path: root/plugins/MacVST/Logical4/source/Logical4Proc.cpp
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1 files changed, 1794 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MacVST/Logical4/source/Logical4Proc.cpp b/plugins/MacVST/Logical4/source/Logical4Proc.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d09fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacVST/Logical4/source/Logical4Proc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1794 @@
+/* ========================================
+ * Logical4 - Logical4.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 airwindows, All rights reserved
+ * ======================================== */
+#ifndef __Logical4_H
+#include "Logical4.h"
+void Logical4::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ float* in1 = inputs[0];
+ float* in2 = inputs[1];
+ float* out1 = outputs[0];
+ float* out2 = outputs[1];
+ double overallscale = 1.0;
+ overallscale /= 44100.0;
+ overallscale *= getSampleRate();
+ float fpTemp;
+ double fpOld = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
+ double fpNew = 1.0 - fpOld;
+ float drySampleL;
+ float drySampleR;
+ double inputSampleL;
+ double inputSampleR;
+ //begin ButterComp
+ double inputpos;
+ double inputneg;
+ double calcpos;
+ double calcneg;
+ double outputpos;
+ double outputneg;
+ double totalmultiplier;
+ double inputgain = pow(10.0,(-((A*40.0)-20.0))/20.0);
+ //fussing with the controls to make it hit the right threshold values
+ double compoutgain = inputgain; //let's try compensating for this
+ double attackspeed = ((C*C)*99.0)+1.0;
+ //is in ms
+ attackspeed = 10.0 / sqrt(attackspeed);
+ //convert to a remainder for use in comp
+ double divisor = 0.000782*attackspeed;
+ //First Speed control
+ divisor /= overallscale;
+ double remainder = divisor;
+ divisor = 1.0 - divisor;
+ double divisorB = 0.000819*attackspeed;
+ //Second Speed control
+ divisorB /= overallscale;
+ double remainderB = divisorB;
+ divisorB = 1.0 - divisorB;
+ double divisorC = 0.000857;
+ //Third Speed control
+ divisorC /= overallscale;
+ double remainderC = divisorC*attackspeed;
+ divisorC = 1.0 - divisorC;
+ //end ButterComp
+ double dynamicDivisor;
+ double dynamicRemainder;
+ //used for variable release
+ //begin Desk Power Sag
+ double intensity = 0.0445556;
+ double depthA = 2.42;
+ int offsetA = (int)(depthA * overallscale);
+ if (offsetA < 1) offsetA = 1;
+ if (offsetA > 498) offsetA = 498;
+ double depthB = 2.42; //was 3.38
+ int offsetB = (int)(depthB * overallscale);
+ if (offsetB < 1) offsetB = 1;
+ if (offsetB > 498) offsetB = 498;
+ double depthC = 2.42; //was 4.35
+ int offsetC = (int)(depthC * overallscale);
+ if (offsetC < 1) offsetC = 1;
+ if (offsetC > 498) offsetC = 498;
+ double clamp;
+ double thickness;
+ double out;
+ double bridgerectifier;
+ double powerSag = 0.003300223685324102874217; //was .00365
+ //the Power Sag constant is how much the sag is cut back in high compressions. Increasing it
+ //increases the guts and gnarl of the music, decreasing it or making it negative causes the texture to go
+ //'ethereal' and unsolid under compression. Very subtle!
+ //end Desk Power Sag
+ double ratio = sqrt(((B*B)*15.0)+1.0)-1.0;
+ if (ratio > 2.99999) ratio = 2.99999;
+ if (ratio < 0.0) ratio = 0.0;
+ //anything we do must adapt to our dry/a/b/c output stages
+ int ratioselector = floor( ratio );
+ //zero to three, it'll become, always with 3 as the max
+ ratio -= ratioselector;
+ double invRatio = 1.0 - ratio;
+ //for all processing we've settled on the 'stage' and are just interpolating between top and bottom
+ //ratio is the more extreme case, invratio becomes our 'floor' case including drySample
+ double outSampleAL = 0.0;
+ double outSampleBL = 0.0;
+ double outSampleCL = 0.0;
+ double outSampleAR = 0.0;
+ double outSampleBR = 0.0;
+ double outSampleCR = 0.0;
+ //what we interpolate between using ratio
+ double outputgain = pow(10.0,((D*40.0)-20.0)/20.0);
+ double wet = E;
+ double dry = 1.0 - wet;
+ while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
+ {
+ inputSampleL = *in1;
+ inputSampleR = *in2;
+ if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
+ static int noisesource = 0;
+ //this declares a variable before anything else is compiled. It won't keep assigning
+ //it to 0 for every sample, it's as if the declaration doesn't exist in this context,
+ //but it lets me add this denormalization fix in a single place rather than updating
+ //it in three different locations. The variable isn't thread-safe but this is only
+ //a random seed and we can share it with whatever.
+ noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
+ int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ double applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleL = applyresidue;
+ }
+ if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
+ static int noisesource = 0;
+ noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
+ int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ double applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleR = applyresidue;
+ //this denormalization routine produces a white noise at -300 dB which the noise
+ //shaping will interact with to produce a bipolar output, but the noise is actually
+ //all positive. That should stop any variables from going denormal, and the routine
+ //only kicks in if digital black is input. As a final touch, if you save to 24-bit
+ //the silence will return to being digital black again.
+ }
+ drySampleL = inputSampleL;
+ drySampleR = inputSampleR;
+ gcount--;
+ if (gcount < 0 || gcount > 499) {gcount = 499;}
+ //begin first Power SagL
+ dL[gcount+499] = dL[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleL)*(intensity-((controlAposL+controlBposL+controlAnegL+controlBnegL)*powerSag));
+ controlL += (dL[gcount] / offsetA);
+ controlL -= (dL[gcount+offsetA] / offsetA);
+ controlL -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlL < 0) {controlL = 0;}
+ if (controlL > 1) {clamp -= (controlL - 1); controlL = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlL) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleL);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleL *= clamp;
+ //end first Power SagL
+ //begin first Power SagR
+ dR[gcount+499] = dR[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleR)*(intensity-((controlAposR+controlBposR+controlAnegR+controlBnegR)*powerSag));
+ controlR += (dR[gcount] / offsetA);
+ controlR -= (dR[gcount+offsetA] / offsetA);
+ controlR -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlR < 0) {controlR = 0;}
+ if (controlR > 1) {clamp -= (controlR - 1); controlR = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlR) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleR);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleR *= clamp;
+ //end first Power SagR
+ //begin first compressorL
+ if (inputgain != 1.0) inputSampleL *= inputgain;
+ inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgAL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgAL = inputSampleL;
+ //hovers around 1 when there's no signal
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposL),2);
+ //extra tiny, quick, if the inputpos of this polarity is high
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgAL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgAL = -inputSampleL;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegL += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegL),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //each calc is a blowed up chased target from tiny (at high levels of that polarity) to 1 at no input
+ //calc is the one we want to react differently: go tiny quick,
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleL > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposL *= divisor;
+ controlAposL += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlAposR > controlAposL) controlAposR = (controlAposR + controlAposL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposL *= divisor;
+ controlBposL += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlBposR > controlBposL) controlBposR = (controlBposR + controlBposL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegL *= divisor;
+ controlAnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlAnegR > controlAnegL) controlAnegR = (controlAnegR + controlAnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegL *= divisor;
+ controlBnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlBnegR > controlBnegL) controlBnegR = (controlBnegR + controlBnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposL * outputpos) + (controlAnegL * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposL * outputpos) + (controlBnegL * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleL > 36.0) inputSampleL = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleL < -36.0) inputSampleL = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleAL = inputSampleL / compoutgain;
+ //end first compressorL
+ //begin first compressorR
+ if (inputgain != 1.0) inputSampleR *= inputgain;
+ inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgAR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgAR = inputSampleR;
+ //hovers around 1 when there's no signal
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposR += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposR),2);
+ //extra tiny, quick, if the inputpos of this polarity is high
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgAR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgAR = -inputSampleR;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegR += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegR),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //each calc is a blowed up chased target from tiny (at high levels of that polarity) to 1 at no input
+ //calc is the one we want to react differently: go tiny quick,
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleR > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposR *= divisor;
+ controlAposR += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlAposL > controlAposR) controlAposL = (controlAposR + controlAposL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposR *= divisor;
+ controlBposR += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlBposL > controlBposR) controlBposL = (controlBposR + controlBposL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegR *= divisor;
+ controlAnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlAnegL > controlAnegR) controlAnegL = (controlAnegR + controlAnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegR *= divisor;
+ controlBnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlBnegL > controlBnegR) controlBnegL = (controlBnegR + controlBnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposR * outputpos) + (controlAnegR * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposR * outputpos) + (controlBnegR * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleR > 36.0) inputSampleR = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleR < -36.0) inputSampleR = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleAR = inputSampleR / compoutgain;
+ //end first compressorR
+ if (ratioselector > 0) {
+ //begin second Power SagL
+ bL[gcount+499] = bL[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleL)*(intensity-((controlAposBL+controlBposBL+controlAnegBL+controlBnegBL)*powerSag));
+ controlBL += (bL[gcount] / offsetB);
+ controlBL -= (bL[gcount+offsetB] / offsetB);
+ controlBL -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlBL < 0) {controlBL = 0;}
+ if (controlBL > 1) {clamp -= (controlBL - 1); controlBL = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlBL) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleL);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleL *= clamp;
+ //end second Power SagL
+ //begin second Power SagR
+ bR[gcount+499] = bR[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleR)*(intensity-((controlAposBR+controlBposBR+controlAnegBR+controlBnegBR)*powerSag));
+ controlBR += (bR[gcount] / offsetB);
+ controlBR -= (bR[gcount+offsetB] / offsetB);
+ controlBR -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlBR < 0) {controlBR = 0;}
+ if (controlBR > 1) {clamp -= (controlBR - 1); controlBR = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlBR) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleR);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleR *= clamp;
+ //end second Power SagR
+ //begin second compressorL
+ inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgBL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgBL = inputSampleL;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposBL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposBL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposBL),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgBL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgBL = -inputSampleL;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegBL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegBL += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegBL),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleL > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposBL *= divisorB;
+ controlAposBL += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlAposBR > controlAposBL) controlAposBR = (controlAposBR + controlAposBL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposBL *= divisorB;
+ controlBposBL += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlBposBR > controlBposBL) controlBposBR = (controlBposBR + controlBposBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegBL *= divisorB;
+ controlAnegBL += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlAnegBR > controlAnegBL) controlAnegBR = (controlAnegBR + controlAnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegBL *= divisorB;
+ controlBnegBL += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlBnegBR > controlBnegBL) controlBnegBR = (controlBnegBR + controlBnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposBL * outputpos) + (controlAnegBL * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposBL * outputpos) + (controlBnegBL * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleL > 36.0) inputSampleL = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleL < -36.0) inputSampleL = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleBL = inputSampleL / compoutgain;
+ //end second compressorL
+ //begin second compressorR
+ inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgBR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgBR = inputSampleR;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposBR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposBR += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposBR),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgBR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgBR = -inputSampleR;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegBR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegBR += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegBR),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleR > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposBR *= divisorB;
+ controlAposBR += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlAposBL > controlAposBR) controlAposBL = (controlAposBR + controlAposBL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposBR *= divisorB;
+ controlBposBR += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlBposBL > controlBposBR) controlBposBL = (controlBposBR + controlBposBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegBR *= divisorB;
+ controlAnegBR += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlAnegBL > controlAnegBR) controlAnegBL = (controlAnegBR + controlAnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegBR *= divisorB;
+ controlBnegBR += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlBnegBL > controlBnegBR) controlBnegBL = (controlBnegBR + controlBnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposBR * outputpos) + (controlAnegBR * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposBR * outputpos) + (controlBnegBR * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleR > 36.0) inputSampleR = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleR < -36.0) inputSampleR = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleBR = inputSampleR / compoutgain;
+ //end second compressorR
+ if (ratioselector > 1) {
+ //begin third Power SagL
