path: root/plugins/WinVST/DrumSlam/vst2.x/audioeffect.cpp
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diff --git a/plugins/WinVST/DrumSlam/vst2.x/audioeffect.cpp b/plugins/WinVST/DrumSlam/vst2.x/audioeffect.cpp
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+// VST Plug-Ins SDK
+// Version 2.4 $Date: 2006/06/07 08:22:01 $
+// Category : VST 2.x Classes
+// Filename : audioeffect.cpp
+// Created by : Steinberg Media Technologies
+// Description : Class AudioEffect (VST 1.0)
+// © 2006, Steinberg Media Technologies, All Rights Reserved
+#include "audioeffect.h"
+#include "aeffeditor.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+VstIntPtr AudioEffect::dispatchEffectClass (AEffect* e, VstInt32 opCode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt)
+ AudioEffect* ae = (AudioEffect*)(e->object);
+ if (opCode == effClose)
+ {
+ ae->dispatcher (opCode, index, value, ptr, opt);
+ delete ae;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return ae->dispatcher (opCode, index, value, ptr, opt);
+float AudioEffect::getParameterClass (AEffect* e, VstInt32 index)
+ AudioEffect* ae = (AudioEffect*)(e->object);
+ return ae->getParameter (index);
+void AudioEffect::setParameterClass (AEffect* e, VstInt32 index, float value)
+ AudioEffect* ae = (AudioEffect*)(e->object);
+ ae->setParameter (index, value);
+void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (processClass) (AEffect* e, float** inputs, float** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ AudioEffect* ae = (AudioEffect*)(e->object);
+ ae->DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (process) (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames);
+void AudioEffect::processClassReplacing (AEffect* e, float** inputs, float** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ AudioEffect* ae = (AudioEffect*)(e->object);
+ ae->processReplacing (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames);
+void AudioEffect::processClassDoubleReplacing (AEffect* e, double** inputs, double** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ AudioEffect* ae = (AudioEffect*)(e->object);
+ ae->processDoubleReplacing (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames);
+// Class AudioEffect Implementation
+ The constructor of your class is passed a parameter of the type \e audioMasterCallback. The actual
+ mechanism in which your class gets constructed is not important right now. Effectively your class is
+ constructed by the hosting application, which passes an object of type \e audioMasterCallback that
+ handles the interaction with the plug-in. You pass this on to the base class' constructor and then
+ can forget about it.
+ \param audioMaster Passed by the Host and handles interaction
+ \param numPrograms Pass the number of programs the plug-in provides
+ \param numParams Pass the number of parameters the plug-in provides
+MyPlug::MyPlug (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
+: AudioEffectX (audioMaster, 1, 1) // 1 program, 1 parameter only
+ setNumInputs (2); // stereo in
+ setNumOutputs (2); // stereo out
+ setUniqueID ('MyPl'); // you must change this for other plug-ins!
+ canProcessReplacing (); // supports replacing mode
+ \sa setNumInputs, setNumOutputs, setUniqueID, canProcessReplacing
+AudioEffect::AudioEffect (audioMasterCallback audioMaster, VstInt32 numPrograms, VstInt32 numParams)
+: audioMaster (audioMaster)
+, editor (0)
+, sampleRate (44100.f)
+, blockSize (1024)
+, numPrograms (numPrograms)
+, numParams (numParams)
+, curProgram (0)
+ memset (&cEffect, 0, sizeof (cEffect));
+ cEffect.magic = kEffectMagic;
+ cEffect.dispatcher = dispatchEffectClass;
+ cEffect.setParameter = setParameterClass;
+ cEffect.getParameter = getParameterClass;
+ cEffect.numPrograms = numPrograms;
+ cEffect.numParams = numParams;
+ cEffect.numInputs = 1; // mono input
+ cEffect.numOutputs = 2; // stereo output
+ cEffect.DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (ioRatio) = 1.f;
+ cEffect.object = this;
+ cEffect.uniqueID = CCONST ('N', 'o', 'E', 'f');
+ cEffect.version = 1;
+ cEffect.processReplacing = processClassReplacing;
+ canProcessReplacing (); // mandatory in VST 2.4!
