/* * File: BrightAmbience.cpp * * Version: 1.0 * * Created: 1/11/20 * * Copyright: Copyright © 2020 Airwindows, All Rights Reserved * * Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in * consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification * or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do * not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple * software. * * In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, * Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this * original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the * Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you * redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this * notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. * Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written * permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or * licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any * patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the * Apple Software may be incorporated. * * The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE * OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, * REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER * UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN * IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /*============================================================================= BrightAmbience.cpp =============================================================================*/ #include "BrightAmbience.h" //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPONENT_ENTRY(BrightAmbience) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::BrightAmbience //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BrightAmbience::BrightAmbience(AudioUnit component) : AUEffectBase(component) { CreateElements(); Globals()->UseIndexedParameters(kNumberOfParameters); SetParameter(kParam_One, kDefaultValue_ParamOne ); SetParameter(kParam_Two, kDefaultValue_ParamTwo ); SetParameter(kParam_Three, kDefaultValue_ParamThree ); #if AU_DEBUG_DISPATCHER mDebugDispatcher = new AUDebugDispatcher (this); #endif } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::GetParameterValueStrings //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult BrightAmbience::GetParameterValueStrings(AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, CFArrayRef * outStrings) { return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::GetParameterInfo //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult BrightAmbience::GetParameterInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo ) { ComponentResult result = noErr; outParameterInfo.flags = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable | kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable; if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) { switch(inParameterID) { case kParam_One: AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterOneName, false); outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic; outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0; outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0; outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamOne; break; case kParam_Two: AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterTwoName, false); outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic; outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0; outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0; outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamTwo; break; case kParam_Three: AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterThreeName, false); outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic; outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0; outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0; outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamThree; break; default: result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter; break; } } else { result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter; } return result; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::GetPropertyInfo //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult BrightAmbience::GetPropertyInfo (AudioUnitPropertyID inID, AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitElement inElement, UInt32 & outDataSize, Boolean & outWritable) { return AUEffectBase::GetPropertyInfo (inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::GetProperty //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult BrightAmbience::GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitElement inElement, void * outData ) { return