+ cL[gcount+499] = cL[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleL)*(intensity-((controlAposCL+controlBposCL+controlAnegCL+controlBnegCL)*powerSag));
+ controlCL += (cL[gcount] / offsetC);
+ controlCL -= (cL[gcount+offsetB] / offsetC);
+ controlCL -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlCL < 0) {controlCL = 0;}
+ if (controlCL > 1) {clamp -= (controlCL - 1); controlCL = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlCL) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleL);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleL *= clamp;
+ //end third Power SagL
+ //begin third Power SagR
+ cR[gcount+499] = cR[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleR)*(intensity-((controlAposCR+controlBposCR+controlAnegCR+controlBnegCR)*powerSag));
+ controlCR += (cR[gcount] / offsetC);
+ controlCR -= (cR[gcount+offsetB] / offsetC);
+ controlCR -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlCR < 0) {controlCR = 0;}
+ if (controlCR > 1) {clamp -= (controlCR - 1); controlCR = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlCR) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleR);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleR *= clamp;
+ //end third Power SagR
+ //begin third compressorL
+ inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgCL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgCL = inputSampleL;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposCL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposCL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposCL),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgCL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgCL = -inputSampleL;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegCL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegCL += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegCL),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleL > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposCL *= divisorC;
+ controlAposCL += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlAposCR > controlAposCL) controlAposCR = (controlAposCR + controlAposCL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposCL *= divisorC;
+ controlBposCL += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlBposCR > controlBposCL) controlBposCR = (controlBposCR + controlBposCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegCL *= divisorC;
+ controlAnegCL += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlAnegCR > controlAnegCL) controlAnegCR = (controlAnegCR + controlAnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegCL *= divisorC;
+ controlBnegCL += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlBnegCR > controlBnegCL) controlBnegCR = (controlBnegCR + controlBnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposCL * outputpos) + (controlAnegCL * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposCL * outputpos) + (controlBnegCL * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
+ if (inputSampleL > 36.0) inputSampleL = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleL < -36.0) inputSampleL = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleCL = inputSampleL / compoutgain;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ //end third compressorL
+ //begin third compressorR
+ inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgCR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgCR = inputSampleR;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposCL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposCL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposCR),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgCR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgCR = -inputSampleR;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegCR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegCR += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegCR),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleR > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposCR *= divisorC;
+ controlAposCR += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlAposCL > controlAposCR) controlAposCL = (controlAposCR + controlAposCL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposCR *= divisorC;
+ controlBposCR += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlBposCL > controlBposCR) controlBposCL = (controlBposCR + controlBposCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegCR *= divisorC;
+ controlAnegCR += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlAnegCL > controlAnegCR) controlAnegCL = (controlAnegCR + controlAnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegCR *= divisorC;
+ controlBnegCR += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlBnegCL > controlBnegCR) controlBnegCL = (controlBnegCR + controlBnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposCR * outputpos) + (controlAnegCR * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposCR * outputpos) + (controlBnegCR * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
+ if (inputSampleR > 36.0) inputSampleR = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleR < -36.0) inputSampleR = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleCR = inputSampleR / compoutgain;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ //end third compressorR
+ }
+ } //these nested if blocks are not indented because the old xCode doesn't support it
+ //here we will interpolate between dry, and the three post-stages of processing
+ switch (ratioselector) {
+ case 0:
+ inputSampleL = (drySampleL * invRatio) + (outSampleAL * ratio);
+ inputSampleR = (drySampleR * invRatio) + (outSampleAR * ratio);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ inputSampleL = (outSampleAL * invRatio) + (outSampleBL * ratio);
+ inputSampleR = (outSampleAR * invRatio) + (outSampleBR * ratio);
+ break;
+ default:
+ inputSampleL = (outSampleBL * invRatio) + (outSampleCL * ratio);
+ inputSampleR = (outSampleBR * invRatio) + (outSampleCR * ratio);
+ break;
+ }