+ cEffect.processDoubleReplacing = processClassDoubleReplacing;
+AudioEffect::~AudioEffect ()
+ if (editor)
+ delete editor;
+void AudioEffect::setEditor (AEffEditor* editor)
+ this->editor = editor;
+ if (editor)
+ cEffect.flags |= effFlagsHasEditor;
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~effFlagsHasEditor;
+VstIntPtr AudioEffect::dispatcher (VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt)
+ VstIntPtr v = 0;
+ switch (opcode)
+ {
+ case effOpen: open (); break;
+ case effClose: close (); break;
+ case effSetProgram: if (value < numPrograms) setProgram ((VstInt32)value); break;
+ case effGetProgram: v = getProgram (); break;
+ case effSetProgramName: setProgramName ((char*)ptr); break;
+ case effGetProgramName: getProgramName ((char*)ptr); break;
+ case effGetParamLabel: getParameterLabel (index, (char*)ptr); break;
+ case effGetParamDisplay: getParameterDisplay (index, (char*)ptr); break;
+ case effGetParamName: getParameterName (index, (char*)ptr); break;
+ case effSetSampleRate: setSampleRate (opt); break;
+ case effSetBlockSize: setBlockSize ((VstInt32)value); break;
+ case effMainsChanged: if (!value) suspend (); else resume (); break;
+ case effGetVu: v = (VstIntPtr)(getVu () * 32767.); break;
+ #endif
+ //---Editor------------
+ case effEditGetRect: if (editor) v = editor->getRect ((ERect**)ptr) ? 1 : 0; break;
+ case effEditOpen: if (editor) v = editor->open (ptr) ? 1 : 0; break;
+ case effEditClose: if (editor) editor->close (); break;
+ case effEditIdle: if (editor) editor->idle (); break;
+ case effEditDraw: if (editor) editor->draw ((ERect*)ptr); break;
+ case effEditMouse: if (editor) v = editor->mouse (index, value); break;
+ case effEditKey: if (editor) v = editor->key (value); break;
+ case effEditTop: if (editor) editor->top (); break;
+ case effEditSleep: if (editor) editor->sleep (); break;
+ #endif
+ case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdentify): v = CCONST ('N', 'v', 'E', 'f'); break;
+ //---Persistence-------
+ case effGetChunk: v = getChunk ((void**)ptr, index ? true : false); break;
+ case effSetChunk: v = setChunk (ptr, (VstInt32)value, index ? true : false); break;
+ }
+ return v;
+ Use to ask for the Host's version
+ \return The Host's version
+VstInt32 AudioEffect::getMasterVersion ()
+ VstInt32 version = 1;
+ if (audioMaster)
+ {
+ version = (VstInt32)audioMaster (&cEffect, audioMasterVersion, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!version) // old
+ version = 1;
+ }
+ return version;
+ \sa AudioEffectX::getNextShellPlugin
+VstInt32 AudioEffect::getCurrentUniqueId ()
+ VstInt32 id = 0;
+ if (audioMaster)
+ id = (VstInt32)audioMaster (&cEffect, audioMasterCurrentId, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return id;
+ Give idle time to Host application, e.g. if plug-in editor is doing mouse tracking in a modal loop.
+void AudioEffect::masterIdle ()
+ if (audioMaster)
+ audioMaster (&cEffect, audioMasterIdle, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+bool AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (isInputConnected) (VstInt32 input)
+ VstInt32 ret = 0;
+ if (audioMaster)
+ ret = (VstInt32)audioMaster (&cEffect, DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (audioMasterPinConnected), input, 0, 0, 0);
+ return ret ? false : true; // return value is 0 for true
+bool AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (isOutputConnected) (VstInt32 output)
+ VstInt32 ret = 0;
+ if (audioMaster)
+ ret = (VstInt32)audioMaster (&cEffect, DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (audioMasterPinConnected), output, 1, 0, 0);
+ return ret ? false : true; // return value is 0 for true
+ \param index parameter index
+ \param float parameter value
+ \note An important thing to notice is that if the user changes a parameter in your editor, which is
+ out of the Host's control if you are not using the default string based interface, you should
+ call setParameterAutomated (). This ensures that the Host is notified of the parameter change, which
+ allows it to record these changes for automation.