AUEffectBase::GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData); } // BrightAmbience::Initialize //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ComponentResult BrightAmbience::Initialize() { ComponentResult result = AUEffectBase::Initialize(); if (result == noErr) Reset(kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); return result; } #pragma mark ____BrightAmbienceEffectKernel //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::BrightAmbienceKernel::Reset() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void BrightAmbience::BrightAmbienceKernel::Reset() { for(int count = 0; count < 25360; count++) {p[count] = 0;} gcount = 0; fpd = 17; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // BrightAmbience::BrightAmbienceKernel::Process //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void BrightAmbience::BrightAmbienceKernel::Process( const Float32 *inSourceP, Float32 *inDestP, UInt32 inFramesToProcess, UInt32 inNumChannels, bool &ioSilence ) { UInt32 nSampleFrames = inFramesToProcess; const Float32 *sourceP = inSourceP; Float32 *destP = inDestP; Float64 wet = GetParameter( kParam_One ); int cpu = (int)(GetParameter( kParam_Two ) * 32); Float64 decay = 1.0+(pow(GetParameter( kParam_Three ),2)/2.0); Float64 scale = 4; int count; int temp; while (nSampleFrames-- > 0) { long double inputSample = *sourceP; if (fabs(inputSample)<1.18e-37) inputSample = fpd * 1.18e-37; temp = 0; if (gcount < 0 || gcount > 12680) {gcount = 12680;} count = gcount; p[count+12680] = p[count] = (SInt32)(inputSample*8388352.0); //double buffer //-8388352 to 8388352 is equal to 24 bit linear space switch (cpu) { case 32: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+12679]; temp += p[count+12671]; temp += p[count+12661]; temp += p[count+12613]; temp += p[count+12587]; temp += p[count+12577]; temp += p[count+12563]; temp += p[count+12557]; temp += p[count+12521]; temp += p[count+12499]; temp += p[count+12493]; temp += p[count+12457]; temp += p[count+12427]; temp += p[count+12401]; temp += p[count+12373]; temp += p[count+12367]; temp += p[count+12349]; temp += p[count+12337]; temp += p[count+12323]; temp += p[count+12301]; case 31: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+12281]; temp += p[count+12247]; temp += p[count+12239]; temp += p[count+12203]; temp += p[count+12197]; temp += p[count+12191]; temp += p[count+12163]; temp += p[count+12143]; temp += p[count+12127]; temp += p[count+12109]; temp += p[count+12083]; temp += p[count+12077]; temp += p[count+12059]; temp += p[count+12037]; temp += p[count+11989]; temp += p[count+11969]; temp += p[count+11951]; temp += p[count+11933]; temp += p[count+11927]; temp += p[count+11911]; case 30: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+11897]; temp += p[count+11873]; temp += p[count+11843]; temp += p[count+11819]; temp += p[count+11791]; temp += p[count+11773]; temp += p[count+11731]; temp += p[count+11723]; temp += p[count+11701]; temp += p[count+11687]; temp += p[count+11659]; temp += p[count+11623]; temp += p[count+11611]; temp += p[count+11587]; temp += p[count+11573]; temp += p[count+11549]; temp += p[count+11537]; temp += p[count+11527]; temp += p[count+11513]; temp += p[count+11503]; case 29: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+11467]; temp += p[count+11441]; temp += p[count+11413]; temp += p[count+11399]; temp += p[count+11363]; temp += p[count+11353]; temp += p[count+11329]; temp += p[count+11323]; temp += p[count+11303]; temp += p[count+11293]; temp += p[count+11281]; temp += p[count+11251]; temp += p[count+11231]; temp += p[count+11209]; temp += p[count+11201]; temp += p[count+11177]; temp += p[count+11171]; temp += p[count+11153]; temp += p[count+11141]; temp += p[count+11117]; case 28: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+11099]; temp += p[count+11071]; temp += p[count+11047]; temp += p[count+11033]; temp += p[count+11021]; temp += p[count+10993]; temp += p[count+10973]; temp += p[count+10943]; temp += p[count+10933]; temp += p[count+10919]; temp += p[count+10897]; temp += p[count+10879]; temp += p[count+10867]; temp += p[count+10841]; temp += p[count+10783]; temp += p[count+10763]; temp += p[count+10751]; temp += p[count+10733]; temp += p[count+10721]; temp += p[count+10687]; case 27: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+10669]; temp += p[count+10657]; temp += p[count+10649]; temp += p[count+10637]; temp += p[count+10621]; temp += p[count+10609]; temp += p[count+10603]; temp += p[count+10597]; temp += p[count+10571]; temp += p[count+10561]; temp += p[count+10553]; temp += p[count+10499]; temp += p[count+10481]; temp += p[count+10453]; temp += p[count+10439]; temp += p[count+10417]; temp += p[count+10399]; temp += p[count+10391]; temp += p[count+10363]; temp += p[count+10343]; case 26: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+10321]; temp += p[count+10301]; temp += p[count+10261]; temp += p[count+10253]; temp += p[count+10231]; temp += p[count+10211]; temp += p[count+10189]; temp += p[count+10159]; temp += p[count+10139]; temp += p[count+10099]; temp += p[count+10093]; temp += p[count+10079]; temp += p[count+10039]; temp += p[count+9983]; temp += p[count+9973]; temp += p[count+9953]; temp += p[count+9929]; temp += p[count+9911]; temp += p[count+9893]; temp += p[count+9871]; case 25: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+9851]; temp += p[count+9817]; temp += p[count+9773]; temp += p[count+9763]; temp += p[count+9721]; temp += p[count+9703]; temp += p[count+9697]; temp += p[count+9673]; temp += p[count+9641]; temp += p[count+9631]; temp += p[count+9619]; temp += p[count+9607]; temp += p[count+9581]; temp += p[count+9559]; temp += p[count+9547]; temp += p[count+9521]; temp += p[count+9493]; temp += p[count+9487]; temp += p[count+9469]; temp += p[count+9449]; case 24: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+9433]; temp += p[count+9413]; temp += p[count+9403]; temp += p[count+9391]; temp += p[count+9371]; temp += p[count+9349]; temp += p[count+9323]; temp += p[count+9311]; temp += p[count+9301]; temp += p[count+9277]; temp += p[count+9257]; temp += p[count+9239]; temp += p[count+9227]; temp += p[count+9221]; temp += p[count+9169]; temp += p[count+9161]; temp += p[count+9151]; temp += p[count+9137]; temp += p[count+9109]; temp += p[count+9101]; case 23: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+9089]; temp += p[count+9071]; temp += p[count+9043]; temp += p[count+9019]; temp += p[count+9007]; temp += p[count+8971]; temp += p[count+8963]; temp += p[count+8929]; temp += p[count+8917]; temp += p[count+8893]; temp += p[count+8863]; temp += p[count+8849]; temp += p[count+8837]; temp += p[count+8803]; temp += p[count+8779]; temp += p[count+8761]; temp += p[count+8753]; temp += p[count+8731]; temp += p[count+8699]; temp += p[count+8677]; case 22: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+8669]; temp += p[count+8657]; temp += p[count+8647]; temp += p[count+8623]; temp += p[count+8599]; temp += p[count+8581]; temp += p[count+8569]; temp += p[count+8563]; temp += p[count+8539]; temp += p[count+8521]; temp += p[count+8507]; temp += p[count+8497]; temp += p[count+8473]; temp += p[count+8437]; temp += p[count+8411]; temp += p[count+8387]; temp += p[count+8371]; temp += p[count+8363]; temp += p[count+8339]; temp += p[count+8303]; case 21: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+8287]; temp += p[count+8273]; temp += p[count+8233]; temp += p[count+8221]; temp += p[count+8209]; temp += p[count+8201]; temp += p[count+8173]; temp += p[count+8161]; temp += p[count+8143]; temp += p[count+8117]; temp += p[count+8107]; temp += p[count+8083]; temp += p[count+8069]; temp += p[count+8059]; temp += p[count+8023]; temp += p[count+8009]; temp += p[count+7991]; temp += p[count+7943]; temp += p[count+7927]; temp += p[count+7909]; case 20: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+7879]; temp += p[count+7871]; temp += p[count+7841]; temp += p[count+7831]; temp += p[count+7813]; temp += p[count+7799]; temp += p[count+7783]; temp += p[count+7747]; temp += p[count+7733]; temp += p[count+7709]; temp += p[count+7673]; temp += p[count+7661]; temp += p[count+7633]; temp += p[count+7627]; temp += p[count+7607]; temp += p[count+7597]; temp += p[count+7561]; temp += p[count+7543]; temp += p[count+7529]; temp += p[count+7513]; case 19: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+7481]; temp += p[count+7447]; temp += p[count+7429]; temp += p[count+7409]; temp += p[count+7397]; temp += p[count+7369]; temp += p[count+7363]; temp += p[count+7319]; temp += p[count+7291]; temp += p[count+7277]; temp += p[count+7267]; temp += p[count+7249]; temp += p[count+7243]; temp += p[count+7237]; temp += p[count+7187]; temp += p[count+7171]; temp += p[count+7151]; temp += p[count+7117]; temp += p[count+7099]; temp += p[count+7087]; case 18: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+7069]; temp += p[count+7061]; temp += p[count+7039]; temp += p[count+6997]; temp += p[count+6983]; temp += p[count+6971]; temp += p[count+6953]; temp += p[count+6941]; temp += p[count+6919]; temp += p[count+6913]; temp += p[count+6907]; temp += p[count+6859]; temp += p[count+6847]; temp += p[count+6829]; temp += p[count+6823]; temp += p[count+6809]; temp += p[count+6787]; temp += p[count+6763]; temp += p[count+6749]; temp += p[count+6731]; case 17: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+6707]; temp += p[count+6677]; temp += p[count+6653]; temp += p[count+6641]; temp += p[count+6623]; temp += p[count+6607]; temp += p[count+6581]; temp += p[count+6563]; temp += p[count+6553]; temp += p[count+6539]; temp += p[count+6511]; temp += p[count+6499]; temp += p[count+6487]; temp += p[count+6469]; temp += p[count+6457]; temp += p[count+6449]; temp += p[count+6439]; temp += p[count+6413]; temp += p[count+6397]; temp += p[count+6373]; case 16: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+6353]; temp += p[count+6329]; temp += p[count+6317]; temp += p[count+6301]; temp += p[count+6281]; temp += p[count+6263]; temp += p[count+6253]; temp += p[count+6233]; temp += p[count+6197]; temp += p[count+6163]; temp += p[count+6137]; temp += p[count+6127]; temp += p[count+6109]; temp += p[count+6077]; temp += p[count+6067]; temp += p[count+6049]; temp += p[count+6031]; temp += p[count+6011]; temp += p[count+6001]; temp += p[count+5977]; case 15: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+5959]; temp += p[count+5947]; temp += p[count+5933]; temp += p[count+5921]; temp += p[count+5911]; temp += p[count+5897]; temp += p[count+5879]; temp += p[count+5849]; temp += p[count+5833]; temp += p[count+5813]; temp += p[count+5807]; temp += p[count+5773]; temp += p[count+5743]; temp += p[count+5737]; temp += p[count+5729]; temp += p[count+5717]; temp += p[count+5699]; temp += p[count+5669]; temp += p[count+5641]; temp += p[count+5627]; case 14: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+5611]; temp += p[count+5599]; temp += p[count+5587]; temp += p[count+5569]; temp += p[count+5549]; temp += p[count+5521]; temp += p[count+5503]; temp += p[count+5483]; temp += p[count+5461]; temp += p[count+5429]; temp += p[count+5401]; temp += p[count+5377]; temp += p[count+5353]; temp += p[count+5333]; temp += p[count+5323]; temp += p[count+5267]; temp += p[count+5261]; temp += p[count+5237]; temp += p[count+5213]; temp += p[count+5191]; case 13: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+5179]; temp += p[count+5147]; temp += p[count+5113]; temp += p[count+5101]; temp += p[count+5087]; temp += p[count+5081]; temp += p[count+5059]; temp += p[count+5053]; temp += p[count+5021]; temp += p[count+5009]; temp += p[count+4979]; temp += p[count+4961]; temp += p[count+4939]; temp += p[count+4931]; temp += p[count+4903]; temp += p[count+4891]; temp += p[count+4877]; temp += p[count+4871]; temp += p[count+4861]; temp += p[count+4849]; case 12: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+4813]; temp += p[count+4799]; temp += p[count+4777]; temp += p[count+4757]; temp += p[count+4733]; temp += p[count+4703]; temp += p[count+4679]; temp += p[count+4657]; temp += p[count+4643]; temp += p[count+4631]; temp += p[count+4601]; temp += p[count+4591]; temp += p[count+4577]; temp += p[count+4547]; temp += p[count+4517]; temp += p[count+4507]; temp += p[count+4489]; temp += p[count+4471]; temp += p[count+4439]; temp += p[count+4421]; case 11: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+4399]; temp += p[count+4367]; temp += p[count+4357]; temp += p[count+4343]; temp += p[count+4331]; temp += p[count+4307]; temp += p[count+4289]; temp += p[count+4279]; temp += p[count+4243]; temp += p[count+4223]; temp += p[count+4213]; temp += p[count+4187]; temp += p[count+4181]; temp += p[count+4159]; temp += p[count+4147]; temp += p[count+4133]; temp += p[count+4103]; temp += p[count+4097]; temp += p[count+4087]; temp += p[count+4073]; case 10: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+4033]; temp += p[count+4009]; temp += p[count+4001]; temp += p[count+3979]; temp += p[count+3961]; temp += p[count+3937]; temp += p[count+3919]; temp += p[count+3893]; temp += p[count+3877]; temp += p[count+3851]; temp += p[count+3833]; temp += p[count+3821]; temp += p[count+3799]; temp += p[count+3791]; temp += p[count+3769]; temp += p[count+3757]; temp += p[count+3733]; temp += p[count+3721]; temp += p[count+3707]; temp += p[count+3691]; case 9: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+3677]; temp += p[count+3667]; temp += p[count+3653]; temp += p[count+3631]; temp += p[count+3613]; temp += p[count+3593]; temp += p[count+3581]; temp += p[count+3559]; temp += p[count+3553]; temp += p[count+3523]; temp += p[count+3503]; temp += p[count+3469]; temp += p[count+3457]; temp += p[count+3443]; temp += p[count+3431]; temp += p[count+3419]; temp += p[count+3391]; temp += p[count+3377]; temp += p[count+3341]; temp += p[count+3329]; case 8: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+3299]; temp += p[count+3289]; temp += p[count+3281]; temp += p[count+3253]; temp += p[count+3229]; temp += p[count+3221]; temp += p[count+3191]; temp += p[count+3167]; temp += p[count+3151]; temp += p[count+3139]; temp += p[count+3121]; temp += p[count+3113]; temp += p[count+3103]; temp += p[count+3083]; temp += p[count+3067]; temp += p[count+3043]; temp += p[count+3013]; temp += p[count+3007]; temp += p[count+2993]; temp += p[count+2981]; case 7: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+2963]; temp += p[count+2957]; temp += p[count+2911]; temp += p[count+2897]; temp += p[count+2879]; temp += p[count+2861]; temp += p[count+2837]; temp += p[count+2801]; temp += p[count+2777]; temp += p[count+2767]; temp += p[count+2731]; temp += p[count+2707]; temp += p[count+2683]; temp += p[count+2671]; temp += p[count+2663]; temp += p[count+2647]; temp += p[count+2623]; temp += p[count+2603]; temp += p[count+2579]; temp += p[count+2563]; case 6: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+2533]; temp += p[count+2509]; temp += p[count+2497]; temp += p[count+2479]; temp += p[count+2459]; temp += p[count+2441]; temp += p[count+2431]; temp += p[count+2419]; temp += p[count+2377]; temp += p[count+2353]; temp += p[count+2341]; temp += p[count+2329]; temp += p[count+2299]; temp += p[count+2293]; temp += p[count+2267]; temp += p[count+2251]; temp += p[count+2239]; temp += p[count+2227]; temp += p[count+2183]; temp += p[count+2167]; case 5: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+2153]; temp += p[count+2129]; temp += p[count+2117]; temp += p[count+2083]; temp += p[count+2069]; temp += p[count+2047]; temp += p[count+2039]; temp += p[count+2027]; temp += p[count+2011]; temp += p[count+1969]; temp += p[count+1951]; temp += p[count+1919]; temp += p[count+1909]; temp += p[count+1891]; temp += p[count+1871]; temp += p[count+1847]; temp += p[count+1837]; temp += p[count+1819]; temp += p[count+1807]; temp += p[count+1787]; case 4: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+1777]; temp += p[count+1747]; temp += p[count+1711]; temp += p[count+1693]; temp += p[count+1679]; temp += p[count+1657]; temp += p[count+1639]; temp += p[count+1633]; temp += p[count+1609]; temp += p[count+1579]; temp += p[count+1549]; temp += p[count+1523]; temp += p[count+1513]; temp += p[count+1501]; temp += p[count+1483]; temp += p[count+1469]; temp += p[count+1451]; temp += p[count+1439]; temp += p[count+1427]; temp += p[count+1403]; case 3: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+1373]; temp += p[count+1357]; temp += p[count+1343]; temp += p[count+1331]; temp += p[count+1319]; temp += p[count+1291]; temp += p[count+1279]; temp += p[count+1271]; temp += p[count+1249]; temp += p[count+1241]; temp += p[count+1217]; temp += p[count+1187]; temp += p[count+1147]; temp += p[count+1121]; temp += p[count+1109]; temp += p[count+1087]; temp += p[count+1067]; temp += p[count+1051]; temp += p[count+1037]; temp += p[count+1019]; case 2: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+1009]; temp += p[count+991]; temp += p[count+971]; temp += p[count+961]; temp += p[count+947]; temp += p[count+923]; temp += p[count+913]; temp += p[count+899]; temp += p[count+869]; temp += p[count+857]; temp += p[count+829]; temp += p[count+811]; temp += p[count+803]; temp += p[count+793]; temp += p[count+767]; temp += p[count+727]; temp += p[count+713]; temp += p[count+691]; temp += p[count+671]; temp += p[count+653]; case 1: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+643]; temp += p[count+619]; temp += p[count+613]; temp += p[count+601]; temp += p[count+593]; temp += p[count+577]; temp += p[count+557]; temp += p[count+529]; temp += p[count+521]; temp += p[count+503]; temp += p[count+491]; temp += p[count+463]; temp += p[count+457]; temp += p[count+421]; temp += p[count+407]; temp += p[count+389]; temp += p[count+379]; temp += p[count+361]; temp += p[count+341]; temp += p[count+331]; case 0: temp = (SInt32)((Float64)temp/decay); temp += p[count+313]; temp += p[count+289]; temp += p[count+271]; temp += p[count+239]; temp += p[count+223]; temp += p[count+209]; temp += p[count+191]; temp += p[count+181]; temp += p[count+151]; temp += p[count+143]; temp += p[count+121]; temp += p[count+109]; temp += p[count+73]; temp += p[count+47]; temp += p[count+41]; temp += p[count+19]; temp += p[count+11]; //Highest Offset = 12679: gcount limit is 12680, Reset() goes to 25360, definition in .h must be p[25361] } gcount--; inputSample = (inputSample*(1-wet))+((Float64)(temp/(8388352.0*scale))*wet); //begin 32 bit floating point dither int expon; frexpf((float)inputSample, &expon); fpd ^= fpd << 13; fpd ^= fpd >> 17; fpd ^= fpd << 5; inputSample += ((double(fpd)-uint32_t(0x7fffffff)) * 5.5e-36l * pow(2,expon+62)); //end 32 bit floating point dither *destP = inputSample; sourceP += inNumChannels; destP += inNumChannels; } }