+ //only then do we reconstruct the output, but our ratio is built here
+ if (outputgain != 1.0) {
+ inputSampleL *= outputgain;
+ inputSampleR *= outputgain;
+ }
+ if (wet != 1.0) {
+ inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * wet) + (drySampleL * dry);
+ inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * wet) + (drySampleR * dry);
+ }
+ //noise shaping to 32-bit floating point
+ if (fpFlip) {
+ fpTemp = inputSampleL;
+ fpNShapeLA = (fpNShapeLA*fpOld)+((inputSampleL-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleL += fpNShapeLA;
+ fpTemp = inputSampleR;
+ fpNShapeRA = (fpNShapeRA*fpOld)+((inputSampleR-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleR += fpNShapeRA;
+ }
+ else {
+ fpTemp = inputSampleL;
+ fpNShapeLB = (fpNShapeLB*fpOld)+((inputSampleL-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleL += fpNShapeLB;
+ fpTemp = inputSampleR;
+ fpNShapeRB = (fpNShapeRB*fpOld)+((inputSampleR-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleR += fpNShapeRB;
+ }
+ fpFlip = !fpFlip;
+ //end noise shaping on 32 bit output
+ *out1 = inputSampleL;
+ *out2 = inputSampleR;
+ *in1++;
+ *in2++;
+ *out1++;
+ *out2++;
+ }
+void Logical4::processDoubleReplacing(double **inputs, double **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ double* in1 = inputs[0];
+ double* in2 = inputs[1];
+ double* out1 = outputs[0];
+ double* out2 = outputs[1];
+ double overallscale = 1.0;
+ overallscale /= 44100.0;
+ overallscale *= getSampleRate();
+ double fpTemp; //this is different from singlereplacing
+ double fpOld = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
+ double fpNew = 1.0 - fpOld;
+ float drySampleL;
+ float drySampleR;
+ double inputSampleL;
+ double inputSampleR;
+ //begin ButterComp
+ double inputpos;
+ double inputneg;
+ double calcpos;
+ double calcneg;
+ double outputpos;
+ double outputneg;
+ double totalmultiplier;
+ double inputgain = pow(10.0,(-((A*40.0)-20.0))/20.0);
+ //fussing with the controls to make it hit the right threshold values
+ double compoutgain = inputgain; //let's try compensating for this
+ double attackspeed = ((C*C)*99.0)+1.0;
+ //is in ms
+ attackspeed = 10.0 / sqrt(attackspeed);
+ //convert to a remainder for use in comp
+ double divisor = 0.000782*attackspeed;
+ //First Speed control
+ divisor /= overallscale;
+ double remainder = divisor;
+ divisor = 1.0 - divisor;
+ double divisorB = 0.000819*attackspeed;
+ //Second Speed control
+ divisorB /= overallscale;
+ double remainderB = divisorB;
+ divisorB = 1.0 - divisorB;
+ double divisorC = 0.000857;
+ //Third Speed control
+ divisorC /= overallscale;
+ double remainderC = divisorC*attackspeed;
+ divisorC = 1.0 - divisorC;
+ //end ButterComp
+ double dynamicDivisor;
+ double dynamicRemainder;
+ //used for variable release
+ //begin Desk Power Sag
+ double intensity = 0.0445556;
+ double depthA = 2.42;
+ int offsetA = (int)(depthA * overallscale);
+ if (offsetA < 1) offsetA = 1;
+ if (offsetA > 498) offsetA = 498;
+ double depthB = 2.42; //was 3.38
+ int offsetB = (int)(depthB * overallscale);
+ if (offsetB < 1) offsetB = 1;
+ if (offsetB > 498) offsetB = 498;
+ double depthC = 2.42; //was 4.35
+ int offsetC = (int)(depthC * overallscale);
+ if (offsetC < 1) offsetC = 1;
+ if (offsetC > 498) offsetC = 498;
+ double clamp;
+ double thickness;
+ double out;
+ double bridgerectifier;
+ double powerSag = 0.003300223685324102874217; //was .00365
+ //the Power Sag constant is how much the sag is cut back in high compressions. Increasing it
+ //increases the guts and gnarl of the music, decreasing it or making it negative causes the texture to go
+ //'ethereal' and unsolid under compression. Very subtle!
+ //end Desk Power Sag
+ double ratio = sqrt(((B*B)*15.0)+1.0)-1.0;
+ if (ratio > 2.99999) ratio = 2.99999;
+ if (ratio < 0.0) ratio = 0.0;
+ //anything we do must adapt to our dry/a/b/c output stages
+ int ratioselector = floor( ratio );
+ //zero to three, it'll become, always with 3 as the max
+ ratio -= ratioselector;
+ double invRatio = 1.0 - ratio;
+ //for all processing we've settled on the 'stage' and are just interpolating between top and bottom
+ //ratio is the more extreme case, invratio becomes our 'floor' case including drySample
+ double outSampleAL = 0.0;
+ double outSampleBL = 0.0;
+ double outSampleCL = 0.0;
+ double outSampleAR = 0.0;
+ double outSampleBR = 0.0;
+ double outSampleCR = 0.0;
+ //what we interpolate between using ratio
+ double outputgain = pow(10.0,((D*40.0)-20.0)/20.0);
+ double wet = E;
+ double dry = 1.0 - wet;
+ while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
+ {
+ inputSampleL = *in1;
+ inputSampleR = *in2;
+ if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
+ static int noisesource = 0;
+ //this declares a variable before anything else is compiled. It won't keep assigning
+ //it to 0 for every sample, it's as if the declaration doesn't exist in this context,
+ //but it lets me add this denormalization fix in a single place rather than updating
+ //it in three different locations. The variable isn't thread-safe but this is only
+ //a random seed and we can share it with whatever.
+ noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
+ int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ double applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleL = applyresidue;
+ }
+ if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
+ static int noisesource = 0;
+ noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
+ int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ double applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleR = applyresidue;
+ //this denormalization routine produces a white noise at -300 dB which the noise
+ //shaping will interact with to produce a bipolar output, but the noise is actually
+ //all positive. That should stop any variables from going denormal, and the routine
+ //only kicks in if digital black is input. As a final touch, if you save to 24-bit
+ //the silence will return to being digital black again.