+ \sa setParameter
+void AudioEffect::setParameterAutomated (VstInt32 index, float value)
+ setParameter (index, value);
+ if (audioMaster)
+ audioMaster (&cEffect, audioMasterAutomate, index, 0, 0, value); // value is in opt
+// Flags
+void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (hasVu) (bool state)
+ if (state)
+ cEffect.flags |= DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasVu);
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasVu);
+void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (hasClip) (bool state)
+ if (state)
+ cEffect.flags |= DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasClip);
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasClip);
+void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (canMono) (bool state)
+ if (state)
+ cEffect.flags |= DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsCanMono);
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsCanMono);
+ \param state Set to \e true if supported
+ \note Needs to be called in the plug-in's constructor
+void AudioEffect::canProcessReplacing (bool state)
+ if (state)
+ cEffect.flags |= effFlagsCanReplacing;
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~effFlagsCanReplacing;
+ \param state Set to \e true if supported
+ \note Needs to be called in the plug-in's constructor
+void AudioEffect::canDoubleReplacing (bool state)
+ if (state)
+ cEffect.flags |= effFlagsCanDoubleReplacing;
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~effFlagsCanDoubleReplacing;
+ \param state Set \e true if programs are chunks
+ \note Needs to be called in the plug-in's constructor
+void AudioEffect::programsAreChunks (bool state)
+ if (state)
+ cEffect.flags |= effFlagsProgramChunks;
+ else
+ cEffect.flags &= ~effFlagsProgramChunks;
+void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (setRealtimeQualities) (VstInt32 qualities)
+ cEffect.DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (realQualities) = qualities;
+void AudioEffect::DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (setOfflineQualities) (VstInt32 qualities)
+ cEffect.DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (offQualities) = qualities;
+ Use to report the Plug-in's latency (Group Delay)
+ \param delay Plug-ins delay in samples
+void AudioEffect::setInitialDelay (VstInt32 delay)
+ cEffect.initialDelay = delay;
+// Strings Conversion
+ \param value Value to convert
+ \param text String up to length char
+ \param maxLen Maximal length of the string
+void AudioEffect::dB2string (float value, char* text, VstInt32 maxLen)
+ if (value <= 0)
+ vst_strncpy (text, "-oo", maxLen);
+ else
+ float2string ((float)(20. * log10 (value)), text, maxLen);
+ \param samples Number of samples
+ \param text String up to length char
+ \param maxLen Maximal length of the string
+void AudioEffect::Hz2string (float samples, char* text, VstInt32 maxLen)
+ float sampleRate = getSampleRate ();
+ if (!samples)
+ float2string (0, text, maxLen);
+ else
+ float2string (sampleRate / samples, text, maxLen);
+ \param samples Number of samples
+ \param text String up to length char
+ \param maxLen Maximal length of the string
+void AudioEffect::ms2string (float samples, char* text, VstInt32 maxLen)
+ float2string ((float)(samples * 1000. / getSampleRate ()), text, maxLen);
+ \param value Value to convert
+ \param text String up to length char
+ \param maxLen Maximal length of the string
+void AudioEffect::float2string (float value, char* text, VstInt32 maxLen)
+ VstInt32 c = 0, neg = 0;
+ char string[32];
+ char* s;
+ double v, integ, i10, mantissa, m10, ten = 10.;
+ v = (double)value;
+ if (v < 0)
+ {
+ neg = 1;
+ value = -value;
+ v = -v;
+ c++;
+ if (v > 9999999.)
+ {
+ vst_strncpy (string, "Huge!", 31);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (v > 99999999.)
+ {
+ vst_strncpy (string, "Huge!", 31);
+ return;
+ }
+ s = string + 31;
+ *s-- = 0;
+ *s-- = '.';
+ c++;
+ integ = floor (v);
+ i10 = fmod (integ, ten);
+ *s-- = (char)((VstInt32)i10 + '0');
+ integ /= ten;
+ c++;
+ while (integ >= 1. && c < 8)
+ {
+ i10 = fmod (integ, ten);
+ *s-- = (char)((VstInt32)i10 + '0');
+ integ /= ten;
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (neg)
+ *s-- = '-';
+ vst_strncpy (text, s + 1, maxLen);
+ if (c >= 8)
+ return;
+ s = string + 31;
+ *s-- = 0;
+ mantissa = fmod (v, 1.);
+ mantissa *= pow (ten, (double)(8 - c));
+ while (c < 8)
+ {
+ if (mantissa <= 0)
+ *s-- = '0';
+ else
+ {
+ m10 = fmod (mantissa, ten);
+ *s-- = (char)((VstInt32)m10 + '0');
+ mantissa /= 10.;
+ }
+ c++;
+ }
+ vst_strncat (text, s + 1, maxLen);
+ \param value Value to convert
+ \param text String up to length char
+ \param maxLen Maximal length of the string
+void AudioEffect::int2string (VstInt32 value, char* text, VstInt32 maxLen)
+ if (value >= 100000000)
+ {
+ vst_strncpy (text, "Huge!", maxLen);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value < 0)
+ {
+ vst_strncpy (text, "-", maxLen);
+ value = -value;
+ }
+ else
+ vst_strncpy (text, "", maxLen);
+ bool state = false;
+ for (VstInt32 div = 100000000; div >= 1; div /= 10)
+ {
+ VstInt32 digit = value / div;
+ value -= digit * div;
+ if (state || digit > 0)
+ {
+ char temp[2] = {'0' + (char)digit, '\0'};
+ vst_strncat (text, temp, maxLen);
+ state = true;
+ }
+ }
+ \fn void AudioEffect::processReplacing (float** inputs, float** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ This process method must be provided. It takes input data, applies its pocessing algorithm, and then puts the
+ result to the output by overwriting the output buffer.
