample = (inputSample*(1-density))-(bridgerectifier*density); //drive section if (wet < 1.0) inputSample = (drySample * dry)+(inputSample*wet); //noise shaping to 32-bit floating point Float32 fpTemp = inputSample; fpNShape += (inputSample-fpTemp); inputSample += fpNShape; //for deeper space and warmth, we try a non-oscillating noise shaping //that is kind of ruthless: it will forever retain the rounding errors //except we'll dial it back a hair at the end of every buffer processed //end noise shaping on 32 bit output *destP = inputSample; sourceP += inNumChannels; destP += inNumChannels; } fpNShape *= 0.999999; //we will just delicately dial back the FP noise shaping, not even every sample //this is a good place to put subtle 'no runaway' calculations, though bear in mind //that it will be called more often when you use shorter sample buffers in the DAW. //So, very low latency operation will call these calculations more often. }