path: root/plugins/WinVST/StereoFX/vst2.x/audioeffectx.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/WinVST/StereoFX/vst2.x/audioeffectx.h')
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-// VST Plug-Ins SDK
-// Version 2.4 $Date: 2006/06/20 12:42:46 $
-// Category : VST 2.x Classes
-// Filename : audioeffectx.h
-// Created by : Steinberg Media Technologies
-// Description : Class AudioEffectX extends AudioEffect with new features. You should derive
-// your plug-in from AudioEffectX.
-// © 2006, Steinberg Media Technologies, All Rights Reserved
-#ifndef __audioeffectx__
-#define __audioeffectx__
-#include "audioeffect.h" // Version 1.0 base class AudioEffect
-#include "pluginterfaces/vst2.x/aeffectx.h" // Version 2.x 'C' Extensions and Structures
-/** Extended VST Effect Class (VST 2.x). */
-class AudioEffectX : public AudioEffect
- AudioEffectX (audioMasterCallback audioMaster, VstInt32 numPrograms, VstInt32 numParams); ///< Create an \e AudioEffectX object
-/// \name Parameters
- virtual bool canParameterBeAutomated (VstInt32 index) { return true; } ///< Indicates if a parameter can be automated
- virtual bool string2parameter (VstInt32 index, char* text) { return false; } ///< Convert a string representation to a parameter value
- virtual bool getParameterProperties (VstInt32 index, VstParameterProperties* p) { return false; } ///< Return parameter properties
- virtual bool beginEdit (VstInt32 index); ///< To be called before #setParameterAutomated (on Mouse Down). This will be used by the Host for specific Automation Recording.
- virtual bool endEdit (VstInt32 index); ///< To be called after #setParameterAutomated (on Mouse Up)
-#endif // VST_2_1_EXTENSIONS
-/// \name Programs and Persistence
- virtual bool getProgramNameIndexed (VstInt32 category, VstInt32 index, char* text) { return false; } ///< Fill \e text with name of program \e index (\e category deprecated in VST 2.4)
- virtual bool beginSetProgram () { return false; } ///< Called before a program is loaded
- virtual bool endSetProgram () { return false; } ///< Called after a program was loaded
-#endif // VST_2_1_EXTENSIONS
- virtual VstInt32 beginLoadBank (VstPatchChunkInfo* ptr) { return 0; } ///< Called before a Bank is loaded.
- virtual VstInt32 beginLoadProgram (VstPatchChunkInfo* ptr) { return 0; } ///< Called before a Program is loaded. (called before #beginSetProgram).
-#endif // VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS
-/// \name Connections and Configuration
- virtual bool ioChanged (); ///< Tell Host numInputs and/or numOutputs and/or initialDelay (and/or numParameters: to be avoid) have changed
- virtual double updateSampleRate (); ///< Returns sample rate from Host (may issue setSampleRate())
- virtual VstInt32 updateBlockSize (); ///< Returns block size from Host (may issue getBlockSize())
- virtual VstInt32 getInputLatency (); ///< Returns the Audio (maybe ASIO) input latency values
- virtual VstInt32 getOutputLatency (); ///< Returns the Audio (maybe ASIO) output latency values
- virtual bool getInputProperties (VstInt32 index, VstPinProperties* properties) { return false; } ///< Return the \e properties of output \e index
- virtual bool getOutputProperties (VstInt32 index, VstPinProperties* properties) { return false; }///< Return the \e properties of input \e index
- virtual bool setSpeakerArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginInput, VstSpeakerArrangement* pluginOutput) { return false; } ///< Set the plug-in's speaker arrangements
- virtual bool getSpeakerArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement** pluginInput, VstSpeakerArrangement** pluginOutput) { *pluginInput = 0; *pluginOutput = 0; return false; } ///< Return the plug-in's speaker arrangements
- virtual bool setBypass (bool onOff) { return false; } ///< For 'soft-bypass' (this could be automated (in Audio Thread) that why you could NOT call iochanged (if needed) in this function, do it in fxidle).
- virtual bool setPanLaw (VstInt32 type, float val) { return false; } ///< Set the Panning Law used by the Host @see VstPanLawType.