+ }
+ drySampleL = inputSampleL;
+ drySampleR = inputSampleR;
+ gcount--;
+ if (gcount < 0 || gcount > 499) {gcount = 499;}
+ //begin first Power SagL
+ dL[gcount+499] = dL[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleL)*(intensity-((controlAposL+controlBposL+controlAnegL+controlBnegL)*powerSag));
+ controlL += (dL[gcount] / offsetA);
+ controlL -= (dL[gcount+offsetA] / offsetA);
+ controlL -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlL < 0) {controlL = 0;}
+ if (controlL > 1) {clamp -= (controlL - 1); controlL = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlL) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleL);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleL *= clamp;
+ //end first Power SagL
+ //begin first Power SagR
+ dR[gcount+499] = dR[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleR)*(intensity-((controlAposR+controlBposR+controlAnegR+controlBnegR)*powerSag));
+ controlR += (dR[gcount] / offsetA);
+ controlR -= (dR[gcount+offsetA] / offsetA);
+ controlR -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlR < 0) {controlR = 0;}
+ if (controlR > 1) {clamp -= (controlR - 1); controlR = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlR) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleR);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleR *= clamp;
+ //end first Power SagR
+ //begin first compressorL
+ if (inputgain != 1.0) inputSampleL *= inputgain;
+ inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgAL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgAL = inputSampleL;
+ //hovers around 1 when there's no signal
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposL),2);
+ //extra tiny, quick, if the inputpos of this polarity is high
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgAL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgAL = -inputSampleL;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegL += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegL),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //each calc is a blowed up chased target from tiny (at high levels of that polarity) to 1 at no input
+ //calc is the one we want to react differently: go tiny quick,
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleL > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposL *= divisor;
+ controlAposL += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlAposR > controlAposL) controlAposR = (controlAposR + controlAposL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposL *= divisor;
+ controlBposL += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlBposR > controlBposL) controlBposR = (controlBposR + controlBposL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegL *= divisor;
+ controlAnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlAnegR > controlAnegL) controlAnegR = (controlAnegR + controlAnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegL *= divisor;
+ controlBnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlBnegR > controlBnegL) controlBnegR = (controlBnegR + controlBnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposL * outputpos) + (controlAnegL * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposL * outputpos) + (controlBnegL * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleL > 36.0) inputSampleL = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleL < -36.0) inputSampleL = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleAL = inputSampleL / compoutgain;
+ //end first compressorL
+ //begin first compressorR
+ if (inputgain != 1.0) inputSampleR *= inputgain;
+ inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgAR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgAR = inputSampleR;
+ //hovers around 1 when there's no signal
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposR += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposR),2);
+ //extra tiny, quick, if the inputpos of this polarity is high
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgAR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgAR = -inputSampleR;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainder * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegR += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegR),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //each calc is a blowed up chased target from tiny (at high levels of that polarity) to 1 at no input
+ //calc is the one we want to react differently: go tiny quick,
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleR > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposR *= divisor;
+ controlAposR += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlAposL > controlAposR) controlAposL = (controlAposR + controlAposL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposR *= divisor;
+ controlBposR += (calcpos*remainder);
+ if (controlBposL > controlBposR) controlBposL = (controlBposR + controlBposL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegR *= divisor;
+ controlAnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlAnegL > controlAnegR) controlAnegL = (controlAnegR + controlAnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegR *= divisor;
+ controlBnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
+ if (controlBnegL > controlBnegR) controlBnegL = (controlBnegR + controlBnegL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposR * outputpos) + (controlAnegR * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposR * outputpos) + (controlBnegR * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleR > 36.0) inputSampleR = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleR < -36.0) inputSampleR = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleAR = inputSampleR / compoutgain;
+ //end first compressorR
+ if (ratioselector > 0) {
+ //begin second Power SagL
+ bL[gcount+499] = bL[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleL)*(intensity-((controlAposBL+controlBposBL+controlAnegBL+controlBnegBL)*powerSag));
+ controlBL += (bL[gcount] / offsetB);
+ controlBL -= (bL[gcount+offsetB] / offsetB);
+ controlBL -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlBL < 0) {controlBL = 0;}
+ if (controlBL > 1) {clamp -= (controlBL - 1); controlBL = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlBL) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleL);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleL *= clamp;
+ //end second Power SagL
+ //begin second Power SagR
+ bR[gcount+499] = bR[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleR)*(intensity-((controlAposBR+controlBposBR+controlAnegBR+controlBnegBR)*powerSag));
+ controlBR += (bR[gcount] / offsetB);