+ \param inputs An array of pointers to the data
+ \param outputs An array of pointers to where the data can be written to
+ \param sampleFrames Number of sample frames to process
+ \warning Never call any Mac OS 9 functions (or other functions which call into the OS) inside your
+ audio process function! This will crash the system when your plug-in is run in MP (multiprocessor) mode.
+ If you must call into the OS, you must use MPRemoteCall () (see Apples' documentation), or
+ explicitly use functions which are documented by Apple to be MP safe. On Mac OS X read the system
+ header files to be sure that you only call thread safe functions.
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setBlockSize (VstInt32 blockSize)
+ This is called by the Host, and tells the plug-in that the maximum block size passed to
+ processReplacing() will be \e blockSize.
+ \param blockSize Maximum number of sample frames
+ \warning You <b>must</b> process <b>exactly</b> \e sampleFrames number of samples in inside processReplacing, not more!
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setParameter (VstInt32 index, float value)
+ Parameters are the individual parameter settings the user can adjust. A VST Host can automate these
+ parameters. Set parameter \e index to \e value.
+ \param index Index of the parameter to change
+ \param value A float value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive
+ \note Parameter values, like all VST parameters, are declared as floats with an inclusive range of
+ 0.0 to 1.0. How data is presented to the user is merely in the user-interface handling. This is a
+ convention, but still worth regarding. Maybe the VST-Host's automation system depends on this range.
+ \fn float AudioEffect::getParameter (VstInt32 index)
+ Return the \e value of parameter \e index
+ \param index Index of the parameter
+ \return A float value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive
+ \fn void AudioEffect::getParameterLabel (VstInt32 index, char* label)
+ \param index Index of the parameter
+ \param label A string up to 8 char
+ \fn void AudioEffect::getParameterDisplay (VstInt32 index, char* text)
+ \param index Index of the parameter
+ \param text A string up to 8 char
+ \fn VstInt32 AudioEffect::getProgram ()
+ \return Index of the current program
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setProgram (VstInt32 program)
+ \param Program of the current program
+ \fn void AudioEffect::getParameterName (VstInt32 index, char* text)
+ \param index Index of the parameter
+ \param text A string up to 8 char
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setProgramName (char* name)
+ The program name is displayed in the rack, and can be edited by the user.
+ \param name A string up to 24 char
+ \warning Please be aware that the string lengths supported by the default VST interface are normally
+ limited to 24 characters. If you copy too much data into the buffers provided, you will break the
+ Host application.
+ \fn void AudioEffect::getProgramName (char* name)
+ The program name is displayed in the rack, and can be edited by the user.
+ \param name A string up to 24 char
+ \warning Please be aware that the string lengths supported by the default VST interface are normally
+ limited to 24 characters. If you copy too much data into the buffers provided, you will break the
+ Host application.
+ \fn VstInt32 AudioEffect::getChunk (void** data, bool isPreset)
+ \param data should point to the newly allocated memory block containg state data. You can savely release it in next suspend/resume call.
+ \param isPreset true when saving a single program, false for all programs
+ \note
+ If your plug-in is configured to use chunks (see AudioEffect::programsAreChunks), the Host
+ will ask for a block of memory describing the current plug-in state for saving.
+ To restore the state at a later stage, the same data is passed back to AudioEffect::setChunk.
+ Alternatively, when not using chunk, the Host will simply save all parameter values.
+ \fn VstInt32 AudioEffect::setChunk (void* data, VstInt32 byteSize, bool isPreset)
+ \param data pointer to state data (owned by Host)
+ \param byteSize size of state data
+ \param isPreset true when restoring a single program, false for all programs
+ \sa getChunk
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setNumInputs (VstInt32 inputs)
+ This number is fixed at construction time and can't change until the plug-in is destroyed.
+ \param inputs The number of inputs
+ \sa isInputConnected()
+ \note Needs to be called in the plug-in's constructor
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setNumOutputs (VstInt32 outputs)
+ This number is fixed at construction time and can't change until the plug-in is destroyed.
+ \param outputs The number of outputs
+ \sa isOutputConnected()
+ \note Needs to be called in the plug-in's constructor
+ \fn void AudioEffect::setUniqueID (VstInt32 iD)
+ Must call this! Set the plug-in's unique identifier. The Host uses this to identify the plug-in, for
+ instance when it is loading effect programs and banks. On Steinberg Web Page you can find an UniqueID
+ Database where you can record your UniqueID, it will check if the ID is already used by an another
+ vendor. You can use CCONST('a','b','c','d') (defined in VST 2.0) to be platform independent to
+ initialize an UniqueID.
+ \param iD Plug-in's unique ID
+ \note Needs to be called in the plug-in's constructor