-#endif // VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS
- virtual bool setProcessPrecision (VstInt32 precision) { return false; } ///< Set floating-point precision used for processing (32 or 64 bit)
- virtual VstInt32 getNumMidiInputChannels () { return 0; } ///< Returns number of MIDI input channels used [0, 16]
- virtual VstInt32 getNumMidiOutputChannels () { return 0; } ///< Returns number of MIDI output channels used [0, 16]
-#endif // VST_2_4_EXTENSIONS
-/// \name Realtime
- virtual VstTimeInfo* getTimeInfo (VstInt32 filter); ///< Get time information from Host
- virtual VstInt32 getCurrentProcessLevel (); ///< Returns the Host's process level
- virtual VstInt32 getAutomationState (); ///< Returns the Host's automation state
- virtual VstInt32 processEvents (VstEvents* events) { return 0; } ///< Called when new MIDI events come in
- bool sendVstEventsToHost (VstEvents* events); ///< Send MIDI events back to Host application
- virtual VstInt32 startProcess () { return 0; } ///< Called one time before the start of process call. This indicates that the process call will be interrupted (due to Host reconfiguration or bypass state when the plug-in doesn't support softBypass)
- virtual VstInt32 stopProcess () { return 0;} ///< Called after the stop of process call
-#endif // VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS
-/// \name Variable I/O (Offline)
- virtual bool processVariableIo (VstVariableIo* varIo) { return false; } ///< Used for variable I/O processing (offline processing like timestreching)
- virtual VstInt32 setTotalSampleToProcess (VstInt32 value) { return value; } ///< Called in offline mode before process() or processVariableIo ()
-#endif // VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS
- //@}
-/// \name Host Properties
- virtual bool getHostVendorString (char* text); ///< Fills \e text with a string identifying the vendor
- virtual bool getHostProductString (char* text); ///< Fills \e text with a string with product name
- virtual VstInt32 getHostVendorVersion (); ///< Returns vendor-specific version (for example 3200 for Nuendo 3.2)
- virtual VstIntPtr hostVendorSpecific (VstInt32 lArg1, VstIntPtr lArg2, void* ptrArg, float floatArg); ///< No specific definition
- virtual VstInt32 canHostDo (char* text); ///< Reports what the Host is able to do (#hostCanDos in audioeffectx.cpp)
- virtual VstInt32 getHostLanguage (); ///< Returns the Host's language (#VstHostLanguage)
-/// \name Plug-in Properties
- virtual void isSynth (bool state = true); ///< Set if plug-in is a synth
- virtual void noTail (bool state = true); ///< Plug-in won't produce output signals while there is no input
- virtual VstInt32 getGetTailSize () { return 0; }///< Returns tail size; 0 is default (return 1 for 'no tail'), used in offline processing too
- virtual void* getDirectory (); ///< Returns the plug-in's directory
- virtual bool getEffectName (char* name) { return false; } ///< Fill \e text with a string identifying the effect
- virtual bool getVendorString (char* text) { return false; } ///< Fill \e text with a string identifying the vendor
- virtual bool getProductString (char* text) { return false; }///< Fill \e text with a string identifying the product name
- virtual VstInt32 getVendorVersion () { return 0; } ///< Return vendor-specific version
- virtual VstIntPtr vendorSpecific (VstInt32 lArg, VstIntPtr lArg2, void* ptrArg, float floatArg) { return 0; } ///< No definition, vendor specific handling
- virtual VstInt32 canDo (char* text) { return 0; } ///< Reports what the plug-in is able to do (#plugCanDos in audioeffectx.cpp)
- virtual VstInt32 getVstVersion () { return kVstVersion; } ///< Returns the current VST Version (#kVstVersion)
- virtual VstPlugCategory getPlugCategory (); ///< Specify a category that fits the plug (#VstPlugCategory)
-/// \name MIDI Channel Programs
- virtual VstInt32 getMidiProgramName (VstInt32 channel, MidiProgramName* midiProgramName) { return 0; } ///< Fill \e midiProgramName with information for 'thisProgramIndex'.
- virtual VstInt32 getCurrentMidiProgram (VstInt32 channel, MidiProgramName* currentProgram) { return -1; } ///< Fill \e currentProgram with information for the current MIDI program.
- virtual VstInt32 getMidiProgramCategory (VstInt32 channel, MidiProgramCategory* category) { return 0; } ///< Fill \e category with information for 'thisCategoryIndex'.
- virtual bool hasMidiProgramsChanged (VstInt32 channel) { return false; } ///< Return true if the #MidiProgramNames, #MidiKeyNames or #MidiControllerNames had changed on this MIDI channel.