+ controlBR -= (bR[gcount+offsetB] / offsetB);
+ controlBR -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlBR < 0) {controlBR = 0;}
+ if (controlBR > 1) {clamp -= (controlBR - 1); controlBR = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlBR) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleR);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleR *= clamp;
+ //end second Power SagR
+ //begin second compressorL
+ inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgBL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgBL = inputSampleL;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposBL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposBL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposBL),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgBL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgBL = -inputSampleL;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegBL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegBL += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegBL),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleL > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposBL *= divisorB;
+ controlAposBL += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlAposBR > controlAposBL) controlAposBR = (controlAposBR + controlAposBL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposBL *= divisorB;
+ controlBposBL += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlBposBR > controlBposBL) controlBposBR = (controlBposBR + controlBposBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegBL *= divisorB;
+ controlAnegBL += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlAnegBR > controlAnegBL) controlAnegBR = (controlAnegBR + controlAnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegBL *= divisorB;
+ controlBnegBL += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlBnegBR > controlBnegBL) controlBnegBR = (controlBnegBR + controlBnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposBL * outputpos) + (controlAnegBL * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposBL * outputpos) + (controlBnegBL * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleL > 36.0) inputSampleL = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleL < -36.0) inputSampleL = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleBL = inputSampleL / compoutgain;
+ //end second compressorL
+ //begin second compressorR
+ inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgBR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgBR = inputSampleR;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposBR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposBR += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposBR),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgBR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgBR = -inputSampleR;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderB * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegBR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegBR += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegBR),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleR > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposBR *= divisorB;
+ controlAposBR += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlAposBL > controlAposBR) controlAposBL = (controlAposBR + controlAposBL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposBR *= divisorB;
+ controlBposBR += (calcpos*remainderB);
+ if (controlBposBL > controlBposBR) controlBposBL = (controlBposBR + controlBposBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegBR *= divisorB;
+ controlAnegBR += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlAnegBL > controlAnegBR) controlAnegBL = (controlAnegBR + controlAnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegBR *= divisorB;
+ controlBnegBR += (calcneg*remainderB);
+ if (controlBnegBL > controlBnegBR) controlBnegBL = (controlBnegBR + controlBnegBL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposBR * outputpos) + (controlAnegBR * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposBR * outputpos) + (controlBnegBR * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ if (inputSampleR > 36.0) inputSampleR = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleR < -36.0) inputSampleR = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleBR = inputSampleR / compoutgain;
+ //end second compressorR
+ if (ratioselector > 1) {
+ //begin third Power SagL
+ cL[gcount+499] = cL[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleL)*(intensity-((controlAposCL+controlBposCL+controlAnegCL+controlBnegCL)*powerSag));
+ controlCL += (cL[gcount] / offsetC);
+ controlCL -= (cL[gcount+offsetB] / offsetC);
+ controlCL -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlCL < 0) {controlCL = 0;}
+ if (controlCL > 1) {clamp -= (controlCL - 1); controlCL = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlCL) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleL);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleL *= clamp;
+ //end third Power SagL
+ //begin third Power SagR
+ cR[gcount+499] = cR[gcount] = fabs(inputSampleR)*(intensity-((controlAposCR+controlBposCR+controlAnegCR+controlBnegCR)*powerSag));
+ controlCR += (cR[gcount] / offsetC);
+ controlCR -= (cR[gcount+offsetB] / offsetC);
+ controlCR -= 0.000001;
+ clamp = 1;
+ if (controlCR < 0) {controlCR = 0;}
+ if (controlCR > 1) {clamp -= (controlCR - 1); controlCR = 1;}
+ if (clamp < 0.5) {clamp = 0.5;}
+ //control = 0 to 1
+ thickness = ((1.0 - controlCR) * 2.0) - 1.0;
+ out = fabs(thickness);
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSampleR);
+ if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
+ //max value for sine function
+ if (thickness > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ //produce either boosted or starved version
+ if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))+(bridgerectifier*out);
+ else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*(1-out))-(bridgerectifier*out);
+ //blend according to density control
+ if (clamp != 1.0) inputSampleR *= clamp;
+ //end third Power SagR
+ //begin third compressorL
+ inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgCL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgCL = inputSampleL;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposCL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposCL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposCL),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgCL * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgCL = -inputSampleL;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegCL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegCL += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegCL),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleL > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposCL *= divisorC;