- virtual bool getMidiKeyName (VstInt32 channel, MidiKeyName* keyName) { return false; } ///< Fill \e keyName with information for 'thisProgramIndex' and 'thisKeyNumber'
-#endif // VST_2_1_EXTENSIONS
-/// \name Others
- virtual bool updateDisplay (); ///< Something has changed in plug-in, request an update display like program (MIDI too) and parameters list in Host
- virtual bool sizeWindow (VstInt32 width, VstInt32 height); ///< Requests to resize the editor window
- virtual bool openFileSelector (VstFileSelect* ptr); ///< Open a Host File selector (see aeffectx.h for #VstFileSelect definition)
-#endif // VST_2_1_EXTENSIONS
- virtual bool closeFileSelector (VstFileSelect* ptr); ///< Close the Host File selector which was opened by #openFileSelector
-#endif // VST_2_2_EXTENSIONS
- virtual VstInt32 getNextShellPlugin (char* name) { return 0; } ///< This opcode is only called, if the plug-in is of type #kPlugCategShell, in order to extract all included sub-plugin´s names.
-#endif // VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS
-/// \name Tools
- virtual bool allocateArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement** arrangement, VstInt32 nbChannels);///< Allocate memory for a #VstSpeakerArrangement
- virtual bool deallocateArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement** arrangement); ///< Delete/free memory for an allocated speaker arrangement
- virtual bool copySpeaker (VstSpeakerProperties* to, VstSpeakerProperties* from); ///< Copy properties \e from to \e to
- virtual bool matchArrangement (VstSpeakerArrangement** to, VstSpeakerArrangement* from); ///< "to" is deleted, then created and initialized with the same values as "from" ones ("from" must exist).
-#endif // VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS
-// Offline
-/// @cond ignore
- virtual bool offlineRead (VstOfflineTask* offline, VstOfflineOption option, bool readSource = true);
- virtual bool offlineWrite (VstOfflineTask* offline, VstOfflineOption option);
- virtual bool offlineStart (VstAudioFile* ptr, VstInt32 numAudioFiles, VstInt32 numNewAudioFiles);
- virtual VstInt32 offlineGetCurrentPass ();
- virtual VstInt32 offlineGetCurrentMetaPass ();
- virtual bool offlineNotify (VstAudioFile* ptr, VstInt32 numAudioFiles, bool start) { return false; }
- virtual bool offlinePrepare (VstOfflineTask* offline, VstInt32 count) { return false; }
- virtual bool offlineRun (VstOfflineTask* offline, VstInt32 count) { return false; }
- virtual VstInt32 offlineGetNumPasses () { return 0; }
- virtual VstInt32 offlineGetNumMetaPasses () { return 0; }
-// AudioEffect overrides
- virtual VstIntPtr dispatcher (VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt);
- virtual void resume ();
-// Deprecated methods
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (wantEvents) (VstInt32 filter = 1);
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (tempoAt) (VstInt32 pos);
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getNumAutomatableParameters) ();
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getParameterQuantization) ();
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getNumCategories) () { return 1L; }
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (copyProgram) (VstInt32 destination) { return false; }
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (needIdle) ();
- virtual AEffect* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getPreviousPlug) (VstInt32 input);
- virtual AEffect* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getNextPlug) (VstInt32 output);
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (inputConnected) (VstInt32 index, bool state) {}
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (outputConnected) (VstInt32 index, bool state) {}
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (willProcessReplacing) ();
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (wantAsyncOperation) (bool state = true);
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (hasExternalBuffer) (bool state = true);
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (reportCurrentPosition) () { return 0; }
- virtual float* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (reportDestinationBuffer) () { return 0; }
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (setOutputSamplerate) (float samplerate);
- virtual VstSpeakerArrangement* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getInputSpeakerArrangement) ();
- virtual VstSpeakerArrangement* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getOutputSpeakerArrangement) ();
- virtual void* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (openWindow) (DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (VstWindow)*);
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (closeWindow) (DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (VstWindow)*);
- virtual void DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (setBlockSizeAndSampleRate) (VstInt32 _blockSize, float _sampleRate) { blockSize = _blockSize; sampleRate = _sampleRate; }
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getErrorText) (char* text) { return false; }
- virtual void* DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getIcon) () { return 0; }
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (setViewPosition) (VstInt32 x, VstInt32 y) { return false; }
- virtual VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (fxIdle) () { return 0; }
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (keysRequired) () { return false; }
- virtual bool DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (getChunkFile) (void* nativePath); ///< Returns in platform format the path of the current chunk (could be called in #setChunk ()) (FSSpec on MAC else char*)
-#endif // VST_2_2_EXTENSIONS
-/// @endcond
-#endif //__audioeffectx__