+ controlAposCL += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlAposCR > controlAposCL) controlAposCR = (controlAposCR + controlAposCL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposCL *= divisorC;
+ controlBposCL += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlBposCR > controlBposCL) controlBposCR = (controlBposCR + controlBposCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegCL *= divisorC;
+ controlAnegCL += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlAnegCR > controlAnegCL) controlAnegCR = (controlAnegCR + controlAnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegCL *= divisorC;
+ controlBnegCL += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlBnegCR > controlBnegCL) controlBnegCR = (controlBnegCR + controlBnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposCL * outputpos) + (controlAnegCL * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposCL * outputpos) + (controlBnegCL * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
+ if (inputSampleL > 36.0) inputSampleL = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleL < -36.0) inputSampleL = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleCL = inputSampleL / compoutgain;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ //end third compressorL
+ //begin third compressorR
+ inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgCR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ avgCR = inputSampleR;
+ if (inputpos < 0.001) inputpos = 0.001;
+ outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
+ if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
+ inputpos *= inputpos;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputpos + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetposCL *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetposCL += (inputpos * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposCR),2);
+ inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgCR * fpNew) + 1.0;
+ nvgCR = -inputSampleR;
+ if (inputneg < 0.001) inputneg = 0.001;
+ outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
+ if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
+ inputneg *= inputneg;
+ //will be very high for hot input, can be 0.00001-1 for other-polarity
+ dynamicRemainder = remainderC * (inputneg + 1.0);
+ if (dynamicRemainder > 1.0) dynamicRemainder = 1.0;
+ dynamicDivisor = 1.0 - dynamicRemainder;
+ //calc chases much faster if input swing is high
+ targetnegCR *= dynamicDivisor;
+ targetnegCR += (inputneg * dynamicRemainder);
+ calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegCR),2);
+ //now we have mirrored targets for comp
+ //outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1
+ if (inputSampleR > 0)
+ { //working on pos
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAposCR *= divisorC;
+ controlAposCR += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlAposCL > controlAposCR) controlAposCL = (controlAposCR + controlAposCL) * 0.5;
+ //this part makes the compressor linked: both channels will converge towards whichever
+ //is the most compressed at the time.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBposCR *= divisorC;
+ controlBposCR += (calcpos*remainderC);
+ if (controlBposCL > controlBposCR) controlBposCL = (controlBposCR + controlBposCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //working on neg
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {
+ controlAnegCR *= divisorC;
+ controlAnegCR += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlAnegCL > controlAnegCR) controlAnegCL = (controlAnegCR + controlAnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlBnegCR *= divisorC;
+ controlBnegCR += (calcneg*remainderC);
+ if (controlBnegCL > controlBnegCR) controlBnegCL = (controlBnegCR + controlBnegCL) * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ //this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'fpFlip'
+ if (true == fpFlip)
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlAposCR * outputpos) + (controlAnegCR * outputneg);}
+ else
+ {totalmultiplier = (controlBposCR * outputpos) + (controlBnegCR * outputneg);}
+ //this combines the sides according to fpFlip, blending relative to the input value
+ if (totalmultiplier != 1.0) inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
+ if (inputSampleR > 36.0) inputSampleR = 36.0;
+ if (inputSampleR < -36.0) inputSampleR = -36.0;
+ //build in +18db hard clip on insano inputs
+ outSampleCR = inputSampleR / compoutgain;
+ //if (compoutgain != 1.0) inputSample /= compoutgain;
+ //end third compressorR
+ }
+ } //these nested if blocks are not indented because the old xCode doesn't support it
+ //here we will interpolate between dry, and the three post-stages of processing
+ switch (ratioselector) {
+ case 0:
+ inputSampleL = (drySampleL * invRatio) + (outSampleAL * ratio);
+ inputSampleR = (drySampleR * invRatio) + (outSampleAR * ratio);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ inputSampleL = (outSampleAL * invRatio) + (outSampleBL * ratio);
+ inputSampleR = (outSampleAR * invRatio) + (outSampleBR * ratio);
+ break;
+ default:
+ inputSampleL = (outSampleBL * invRatio) + (outSampleCL * ratio);
+ inputSampleR = (outSampleBR * invRatio) + (outSampleCR * ratio);
+ break;
+ }
+ //only then do we reconstruct the output, but our ratio is built here
+ if (outputgain != 1.0) {
+ inputSampleL *= outputgain;
+ inputSampleR *= outputgain;
+ }
+ if (wet != 1.0) {
+ inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * wet) + (drySampleL * dry);
+ inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * wet) + (drySampleR * dry);
+ }
+ //noise shaping to 64-bit floating point
+ if (fpFlip) {
+ fpTemp = inputSampleL;
+ fpNShapeLA = (fpNShapeLA*fpOld)+((inputSampleL-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleL += fpNShapeLA;
+ fpTemp = inputSampleR;
+ fpNShapeRA = (fpNShapeRA*fpOld)+((inputSampleR-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleR += fpNShapeRA;
+ }
+ else {
+ fpTemp = inputSampleL;
+ fpNShapeLB = (fpNShapeLB*fpOld)+((inputSampleL-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleL += fpNShapeLB;
+ fpTemp = inputSampleR;
+ fpNShapeRB = (fpNShapeRB*fpOld)+((inputSampleR-fpTemp)*fpNew);
+ inputSampleR += fpNShapeRB;
+ }
+ fpFlip = !fpFlip;
+ //end noise shaping on 64 bit output
+ *out1 = inputSampleL;
+ *out2 = inputSampleR;
+ *in1++;
+ *in2++;
+ *out1++;
+ *out2++;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file